TBP-New York City Sh*tfest

Eight years …. about time I meet some of you STMs before I die.

Testing the waters …. and best chance of making it happen is to plan early.

Noo Yawk City — one day. No major sightseeing.  Just a place to meet; drink, eat, and shoot the shit.  Maybe get into a fistfight (a small one).  TBP boys, girls, … even spouses.

Let’s start with two basics;  1) Who’s in?  2) Best time?

1. I’m in.

2. Autumn sounds good … gives everyone time to plan, plus it’s pretty. Any time in October?


The World’s Most Polluted Cities Are In India

from Niall McCarthy

When asked about the most polluted cities worldwide, most people usually name larger Chinese cities as being the worst air quality culprits. However, according to research published by the World Economic Forum, Delhi is actually twice as polluted as Beijing. The level of PM 2.5 (micrograms per cubic meter) in Delhi is six times above the recommended World Health Organisation maximum.

In fact, out of the world’s 15 worst cities, ten are in India while a further three are in Pakistan. Despite the fact that air pollution has become a massive social and environmental issue in China, no Chinese cities are present in the World Economic Forum’s list of the top-15 worst offenders.

This chart shows PM 2.5 (micrograms per cubic meter) in the most polluted cities worldwide in 2014.

Infographic: The World's Most Polluted Cities Are In India | Statista

You will find more statistics at Statista

Why Your Brokerage Account Isn’t as Safe as You Think It Is

Why Your Brokerage Account Isn’t as Safe as You Think It Is

By E.B. Tucker

Imagine logging into your brokerage account tomorrow and finding out that it’s frozen.

Not just your account… every customer account at your brokerage is frozen.

You can’t buy stocks. You can’t sell stocks. You can’t move money out of the account.

Your account rep insists the money is still there. It’s just not available now. He doesn’t know when it will be.

When you demand to transfer $25,000 cash out of the account, he says, “I’m sorry… the system won’t let me.”

You ask to speak to his boss. She can’t help, either.

This situation sounds absurd to most Americans. There’s no way a major broker could freeze your accounts, right?

Wrong. It happened in 2011 to 38,000 people…

Continue reading “Why Your Brokerage Account Isn’t as Safe as You Think It Is”



Ahhh yes, the forgotten Orange Mario Brother. He’s not quite a good guy like Mario & Luigi and he’s not quite a bad guy like Wario & Waluigi. So basically he just kinda chills all day in his parents house as they berate him for not being more like his brothers.


At first I was like “Can I really trust this guy sitting outside Walmart to give a thorough breast exam?” But then I noticed he used BYOB to mean ‘Bring Your Own Boobs’ and anybody that fun and creative has to be legit. That’s just good marketing right there.


Ohhh this is always fun. Will Dad realize his kid is about to pass out in time or will we all get to give him glaring looks of shame and disappointment as medics bring her back to consciousness?!?! Stay tuned to find out.

Continue reading “WAL-MART FREAKS OF THE WEEK”


“Democracy is a poor system of government at best; the only thing that can honestly be said in its favor is that it is about eight times as good as any other method the human race has ever tried. Democracy’s worst fault is that its leaders are likely to reflect the faults and virtues of their constituents – a depressingly low level, but what else can you expect?”

Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land

“Government! Three fourths parasitic and the other fourth Stupid fumbling.”

Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land

“Christ was crucified for preaching without a police permit”

Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land


The Big Red Barn

Guest Post by Hardscrabble Farmer


“By the big red barn in the great green field there was a pink pig who was learning to squeal…”

Margaret Wise Brown

How many times have I read that line to my children over the years? A thousand? More? When they lay me to rest one day I imagine someone will quote that book in memory of me because it has had such an impact on the way our lives have turned out; a children’s book short enough to read in a few minutes that never gets old and holds so much promise, such hopefulness and tender sentiment. Morning, noon, evening, night- the endless cycle of our lives that roots us to time and place.

“…while the moon sailed high, in the dark night sky.”

“Read it again, Daddy, read it again!”

“By the big red barn, in the great green field…”

My friend, the one who always brings me in on the oddest and most difficult jobs as a means of building on our common interests, asked me if I would help him with a project. There was a barn, he said, a big one and the owner had contracted with him to replace the roof with a brand new steel one, just like the kind he helped me install on my barns. I accepted, of course, because it was a two man job we both had experience with and because in his request was the implied reference to other work we’d done on my farm and that this one was another of our twisted paybacks where every new job was a further means of balancing the ledger.

So I worked out the schedule with my wife, blocking off a few weeks in high Summer after the hay was in, but before the late harvest and when our chances of nice weather- interspersed with severe thunderstorms and damaging winds- would be most likely. The owner of the property would see to the materials, we would provide the workmanship and in the end there would be one less roof to install in the world at least for the next fifty years or so.

Continue reading “The Big Red Barn”