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September 30, 2015 11:57 am

Well, at least Putin stands for Russia’s interests globally as opposed to being a global social justice warrior like Obama attempts to be. Obama’s feckless foreign policy, especially in the Middle East, is little more than reckless global community organizing. He despises wealth and power, especially in the hands of pro-Western countries in the region.

From his misguided efforts in Libya and Egypt to his mistakes in Iraq and Syria, he appears to have little foresight into the future beyond his efforts to organize against and alienate pro-Western countries in the Middle East. His attempts to redistribute power in the region have led to numerous power vacuums that have been filled by Islamic jihadists and warlords, resulting in increased chaos, destruction of the human rights he claims to embrace, an abominable refugee problem, greater poverty and social destruction. Amid the chaos, Obama slinks away smugly claiming no responsibility for his fairy tale land foreign policy where our worst enemies are going to one day become our best friends once we drop sanctions against them and help blaze a trail for their nuclear arms equality.

At least Putin has a long range idea for the balance of power in the region that isn’t based upon a world where everything must be borne of parity, equality, and fairness. While Putin is not to be trusted, at least his policies are grounded in reality and what is best for Russia. What is ultimately best for the United States falls far down the list of Obama’s priorities when it comes to foreign policy.

September 30, 2015 12:17 pm

Great speech – Putin has very good writers.

The quote “…we plan to limit greenhouse gas emissions to 70–75 percent of the 1990 levels by the year 2030.” Know that in 1990, Russia had all Old factories belching out tremendous amounts of particulate (think of the older diesel buses in the U.S. as a reference). It is a fraud to use the 1990 levels for Russia – with modernization they have already reduced their emissions by 75%. This garbage from 1990 was part of the original Kyoto Protocol. It was Europe just playing a financial game to hammer the U.S.

September 30, 2015 1:45 pm

Of COURSE they realize what they’ve done, that was the point. We must discard the “Wolfowitz doctrine” before WWIII gets rolling; the bottom line is, Russia and China are NOT going to put up with this crap much longer.

September 30, 2015 3:02 pm

nKit – You say Obama despises wealth and power especially in the hands of pro western countries in the region, yet isn’t it interesting how much he seems to enjoy his own wealth and power.

September 30, 2015 3:35 pm

Peaceout, isn’t that always the way it is with Marxist ideologues?

On another note, Russia has already begun airstrikes, and immediately the U.S. is claiming that the strikes were directed at U.S.-backed rebels attempting to overthrow Assad, as opposed to ISIS. The Wall Street Journal is claiming that the rebels attacked were in areas that ” are largely dominated by relatively moderate rebel factions and Islamist groups like Ahrar al-Sham and the al Qaeda affiliate the Nusra Front.”

So now our administration wants us to believe that al Qaeda is “relatively moderate”? Really? And just who in the name of Sam Shit did the administration think they were going to strike? Putin already made it abundantly clear that they were involved to help Assad maintain power first and foremost. That means ISIS and the Obama-armed Syrian rebels. What’s the moron going to do now? Draw another line in the sandbox? Maybe he should just pick up his toys and go home. Leave it to those that really have a plan.

September 30, 2015 5:38 pm

I am starting to wonder if Putin’s downfall will be his statements and apparent belief that there is in fact some large decent side of Islam that can be reasoned with and accepted into civilized society. I know that’s also the teaching of many in the west, but it’s so laughably wrong I’ve come to view it as a key part of the Orwellian attack on actual western civilization. The Chinese aren’t having any great luck with accommodating Islam either. No one is. It won’t surprise me one bit if 20 years from now Russia is destroyed by a Muslim conqueror.

September 30, 2015 6:41 pm

Just for comedic relief, you should watch this…

September 30, 2015 8:01 pm

Nkit American best keep right to bear arms.Never vaccinate our children.I do not trust anything this incompetent says

September 30, 2015 11:47 pm

All of our opponents know that there are 15 months left before a new president takes office. They are free to persue their geopolitical objectives during that time as long as they do not threaten core American strategic assets.