Putin & Military Establishment


The strategy of the Obama Administration regarding Russia and foreign affairs has been a total disaster. They have achieved quite remarkably in bringing back the Cold War and placing the world at risk all for their power-plays that American citizens are ignorant about. This issue in Syria illustrates how once politicians make a mistake, they will never admit it nor will they reverse their policy. The entire Syria strategy was to overthrow the government their to get a pipeline through to Europe to compete with Russia and reduce its economy with regard to natural gas it sells to Europe. This policy has led to ISIS, the refugee invasion of Europe, and a continual support with now troops advising on the ground how to overthrow the Syrian government.. This will lead to war because this is now totally insane and Saudi Arabia is beginning to issue bonds for the government’s budget counted on higher oil prices.

Putin has now announced that he will counter the US-NATO’s missile shield defense program by deploying new strike weapons which are capable of piercing the shield that the Democrats objected to initiated by Ronald Reagan, Putin stated publicly that that he was now developing defenses against ballistic missiles to prevent Obama from attempting to “neutralize” Russia’s nuclear deterrent. Unfortunately, Obama has one year left and that is too much time to screw the world up even more.


What we need is a non-politician with brains and guts. Someone who will stop the bureaucrats in the military establishment from creating World War III. Project Northwoods reveals how these people would even kill American citizens and blame it on someone else just to get their military goals.


The revelation of Northwaoods after the Oliver Stone Movie has shed some light on the entire assassination of JFK. The problem with electing an outsider to Washington will be that he indeed would become a target for assassination by the insiders who see themselves as the defender of the faith, which is their agenda. This is like a policeman today. They are trained to look for the bad guys. Thus, everyone they look at they suspect is a criminal. Those in the military establishment are the same. Everything they see is a threat to their power. Presidents have become puppets.

savoy-EugeneMontesquieu-3They have brought back the Cold War and there is nothing which would make them more happy than to create war. The Second Amendment was to keep citizens armed rather than maintain standing armies. Prince Eugene of Savoy was one of the greatest generals of all time. Savoy was interviewed by Montesquieu for his books and what came out of this encounter was the realization that standing armies provoke wars for those in power pay for this and feel it is a waste of money unless deployed.

On January 17th, 1961, President Eisenhower delivered his farewell speech to the nation reflecting his inside knowledge as also being a former General. He said:

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”


Our Presidents have been weakened and usurped by the insiders. Obama got to play golf with Tiger Woods while the nation he handed to the insider crowd.  We need to rethink the structure of government but it may be simply too late.


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November 11, 2015 9:06 am

“The world is a vampire, sent to drain….secret destroyer…”

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
November 11, 2015 9:40 am

While the pipeline had something to do with the Syria mess, the real reason for the almost fanatical hysteria that has driven the attempt to bring down the Assad regime is Israel. The Israelis – and by this I mean largely the Likud, a party of the clinically insane among the Jewish population – worked with American traitors like Wolfowitz, Feith, Perle, William Kristol and a group of shabbos goy in Washington to launch a crazy plan to destroy every strong, secular, nationalist Arab government to leave Israel king of the mountain in that part of the world. That is the reason behind the invasion of Iraq, the neutering of Egypt and Jordan, the debacle in Libya, etc. Syria is the last obstacle to their plan and Putin ain´t playing along.

November 11, 2015 10:29 am

Southern Sage…”almost fanatic hysteria”…….
I think you are correct. Look into the players, and their history,
involved up to their eyeballs in the 9/11 event. We are being played
like kindergartners.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
November 11, 2015 10:49 am

Mene mene tekel upharsin. The first three Seals have been opened per Mena Lee Grebin and BHO is the Red Rider. Economic Collapse (the Black Rider), Natural Disasters, famine etc are coming soon. Hope the same sex crowd and Useful Idiots drink deeply of the fruits of their labors.

November 11, 2015 12:04 pm

What is wrong with our allies, the Gulf States, wanting to sell their Nat Gas to our oldest and closest Allies in Europe?
Obviously this would fuck with Putins desired pipeline monopoly. So he (they) pressured their client state, Assad, to say no, just to fuck us and our allies.
Fuck him. If he wants to play hard ball, he gets. We just need a more talented point man, playing a better game on our behalf and our allies.
But again, fuck him, he is not playing for our benefit.

