Another Paris False Flag Attack?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

At 7pm on Friday 13th we do not have much information about the “terrorist attacks” in Paris other than that Paris is closed down like Boston was after the “Boston Marathon Bombing,” also a suspected false flag event.

Possibly believable evidence will be presented that the Paris attacks were real terrorist attacks. However, what do refugees have to gain from making themselves unwelcome with acts of violence committed against the host country, and where do refugees in France obtain automatic weapons and bombs? Indeed, where would the French themselves obtain them?

The millions of refugees from Washington’s wars who are overrunning Europe are bringing to the forefront of European politics the anti-EU nationalists parties, such as Pegida in Germany, Nigel Farage’s UK Independence Party, and Marine Le Pen’s National Front Party in France. These anti-EU political parties are also anti-immigrant political parties.

The latest French poll shows that, as a result of the refugees from Washington’s wars, Marine Le Pen has come out on top of the candidates for the next French presidential election.

By supporting for 14 years Washington’s neoconservative wars for US hegemony over the Middle East, establishment European governments eroded their electoral support. European peoples want to be French, German, Dutch, Italian, Hungarian, Czech, British. They do not want their countries to be a diverse Tower of Babel created by millions of refugees from Washington’s wars.

To remain a nationality unto themselves is what Pegida, Farage, and Le Pen offer the voters.

Realizing its vulnerability, it is entirely possible that the French Establishment made a decision to protect its hold on power with a false flag attack that would allow the Establishment to close France’s borders and, thereby, deprive Marine Le Pen of her main political issue.

Some people are so naive and stupid as to think that no government would kill its own citizens. But governments do so all the time. There are an endless number of false flag attacks, such as Operation Gladio. Operation Gladio was a CIA/Italian intelligence operation that relentlessly bombed innocent Italians, such as those waiting in a train station, murdering hundreds, and then blaming the violence on the European communist parties in the post-WW II era in order to block the communists from electoral gains.

A president of Italy revealed the truth about Operation Gladio, and you can read the sordid detail in a number of books and online. The bombings were not done, as was widely reported in the corrupt Western media, by communists. The bombings were done by Italian intelligence aided by the CIA. In one of the Italian investigatory hearings, a member of Italian intelligence said that the sites to be bombed were chosen in order to maximize the deaths of women and children, because these victims were most useful in discrediting the communists.

Considering the Western World’s long tradition of false flag orchestrations, the “terrorist attacks” in Paris could be the most recent manifestation.

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November 14, 2015 8:59 am

Just damn; another Gun Free zone attack with fully automatic weapons and grenades in which 8 Muslims are able walk around executing 150 sheeple.

November 14, 2015 9:09 am

Game On!

November 14, 2015 9:21 am

B, the game is not on until we rid ourselves of the liberal numbnuts we have let run our society. Only a miracle from God would give them common sense enough to abandon their dumbass philosophy. The laws of physics cannot be denied. Western liberalism will reap what it has sown.

November 14, 2015 9:34 am

This is normal Muslim behavior.

Has been for 1400 years.

Mohammad was a general commanding armies and killing anyone not coming over to his side, this is how Islam was founded and how it continues to be.

November 14, 2015 9:36 am

How can we be certain the Paris attacks were orchestrated? We can’t.
However, the evidence (collected by many) points heavily to false flag
mania. The 9/11 debacle, Boston marathon, Sandy Hook and others
certainly did not occur as presented.
Dr. Paul C. Roberts can be counted on as a reliable source.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
November 14, 2015 10:05 am

whether a planned event or not, certain the state’s power grows as a consequence,

November 14, 2015 10:05 am


Orchestrated by who?

You doubt ISIS and the European Muslim invaders lack the ability and will to do it themselves?

I say that they notly have the ability and will, but that this was and is their intention in the “migrant” invasion of Europe and we will be seeing a continuously increasing incidence of these things till they convert all of Europe to Islam.

And Europe -the governments if not the unwilling people- will go along with it instead of doing the obvious defense of rounding up and deporting all of them, sending them back to where they came from.

November 14, 2015 10:12 am

False flag? Gee …. how fuckin’ original!!!!

It very well may be. I’ll keep an open mind ….. AFTER there’s enough time to gather FACTS and analyze them …… not a fuckin few hours after the event occurred.

When EVERYTHING is a “false flag” …. NOTHING is. It’s getting tiresome and irks me to no end to read these fucking knee-jerk reactions. I’ll bet PCR had this article written 5 minutes after he heard about it. This is a crock of bullshittery! But, hey, it’s better than …. thinking!

