Via Townhall

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September 18, 2015 7:08 am

This is the new weapon.But by who?What are the goals?Collapse the country is obvious.There is a push now to squash boarders-US too.Who is the evil behind this?Will the people revolt against the politicians that hand them the bill to rape and pillage their country and sovereignty. Clear Obama, Saudis Soros involved.Obama is shipping them to the US.He said ten thousand, but my guess is he lied like all the other lies-Collapse the country, currencies,NWO

September 18, 2015 7:14 am

This doesn’t have shit to do with anything, other than it’s funny as hell and I figured everyone needed a good laugh after all the doom and shit lately….



Owls will fuck you up and wreck your shit… no joke.

September 18, 2015 7:29 am

And just for Stucky…

[imgcomment image[/img]

September 18, 2015 7:34 am

That doughnut picture is hilarious. The look on the cops faces is priceless.

September 18, 2015 8:46 am

Starfcker- The copfuks look pissed but I can feel how bad they REALLY want those donuts. They just can’t help themselves.

John Coster
John Coster
September 18, 2015 9:47 am

Interesting video about the refugee crisis. I think this girl nails it on neo liberal interventionists. I’m afraid the United States is also on their hit list though the plan here is to boil the frog slowly, not bomb us into submission.


September 18, 2015 12:58 pm

Anonymous, I can answer your question. I have done so on other threads. Please watch, as difficult as it is, a jewish woman named Barbara Spectre on youtube. I don’t know if this link will work since my browser and computer are ancient.


Note that she is not the only Jew pushing for multiculturalism. Alan Shatter, Ruth Driefuss, Ronit Lentin, Mark Liebler, Anetta Kahane, Arno Klarsfeld, are just a handful of prominent Jews calling for the “transformation” of Europe. Also, I do not know of one Jewish organization that opposes it. I hope I don’t have to delve into our own 1965 Immigration Act, which changed the color of America, but suffice to say Jews played the largest role. This is beyond dispute. I wrote elsewhere that it was the Jews who brought blacks into Britain. Do you see a pattern yet?

The Jews largely orchestrated our own civil rights movement, pitting blacks against whites, that continues to this day. Communist Jews led the campaign to end apartheid in South Africa. There is an unending white bloodbath there. Gee, I wonder if Jewish Hollywood will make a few films about it. Do you hear about it in the Jewish Dominated media? I didn’t think so.

“It is in the Jewish interest that whites experience a genocide…” says Ishmael Levitts. I cannot find independent verification of this quote, but it is consistent with what I have found elsewhere. How about this one: “Give it another 50 years or so and there will be no white people left to have their pathetic ‘white man march’.” So said Rabbi Jonathan Freirich.

Just recently, a Rabbi said that the death of Christianity by Islamification of Europe is excellent news, since it signifies the arrival of the messiah.


I would recommend the book, “Jewish History, Jewish Religion” by Israel Shahak, published in 1994. He reveals the religious underpinning of Jewish hatred for Non-Jews. He describes, in one case, public rituals of burning the New Testament in Jerusalem in 1980. Does that sound like Jews like Christians? How about this snippet:

“According to this book (used by Hasidic Jews) all non-Jews are totally satanic creatures ‘in whom there is absolutely nothing good’.”

I cold have quoted dozens of passages like this one. The book is jaw dropping. However, none of it should be surprising if you consider what life was like under communism, which is a Jewish doctrine from start to finish. The Jews funded and carried out the overthrow of Russia. They murdered the Tsar and his family. Tens of millions of Christians were slaughtered, worked or starved to death in the ensuing decades. Ah, but how about the Chinese “revolution”? Check out a demonic man named Sidney Rittenberg. I quote:

“85% to 90% of foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the communist takeover were Jewish.”
Laura Goldman

~45 million Chinese people were killed from 1948 to 1958. (Jews featured prominently in the Opium trade also, which ruined millions of lives.)

