Stucky Question Of The Day: Hypocrites

I’m talking about ……. YOU!

I’ve been listening to you STMs for longer than I want to admit …. do this, this, this, and that!  All you smarty-pants INTJs, and all your goddamned smarty-pants advice. Do you follow your own advice?

Admit to your own hypocrisy! Do it now.  Unburden yourselves. The truth will set you free.

This question is prompted by my own hypocrisy.  For YEARS I have been preaching, “If you eat ANYTHING that comes from China, you’re a goddamned idiot!!“.  Yet, here I am at this very moment in time munching on a 4 ounce bag of chestnuts (about 15 pieces) made in ….. China.  #fuckemedead

There are two foodie things I loved about the days of my yoot in Newark;  1) in summertime, the guy pushing his Italian Ice cart and, 2) in fall, the guy pushing his Roasted Chestnut cart.  I believe you’d get a handful of fresh roasted chestnuts for a quarter. The three fucking bags of Chink Chestnuts I bought yesterday cost $1.25 per bag! Adjusted for inflation, I’m thinking that’s less than I paid back in 1963. I LOVE a good deal.  Besides, it’s not a processed food …. looking at the Ingredients the bag says, “chestnut kernel“.  That’s it.  Not even any “preservatives“. Come to think of it, fuck you, I’m not a hypocrite at all. I’m eating a health food.

I’m also a hypocrite when it comes to religion … of which I have none. Although, I do kinda like Deism, sort of.  Yet, every Friday I entertain two Jehovah’s Witnesses for an hour long “Bible Study“.  I just bought another religion book last week.  And, I believe I’ve convinced my younger Jeebus-loving son than his dad is, yea, a born-again believer also.  The hypocrisy of all that burns all the way to heaven, and I gots me a one-way ticket to Hell, fer sure.

I fully expect this to be the least answered ‘question of the day’ ever. I’ll be surprised if it even reaches five posts.  A bunch of INTJs admitting to their their shortcomings??  Yeah … riiiight.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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October 22, 2015 9:00 am

I have an organic Greens blend that I purchase from my Mennonite log home builder’s wife. It is her extra spending money source outside the monthly trips to the farmer’s market to sell her pies, canned goods and needlework. She’s a dear woman and is making a quilt for me (on order), so I buy the Greens and think they really do add to my healthy living program.

However, I do NOT tell her that they mix BEST with 4 ounces of Smirnoff, Cranberry juice and Diet Gingerale.

You are so right… it feels good to confess that to someone.

October 22, 2015 9:01 am

I meant 1 ounce of Smirnoff, and 4 ounces of the other, but perhaps the other might do also.

October 22, 2015 9:01 am

Sorry, got nothing.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
October 22, 2015 9:12 am

While I preach against the Federal Reserve for a living I still find different ways legally boost my credit score so I get extensions on my lines of credit. In a Fiat Money world where debt is money, I’ve found credit is more useful than paper money.

October 22, 2015 9:13 am

We are ALL hypocrites in one way or another, it is probably our original sin.

Here is my biggest, I won’t let my daughter cuss but my mouth would shame a sailor.

Second biggest is the fact I still smoke while touting healthier eating. I look at it as yin/yang, but really it is hypocrisy at its finest.

Third is that while I dislike outright bigotry, I still, in my heart, think and feel way too much of it, exactly like when I see a really fat person. From what I have learned about our environment, our food, our health recommendations, I know that odds are good it truly is not their fault, yet I still judge them.

Hugs Stuck, and this is five!

October 22, 2015 9:17 am

I’m really a billionaire living on my own private island in the Caribbean and made my fortune on Wall Street. I drive a Mercedes S Class, live in a 15,000 square foot gated estate, and will be voting for Hillary Clinton in the next election. I actually think Ron Paul is a pathetic loser, we need more government surveillance, should attack Russia and China simultaneously, and believe all you rednecks should have your guns taken away by the government. And I actually have a 12 inch cock.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
October 22, 2015 9:25 am

Apparently, Admin didn’t take his pills today and the voices are back.

