The Madness Of The Millennials

This culture is SICK SICK SICK.

And if these kids are our future, we are DOOMED DOOMED DOOMED!!



Look what we bought: Nana Kankam (left) , Franz Zhanay, Grant Solis, Armand Hassen with their purchases

Millenial Utes waiting in line at Barney’s on Madison Avenue in New York to buy Kanye West horseshit.

That’s a $636 pair of boots, and a $230 shirt!


That outfit … which I wouldn’t pay $30 for at a Salvation Army store … costs about $2,000.

Burn this motherfucker down!!!

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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October 30, 2015 6:42 am

Aaaaah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

October 30, 2015 6:53 am

No wonder the housing market is collapsing, $636.00 for a pair of gay boots?

I had a hard time laying out $158.00 for a new pair of hunting boots.

October 30, 2015 7:58 am

With my monthly 30% coupon from Kohls and their constant SALES, I can usually land a good pair of sneakers for $25 and a pair of work shoes for $35. Then I wear them until they are falling apart. I must be old fashioned.

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
October 30, 2015 7:57 am

A fool and their money are soon parted…

October 30, 2015 8:11 am

This is simply how these people gain a sense of personal value.

A shame no one ever taught them personal value originates inside yourself as personal character not the trappings you wear on the outside.

But, then, no one in the mainstream really believes that anymore, or gives respect to character above appearance. This is simply the result.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 30, 2015 8:29 am

I have heard how expensive it is to live in NYC and those young people look awfully young to have high paying jobs so you have to wonder where they get the discretionary income to afford that kind of thing. I had to recently purchase a new pair of work boots- I felt guilty about spending the kind of money I did on something I absolutely needed. I can’t get my head around spending the kind of money cited above simply as a fashion statement.

That said, everyone has the right to do what they think is best with there own money, if that means making a wealthy man wealthier so you can dress like a slob, then have at it.

October 30, 2015 8:47 am

They will also vote for Kanye for prez in 2020 as I hear he will be a candidate. Doesn’t that just thrill you to the marrow?

I’ve said it a hundred times………pop culture has ruined this country.

October 30, 2015 9:02 am

That’s ghetto shit.

October 30, 2015 9:17 am

These chilruns is just the victims of the Joos and New Yawk Shitty madness. Add in the Joos media to validate this crap and yet again the Joos make huge money off stupid.

October 30, 2015 9:21 am

Savers, gently used stuff, virtually new pair of Johnson and Murphy dress shoes $17.99, new price about $125 -$150. New nylon briefcase $2.99, found a perfectly good working set of Pioneer ear buds tucked in the pocket (free)worth about $25. Brand new pair of pleated Perry Ellis dress slacks $8.99, new looking pair of LL Bean flannel lined jeans $7.99. I buy what I need not much else.

HSF, I’m guessing these effeminate looking youths are spending daddy’s New York funny money. I have a few relatives that live and work in New York and the money floating around that city from the financialization of our economy is ridiculous.

Rich Kids NYC:


October 30, 2015 9:43 am

Oh relax .Just think what your parents thought of you when you were their age.Just think what some people think of you now.Just think what God thinks of you.(now you can panic)

October 30, 2015 9:44 am

Stucky: “This culture is SICK SICK SICK.”

“Culture”? That ain’t no culture, pal, that’s a fad! If it’s truly the USA “culture”, I’ll happily double down on my decision to have left. I’d always believed that my grandsons would be best served by going to university in the good-ol’-USA, but thanks to what I see here, I’m seriously starting to question that idea and man will it save us a bunch of bucks! As far as I know, the USA still has the best hard science schools, but even at those one sees the pc crap creeping in and its “culture” creeps me out pure and simple. I believe in patriarchal culture and as my little family’s patriarch, if the boys even think about “fashion statements” so help me, I’ll take a quirt (horsewhip) to them! The twerps in the photos probably can’t tell a horse from a cow and the idea of them needing work boots to actually work is a hoot, but reality is a harsher mistress than the moon, so those boots may come in handy one day, although one seriously doubts it: those boys would be better off buying Kevlar vests with a little alligator stitched on them to make their statement.

