I Don’t Care About Black People

This fine article pretty much sums up my personal feelings.


I Don’t Care About Black People

In light of both recent events and long-simmering racial issues in this country, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s time for me to state my sincere and forthright position on race relations, specifically those involving the black population. So here it is: I don’t care about black people.

In our age of Totalism, this needs some clarification. Totalism means that there is no middle – one must either love something with all of one’s heart and be willing to work tirelessly for its benefit, or (clearly) one must hate it and wish to see it destroyed with maximum force. By no means can there be any in-between. This paradigm is a tool of control – one common in history, but particularly loved by Puritans, which means that it is now primarily in the hands of the puritanical left. Few want to be seen as so heartless or vicious as to hate something – or, commonly, some group of people – enough to wish destruction upon it. And so, accepting the Totalist frame, most people feel compelled to insist that they do love it, and would bear any burden for its betterment. They dare not take the risk of being painted as a villain (which these days usually means someone who doesn’t believe in the sacred dogma of equality). But there are some of us who know better, and who reject the frame given us. And that is what I mean to do here.

I don’t care about black people, which means by definition that I don’t hate them. In order to hate something or someone, you must care about them deeply. Hate is a serious, long-term emotional investment, and one must actually care very much about the object of one’s hatred in order to make it. As is often said, hate is not the opposite of love; indifference is. And I have come to be very indifferent about the fortunes of blacks.

I don’t care about black people. Their problems are not my problem. Their enemies are not my enemy. Their concerns are not my concern. I feel no need to understand them or their ways, and I don’t care whether or not they understand me or my ways. I wish them well – in fact, I know not a single white person, no matter how outwardly racist, who does not wish that blacks were doing better than they are, if for no other reason than that we must all live with the effects of their failures. I hope that the issues that seem to ceaselessly dog their community all get solved somehow. I have no desire to do them and theirs injury, except as punishment for injury done by them against me and mine. But I don’t care about them – there is nothing more I want from them other than to simply leave me alone, and in exchange, I will gladly leave them alone as well.

Lest one think that this is all motivated by sheer meanness and lack of charity, there is another reason for my lack of enthusiasm for the cause of helping black people. The truth is that I don’t know how to help them, and I don’t know anyone else who does. For at least fifty years (more like a hundred and fifty, really) whites have been trying to find a way to solve the problems of black people. We must now be realistic and admit that all of these attempts have failed miserably. Fifty years into the War on Poverty, drive around a black ghetto (if you dare) and note what you see. It is indeed certain to look like there has been a war there, but it is equally certain to not look like any victory over poverty has been won. What you’ll find there is the result of whites having tried everything they could possibly think of to uplift blacks, and of it all having either not worked at all or having actually made things worse. As evidenced by the wars in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, Americans are notoriously slow to understand that their plan hasn’t worked and to accept defeat, but at some point, reality asserts itself in a way that is undeniable.

So here is the undeniable reality: when it comes to whites trying to solve the problems of black people, none of our plans have worked, and we’re pretty much out of ideas. I, certainly, have nothing new to add on the issue – believe me, if I did, I would. I have no secret, sadistic desire to see blacks suffer, and I, too, must live with the results of their failures. But like everybody else, I don’t have any more solutions to offer.

And I am not alone in my sense of resignation on this topic. Some are angrier than I am, and frequent, horrific reports of interracial crime – statistically almost all black on white – give them reason to be. Among many others, what has been termed “negro fatigue” has set in – an exasperated feeling of just being sick and tired of constantly hearing about blacks and their seemingly endless problems. Even on the left, which instinctively senses that the excuses and rationalizations for the failures of the black community (most especially its disproportionate rates of criminality) are wearing thin, the effects of this can be seen. One aspect of the establishment left’s recent push for gay rights is that they are quietly but visibly dumping blacks as their most favored oppressed minority in favor of gays. This is largely a simple matter of political practicality. When nice white ladies of the sort who often vote for Democrats turn on the TV and see large groups of feral blacks burning down Baltimore, it makes an impression. Doubtless so too have the nice white ladies’ own previous encounters with lower-class blacks. Say what you will about gays, but they are, as a group, not greatly given to torching senior centers or stealing purses. It makes their cause an easier sell.