November 14, 2015 10:21 am

Anon….agree, and the so-called ‘migrant’ horde is mostly young male Muzzies, not your normal women and children fleeing war. Seems to me they were directed to ‘invade’ Europe by peaceful means in order to destroy the EU economically thru welfare benefits and to propagate until they can take over via democratic elections (two wolves and a sheep asking, what’s for dinner).

Katze im Sack
Katze im Sack
November 14, 2015 10:27 am

” where do refugees in France obtain automatic weapons and bombs? ”

aw come on Paul. Just last week police in Bavaria stopped a car full of AK’s, pistols, and even 200 grams of TNT (don’t know if that is any significant amount). Guy was on his way to France.

German police alerted French authorities while asking what they knew about it. The French wouldn’t have any of it and were reluctant to share their information.

November 14, 2015 10:28 am

Stucky is right we shall see but this has the earmarks of a false flag. I would bet these terrorist were more Heeb than mooslim, that is generally how it goes.

November 14, 2015 10:37 am

Well, that didn’t take long to get a thumbs down.

To that person, and to all others who will decide to thumb down …. YOU’RE FUCKING MORANS!!

Not that I’m surprised. As much as I love this site and its posters — and I really do — too many of you are fucknut irrational knee-jerk reactionaries. GOD FORBID someone doesn’t IMMEDIATELY buy into your bullshit tin-foil ideas … even when there is zero evidence — which is the case regarding the Paris event as there hasn’t been enough time to analyze jack shit in terms of evidence. Fuck evidence! Right? “It’s a false flag, Stucky, you statist motherfucker!! Conform!!”

You assholes are too damn stupid to realize that when you blame a government for a false flag … that you, by default, take these evil mooslimfuks off the hook. Or, is that too hard for you mental midgets to understand?

November 14, 2015 10:41 am

Agree with Stuck, although I doubt the French establishment is behind this: I’m taking ISIS at its word.

Mr. R is either very naive (“where would they get automatic weapons?” PLEEZE!), something I rather doubt, or his thinking has become ossified, lacking any sort of flexibility. He should have refrained from comment until at least some facts were in. As I mentioned on S’s Paris post, which has turned into an Admin-Flash shouting match about the French, within a week we should have a better idea of where this is heading. This issue, I believe, is going to be very important, perhaps defining for the future of Europe- That’s what interests and concerns me: the present state of affairs and how the future develops. This goes waaay beyond France.

November 14, 2015 10:43 am


200 grams of TNT is definitely a significant amount.

Enough to easily make a vehicle or small structure destroying bomb.

The equivalent of about a pound of black power but far more brisant (meaning it would be light armor tearing and concrete or stone pulverizing), basically a small demolition charge.

November 14, 2015 10:43 am

“France outlaws most gun ownership and it’s almost impossible to LEGALLY acquire a high-powered …..” ———– Admin (emphasis, mine)

It’s like this …. where do Chicago niggers get guns from?

Mooslimfuk terrorists don’t give a flying fuck about getting guns “legally”. With tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, I’m sure there are firearms crossing the border. ISIS has many millions of dollars at its disposal … how hard would it be for them to smuggle weapons into France?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 14, 2015 10:58 am

Stucky, the way you can tell if it is or isn’t a false flag is by the actions of the State afterwards. How and why are these people in France? Because the State has decreed that it is necessary for the future of France to import them so that the native population can be replaced. There are plenty of videos out there with the French PM’s stating this policy in detail, no conspiracy there.

If they use this as an excuse to clamp down on the so-called “far right” in order to maintain public safety, then you can pretty well be certain that the attack was orchestrated by clandestine government operations deliberately allowing it to go down. Or you can ascribe it to the Incompetence Theory- that the government has no idea what it is doing, cannot control it’s own policies, protect it’s own population, etc. If they fail to resign or alter policies, then it isn’t incompetence, it’s deliberate, thus proof of a conspiracy.

You decide based upon the actions of those in charge, not some knee jerk reaction involving tin foil haberdashery.

harry p
harry p
November 14, 2015 11:01 am

The gun control stuff is utter nonsense and largely why these fucking animals could cut thru paris like a hot knife thru butter. Gun control stops nothing and sorry but the AK47 firing the 762×39 round is NOT a high powered rifle. A society that insists an AK or an AR15 firing 5.56 is “high powered” has failed to have their balls sufficiently drop.

High powered rifle=50BMG, 338lapua, 300Winmag.