October 22, 2015 9:31 am

When I was a child and we played Cowboys & Indians I always wanted to be the Cowboy. I fucking hate Injuns.

Just one other thing. For all my talk about hiring the “right employees”, I would always hire a women with big tits regardless of her qualifications.

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 22, 2015 9:40 am

There isn’t enough time and space here to begin to “complain” about my hypocrisy much less the vast amount I see everywhere else. I would even “complain” some about God and Heaven (although it’s my own faults I’m sure). I’m glad to see even the great Stucky a little humble about personal faults (although he reminds me of the Fonz saying he’s sorry).

October 22, 2015 9:47 am

@Llpoh, that is funny.

I always wanted to be the Indian.

The Indians had bows with arrows, we could actually hit the cowboys while all they could do was point their cap guns and make smoke. A blunted arrow won over the noise everytime, at least in my mind. I contend that it was my great-great grandmother channeling through me.

The boys that insisted that I couldn’t be EITHER, because I was a “girl”, hence supposed to play the victim/saved, were the first to be slaughtered with the ferocity of my shooting skills. Turds.

I so pissed off one of the Cowboys, by consistently whacking him in the head and torso with my carefully aimed shots, he went home and got a REAL bow with REAL practice arrows and shot me while I wasn’t paying attention. My father could barely control his rage when I came home limping with blood pouring from my, very real, leg wound.

Joke was on the little turd though. I kept his arrow, an arrow that my father threatened to return pointed end first when Juniors dad came down screaming about me “stealing” it.

Finders keepers and possession is 9/10ths of the law, I always said.

Ah, the good ole days. Not a lawsuit, nor cop, to be found, even when blood resulted.

October 22, 2015 10:01 am

Not all democrats are bad. I actually like a lot of them. Actually, I post pro-Republican stuff just to piss people off. I might even vote for Bernie Sanders.

October 22, 2015 10:11 am

Fine I’ll join the fucking hypocrite club.

I text while I drive, all the time, and then complain when others do because they are maroons.

Anyone that drives faster than me (and I speed) is a maroon.

Anyone that drives slower than me is a maroon.

I say to my liberal friends that I have black friends, but I don’t and I don’t trust the black element in certain parts of towns and go out of my way to avoid.

I say to my liberal friends that I have gay friends, but I don’t. I think good looking lesbians are hot but bull dykes and gay dudes are gross as hell.

I bitch about my secretary getting online and shopping for shoes at work, and I’m on TBP so much, for stress relief I guess…

I stress to my employees to watch out for debt, but I’m a gadget nut and have to buy the newest camera lens, or tripod, and now I’m shopping for a airplane again….

I bitch about kids on their phones, and I’m always on mine, checking weather, checking the market, checking Instagram, etc. etc. etc.

October 22, 2015 10:26 am

I hate being alone almost as much as I hate being around people.

October 22, 2015 10:27 am

I claim to be a Christian but I’m a practical atheist in life .Ain’t that some shit.

Stucky , did you know China uses children to pick those Chestnuts. Poor kids .They have to get up a t daybreak and labor for 16 hours nonstop. Many of drop from exhaustion , some even die .

Enjoy your chestnuts you heartless bastard.

October 22, 2015 10:31 am

I’m actually an ISTJ, so no worries stuck. Mea culpa:

– I preach low carb and healthy eating, but eat carb laden agribusiness soul food most times I eat out.
– I lament the decline of chastity and virtue among modern women, while pushing for intercourse with new partners as soon as possible
– I tell people with shaky financials that the most important thing is to track their cash flow, but I never feel the need to do it myself

October 22, 2015 10:46 am

Stucky, I have Indiana-grown chestnuts for $6/lb if you want to break that China habit…

October 22, 2015 10:52 am

For all the high-minded ideals I spew around here, I am actually an angry, bitter, narcissistic, malcontent, apathetic misanthrope.

Life is always a work in progress.

October 22, 2015 11:24 am

damn… I am gonna need 4 ounces of vodka with my greens after this.

