Is This The End Of The Idea Of America?

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Politicians learned long ago that it’s easier to just import non-Americanized voters to vote for you, than, as FutureMoneyTrends notes, to get naturalized citizens who still cherish the idea of America to vote for things like national healthcare systems, higher taxes on business owners, and the catering to every little tribal group that declares themselves a minority.  



As SHTFPLan’s Mac Slavo concludes, with Europe’s immigrant crisis coming to a head and similar events having played out in the United States last summer, it should be clear that what’s happening is an orchestrated detonation of First World nations…

The cultural genocide going on in this country… where school teachers, politicians and community leaders believe we have something to be ashamed about.


Humanity is ugly. And America’s history is no different. But let’s not pretend that blacks weren’t slave owners and slave distributors. Native Americans went to war all the time over land and killed other native Americans.


And no, La Raza, California, Arizona and Texas are not yours. At least not for now. And please, if Mexico’s borders really did control those states you would just be flooding into Colorado, Idaho and Wyoming. Because if California, Arizona and Texas were Mexico, those states would be shit.


Although given enough time – and they’ll be there – California is already looking pretty third-world with a rapidly shrinking middle class.


In southern California, drive down a street where Mexicans are migrating to and you’ll notice a boom in window security bars.

It is only a matter of time before the middle class is wiped out and America begins to resemble the poverty, violence and tyranny so often associated with the countries from which many illegal migrants originate.

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September 10, 2015 7:25 am

Surprisingly honest article about race for ZH.

September 10, 2015 7:46 am

The SHTF site have a lot of doom but they also have some really interesting articles.I go there everyday after reading the TBP.

Hollow man
Hollow man
September 10, 2015 7:50 am

Could not watch the video. I getting where I can’t stand to see this anymore. Why? No one is doing anything about it. What do you do? Someone tell me. How do you stop this crap?

September 10, 2015 8:37 am

Hollow man, I feel the same and have to the conclusion it won’t be stopped without serious intervention, i.e., a major economic transformation that radically alters the status quo.

Very few seem “awake” to what’s happening around them, so much so that inertia alone implies nothing will happen to stop the decline until the system itself implodes in a history-making crisis.

September 10, 2015 8:51 am

Our nation is coming to its end.

Get used to it, you’re not going to change it.

September 10, 2015 9:12 am

Hollow man, there’s something everyone can do, but you may not like the answer. It doesn’t require violence and it’s totally legal. Analyze the system of power and look at what keeps it going. It’s a multicultural system where people have no ties to each other, and the only thing preserving the status quot is by paying off enough people to keep them docile. This is a massive, complex and costly system that can only operate by collecting tax revenue on a wide scale.

In order to roll back the centralization of the state and the massive welfare system, the tax coffers have to dry up. Even if deficits can be funded by increases in the debt ceiling, it can only be done for so long until creditors balk and interest rates skyrocket. By working hard and paying a high tax rate, YOU are the reason this system continues to operate the way it does. They see the hardworking middle class as suckers to be fleeced. They are counting on your sense of right and wrong to “do the right thing” while they bleed you dry and give your hard earned capital to unemployed single moms.

Voting doesn’t work. Politicians break promises, and there are always more people willing to vote for the candidate that will give them other peoples’ money. The only way you stop this is to stop being the host that the parasites suck dry. It may take some sacrifices in our standard of living, but it’s worth it. Lower your taxable wages to the minimum amount possible for you to survive. For most people without children, that is probably around $20,000/year. Collect as many welfare benefits as legally possible. You may have qualms about collecting handouts, but remember, you’ve paid into the system and you are effectively just getting back what you put in. You are refusing to feed our corrupt system. It is the most patriotic thing you can do. The faster our deficits rise, the faster we can start over. The bigger drain on the tax coffers you can be, the sooner politicians are forced to face the music. As deficits rise, programs will have to be cut and the parasites will have to fight over what’s left. Only then will things start to change for the better.

Don’t do this…:

September 10, 2015 9:16 am

Another thing everyone can do is to reduce the power of the banking system. By keeping your money in the bank, you’re helping the banks meet their reserve requirements. By taking money out of your bank accounts besides what you need to cover the bills, banks will be forced to stop some of their speculation in order to meet their reserve ratios. Asset prices will drop to more affordable levels, and total tax receipts will go down.

September 10, 2015 12:41 pm

No one is doing anything about it. What do you do? Someone tell me. How do you stop this crap? Hollow Man

You’re not gonna like my answer.

There’s fuck-all you can do about it on a national level. You cannot stop it. You couldn’t even slow down the trajectory we’re on, even if you wanted to. You best resign yourself to that concept right fuckin’ now…

What you CAN do is cowboy the fuck up. Reach down, grab your sack and prepare for the worst shit you’ve ever seen. Whatever comes, you fuckin’ take it. You endure. You survive and thrive. Whenever some douche pickle tells you “Oh, it can’t get any worse..”, just say to yourself “Oh yes it fucking can..“. No matter how bad you tell yourself things are gonna suck, multiply that by 10.

And then you embrace that shit.

You don’t have to fucking like it. You just have to live through it.