It’s Not Your Money

corbyn Jeremy

Jeremy Corbyn, the new head of the British Labour Party, is really a Communist. He is not championing a minimum wage, but a MAXIMUM WAGE. He is advocating that no individual should be allowed to earn more than whatever he feels is appropriate. These people view one simple fact: whatever money you earn is not yours, it belongs to the state. I was in Canada and there was some socialist woman on TV being interviewed and she said that openly. It is not your money, it belongs to the state. They merely decide how much you are allowed to keep. I was dumbfounded she actually said that in public whereas I hear that all the time behind closed doors. Nothing belongs to you is their actual true belief.

These Marxists want to suppress freedom and cannot see that we are all different and have a God given right to pursue our own dreams. Some people want to produce while others do not. All these people do is drool over what other people have and demand they have been cheated because they are entitled to the same.capitalism-vs-socialism

What Corbyn cannot understand is that this is no different from robbery. If you walk down the street and a man points a gun at you, demands your watch, all your cash, and justifies it by saying that he has nothing you have everything, then what is the difference between that and writing a law to accomplish the same thing? Where can we go to be free of people who just want to rob whatever we have because they are lazy or incompetent to ever have an original thought? This may be the final end of the British Empire. After all, it is getting close to 443.76 years from Elizabeth I (51.6 * 8.6). A very precarious event that may indeed signal the shift from the West is underway to China.


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September 24, 2015 9:02 am

We are doomed.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
September 24, 2015 9:04 am

while the state exists there can be no freedom; when there is freedom there will be no state, vladimir lenin

September 24, 2015 9:06 am

“Jeremy Corbyn, the new head of the British Labour Party, is really a Communist.” —- MA

And I should give a flying fuck why??

September 24, 2015 9:17 am

There was a time when the communist/socialist movement aimed itself at productive class working people who received little in relation to their output and advocated more for them (which is why Unions developed in the countries that were industrialized and communism in the non industrial ones).

Today they aim their efforts at the non working class and advocate taking away from the productive class that which is earned to give to those who didn’t earn it.

The actual rich, the ruling upper classes, are never really affected by these movements, they usually own them and are just given different names in different systems.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
September 24, 2015 9:22 am

As I have said before, they will need to be dragged out and shot, at least a goodly number of these useless parasites. The rest will be sent to work camps where they will stay digging holes and filling them in until they get their minds right. This will happen once the Wall Streets thieves cause the collapse of the financial system and power I sup for grabs.

September 24, 2015 11:09 am

Kmere Rouge and leader Pol Pot in Cambodia left a trail of torture, museum of skulls.Can not help but think Obama,M Brotherhood, Cia NSA are going down the same path of blood thirsty tyranny, communism.We know they are collapsing the US as quickly as possible.Epa reportedly is poisoning water in thirteen states.Shutting down farms for dust violations.That brings up floating Google barges,empty walmarts.

September 24, 2015 11:32 am

I wonder if Christina West sees the irony.

September 24, 2015 11:43 am

One of my favorite quotes seems appropriate here.

“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy; its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” ~ Winston Churchill

September 24, 2015 11:47 am

Take away the benefits of work and no one will work. You then will have to force people to work in which case people will get very good at pretending to work.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 24, 2015 12:10 pm

A brazillion times I have seen the Obama sticker on a car and wished I was driving my tractor so I could totally destroy the Useful Idiots Cadillac. Go on, elect Hillary, Sanders or Biden and I will tell the judge I was provoked.

September 24, 2015 12:29 pm

@Asig, only thing I would change is the word “work” into “production.”

Pushing papers around that control other people’s lives is NOT “work,” yet many consider it to be.

In union environments, especially the government where they all think they are doing god’s work, they “work” everyday, but they produce NOTHING of value to anyone except their own machine. And the fact of never being rewarded based on merit, instead of skin color or arbitrary time (trophies for all, anyone?), has sucked virtually ALL creativity, morality and pride from the people.

Michigan is a highly unionized state. All we ever hear is about “fairness” and “protection” as we circle the drain.

We don’t need more “work,” we need more productive value. A rising tide floats all boats.

When the boats are anchored with promises to the parasitic and non-productive that is when trouble starts.

We are way beyond that point.

September 24, 2015 12:35 pm

When communism was the enemy of the month it was the “scourge of the planet”. Now we buy most of our crap from them. And when we realize what traitors our crony capitalist leaders are we happily vote for commies. Just another version of the “brightest and the best”.

September 24, 2015 12:40 pm

@Rife: we don’t buy stuff from commies. There are hardly any commies remaining in the world – North Korea and Cuba in dilute forms. Venezuela is trying to get there but will sink before it can. China, Vietnam etc. are communist in name but are simply one-party fascist regimes like many others in history, with commie window dressing. China didn’t produce much of any value until they discreetly ditched communism. North Korea still doesn’t produce jack shit of value. Compare modern Russia and China and tell me how different they are, then realize that one is nominally a multi-party western democracy, the other is nominally communist.

September 24, 2015 1:59 pm

The social tide is definitely surging in favor of a more socialist / communist system. Civic generations are already collectivist — the G.I.s just as much as the Millennials — but this time the whole world seems to be teetering that way. Lessons from the past have been lost, as this piece pointed out all too well last week: (it was posted on ZH).

Those that want these reforms the most are the ones most shocked when they get what they wanted.

September 24, 2015 4:05 pm

Re: Thinker Those that want these reforms the most are the ones most shocked when they get what they wanted.

Some of the first people the Soviets rounded up and imprisoned or killed, were the leftist ‘intelligensia’ from the universities and any other communist ‘true believers’ – because, as ardent supporters of the mythological communist ideal, they would have become even more ardent opposition to the communist reality, once it became apparent to them that the communist mythology was merely a tool to garner their support. Support which was initially needed for imposing the reality of a totalitarian police state on the populace. Once the police state was imposed, the useful fools had outlived their usefulness and become a probable liability.

September 24, 2015 4:41 pm

Its not you rain, air, food, sunshine or place to ask, what if they are wrong.

September 24, 2015 7:55 pm

hmm company I work for I generate about 10k net net profit a week . I get ruffly 10 to 15% of that which actually seems eminitely fair . then after taxes it seems atrociously unfair as I am actually robbed at the point of a gun or jail time if I don’t pay .taxes . If the federal reserve can creat 23 trillion out of thin air and bail out all the other central banks and other corporations wtf do they need to tax me for ? oh wait , federal reserve stated it doesn’t need taxes as it does indeed create currency out of thin air . I and many others are sick and tired of taxes without representation . We have no standing due to usa incorporated in 1871 or 1877 I forget . so I cant really take any action to planned parenthood and selling of body parts , or wars without end , or anything that I do not agree with . umm wait a sec , who was john galt?

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
September 24, 2015 7:58 pm

” fascism is capitalism in decay” lenin

September 26, 2015 11:18 pm

AC: exactly. Most don’t realize that the most ardent supporters of the socialist revolutions end up being killed off early on because they are the one most likely to object to the horror of the reality of the situation. Lenin had his most ardent supporters massacred within months of taking power; so did Hitler. It keeps everyone else in line and removes “influentials” from raising questions and pulling their support. Extremely common tactic in socialist take overs.

If only we could warn people about history repeating.