Question of the Day, Sep 17

I spend my days working with small business. Which (if any) of the presidential candidates would be beneficial to small business / the middle class?

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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September 17, 2015 10:29 am

none. it has been proven, over the past three decades, that politicians no longer lead, no longer represent the people–it’s all about their personal gain, wealth and power. we are merely the mechanism that creates this trifecta of greed for these megalomaniacs.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
September 17, 2015 11:00 am

damn good question. just another reminder of state of the nation.

Bea Leaver
Bea Leaver
September 17, 2015 11:19 am

NONE, small business is screwed (trust me I know) and the middle class is soon to be extinct.

September 17, 2015 11:24 am


Vote TPC for president!

Bea Leaver
Bea Leaver
September 17, 2015 11:32 am

TPC- You would be head and shoulders over the choices we have now, unfortunately you don’t have a criminal background which knocks you out of the running.

September 17, 2015 11:53 am

@Bea Leaver – True, plus I’m “poor” and relatively unconnected.

If I bust my ass over the next 5 years I could probably make a decent amount of headway in my current community, and with care and patience actually affect change in the state of missouri and maybe bleed over into Kansas a bit.

But there is where it stops, and ultimately the federal government would be busy undoing all my attempts to do good by dent of their self-inspired divine mandate.

So instead…..I’m clearing off debt, enjoying life with my wife, and positioning ourselves so that if TSHTF in any capacity, we will at least be at least somewhat prepared to survive the fallout.

September 17, 2015 12:05 pm

Small business is dead. Yeah maybe you can make $24,000 a year with a 2nd hand shop. That’s about it.

September 17, 2015 12:22 pm

None. However, I’m throwing my support behind the Sweet Meteor Of Death…#SNOD2016

Link to Twitter:

Part of its platform:

Sweet Meteor O’Death ‏@smod2016 16h16 hours ago

Hi, I’m Smod, I’m from the Oort Cloud and I’m going to extinguish all multicellular life on your pathetic planet.
33 retweets 24 favorites
Sweet Meteor O’Death ‏@smod2016 17h17 hours ago

Sweet Meteor O’Death retweeted Kevin D. Williamson

I’ve been consistent since day one: Every living thing on Earth dies except for deep-sea, sulfur-oxidizing bacteria.

Sweet Meteor O’Death added,
Kevin D. Williamson @KevinNR
We all know that meteors spin, but this is ridiculous. …
18 retweets 21 favorites
Sweet Meteor O’Death ‏@smod2016 17h17 hours ago

Nice try Santorum, but unless you have the cojones to extinguish all human life you are simply #NotHawkishEnough.
22 retweets 19 favorites
Sweet Meteor O’Death ‏@smod2016 Sep 15

I’m gonna be so good at extinguishing human civilization it’ll make your head spin.
26 retweets 27 favorites
Sweet Meteor O’Death ‏@smod2016 Sep 14

During my first 100 days in office, I will:
• End funding for Planned Parenthood
• End Planned Parenthood
• End parenthood
101 retweets 80 favorites
Sweet Meteor O’Death ‏@smod2016 Sep 14

Would I go into Syria? Yes.

Would I have an exit strategy? No.
Embedded image permalink
118 retweets 116 favorites
Sweet Meteor O’Death ‏@smod2016 Sep 12

Sweet Meteor O’Death retweeted POLITICO

When I crater you won’t need POLITICO to tell you.

Sweet Meteor O’Death added,
POLITICO @politico
.@ScottWalker craters — but not because of @realDonaldTrump | Getty
12 retweets 21 favorites
Sweet Meteor O’Death ‏@smod2016 Sep 11

Sweet Meteor O’Death retweeted Bill Kristol

This guy should really delete his account. If not, I’ll do it for him in the next year or so.

Sweet Meteor O’Death added,
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
Strong, courageous piece by Bill Bennett and @john_walters: “Bring back the war on drugs.”
9 retweets 19 favorites
Sweet Meteor O’Death ‏@smod2016 Sep 11

Obama wants to withdraw from the world. I will literally do the exact opposite.
Embedded image permalink
20 retweets 24 favorites
Sweet Meteor O’Death followed քʀօɢ-ʀօƈƙ ɖǟʟɛƙ , ¡motionview!, TheLastRefuge and 3 others

The Constitution, the rule of law, national defense, individual rights, free markets, limited government, budget surpluses, low taxes

Sweet Meteor O’Death ‏@smod2016 Sep 10

#Smod2016: It’s all bullshit. Burn it to the ground.
Embedded image permalink
39 retweets 34 favorites
Sweet Meteor O’Death ‏@smod2016 Sep 10

#Smod2016: 400 Zettajoules of Change
Embedded image permalink
38 retweets 28 favorites
Sweet Meteor O’Death ‏@smod2016 Sep 9

Chixulub impact crater, Yucatan Peninsula.
2 retweets 6 favorites
Sweet Meteor O’Death ‏@smod2016 Sep 9

Post-inauguration goals:
• Gay marriages = 0
• Marriages = 0
• Iran = vaporized
• @michaelianblack = in orbit
• Homeostasis = non-existent
22 retweets 24 favorites

September 17, 2015 12:23 pm

Rand Paul would be the best.