October 30, 2015 9:59 am

I am happy with getting my clothes cheap from the Kirkland Collection from Costco. The thought of contributing one dollar to a puke like Kanye or anyone else associated with the Kardasian tribe makes me I’ll.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 30, 2015 10:42 am

Hey, FWIW for the past month I’ve had a millennial helping me install fence just for the experience. She’s a degreed scientist who has spent the last two years doing lab testing on mice (great stories, I’ll try and work them in at some point) before deciding that she’s made a mistake in career choice. She’s definitely drawn to agrarianism and working with her hands in the out of doors and doing a variety of different things as opposed to cubicle jockey for a top PharmaCorp in the big city. I can’t say a single thing about her that’s not positive- attitude, work ethic, intelligence, outlook, ability, curiosity- you name it. I will miss her help when she leaves but wherever she goes I know she’ll do just fine. It does say a lot about the value of an intelligent female getting a STEM degree- she counts it as a waste of her young life.

I think there will be a lot of competent and capable young people out there who haven’t fallen for the BS that passes for a current culture. Oh, and last night I had an hour long conversation with my oldest son about Virgil Georgics. Don’t undersell this generation based on the kinds of stories above- they may save us yet.

October 30, 2015 11:08 am

At least they have their priorities right!

Competing with these zeros should be pretty easy.

October 30, 2015 11:25 am

HSF: “Oh, and last night I had an hour long conversation with my oldest son about Virgil Georgics.”

Well, he’s YOUR son, and I truly hope that from his example we can extrapolate! You’re there in the USA and man do I hope you’re right (“Don’t undersell this generation based on the kinds of stories above- they may save us yet”.)! While I’m an unconditional supporter of agrarianism, I hope you’ll agree that it’ll take more than that to turn the USA around. Yes, the “industrial-monoculture” model of agriculture has to go, but once there’s a renewed agricultural base, a rebuilt heavy-industrial base HAS to follow, or so believe I. Hell, man, maybe it has to come first! Or maybe a widely dispersed light industrial base? Hard to say. But if there’s one thing I’m sure of, it’s that all this frivolous nonsense that seems all the rage simply has to stop!

Next classical discussion with your son? I recommend Hesiod’s “Works and Days”.

October 30, 2015 12:01 pm

This will upset many of you boomers, but hopefully will provide some insight into the millennial mind. Investing in your future only makes sense in stable societies where a provider strategy is rewarded. We all know social security won’t be there, and the national debt can’t be paid. Many millennials grew up in broken homes. Marriages fail all the time, and when they do, the man loses everything. If they had kids, he becomes a slave, and if he fails to pay his imputed income, even when it’s out of his power, he goes to jail. Where is the incentive for these men to invest in their future? Where is the incentive to invest in their posterity, if it can all be taken away in an instant?

It makes more sense for them to maximize their physical appearance and status objects in order to sleep with women. Most millennial women are attracted to the kind of men that their fathers would beat if they could, and they only start looking for a serious guy once their beauty begins to fade and they’re more interested in security. Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? I wish it weren’t so, but bed made lie.

October 30, 2015 1:05 pm

@Guy: “Where is the incentive for these men to invest in their future? Where is the incentive to invest in their posterity, if it can all be taken away in an instant?”

The incentive arises from the depths of one’s being. I (a boomer) was taken to the cleaners but my children were (and to a certain degree still are, along with their children) the axis of my existence. Nothing could or can change that, given that it’s a deep-seated raison d’etre of my own definition of humanity. James Brown sang that “You’ve got to live for yourself, for yourself and nobody else”, and much as I like James and his music, I’d have to disagree.