In addition, it seems obvious that the left is as out of ideas about how to help blacks as everyone else. The election of Barack Obama was supposed to make all of this better, but it plainly has not, and the only other idea that the left has been able to come up with is trying more of what has already spent half a century not working. There is no reason to believe that any of it will suddenly start working now, and the need to defend the absurd notion that it might is, even with the mainstream right being as feckless and cowardly as it is, a serious political liability. Best to simply move on to the next big thing without any further comment.

As for my own solutions to the state of race relations – which are bad, and getting worse – I have precious few. Voluntary separation based on freedom of association would seem a wise and humane way to handle things. But grown adults deciding for themselves who they want to be around is prohibited by federal law, and is harshly punished where discovered. Ethnonationalism, in which each race lives in its own territory, under its own system, and makes its own laws, which it is itself responsible for enforcing, also seems to be a decent and viable solution. But this will not happen without the breakup of the United States and/or a civil war, which, while inevitable, is not on the immediate horizon.

So it seems that neither I, nor anyone else, have any workable answers to offer. It is time then, I believe, to invoke the spirit of the Serenity Prayer, and to learn to accept that which I cannot change. Again, I wish blacks all the success in the world; I hope they can find a way to do better and that a solution to their problems makes itself apparent. But other than in a vague Christian sense of wanting the best for my fellow man, I can no longer bring myself to care about them.

Thus, to black people, my message is simply this: Good luck, but don’t call me for help.


P.S. There is a long list of other people who I similarly don’t care about, including but not limited to: homosexuals, transgenders, Jews, Latinos, and all manner of exotic peoples in faraway countries. I wish them well, I’ll never go out of my way to harm them without provocation, I hope they get right with the Lord, and I’ll be happy to say a prayer for their souls while I’m in church. But I’ve had my fill of hearing about their problems, and I’m done caring. Whatever plagues you, work it out yourselves. Leave me alone.



Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Stucky's future black wife
Stucky's future black wife
August 24, 2015 3:07 pm

….Heart breaker…my dreams are dashed!..

August 24, 2015 3:11 pm

Well stated.

The Dem’s caused the breakup of the black families with the Free Shit and rewards for popping out more criminals as long as an adult male was not living on the premise. Of course, you are correct about the cowardly Rep’s – they did not object and even hopped on the bandwagon so as not to appear heartless.

For the good, non-abortion, black mothers who care about their kids’ future, you have a very tough road to travel – but it is the right road.

August 24, 2015 3:17 pm

Who was the dipshit know nothing that said Stucky was not a god?

August 24, 2015 3:20 pm


Why should we be compelled to solve other people’s problems?

A great example is illegal immigration. The people come here illegally, have anchor babies, and then demand us citizens to provide them a solution, to problems of their own creation.

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
August 24, 2015 3:27 pm

“I Don’t Care About Black People”

For someone who allegedly DOESN’T care, you sure spend a whole lot of your motherfucking time constantly TALKING ABOUT THEM.

Alexander Waverly
Alexander Waverly
August 24, 2015 3:47 pm

who cares what you care about?

August 24, 2015 3:52 pm

Well done sir, well done.

August 24, 2015 3:55 pm


August 24, 2015 4:06 pm

Stucky , good post about a problem that never seems to go away. I don’t care about blacks either but resent the hell out of their constant complaining. I resent the black on white crime that never gets reported in the national
media.If I never see another black face that would be fine with me.
I resent and hate the white liberals , progressives and celebrities that always yell racism when a white person doesn’t follow the party line of Political Correctness .

Blacks are to far gone .Whites progressives have them in their back pockets. The cities are gone .Only thing that might save this nation is a total financial collapse if not then one day we will have another civil war.

August 24, 2015 4:15 pm

I believe this whole problem: blacks, spics, queers, etc is driven by about 4% of the population.

The media is relentless in broadcasting these stories, just hoping to get some attention, so they can sell ads, and make money. We have too much broadcasting ( which is different from communication).

Black lives matter EXCEPT: When the kill each other in the ghettos of our Democrat run cities, when they sell drugs to their own kind, when they shit out nigglets with no future of having a stable family to raise them.

August 24, 2015 4:42 pm

“So here is the undeniable reality: when it comes to whites trying to solve the problems of black people, none of our plans have worked, ”

I came to realize many years ago, no white person can solve the blacks problems. The only solution I can envision that would help them is another Martin Luther King Jr. who can say what is not suppose to be said and lead blacks back into churches where they will start to rebuild their moral foundation towards families. Even then it would not surprise me he would get assassinated by those that prosper by keeping blacks down…Progressives.

