Four American Presidents Conducted Deportations

Four American Presidents Conducted Deportations

Trump is a blowhard. Let’s just admit it. He’s a loud mouth. But that doesn’t mean one can’t still be a Trump supporter. Frankly, if he’s right on the issues, who cares if he’s a blowhard.

Well, he’s not right on all issues. So why is he still so popular? Why does he remain at the top of the heap, despite bashing everyone but his mother? It’s uncivilized, they say. Yet none of that appears to matter, due to two little words: Illegal Immigration. That’s it.

Although I’m not a Trumpster, I was glad someone finally brought up president Eisenhower and “Operation Wetback,” during the last debate. We “republicans” are supposed to be up on the issues, but I’ll wager 90% in the audience or viewing on TV didn’t know about Eisenhower’s very successful deportation program.

Well, Bill O’Reilly, on behalf of his “folks,” did not take too kindly to Trump invoking the name of Ike. Business Insider writes that the “Eisenhower program has a dark history – including its name, ‘Operation Wetback,’ a derogatory slur.” Of course, they neglect to mention that, in 1950’s parlance, the term “wetback” was more factual than merely derogatory. They also did not care a wit about politically correct speech.

And, according to CNN, “the 1950s-era transfer process resulted in a number of Mexican migrants dying along the way.” They are attempting to make us believe this deportation was the Mexican Trail-of-Tears?

During Tuesday’s Fox Business Network Debate, Trump declared that the Eisenhower program “moved a million and a half illegal immigrants out of this country.”

“That was brutal what they did to those people to kick them back to [Mexico]. The stuff they did was really brutal. It could never happen today,” O’Reilly said to Trump. Bill added that, even if you wanted to, you couldn’t –that “the federal courts would stop you. And they would say each person that President Trump wants to deport has to have due process. So in the year 2050, you would finally get around to it.”

“Bill, they’re here illegally,” Trump insisted.

“Doesn’t matter. The Supreme Court would absolutely rule they all have to have due process because they’re on American soil. You know that,” O’Reilly said.

Okay, first, let’s get to the truth about the actual history of deportation in America.

Four American presidents conducted deportations in our history – Herbert Hoover, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, and Dwight Eisenhower. Yes, one of the left’s holy men, FDR, continued Hoover’s deportation program for a period. Why that would be shocking is beyond me, considering his treatment of the Japanese, Germans, and Italians during World War II.

Beginning in 1931, under the auspices of trying to preserve jobs for American citizens during the Depression, the government began a series of “repatriation” programs. They called it repatriation because it was being done at the local level and by local authorities, and it was determined that only the feds could “deport.” Both the Hoover and Roosevelt administrations were perfectly content to let the local authorities do the heavy lifting of deportation.

What does that mean? Well, it means that, to a progressive, the law is relevant only to their desired position. Hoover and Roosevelt’s position was that, due to their bad policies, there weren’t nearly enough jobs for Americans, so to heck with what the law concerning immigration and deportation was – if it were easier to allow local authorities to round up the Mexicans, well, that was good enough. It didn’t matter what the “law” actually said. Hoover’s goal was to have local authorities “repatriate” 500,000 foreigners.

Harry Truman was much more successful. In 1950, he wrote: “These people are coming to our country in phenomenal numbers – and at an increasing rate. Everyone suffers from the presence of these illegal immigrants in the community.” His reasoning was a lack of post-war jobs.

Under Truman, approximately 3.3 million Illegals were deported. Yet, looking closer at the numbers, you’ll find that only about 130,000 were removed by the government, and the other 3.2 million self-deported. Yes, when the illegals figured out old Harry “The Buck Stops Here” Truman was serious, they packed up and left on their own. His “deportation force” only had to deport about 4% of all who left. See how this works?

And it worked again under Eisenhower.

In all, from when Hoover began in 1931 to the end of Ike’s term in 1959, about 5-1/2 million Illegal aliens left this country, but fewer than 500,000 (or less than 10%) had to be “rounded up” and removed.

When people understand that a president is serious about deportation, the Illegals, as they’ve always done in the past, will once again respond in kind.

And as far as the “court battles,” a President Trump will just declare that deportations are a matter of national security and trump the courts. Pardon the pun.

Brent, aka The Common Constitutionalist, is a Constitutional Conservative, and advocates for first principles, founders original intent and enemy of progressives. As well as publisher of the Common Constitutional blog, he also is a contributing writer for Political Outcast, Godfather Politics, Minute Men News (Liberty Alliance) and Free Republic.

Courtesy of Freedom Outpost.


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November 18, 2015 12:55 pm

If you don’t vote for Trump, who the fuck you going to vote for?

November 18, 2015 1:26 pm

I’ve long said if we just STOP providing generous social welfare benefits to illegal parasites they will self deport. STOP creating an incentive. Don’t allow them to legally buy or rent property or get a license. Really put people in jail for hiring illegals. End anchor babies.

November 18, 2015 1:27 pm

Enact asset forfeiture against illegals. Use their own money to throw them out.

November 18, 2015 2:08 pm

“And as far as the “court battles,” a President Trump will just declare that deportations are a matter of national security and trump the courts. Pardon the pun.”

Pretty good lines, those. Funny.

My comment is re: We “republicans”…….
What republicans? Eisenhower? Maybe you like him?
What else he did was take every male German he could
find, put them behind a metal fence sans shelter, food, or
facilities. The Germans starved and froze. Just a fact.
I don’t see any difference between the R or D brand.
They both contain GMO. And they will starve and freeze
us too.

Further, how can we believe anything any politician
ever says they will do? We can’t.

November 18, 2015 2:24 pm

I could make deportation happen.It is a matter of political will. Most of the country is not that far from the Mexican border. All the children? They get to live with their parents decisions. They are illegal aliens. Trump isn’t perfect,but he does say a lot of stuff that resonates with the public.

November 18, 2015 2:41 pm


The supreme beings of the courts have already ruled against most of what you propose.

And there is no political will to do them anyway.

November 18, 2015 4:06 pm

O’bomber claims to have a HUGE NUMBER of “deportations”.

As if.

You see the Bomber in Chief ( Peace Prize President ) counts as
deportations, every bounce-back that occurs at the border.

Border patrol agents doing their job is all.

Never believe anything that the Liar-in-Chief says.


November 18, 2015 4:35 pm

This is a slanderous false flag attack on Ike led by the likes of Bea Lever and Westcoaster. Fucking traitors. Heh.

bea lever
bea lever
November 18, 2015 5:40 pm

Here is a novel thought……this time let’s deport the president instead. If you are in favor hit the thumbs up, if you think the worthless SOS traitor deserves to stay hit the thumbs down.

I will even bend on this and agree to D. Trump sitting in for O’Niglet until we can hold real elections.

bea lever
bea lever
November 18, 2015 5:41 pm

My tablet has gone crazy…….sorry.

bea lever
bea lever
November 18, 2015 7:46 pm

SSS- I like Ike !! He warned us about the evil MIC…..too bad nobody listened.

November 18, 2015 9:28 pm

KaD says: Enact asset forfeiture against illegals. Use their own money to throw them out.

It is being done. The ignorance here is astounding. We did not vote for Obama despite AWD’s claims and we certainly will not vote for another negro. We support El Trumpo, which may sound strange but consider, Cesar Chavez was anti-immigrant.

Congress has raised the penalty from one month jail to several years.

Keep yelping, fools and eventually Congress will raise the penalty for illegal entry to death.