Don’t have any experience with “millennial” women, but my son married one (a Latina beauty queen no less) and she seems to have her head well squared away. After two kids, she’s still what I would classify as a babe and has proven she knows which end is up. At the risk of being tiresome, I’d have to say to you that the USA and its residents are FUCKED! Go south, young man, go south!

October 30, 2015 1:27 pm


You may be right. Increasingly I have less ties here. Any idea how difficult would it be to get legal residency in south america, and how much equity would I need to build up to start a business there?

October 30, 2015 2:08 pm

@ Stucky

For the most part, yes. You get what you incentivize. Who does our society glorify? The Justin Biebers of the world, or the doctors and engineers? Most women go for the thugs and clowns, so men increasingly emulate that behavior. I’m respectful to the women I date and never lie to them, but I’ve dropped the nice guy chivalry. Too many women see it as needy supplication and get turned off. Most nice guys are ignored until it’s time to raise another man’s child, or they settle down and get cuckolded. Even if you can prove the child isn’t yours, you still have to pay child support in some cases.

I’ve dated women that have avoided the hookup culture and that most would consider the exception to the rule. But even then they often lack basic domestic skills like cooking or keeping an apartment that doesn’t look like a complete mess. I know I’m not perfect by any means, but I’ve yet to meet someone who brings more to the table than I could achieve on my own. Yes, there are exceptions, but they’re increasingly becoming the fringe. You don’t get many penguins in the Sahara.

October 30, 2015 2:39 pm

@ Guy….I agree with you, buddy.

HSF….Wasn’t Virgil Georgics a forward for the Bruins?

October 30, 2015 3:12 pm

@Guy: Christ on a crutch! Is it seriously that bad up there? As for moving down here and starting a biz, you’ll have to check out requirements for each country in which you might have an interest. It ain’t easy! Chile would likely be your best bet. I tell you, bro’, this stuff truly saddens me. Y’all have a rough row to hoe. Do you speak Spanish? If not, sad to say I’d say forget about coming here until you do. I’d also say LEARN TO if you don’t.

The “ladies” you describe ain’t worth a tinker’s damn. My dtr-in-law is a grad of what up there would be a community college (medical lab tech) as well as being a beauty queen and nationally televised dance performer, a super-competent housekeeper and mom, a product of a lower-middle-class, very traditional family who has no tats, never swears, says grace at the table, dresses very discretely by Latin standards, is courteous, correct and respectful, working hard at learning English… Maybe that seems boring, but for my money, this young (26) lady has what you’re describing beat all to hell.

Were I you, I’d look into the financial requirements for each country that might pique your interest. Off the top of my head, my guess is that you’d need a minimum of $50k, maybe more. Then again, there’s more than one way to skin a cat. I don’t envy your situation, but where there’s a will, there’s a way!

Best of luck, young folk!

October 30, 2015 3:53 pm

I’m exaggerating a bit. People do find ways to come together, especially in more rural areas, but the legal system and social expectations are stacked against it. I don’t blame the women, either. I’d probably follow the same path if I were in their shoes. It’s just a toxic environment for creating and maintaining intact families.

Your daughter in law would be harder to find than a unicorn around here. I don’t need a beauty queen, an average woman who’d make sure I’d come home to a warm meal and a well ordered home after putting in a long day of work is enough for me. I’m happy your son found a woman that does him and her father in law proud. If things down there are as good as you say they are, it can’t hurt to come down and see what’s what. I just picked up some Spanish grammar books and I’ll look into a Pimsleur program. Any other methods to learning the language you’d recommend? I’d be open to tutoring via skype/paypal.

October 30, 2015 5:57 pm

@Guy: Please feel free to ask the Administrator for my email and I’d be glad to speak with you. The best way to learn any language is total immersion, but other than that, as far as courses go, from what I know, Rosetta Stone is the best. If you want to get a taste of rural Argentina, I’d be pleased to have you as a guest and there will be no charge for anything. Thank you for your comments and believe me, there are many young women here who are fine examples of women who’d make Ward Cleaver a happy man and give him a thrill in the bargain!