October 22, 2015 12:11 pm

I was drinking a coke Icee literally while typing the shit about HFCS. I was sick and had a sore throat and it helps, so fuck you. I constantly look for new organic foods to get, and preach to others about organic foods, and I smoke. (But they are made from organic tabbaco). I freak the fuck out when other people text while driving or talk on the phone while driving, but I tell myself that unlike those fucktards, I can and do maintain a constant speed and stay in my lane while doing it, so fuck them. I also complain about young people in their stupid smart phones all the time, but I am typing this on mine. I eat almost all organic foods because I hate putting weird shit in my body, but every time I go to the gym to lift heavy I take double the recommended serving of pre workout powder which I have no idea what kind of bad shit is really in it accept a bunch of caffeine, and the list of shit on the back is almost unpronounceable, meaning I would NEVER eat that stuff if it was food, which directly violates my rule about if it’s got that many syllables in it, it ain’t real food, yet I drink it 3 or 4 times a week. I’m sure there are more, too, but that’s enough for one post.

October 22, 2015 12:11 pm

Am expecting HSF in here to announce he is really Joe Biden and has never milked a cow in his life. Has never seen a cow, actually.

October 22, 2015 12:20 pm

I preach low carb but just made 3 mindlessly delicious loaves of wheat bread – made with honey, yogurt, pecans and raisins. I toast a slice, cover it with butter and honey and vow to walk 5 miles tonight.

Well, I lie. I will only walk the 1/4 mile to the mailbox and back.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
October 22, 2015 12:46 pm

Actually the most common statement found on cockpit voice recorders before a crash is. “OH SHIT!!”

October 22, 2015 1:29 pm

Diet, consumerism, and buy American.

October 22, 2015 2:38 pm

This has to be one of the happiest feeling threads we have ever had! I’m sitting here giggling.

WPES Stuck, should have said “practice” arrow. But, as any bowhunter/archer will tell you, “practice” arrows still have metal pointy tips that will easily stick in people.

And yep, it coulda put my eye out kid, or killed me, had it hit in the right spot. Lucky for me, Junior was a lousy shot!

October 22, 2015 2:56 pm

I often make fun of stucky masturbating but I do it five or six times a day while driving my truck especially on long drives through the desert. Also little bb is not a cat. It’s a blow up doll I bought at a truck stop that has real hair on her pussy parts.

October 22, 2015 3:15 pm

I keep telling my son to exercise,And i never do. I complain about everyone driving big four wheel drive Gas guzzler trucks,Yet i really want a big SUV 4X4.

rob in Nova Scotia
rob in Nova Scotia
October 22, 2015 4:02 pm

Shit bb

You beat me to it on keyboard…….

I was busy.

October 22, 2015 4:03 pm

I’m not the asshole I claim to be on TBP. I’m actually perfect in every way except two………..1. I play golf with SSS on gloriously green golf courses in the desert. 2. I slip him a marijuana infused brownie on the second hole so he’ll shut the hell up about how he’s never wrong.

October 22, 2015 4:04 pm

I must own up – that last llpoh was not me. It was a very well done dopple. I suspect it was Stuck.

I never wanted to be a cowboy. Cowboys save the fair maiden. Indians drag said fair maiden off for nefarious reasons. It was a no brainer – cowboys were obviously pussy idiots.

Re big titted secretaries – now that certainly will test the mettle of a man. If our illustrious presidents cannot maintain control, then how can we mere mortals do any better? Whenever I am tempted, I remember my dear, sweet loving missus, and once the wave of fear washes over and past me, I find the temptation has disappeared. It is miraculous.

October 22, 2015 4:28 pm

Also, I forgot to mention that I play the part of an FSA Four Star General in real life and split my time between being IndenturedServant and El Coyote.

October 22, 2015 4:41 pm

This show-your-cock lovefest is absolutely sickening. All day long I’ve been fixing this shack I call a house only to come in and read this cockfuck psychobabble? Derp! I’ll probably regret this but what the fuckstick I’ll go ahead and play. My knockout gorgeous Herm wife is my second wife. My first wife was a Negress I married when I was young and stupid and stationed in Fort Campbell here in Kentucky. She fucked me over good and hard in the divorce. Derp! She’s the real reason I hate niggers, even though most of them are decent folk.