Check out who ran the Gulags in Soviet Russia. Try looking up a monster named Genrikh Yagoda. It is thought that he personally was responsible for the death of 10 million people. Who was Bela Kun? What ethnicity is Fidel Castro who ran that Island prison camp, a communist hellhole in which boys who wrote anti Fidel graffiti were dragged into a holding tank and repeatedly raped by deranged prisoners. Sounds great right? I wonder when Hollywood will make a movie about it.

Who wrote “Germany Must Perish”? Look into the details of the Morgenthau Plan. Just look at what’s happening to the Palestinians. Get the picture yet?

Honestly I could go on and on all day long.

(Oh yeah, you know that inscription on the Statue of Liberty (I chuckled to myself just now), “give us your tired wretched poor, blah blah blah.” Written by Emma Lazarus, an insane Zionist Jewess.)

September 18, 2015 4:43 pm

Archie is correct . Behind all of this are leftists , secular atheistic Jews. They hate Christ , Christianity and what’s left of our Christian culture.They are truly Satanic.

September 18, 2015 5:31 pm

Well, Archie, you might find this amusing: comparison photos of Yagoda’s successor Nikolai Yezhov and the Big O. [imgcomment image&sp=7bf53ebecc2b3846ead15d8634714f52[/img]

The thing is, just like with the Muslims, every ethnic or religious group has good guys and bad guys: you can’t lump everyone into one singe category. After all, the “poisonous dwarf” may have been Jewish, but so is Randy Newman who wrote “Short People” (got no reason to live). Life’s a mystery!

September 18, 2015 5:32 pm

comment image&sp=7bf53ebecc2b3846ead15d8634714f52

September 18, 2015 5:33 pm

Friday fail for me: techno-deficient.

September 18, 2015 6:08 pm

Monte, yes you’re right. But that’s like saying 2+2=4. It’s practically a tautology. What’s important to note is that, Jews, who comprise a minuscule % of the population, wreak ungodly havoc and misery upon the world. This is worth noting and repeating. Is it any wonder they have such a death grip on all media?

I also am unaware of a group so universally reviled throughout history by all peoples. I am willing to be proven wrong. Recently, a tiny pueblo in central or South America kicked the Jews out. I guess the whole world is antisemetic then.

September 18, 2015 6:27 pm

Can we living in the West even imagine the Human suffering our Republican neo-con foreign policy has caused?
What if mortar rounds started hitting your neighborhood and in order not to get blown sky high you had to evacuate your family with only what you could carry?
Let me say it once more, this is all the result of U.S. foreign policy. We’ve caused this to happen with our tax dollars.
Meantime, dumbasses on TBP are poking donuts at cops and discussing how owls will fuck you up and shit.

September 18, 2015 6:41 pm

Archie- Joos are 1.5% of the population in America, they control the financial markets, media, retail markets, advertising, our currency, our politicians and our government in general. We are the dumbasses that have let this happen.

Couple that with blacks who are 13% of our population= 14.5% of our population creates 90% of our misery. Who is to blame, the blacks and the Joos or the rest of us for letting these people muck the place up?

September 18, 2015 6:59 pm

Bea, I believe fewer than one in a hundred knows the things you speak of. If Jews were a different color, then everyone would know. Jews pretend they are white, and even say so on occasion, but they are not. Even the esteemed Zarathustra seems to believe they are white. He is mistaken.

I agree with your general point though. Whites, at some point, have to grab hold of the reins and say enough is enough. Blacks and Jews are destructive forces that need to go away, by hook or be crook. I wonder when that will happen.

September 18, 2015 7:07 pm

Archie- When we are wise enough to take the money out of game for these parasites.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 20, 2015 10:20 pm

I think Churchill said it was ironic that the greatest and the worst men come from he same race; maybe God would agree. I think Jews are classified as a discriminated minority by the 1964 Civil Riots Act and therefore privileged for loans, college entry, etc. Jews are not legally White (White males are the only group required to be legally discriminated against). So much for the 14th Amendment.