Via Lonely Libertarian

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November 4, 2015 9:05 am

Just THINK how better off we would all be if the general public knew what sin was or is .Then they would know what EVIL is and what it looked like .They would know right from wrong.

It all starts with the 10 commandments or the Moral Law . This gives knowledge of sin.

To bad that America is gone forever at the hands of communist revolutionary Jews and Liberal whites judges. I believe the year was 1963 .1980.Was the year the Moral Law was banned from public buildings.Now it’s probably to late.We will reap a bitter harvest sooner than we think.

Rose parfait
Rose parfait
November 4, 2015 10:23 am

Classroom diversity – check
Attack on Christianity – check plus
Humanism over God – check
Feel good emotions vs. protecting society/family breakdown – check
Is not condemned as Christianphobia/hate speach – check

A simple picture that is more than efficient to brainwash the masses. Laws bases on emotion are in vogue and coming soon: legalized pedophilia, rape, gender free bathrooms, incest, etc.

I won’t wait for Hollywood to portray Islam or any other religion in this manner. When the Moslems take over, the progressives/liberals/multiculturalist will be wishing for the narrow road.

Galatians 6:7
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 4, 2015 10:28 am

Anyone whose experience of catholic school is like that cartoon has to be at least 60. All I did in religion class was glue felt “Holy spirit” flames onto burlap. The only sin now is insensitivity to transgenders.

rhs jr
rhs jr
November 4, 2015 4:30 pm

When I was young, it never crossed my mind that a Black Marxist Muslim warmonger would be POTUS, MJ would be legal, queers would become the Chosen People, Christians would be outcasts, public schools would become houses of the stupid and be replaced by expensive private schools for the non-stupid, almost all politicians would be traitors and hated by rich and poor, half of Americans would become officially poor but live better than most people with a job, there would be hundreds of TV channels but nothing worth watching between nonstop advertisements, TV news would become obvious propaganda, most government and business would be run by liars and thieves, America’s Banks would rob the world and be hated, small farms become virtually banned, art and music would become gross, White males would be second class citizens, America would become a hated warmonger nation while Russia would become a peacemaker among nations, China would become a financial and military superpower, the US Space Program would become 3rd class, all the fields of corn would become weeds, trees or houses, nobody would work on hot cars anymore, everybody would have a/c, color TVs and portable phones, a small electronic chip would replace slide rules and tubes and everyone would have small super powerful computers that link the whole world via satellites and replace libraries and encyclopedias, books would disappear and porno would appear everywhere, people would walk on the moon, outdoor theaters and most indoor theaters and big malls would die, the government would spy on Americans like the KGB and poison our air with chem-trails that nobody else sees, food and vaccines would sterilize people, there would be such a shortage of jobs that a Depression looms, most young people would have college degrees but be the most ignorant Americans in a hundred years, most youth would have tattoos and metal crap stuck in their bodies, rampant hatreds and crimes would replace good neighbors, churches and God, free speech and guns would be outlawed most places, police would be hated and criminals and illegals would be everywhere, America would go broke and her infrastructure crumble, the people would be unconcerned and unprepared for a dozen natural disasters about to happen, women would put down men and many men would prefer not to be husbands, divorce and abortion would be common, curse words and blasphemy become common.

November 4, 2015 5:42 pm

This is why the captured, religious asshat sheople get so riled with non-believers……..they’re happy. Miserable people cannot stand to see anyone happy.

Religion is simply mankinds first attempt at controlling the masses and today the so-called religious leaders work in concert with the devil………I mean govt.

rhs jr
rhs jr
November 4, 2015 8:18 pm

IS, you are calling good evil and evil good; it is the nonbelievers and the government that are working overtime for the Devil, not the Christians: 99.9% of court rulings and most legislation are in opposition to the Constitution and Gospel. Christians are unhappy about seeing so many people attacking them and God but that is minor compared to the happiness of knowing they are going to Heaven instead of Hell. It’s hard to rile up Christians enough to get them to say heck or dang much less act the fool in a parade or protest. True happiness is not found in drugs, immoral sex (especially perversions like homosexuality and pedophilia), rebellion to God and attacking Christians. When your short misguided anti-Christian resentful life is over, you will have eternity to be riled up about the judgement God handed you.

November 4, 2015 8:44 pm

@ rhs jr

Paragraph breaks are appreciated.

I’m 55 – Catholic school for the first six years and I can attest that the last few years – after Vatican II – things got a bit weird. By the time I graduated HS in ’78 things were hopeless.

Do you want to be a religion that binds communities or do you want to be a orthodoxy that lifts every human into the middle class?

November 5, 2015 8:41 am

rhs, I’m not the slightest bit anti christian. If religion is what it takes to make people to live moral, charitable lives I’m all for it. Because I don’t believe does not mean I’m automatically against those who do.

In my experience most so called christians are like Rachel Dolezal……they self identify as christian while clearly living as atheists. When I lived in the south I knew a bunch of southern baptists. They were the worst or the worse IMO. Monday thru Saturday these people thought nothing of robbing, stealing, scamming and generally fucking anyone and everyone they could but on Sunday all that shit was strictly verbotten and they became holier than the pope. I’m not talking about backwoods rednecks, I’m talking specifically of business owners and professioinals I knew. My feces has higher morals than that.

Catholic priests rape little boys and the leadership sweeps it under the rug. What about the LAW? Why do these fuckers get a pass and safe passage out of the jurisdiction? I’m sure the church and govt weren’t working together on that. wink! wink! Now suddenly homosexuality and more is acceptable according to their grand poobah. How does ANYONE look up to these scumbags?

There was a story out just recently (perhaps I saw it here on TBP) that has church leaders working in concert with the govt to report children who may not be receiving some govt service they might be entitled to and to report the parents if the children are dirty.

The vast majority of men I’ve known since I started noticing such things will gladly fuck anything with a pulse yet they identify as christians.

Religious scholars pretty much agree that parts of the bible are missing. They argue the meaning of the words and passages and can readily point out numerous inconsistencies, additions and exclusions that occurred over the centuries by various scribes. The fact that there are “versions” of the bible would be a giant red flag in any other human endeavor but it’s not even questioned by adherents. If there are versions, how can you be sure you chose correctly?

The most devout and decent believers I know, never even talk about religion. They simply live their religion.

Without ever having believed in any god or higher power I live a more honest and decent life than nearly every christian I’ve ever known.

I can’t say that a higher power doesn’t exist but based on the words and actions of the majority of religious adherents including leadership, there is not very damn much to inspire belief. It just comes off as a giant scam. If I believed in heaven, I’d have to conclude that it’s a rather lonely and sparsely populated place if we are truly judged on our actions. If we’re judged on our words then heaven must be exactly like Earth.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 5, 2015 8:46 am

That’s why heavens going to be so great. Me and bb and a few others are going to have the run of the place. And there won’t be any priests or bishops. I just hope there’s a few babes.

November 5, 2015 8:50 am

Iska said:
” I just hope there’s a few babes.”

Just remember, no matter how hot and desirable they are, some guy somewhere is tired of her shit! 🙂

November 5, 2015 8:52 am

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November 5, 2015 8:53 am

I look a lot like that guy when I got my pimpin’ suit on!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 5, 2015 8:58 am

IS, I’ll bet you look fabulous in a cape.