Next they’ll try to convince people that a carbine that fires 9mm is “high-powered”

Its a shitty development but with the string of frances utterly idiotic policies on multiple levels they have essentially been begging this to happen.

November 14, 2015 11:06 am

” … the way you can tell if it is or isn’t a false flag is by the actions of the State AFTERWARDS ..”
————— HF (emphasis, mine)

Exactly!! Just a FEW HOURS after the attack is NOT enough time to determine the “actions of the State”. Right? As I said, I will keep an open mind about it …. give it at least a week, though.
“If they use this as an excuse to clamp down on the so-called “far right” in order to maintain public safety, then you can pretty well be certain that the attack was orchestrated by clandestine government operations deliberately allowing it to go down.” ————— HF


OR …. it could simply be a case of not letting a good crisis go to waste. In other words, OPPORTUNISM at its best. Yes, they may have wanted to clamp down for a long time — and these Mooslimfuks simply gave the Frenchies the opportunity to do so. It clearly does not mean the government orchestrated it …. but, we’ll know more in the coming weeks.

November 14, 2015 11:09 am

Where did they get the guns? The same place you get heroin, pot, meth, child porn, underage sex partners, bombs, unlocked cell phone, credit card numbers, et al.

Human beings suck. If there is a deviancy or a need for dope or weapons someone will feed the need.

On another not this is the last PCR article I will read. The name of the article reminds me of the recent cartoon posted where cnn was reporting canabalism. They did not actually see people getting eaten they were just reporting it.

November 14, 2015 11:12 am

The well connected WH insider PCR, with far more insight into these matters than we is now a tin foil hat wearing nut in the opinion of HF who gets his info from the MSM…….nice.

The bigger question is not where the mooslims got the automatic weapons/ grenades etc but where did they get the money for this material? Soros sported them a ticket to get to France otherwise they would still be where they belong as they could not get up the money. Guns etc are far more pricey, seems odd they have been blessed with such wealth in a few weeks time.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 14, 2015 11:16 am

“OR …. it could simply be a case of not letting a good crisis go to waste…”

If you pile branches around the foundation of your neighbors house and douse them with gasoline and the place catches fire when they turn on the porch light to see what you are up to, then collect on an insurance policy you took out on their dwelling, I guess you could say that it is a case of “not letting a good crisis go to waste.”

Of course you would have to be work hard to say it with a straight face.

November 14, 2015 11:18 am


The 7.62 x 39 if the rough equivalent of a 30-30 round, but a little lower powered because of a lighter standard projectile.

Not high powered by today’s standards but probably was considered that way a hundred years ago. A minimal medium sized game hunting round at best.

harry p
harry p
November 14, 2015 11:34 am

Exactly, like the AR it is a fine weapon platform but not high powered especially after one fires a barrett or see what a 300winmag can do even at 1km out.

I dont consider it highpowered when it cant penetrate ar500 armor than can be bought for less than $200.

But with the french govt welcoming psychos, and keeping their sheep disarmed and dumb a ruger 10-22 might as well be “high-powered.”

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
November 14, 2015 11:37 am

IF. IF it was a false flag Saudi would be the backer.

November 14, 2015 12:14 pm

It is a trying and largely futile exercise to find the truth about much that happens geopolitically. I never assume what any media outlet – including alternative media sites – presents as fact is necessarily so. For example, who do you think shot down the Russian airliner? In his current frame of mind, PCR might claim it was the Russian government. I can think of several other parties who could use that event to advance their cause, and I doubt we will ever know who did it. When these events are considered altogether, the only truth I can discern is that the world is run by evil schemers and the common person is merely and always fodder for their ongoing activities to enrich themselves and to extend their twisted power over everyone and everything. It is truly a spiritual conflict, but one day evil will go down for good. It looks, in the meantime, like the West will be sacrificed.

November 14, 2015 12:52 pm

Gayle, the really horrible thing is that so many of these “false flag” incidents turn out to be VALID. Lots of Mexicans and a couple American Border Patrol agents died because the Obama Administration / Holder “Justice” Department trafficked guns to Mexican drug gangs! They were looking for an excuse to repeal the Second Amendment, and used YOUR (my) TAX MONEY to effectively KILL MEXICANS and KILL AMERICANS (accomplice to murder, providing weapons used to kill). THAT IS EVIL.
We will have to root out lots of government employees to cure this illness.

November 14, 2015 1:40 pm

@ Stucky: Amen. We’re not all crazies.