August 24, 2015 5:23 pm

dude, you nailed this one. out of the park. this sums up my own thoughts and opinions quite well. I don’t hate any of those groups you mentioned either, I just don’t care. The only thing I would have added to this post had it been my own would be a paragraph about how tired I am of hearing about their problems all the time, and that the best way to get help with your situation is to help yourself. No one cares as much about you and your problems as you yourself, and no one is better equipped to solve them either. If you want to improve your community, look to the people who live in it first, rather than demanding someone else, outsiders, imporve it for you. Fight for it(I mean this in the metaphorical sense, as in hard work, not actual violence), earn it.

August 24, 2015 5:32 pm

What a dreamer!… “As evidenced by the wars in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, Americans are notoriously slow to understand that their plan hasn’t worked and to accept defeat, but at some point, reality asserts itself in a way that is undeniable.” Like he actually believes we’re out there freeing people and not totally fucking up foreign lands for our benefit out here, bc all those weapon manufacturing jobs don’t put food on the table and don’t make some people insanely rich. They also don’t benefit pension investments, etc. The oil he uses in his car and that makes our way of being possible, has also nothing to do with it. Hilarious!

Also: “Ethnonationalism, in which each race lives in its own territory, under its own system, and makes its own laws, which it is itself responsible for enforcing, also seems to be a decent and viable solution. But this will not happen without the breakup of the United States and/or a civil war, which, while inevitable, is not on the immediate horizon.” This guy is stuck in some fantasy land. The Roman empire lasted much longer than the U.S. empire probably will, but it’s demise won’t likely be bc the masses are going to suddenly start reading the constitution on their ipad. The country has been/is being sold and allowed to go down by those in power who happen to be mostly…white. Because we live in a time when they don’t give a shit about your color, they just want you to make them money.

As far as not caring about anyone else, fine. Who cares!

August 24, 2015 5:46 pm

Me neither.

August 24, 2015 6:25 pm

Can’t do much better than by quoting Fred Reed earlier this month:

Why do blacks not fit into American society? First, very poor education. People reading at the level of middle school or below cannot find work in a technological society in which automation is putting literate whites out of work. Second, a culture of hostile dependency brought about by condescending racial policy that requires nothing of them.

What to do? To suggest that blacks need to make their kids do their homework is racism. To suggest that marriage is key to upward mobility is racism. To suggest that blacks really need to stop shooting each other is racism. To suggest that PhDs ought to be required to write English is racism.

Merry Christmas.

And there is no way out. Blacks in Detroit are doing nothing to solve their problems. Black clowns — “leaders,” I meant to say, leaders — like Jesse and Al are not suggesting anything practical, such as studying. They are just milking the victimization cow. The Republicans don’t care and the Democrats keep black votes by nurturing self-pity.

The results? The police in many cities have largely stopped doing anything. If, in a region of armed thugs who hate them, they try to enforce the law, they or a thug will eventually get shot. It doesn’t matter whether the shooting was justified. Either way the cop will be raped in the media. It is therefore common sense for them to avoid contact with criminals.

Which makes things worse.

It has become apparent that the two races cannot live together amicably. The endless efforts to force them to do so only make matters worse. To restore a degree of peace and even of good will, when possible would it not make sense to separate them? At a minimum , get white cops out of black neighborhoods and black out of white? This would instantly remove the racial element in those regions.

Since the races have very different ideas of the purposes of schooling and the manner of effecting it, why force them to mix? For example, why not let universities decide whether to be white, black, or mixed? We could call it something like “freedom of association.” White universities could require spelling and grammar, set entrance standards as high as they liked, and teach subjects of interest to whites, or some whites, such as European history. The black universities could decide for themselves what to teach and require. They may have no interest in European history, as blacks have no connection to it. Should this not be their decision?

— See http://fredoneverything.org/applied-racial-anencephaly-making-things-worse/

Rise Up
Rise Up
August 24, 2015 6:32 pm

“I don’t care about black people. Their problems are not my problem.”
So your taxes constantly going up to pay for “their problems” with EBT cards, Obama phones, section 8 housing, etc., etc., isn’t a problem for you?

