The Parties Crawl Off to Die

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

I ‘ve alluded to being a registered Democrat now and again, a disclosure that makes some readers go feral with wrath. For years I could only justify it as formal opposition to the cretinous brand of Republicanism that washed over the country like a septic wave with the reign of that sainted pompadour-in-search-of-a-brain, Ronald Reagan, whose “morning in America” bromide was among the biggest whoppers of my lifetime. With Reagan, we got the officially-sanctioned marriage of right wing politics and the most moronic strains of Southland evangelical religiosity. (Ronnie stated more than once his belief that Biblical “end times” were close at hand, which should have raised the question of his actual concern for the nation’s future — did he think it had one? — but nobody ever asked him about it.) George H. W. Bush expressed a similar view, perhaps merely pandering to the dolts of Dixie.

So, who in his right mind could have subscribed to that load of bullshit?

Meanwhile, the youthful and magnetic Clintons came on in 1992. They put on a good show of national stewardship in the early going. Bill could speak English fluently, unlike his two predecessors. Hillary’s committee to tackle health care reform came to grief, but the effort at least implied a recognition that medicine was turning into a shameless racket (now fully metastasized). Bill managed to shove through a species of welfare reform — remarkable for a Democrat — that has since deliquesced back into a swamp of disability fraud. But the Clinton turning point was the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, which opened the door to an orgy of financial mischief so arrant and awful, and to a plague of corruption so broad and deep, that American life is now pitching into a long emergency.

Add to that now the signal failures of Barack Obama: 1) no prosecution or attempted regulation of widespread financial misdeeds 2) no effort to counter the disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision that allows corporations to buy elections; 3) no end to dubious military operations in distant lands, and 4) healthcare “reform” that only fortified the existing rackets — take all that together and you can only recoil from whatever it means to be a Democrat.

And now the return of Hillary, gliding above the election arena like Rodan the Flying Reptile — caw! caw! Get me outa here! It’s not just her, of course. It’s the whole disgusting circus parade of identity politics, and PC witch-hunting, and trans-sex drum-beating, and girl-lugging-a-mattress-around-campus idiocy, and blame-it-all-on-Whitey whinging, and drone-strike-du-jour warfare, and out-of-control NSA surveillance monkey business, plus throw in the outrageous scams of “civil forfeiture” under a president who was supposedly a professor of constitutional law — the list of Democratic-sponsored absurdities and turpitudes gives me the vapors.

The New York Times ran a front-page story Sunday saying that the Republican nomination-chasers were sounding too ominous, too dark, about the state of the nation, at least for the purpose of getting elected. As if the Times has an interest in them succeeding. I guess they were “just sayin’.” For my money, you can’t paint a dark enough picture to fully capture the decadence and depravity in the current zeitgeist. This, after all, is the basic appeal of Trump — though a panoramic shot of his supporters in one of those stadium love-fests suggests that their very demeanor is a big part of the problem: crowds of overfed tattooed clowns in nursery togs clamoring for a return to 1956. Good luck with that.

More than once I’ve referred to the earlier period in US history, the 1850s, when the political compass points shook loose and parties died. The Whigs disappeared altogether (and fast!) and the Democrats became a rump party of southern slavers. Well, the two major parties of our time are now perfectly poised to enter the Temple Grandin cattle chute of death. But history doesn’t repeat, of course, it only rhymes, and this time there are no other political parties standing by to take their place, no credible institutions, certainly no one like Lincoln. There are only Bernie Sanders and the execrable Trump.

Sanders functions nicely as a foil to the flying reptile. But the self-labeled socialist has a big problem. The public may be simmering with grievance, but my guess is that they are not especially hot for more redistribution of the national wealth — that is, whatever little remains in the hands of a sore beset former middle class. The absence of any other reputible figure on the Democratic “bench” belies a party now more hollow than a supermarket Easter egg.

What we see gathering is a political storm as perfect as the typhoon that has formed in banking. Surely the financial storm will strike first and it will leave the public stupefied with loss. I would not even bet against the possibility of the 2016 selection being canceled in some manner. Imagine, for instance, what the Pentagon brass thinks of Trump. And what they are planning for him. Just sayin’.