October 30, 2015 8:34 pm

Let’s be fair here. They may be rocket shoes. I would pay $600 for rocket shoes. Rocket Shoes!


I think it’s a sign of the time. New York is New Versailles. And like every other Versailles, it will not end well.

About the millenial thing, it’s both right and oversimplified. My generation is effectively neutered, and why won’t we be? We’ve been conditioned to believe that nothing we do will make a difference. Progress happens without people, politics happens without people, school happens with us doing the bare minimum, hell, I’m considered athletic and slim. 30 years ago, I would be considered normal for a guy my age. I’m lift weight, run some, and don’t gorge myself on junk food. That’s literally all its taken for me to be considered top quartile. My generation may not be the worst, but we’re definitely the most fatalistic. We’ve been sold the idea that we’re automatons: input->function-> output.

It kinda ties into Hardscabble’s helper: with fatalism, you have two choices: hedonism, in that YOLO, whorish tattoos, obesity, etc. Or opting out of the system, trying to anchor yourself against a tide that will sweep you up regardless. It will stay this way, until suddenly the conditions that spawned it changed and everything changes. There will be more and more opting out.

I’m opting out. I studied environmental engineering, and I love the science behind it. I think I would like the design aspect. Instead, I’m a paperwork monkey doing endless, pointless compliance forms. I don’t need any college training. Hell, I could fill out these papers that no one will ever read in fifth grade. I’m working on my escape plan.

October 30, 2015 9:00 pm

And I don’t even know who kanye West is.

Maybe I’ll go look for my cell phone, haven’t seen that damn thing in days.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 30, 2015 9:53 pm

Paid $400.00 for a good pair of German Meindl mountain boots about 11 or 12 years ago. That’s 33 bucks a year to wear the same boots for 12 of em.

Unfortunately, I Just came home from the hills and I finally have to admit they are at their life’s end and will need to be replaced by next season. The inner soles are separating and making a bad squeaking noise, the Gortex is shot and the trim between the leather and rubber is peeling and separating badly. Sucks because I love them – they’re comfortable and tough as nails and have been with me just about everywhere I’ve gone for over a decade. I won’t miss them as much as my old dog when she goes but I’m not looking forward to it either.

As for these dumb asses – they will spend twice as much to wear something they will be to embarrassed to be seen wearing in public a year later. Vanity is an expensive bitch. What’s even worse is when things get bad they will be the first idiots dumpster diving looking for a morsel of food to make it through until someone from the government shows up to bail them out. It’s a sick frickin culture.

Anyways – adios little buddies. It was fun while it lasted. You will be missed.


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EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 30, 2015 10:01 pm
EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 30, 2015 10:17 pm

Montefrío says: Thank you for your comments and believe me, there are many young women here who are fine examples of women who’d make Ward Cleaver a happy man and give him a thrill in the bargain!

Two points:
a. It is sexist to talk of women as if they are chattel to be purchased.
b. Wait til Billy hears of your plan to import an illegal Latina into the USA.
c. What really burns us up is that our kids (so to speak) enjoy the situation we could only dream of, that is what we wanted back in the day, free sex, no responsibilities, we even developed a pill to ease women’s worries about pregnancy.
d. We can only anticipate that after today’s rash of ho’s we shall have a rash of queers because that was the dream of the 70’s. Every generation lives to regret their youthful follies coming true.
e. Take heart, millenials, your kids will have honest, decent women because that is your fantasy.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 30, 2015 10:24 pm

No, really, our parents dreamt of raising kids who would not know the hardships they went through; poverty, unemployment, fear, hard work, hunger… Then we dreamt of raising kids who wouldn’t suffer the hardships of having parents like the kind we had; violent, strict, moralistic, humorless, rigid..

October 31, 2015 10:12 am


I really appreciate that, and I may take you up on that someday. You can reach me at [email protected] if you wanted to say hello. Cuídense