August 24, 2015 6:42 pm

Rise Up: “So your taxes constantly going up to pay for ‘their problem’ with EBT cards, Obama phones, section 8 housing, etc., etc., isn’t a problem for you?”
Those death-by-a-thousand-cuts impositions are, in reality, nothing more than the politicians practicing predation on the productive sector of society in order to better secure their own electoral successes.

Have you ever given thought to what politicians of the great “bipartisan” Boot-on-Your-Neck Party do to fatten their “campaign contributors” on the public purse at EVERY level, from the contractors padding the bill for supplies and services rendered to the local government school district to the Saganesque billyuns and billyuns of bucks sluiced into the coffers of the bankster establishment?

Don’t blame the Schvartzers for what the National Socialist Democrat American Party has been doing to get and keep our Untermenschen “on the plantation” and themselves in public office, but instead look to the pandering pimps further up the food chain.

After all, “politicians are like rats; what they take for themselves is nothing compared to the damages they do in getting it.”

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
August 24, 2015 7:17 pm

Stucky says: “Russia Is Strong = Worst. TBP. Poster. Ever.”

Don’t forget to delete your cookies so that you can log in several times and up-vote your own stupid comments, as per usual.

August 24, 2015 7:20 pm

My step father was deputy in Maricopa county, he would have to go to the res from time to time, the stories, the Gov would come in and buy them houses, in a year or two the doors and windows would broken out and the horses using it as a barn. and back to the home of there ancestors, dirt floors and a open fire. you cant change a culture.
But they sure try like hell to change mine, clinging to my guns and bible, or freedom and God as I would say. Well if its good enough that Hispanics , blacks, and natives don’t have to change, or hope for that matter, its good enough for me.

August 24, 2015 7:53 pm

I believe black folks are only about 4% of the population in KY so not a real problem for us. But we do have to “put in” on the national burden they cause. There are lots of white niggas out there soaking up Uncle Sugar’s entitlement bucks too. Just sayin.

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
August 24, 2015 8:05 pm

There once was an old fart, hate-filled and unlucky
whose comments were racist, stupid and yucky
until it came to pass
a cock lodged up his ass
and that’s how he earned the name ‘Stucky’

August 24, 2015 8:09 pm

I think the truth is that no one can help American blacks except American blacks. They have had plenty of opportunity via racial quotas and affirmative action and there is no outside excuse for their continued failure to grasp for the American dream.

August 24, 2015 8:39 pm

BEA LEVER, I think the main reason that Kentucky really doesn’t act like a Southern state or think it is one is because of the existence of Fayette, Jefferson, Franklin, and Henderson Counties or most likely their substantial subset of “homies”. Sooner or later that sordid bunch is going to start killing everyone and burning down everything, and only then will Kentucky be lost by the Democrats.If one more Kentucky politician bitches and moans about the Jefferson Davis statue in the Capitol Rotunda I think I’m going to scream.

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
August 24, 2015 8:48 pm

There once was an old fart, quite callous and brash
who thought that ol’ Russia’s real name was ‘Flash’
just as Russia Is Strong
the old fart is quite wrong!
…keep your day job Stuck: sucking for cash!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 24, 2015 9:34 pm

Give it up, Russia, you are pissing up a rope.

This rant was interesting but now new, a lot of folks here have said the same thing in different ways, Billy, bb and a few others. I said just a few days ago that folks ought to be hit on the head with a club when they fuck up. The reality is twofold:
There are a lot of dumbshits who will never prosper because they are dumbshits.
Ghetto people are getting way too much attention, to the point that other folks are being ignored.

It may be deliberate that the focus has shifted from the middle class to ghetto dwellers, the middle class is getting fucked royally. When the blacks news cycle thins out, the gay agenda comes into prominence. Attacks on the whites are not publicized because they are middle class; attention must not be paid to these folks. They have been robbed and are being robbed of their rights and privileges, such as they are or ought to be, since they are the people who actually work.

Instead they are made to feel guilty for having a job, for having enjoyed the fruits of their labor. It will make it easier to take their SS benefits away, to tax their homes to nothing, to deny them healthcare because, well, niggers and beaners and queers, oh my. When white people are finally so brainwashed that they apologize to the ghetto dwellers for daring to ask a small favor of the government, when whites are so beat down that they accept their lot as po’ folks made artificially poor by a depraved government, then the end of America has finally come.