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September 14, 2015 9:59 am

Sounds like JHK has taken his Pete Seeger fisherman’s cap, his work shirt and weejuns down to the Goodwill and is now in the market for some reglar ol’ old white guy duds: button-down collar, creased chinos, tweed jacket… Interesting transformation for an old leftie. Good to see! One hopes he shreds his old copies of Trotsky, Chomsky, Germaine Greer, Paul Ehrlich, et. al. and puts the residue in the compost heap. The old Whole Earth Catalog may come in handy, however.

September 14, 2015 11:22 am

Montefrio@ Well said! I remember ol’ Jimbo voted for bam-bam twice. He loved him in ’08.

Like most libtard Chosenites, Jimbo has a deep seated hatred of the South and everything about it. Must be all those Scot-Irish Christian White folks, huh?

September 14, 2015 11:29 am

JHK has a way with words and is actually a very talented fiction writer. His non-fiction about suburban sprawl are fun reads too. Actually agree with a lot that he says…until he gets into politics. Ronald Reagan left office 26 years ago, yet he can’t help himself but resort to name calling. He may not be an apologist for everything the Democrats have done but he certainly doesn’t try to hide his alliances. Not counting on him ever understanding that this country has been under one party rule since long before Reagan. Until he wakes up to that his drivel concerning politics is just more biased noise.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 14, 2015 12:24 pm

I chuckled at the “Temple Grandin cattle chute of death” line.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 14, 2015 12:32 pm

How conservatives feel about the GOP: (one minute)

September 14, 2015 1:54 pm

Welcome to the real world, it’s much worse then you think.

September 14, 2015 5:46 pm

Let’s also give Bill Clinton credit for smashing the communications act and making it possible for 5 companies to control 90% of all media. And that “fairness doctrine” thing. Oh, almost forgot, NAFTA.

September 14, 2015 8:01 pm

Cuntsler writes, “dolts of Dixie”. He never misses a chance to insult whites or Southernors. And yet, they have nothing to do with our current malaise. You know who does? The Jews, who have run the country for decades, you faggot. Your tribe, not mine, having displaced the WASPS, who are a dying breed, have turned this country into a violent, warmongering, debt-ridden, multicultural hellhole. Go fuck yourself dickface.

When the shit hits the fan, I suggest that you, Cuntlser, wear a Budweiser cap and fake blond beard to avoid getting killed. You might just make it out alive faggot.

Or, tomorrow, take a flight to tel aviv, just like all the Jews were supposed to long ago. Fuck you.

Semi-employed White Guy
Semi-employed White Guy
September 14, 2015 8:32 pm

Archie said most everything I wanted to say. Leftist pseudo-intellectuals like Cunstler who produce nothing but words look down on everyone in the non-urban areas. What do the Jews in Manhattan actually produce that the rest of us need? Nothing. They create financial instruments of destruction and they are a huge parasitic tick on the nation. But now what do they produce in flyover country? Try food! If the SHTF people like Cunstler who can’t even change a tire on a car, will be crying for some good ole southern boys who can actually do real things in the real world.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
September 14, 2015 9:01 pm

Like a lot of Liberals, JK seeks a return to the good old days of smoke-filled rooms and Wise Men in charge. Is he looking for real renewal, or just a return to a system/world he understood better?

He is daydreaming if he thinks Big Business wasn’t in charge in the Kennedy/Johnson years or even in Lincoln’s day. The Civil War was as much about tariffs as it was about slavery. Like a lot of disappointed old Lefties, his nostalgia overcomes his reason.

WADR to Archie/SeWG above, Kunstler has no love for the financialization of the economy and criticizes Clinton for Glass-Steagall repeal. But his hatred of those he feels are rubes (southerners like me included) detracts from his arguments and is really quite irritating. If he could get over his prejudice, he could perhaps find new alliances in unlikely places.

September 14, 2015 11:13 pm

Suck on this Jimaay!!!

EL Coyote is Feeling Smart
EL Coyote is Feeling Smart
September 14, 2015 11:59 pm

Just yesterday I said Trump was using Schwarzenegger’s play book. Today, the news is Arnold will take over Trump’s spot on teevee. Apparently, they are interchangeable.

Arnie would have liked to take his shtick to Washington but he will have to watch the Donald play it to the hilt.

The Don has adapted the con job to suit his persona; a combination of elitism, sexism, nativism and populism while pushing a Nixonian ‘secret plan’ to end the war on white culture. It’s heady stuff.

That’s the allure of his campaign, the promise to ‘Make White America great Again’. The dream was there, waiting for its messiah.