November 14, 2015 1:52 pm

Style has always been much more important than substance as best illustrated by JFK. If you were trying to damage a country economically or militarily you would attack critical infrastructure not rock concerts, sports events and restaurants.

The Japanese would have done much more damage at Pearl Harbor if they had attack fuel depots, dry docks and maintenance facilities rather than obsolete Battleships. The Aircraft Carriers “just happened to be” out to sea.

If four of the six major oil refineries on the east coast had been hit rather than office buildings it would have caused significant consternation.

November 14, 2015 2:49 pm

I agree with Stucky this false flag first mentality is the product of low brain function in action. Regardless, I hope this ends the gun confiscation talk by the Delusional Democrats, as I hope it shuts their dumbass leader, Obama, up. Goofy ass stated mass violence doesn’t happen in other Western Countries, stupid bastards wrong about everything. Another positive outcome could be it will more difficult for Obama to take in more of theses terrorist refugees.!

November 14, 2015 2:52 pm

It seems to me that the muzzies take alot of time off in between terrorist acts. There was that gap between the first world trade center bombing and 9/11, and now it’s been 14 years without an encore here in the land of the free. In no order: The Madrid bombing, and then nothing; the London tube bombing and then nothing; the Indian hotel shoot ’em up and then nothing, and now the Paris shoot ’em up. I know that there are ones I skipped, but you get the old driftereno.

Those muzzies have got an awesome union going for them! They must have bargained hard for vacation days, personal and sick days and a light work week.

How difficult is it for even a inbred muzloid to organize a terrorist act? Seriously, what do you need? Several morons who can keep their mouth shut for a few days, another group to fetch weapons and there you go. Just make sure the killers wake up on time on the big day. They aren’t attacking a prison, or a military post, or a power plant, or even a remote power transmission station. What kind of planning is necessary to just blast a bunch of civilians?

All this talk about the “World Wide Intelligence Organizations” working tirelessly around the clock to prevent attacks is so ludicrous when you look at what actually happens in a muzloid attack. Here’s the big secret game plan for every attack: Get some armed guys together and kill as many people as possible OR plant some explosives with a timer. Period-that’s it. This isn’t the planning for D-Day, folks. How hard would it be to randomly shoot up a public place?

Shitfire, Murikan! high school kids do it regularly, and some have pretty decent kill ratios. And they’re fucked up on drugs.

You guys know what I’m trying to say here? Whether TPTB stage these spectacles by financing and directing the terrorist group or it’s all the work of unconnected, un-western financed terrorists with an agenda and we can’t defend ourselves, it doesn’t matter. The results are the same. More police state shit. More turmoil, more of everything bad and nothing good. A photo op for the pols, and a meek apology (or not) from the CIA_MI5_FBI.

TPTB are smart motherfuckers.

November 14, 2015 3:07 pm

One other point…Why don’t they go after the leaders? Why aren’t they trying to kill the guys at the top? Wouldn’t that make more sense if they hate the West? When the Serbs were pissed at Austria, did they shoot up the marketplace in Sarajevo? Nope, they shot an Arch Duke and Heir to the throne.

Is it because unarmed victims are easy? You bet they are. However, if these terrorist are as organized, as well funded and as effective as we are led to believe, then they should be capping corporate leaders, military generals, politicians, and in so doing really throw the West into chaos.

All the billions spent on homeland security to try to prevent what a 14 year old kid with a ruger mini-14 can do in a afternoon….and then still never stopping anything? What utter bullshit.

November 14, 2015 3:13 pm

So, dickhead Roberts thinks the Frenchies did this themselves? Convinced a bunch of towelheads to go blow up themselves and a bunch of frogs as well? Alrighty then.

Fucking asinine bullshit.

Anything is possible. But it is probable this was done by a bunch of goat fuckers, just like it appears.

November 14, 2015 3:23 pm

Where’s SSS? He needs to read this. And Stucky you’re FOS (full of shit). Governments sponsor false flag attacks all the time for stupid political gain. Ever hear of “Operation Northwoods”? Look it up dumbass.

November 14, 2015 3:26 pm


Did I disagree that governments commit false flag attacks? No!!!!!!!!!!!!!


November 14, 2015 3:32 pm

Paul Craig Roberts is a special sub-species of psycho. Actual photo of Roberts.

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 14, 2015 3:33 pm

I am annoyed at all the people putting the French colors on their FB profiles to show support for France.

Good grief… it is as bad as the ribbon wearing crap.

November 14, 2015 3:50 pm

So, the Frenchie prez says that this is “WAR”.