Favors a flat tax, favors a consumption tax vs a tax on personal production, abolish capitol gains tax, eliminate the government as a venture capitalist using our money, end the fed. Etc etc.

No chance…….

September 17, 2015 12:31 pm

Unless, and until, every low level bureaucrat from CA to NY realize that they have killed the small business golden goose there is NO hope of any “recovery” for our non-government middle class.

Historically, small to mid sized businesses have paid more than 60% of ALL local taxes PLUS provided more than 75% of all non-government jobs.

Those numbers quit being true nearly a decade ago.

All I hear from EVERY politician, EVERY unionist, practically EVERY other citizen in this country is how we need to make small business “pay.”

Think your local storefronts, factories and office buildings are showing dark now? Just wait.

Think your local taxes are too high? Just wait.

The funniest thing is that for the vast majority of the remaining small business owners, they still think this is some kind of temporary downturn/over-regulatory period that is going to be fixed before there places of business are dark. So scared of drawing attention of the “man,” they do nothing, say nothing, start nothing and wait to be saved by the donations they are making to the likes of the GOP.

Insanity and cognitive dissonance at its finest.

Galt isn’t just a character in long ago written book. He is real, he is a state of mind, and more of our (soon to be former) producers and employers are following his path everyday.

I figure a $15 an hour minimum, and any major energy cost increase thanks to the EPA and Obammy, and only the most government connected will not be able to see our complete destruction on the horizon.

Ponzi on folks, for today is another beautiful day on our path to the Turning.

September 17, 2015 1:18 pm


Small business isn’t doomed only the small business that employs people is doomed.

As a small business owner, my partner and myself thought about expanding, ramping up production, etc but realized that the moment we brought in a single employee, all (ALL!!!) company profits would be consumed by taxes, OSHA Compliance and other burdensome regulations. It is much more profitable to keep things small and attempt to fly under the radar as I see no way on Earth to ever hire anyone.

This must be by design.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
September 17, 2015 1:48 pm

Nickelthrower, I agree, businesses with employees are faring much, much worse that those without.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 17, 2015 2:52 pm

If you are going to run a small business going forward you better have something rich folks REALLY want to buy, maybe on the order of Starbucks at least something super high quality. Marketing to the sheep middle class would be suicide.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 17, 2015 4:42 pm

You should be able to put up a tent and sell your own vegetables, lemonade, fruit juice, beer, sausage, eggs, firewood, milk, jam etc; your old repaired lawnmowers, cars, bikes, cut some hair etc; sell a few dollars worth of crap bought from China; cut lawns or paint houses on weekends etc, without a business license and fees and taxes and a bunch of forms to fill out each quarter. This Communist government doesn’t want us to do anything without their control and cut.

September 17, 2015 5:27 pm

Meatheads of the TBP , this year is going to be my best year in business..I made up my mind no what that fuck nut in the white house does I’m going to make money. Cash in my 401 k then sold some other things and bought a truck. Good decision on my part.Make money and get to see the country before it comes apart along racial lines.
I know most of you are to lazy , scared and to comfortable to ever drive a truck butyou can make a good living and save money. Just got to be careful in the big urban areas .

September 17, 2015 5:28 pm

Almost forgot to answer the question…… TRUMP trumps all the others.

September 17, 2015 6:10 pm

The only way to answer the original question of which candidate would be best for small businesses and the middle class is to first answer this question: “Which candidate is primarily funded by donations from small businesses and the middle class?”

Since the answer to my question is “none of them” then the answer to the original question is also none of them.

September 17, 2015 6:11 pm

Least bad is not the same thing as beneficial.

September 17, 2015 6:22 pm

NONE. OF. THEM. they all view small business owners as nothing but tax donkeys to give them money to control things and run the country in a manner they(and their owners) would prefer. Several of them would turn this country into a christian theocracy if given the opportunity. Id like to make an exception for Rand Paul, but I fear he has sold out and sounds like a garden variety neocon republican pretty much every time he talks. I don’t even know why his father endorses him

September 17, 2015 9:11 pm

Whichever candidate will cause the collapse of the nation the fastest.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 17, 2015 9:50 pm

AC says: Whichever candidate will cause the collapse of the nation the fastest.

Anytime I hear of some dumbfuck that kills 2 or 3 others before blowing his brains, I think he could have just blown his brains out first. I suggest you do that before wishing the collapse on good, honest, patriotic, God-fearing, wife-loving, pro-life Americans.

September 17, 2015 10:20 pm

You might find what Bernie Sanders has planned for small business appealing.

September 17, 2015 11:04 pm

@ Westcoaster

I looked at your link promoting Bernie Sanders and small business. It is the most vacuous, meaningless piece of shit propaganda I have ever read, and it offers NOTHING from Sanders in defense of small business and how he will support it.

Rest assured I will never, ever read any link you ever post from now on. “Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice” …….. well, you know the ending.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 18, 2015 12:01 am

Is this the line you were looking for:

There’s an old saying in Tennessee – I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee – that says, fool me once, shame on – shame on you. Fool me – you can’t get fooled again.