October 22, 2015 4:51 pm

only thing I can think is that I constantly try to save some of my income so that one day I can semi retire all the while knowing that my currency is devalued by a privately owned central bank .
cognitive dissonance
I know better then to save in us dollars or any other fiat paper and yet I try too lol
altho I still put currency units aside for tangibles I still have hope my currency might maintain long term value . And I actually know better sigh
I rail against the political system and hope Trump gets in and actually does what he says he will .. and I know better.
I want to live free w/o the so called govt involved but my kids wont make it then . Without modern medicines … shit fuck you stucky this is depressing

October 22, 2015 4:51 pm

I was sure the Billy doppel was going to say he was black and queer.

October 22, 2015 5:10 pm

After decades of trying to live by the values of personal responsibility, I caved when I got fired by corrupt bosses, and could only find a new job that paid 60% as much after an 8-month search. Rather than selling my house, I put all my remaining unsecured debt in a settlement program — my own version of a wall street bailout that I am not proud of. This was my own version of the deflation mantra — default, settlement, bankruptcy, and/or repudiation. I went early, and beat the rush…

Oh, and I also sued and settled for a token amount with the corrupt bosses (black females) on a reverse discrimination charge — I DO feel good about that!

October 22, 2015 6:46 pm

I grew up on a little farm at the end of the school bus route, outside a small New England factory town where my parents worked under medieval conditions. I went to a small tech college in upstate New York and met up with a bunch of smart ass guys like Stucky who could verbally skewer a naive country honk like me in a New York second. I spent 5 years with those bastards and never came close to achieving their instant comebacks and acerbic wit. I did, however, learn to be very careful about what I said. When I read that Herr Stucky grew up in Newark it all came together. We are a product of our environs and all those guys were from Northern Jersey, NYC, Brooklyn and Queens. Born ball busters!
So I am wondering why Stucky came up with this confessional tell-all thread, which, by the way is really a hoot. It is so out of character for denizens of the Greater Metro area, where no quarter is given and no error or mistake acknowledged. Perhaps Ms. Freud has been a positive influence?
Ever since one of my 6th grade classmates tried to get a bunch of us to climb the hill behind our school, sit in a circle and show each other our weenies I have been very leery of any show and tell activity. He was the biggest guy in the group, already shaving and we were skinny little twerps with nary a hair on our tiny scrotums. Nothing to be gained there. We all laughed nervously and walked away.
I like the Bard’s line “To thine own self be true, And it must follow as the night the day thou canst not then be false to any man”. Nice sentiment, tough to follow. Me, I gave up a professional career to seek a living in the country and pretend to be just another hillbilly driving a semi-beater truck, wearing denim, work boots and a ball cap appropriate for the occasion. I pretend to be interested in our big time college sports teams so I can sound halfway intelligent at the feed store. Whatever… it is fun.

October 22, 2015 7:44 pm

Here is a picture of my 12″cock. Impressive, don’t you think?

[imgcomment image[/img]

The Rugu
The Rugu
October 23, 2015 7:23 am

What is reality and the meaning of life eh…
Well, the answer is THIS:
To bond completely with another entity, with no desire for personal gain.
Money and wealth are irrelevant
Appearances are irrelevant
Lifestyles are irrelevant
Love is irrelevant
Oneness is everything

Let me guess – you don’t understand, right ?
Of course you don’t …..

October 23, 2015 7:47 am

TBPers don’t do Greek mystical crap. They like bacon with their Henosis products (eggs.)

October 23, 2015 4:09 pm

I always tell people not to drink what they can’t carry, but sometimes I break this rule. Well maybe more than sometimes.

October 23, 2015 10:34 pm


Don’t feel bad. Bankruptcy is not immoral unless practiced as a deliberate strategy. Lenders loan you the money knowing that some percentage of debtors will default, it’s priced into the interest rate.