November 11, 2015 12:17 pm

“Russia invaded Ukraine.”

That’s the official belief of Amerikan politicians. Such a simple statement so easily proved wrong. The USA!USA!USA! with all it technological prowess, eyes in the sky, spy satellites, etc., has yet to provide even ONE iota of proof. Not even one single tank or one soldier. And when they do provide “proof”, it’s an old doctored photo of fucking farm combines!

Amazing how damn true Goebbels theory holds true; just repeat the fucking lie often enough until the dumbfuk people believe it. And no people are more filled with shit-for-brains than your average American. Did you see those motherfuckers clapping like crazy every time some Repuke POTUS-wannabe grabbed his dick and slobbered on on the mighty USA!USA!USA! military?

Russia is our Great Satan. Russia invaded Ukraine. Believe it yet?

[imgcomment image?w=500&h=735[/img]

November 11, 2015 1:38 pm

No, I don’t believe Russia invaded Ukraine, I believe we sent in the Spider, Victoria Nuland, armed with cash, given a green light to topple, and Russia responded. Same with Syria, ISIS, ISIL, Al Nusra, whatever, pawns to be played in The Great Game. This game will be played, irregardless of its merits or how us proles ‘feel’ about it. It will be played hard, by hard men with little regard to some liberal notion of morality.
Same as it has ever been.
I appreciate Putin’s play and wish we had comparable.
But, fuck him, I am on team USA USA USA.
Talk all the shit you want, this team has largely done right by me and mine. If they have some nefarious plan to run us off a cliff, purposefully destroying USA USA USA, in order to implement some form of Socialist New World Order, bereft of our Constitutional protections, then I am on a different team.
I am certainly not convinced Putin is the Savior out to stop these Tyrants, and restore Liberal Constitutional governance the world over.
Why no pipelines through Syria?

November 11, 2015 3:10 pm

“Why no pipelines through Syria?”

Because Assad, the duly elected leader of a sovereign nation, said, “No.”

Folks can yack about the whys and wherefores, but it still comes down to the decision of a lawful authority.

November 11, 2015 3:29 pm

The neo-cons at the Pentagram are eager to demonize Putin and Assad just like they did with Hussein and Khadaffi. With them, it’s the “demon of the week”.
Being an intelligent person I can see and hear with my own eyes and ears, and reality is nothing like what war-mongers like ‘lil Lindsay and his bomb bomb bomb McShitstain brother preach to us.
Their goal is to keep feeding the MIC machine instead of dismantling it.

November 11, 2015 4:28 pm

Yeah, I know Assad said no to the pipe lines. Why do you suppose he said no, the environmental impact, Syria does’nt need the royalties, hmmm there must be some reason.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
November 11, 2015 10:01 pm

Saudis want Assad dead and pipelines to Europe but Iran and Russia are Assad’s allies and they want the only pipelines to Europe; Russia and Iran want the Saudis dead and their future oil reserves which Dick Cheney and the Bushes also want. BHO moved some pawns but Putin and Iran moved their knights and queen…

November 12, 2015 1:12 am

rhsj- I agree, Gulf States plus Israel vs Syria and Iran(Yemen too), regionally. The US(and the West?) vs Russia and China, globally. These breakdowns seem prima fascia, including their Sunni Terrorist foot soldiers. The Iran Nuke Deal is perplexing, as it juxtaposes the apparent role of the US. Are there competing factions within the US? The West seems divisive enough in the region, does the stratification extend into Washington, into the Executive branch, into the Pentagon?

Is it possible Obama and team/handlers are in open conflict with Bush Family legacy members and both parties are operating the foreign policy of the United States to opposing ends, concurrently?

Its fucking plans within plans on Arakis, desert planet. The Great Houses covet the spice, whichever of them control the spice, control the Universe.
No family can afford to ignore Dune, the spice must flow.

November 12, 2015 8:03 am

If I recall correctly, Philosophy of Metrics wrote about this situation (prior to the nuke treaty w/Iran) that it would unfold this way. Everyone apparently has to choose up sides before the new SDR system is implemented. Since they US is dead broke, it must rely on ownership and control of commodities and oil is a biggy.