You know what that means? Frogs are part of NATO. War against one NATO country is a war against ‘Murika. We’re fucked … or, at least the young men we’ll send to be future candidates on a Wounded Warrior commercial.

The MSM whores and political warmongers are already talking about sending boots on the ground …. a big force, not just the Token 50 … to Syria and beyond. Some retard faggotfuk useless turd retired General said on Fux New that “ONLY” the USA!USA!USA! has the ability to defeat ISIS. So, we gotta do what only we can do. Here we go again …………………….

November 14, 2015 4:00 pm

Syrians have landed in New Orleans, Where’s that fucking Bobby Jindal? If I was him I would go on TV and call for an armed citizens militia to meet me at the the docks. Then I’d call that stupid Motherfucker Democrats call President and tell him you better better back these bastards out or all Hell is going to break loose. This is going to help Trump immensely, it’s all over Facebook and the net, people saying we’ve got to Unite behind Trump. I seriously think he will be our next President!

Bea Leaver
Bea Leaver
November 14, 2015 4:46 pm


You must be on the mend, good one! They can’t forget to leave the passport……. heavens no.

Oh brother……they fall for it every time.

November 14, 2015 5:05 pm

T4C and Bea Leaver,
The Muslims terrorists want the world to know that they’re responsible for their terrorist atrocities like 911, Charlie, Hebdo, and the Paris slaughter. That’s why they’ve left a passport at the several sites. It’s the Muslim terrorist signature.
Hopefully the enraged French will eschew any rapproachment with Russia and will go all in to help the United States eradicate ISIS and bring freedom, democracy, and a new government to Syria.

Bea Leaver
Bea Leaver
November 14, 2015 5:11 pm

News flash for Irak……………..

The US /CIA is ISIS.

Bea Leaver
Bea Leaver
November 14, 2015 5:15 pm

Another news flash for Irak……………

Charlie Hebdo was exposed as a false flag in no uncertain terms you nitwit…. you must have missed that.

November 14, 2015 5:16 pm

“Governments sponsor false flag attacks all the time for stupid political gain. Ever hear of “Operation Northwoods”? Look it up dumbass.”
—-Westcoaster @ Stucky

Well, I looked it up, Leftcoaster. Northwoods was indeed a false flag operation contrived by the JCS in 1962 and directed at Cuba. The heart and soul of the operation were “attacks” on the water and power supplies of Guantanamo Bay designed to trigger a war with Cuba. JFK rejected the proposal. End of story ……… dumbass.

Bea Leaver
Bea Leaver
November 14, 2015 5:19 pm

SSS- I’m not here to carry water for PCR BUT where do you get off,Spooky?

November 14, 2015 5:25 pm

Bea Leaver writes, “The US /CIA is ISIS.”

I’m LOL.
Prove it Bea Leaver, prove it.

Don’t you read the news?

“Feb 12, 2015 – Obama asks Congress for ISIS war powers ….. ” – cnn

“US Back Into Limited War in Middle East to Destroy ISIS‎” – timesofindia

“Oct 27, 2015 – Defense Secretary Ash Carter today revealed that the U.S. will openly begin “direct action on the ground” against ISIS forces in Iraq and Syria.” – nbcnews.

“Obama: ISIS Is Not Getting ‘Stronger,’ We Have ‘Contained’ Them” – Breitbart News 11.13.2015.

November 14, 2015 5:54 pm


OK, OK, maybe the US has had some connection to ISIS. I’ll give you that as I’m open minded and not one who says, “I’ve made up my mind, don’t confuse me with the facts.”

But as for the Paris terror shootings being a false flag attack with CIA involvement, that’s too much.
Near as I can find out from a look around the internet, there’s no evidence for that. Besides that’s not America’s style. We fight hard but fair.

November 14, 2015 5:54 pm

does anyone on thi site ever remember any regime ever stating we really screwed up and will resign due to our errors in judgement? i hope IRA K ommited the sarc tag.

November 14, 2015 6:05 pm

Thanks Bea Lever, I’ll read from all you noted. My favorite college football team is in the process of getting waxed and my state’s other major university team is an underdog against a top 10 rival for an evening game. I won’t be watching football tonight so I’ll have time to read.
Remember, though, I consider the sources. Reputable media and official spokespersons are ones I’ve found to be more credible than conspiracy theorists, internet babblers, and gap-toothed guys or Near-Eastern gals who hide out overseas or in the middle of nowhere. In other words, just because you posted it is no reason for me to believe it.

Bea Leaver
Bea Leaver
November 14, 2015 6:07 pm