Out of the ashes, a new Africa will rise up and the great chimp out will last 20 years or so before the last white man is murdered while running down a dark alley.

August 24, 2015 10:18 pm

Us Whites don’t have a clue how to solve problems amongsts ourselves. How can we imagine solve the ones of Blacks?

August 24, 2015 10:34 pm

Russia is an asshole is like a turd in a fishbowl. No one wants to see it or smell it, but there it is anyway.

I am beginning to hope that Admin takes note of this asshole and considers hitting the flush button.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
August 24, 2015 11:01 pm

Good one llpoh. I’ll have to remember that one.

August 24, 2015 11:13 pm


I have not watched the local/state news here in KY for going on twenty years, heck I don’t watch the MSM either. This news of a dispute over the Jeff Davis statue is no surprise as same is true about the stars and bars from my home state in the deep south. What is in our heart cannot be taken from us.

August 24, 2015 11:14 pm

Better watch it injun .Russia is a whitey that will kick you butt.

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
August 25, 2015 12:20 am

llpoh says: “I am beginning to hope that Admin takes note of this asshole and considers hitting the flush button.”

You might want to choose your metaphors more carefully next time; you just implied that TBP is like a toilet bowl.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 25, 2015 12:26 am

bb, LLPOH could kick Danny Trejo’s ass.
What you meant was that Russia could kiss LLPOH’s ass.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 25, 2015 12:35 am

Shall I compare thee to a toilet bowl?
Thou art among blogs more refreshing a drink:
Russia’s winds and shit do your atmosphere stink,
And his awful prose hath all too short a life:
Sometimes too boring to touch,
And often his opinion and tone are gouche;

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 25, 2015 12:44 am

Another intellectually inane, vacuously redundant and sexually inert comment by RIS. Was it yesterday or this weekend that Russia stopped being funny?

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
August 25, 2015 1:40 am

EL Coyote says: “Give it up, Russia, you are pissing up a rope.”

You’re confusing the saying “Pushing on a rope” with “You’re pissing against the wind”. Work a bit more on your metaphors, THEN come back and say something stupid..

August 25, 2015 1:44 am

Russia shows he is a stoopid:

“piss up a rope”
1) a futile act
2) a not-so-subtle way of asking someone to go away and not come back for a while.
“go piss up a rope, loser.”

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
August 25, 2015 1:48 am

“Shall I compare thee to a toilet bowl?
Thou art among blogs more refreshing a drink:
Russia’s winds and shit do your atmosphere stink,
And his awful prose hath all too short a life:
Sometimes too boring to touch,
And often his opinion and tone are gouche;”

There once was a canine who stepped in to chime
without being asked ..nor skillful at mime
yes I meant El Coyote
and he’s smoking peyote
if he thinks what he wrote equals rhyme.

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
August 25, 2015 1:50 am

Anonymous says: “piss up a rope”
1) a futile act
2) a not-so-subtle way of asking someone to go away and not come back for a while.
“go piss up a rope, loser.”

Source: “Anonymous’s Dictionary of Made-Up Sayings & Proverbs”
2015 Edition.

There! I cited your references for ya.

August 25, 2015 4:30 pm

So 8 bitchez down voted me… Not sure why but I am curious. I hold no particular liking for the many people out there sucking the govt. titty just bc someone told them they deserved it in exchange for doing nothing. Actually, in exchange for political favor, etc. The destructive culture (frequently to themselves and others) in the black community is not obvious only to those who are too lost in it and those who pretend it’s not there to benefit from it being there. Perhaps this needed clarification. Otherwise pls tell me how the rest of what I said is wrong. Gentle assumption making souls…

August 25, 2015 6:04 pm

Off topic for Stucky:

Pictorial Essay topic of the future>>>>>>>Tianjin Explosion in China.

Don’t need much text. The crater at ground zero is a big ass lake now! I was just perusing some aerial images and Ho Lee Fuk! Hard to believe only 110 people died there. I would guess that ten times that number got vaporized into dust.

Now back to the regularly scheduled Troll Show. ***PROGRAMMING NOTE: RIS is just another Assclown troll, same as all the other trolls with nothing new or interesting to add. Ignore and move on.