Question of the Day, Nov 18

How much of these attacks in France and other places are terrorism and how much is blowback? Correct me if I’m wrong, and I know you will, I don’t see the Islamic terrorists attacking China, or Australia where llpoh is hiding.

Blowback – the unintended adverse results of a political action or situation.

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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November 18, 2015 10:39 am

how much is terrorism (ie attacks from unorganized middle muslims)? 0%
how much is blowback 20%
how much is bankster/nwo/cia/mossad/globalists false flag terrorism 80%

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 18, 2015 10:58 am

Ron Paul is of course correct that we kicked the hornets nest in Iraq, Libya and Syria. We should not have kicked the hornets nest, but either way they’re still hornets. Uigurs have rampaged in China, Rohinga have used violence in Myanmar, Muslims have caused trouble (violence) in Mindanao for decades. When the Muslims shot up Mumbai it wasn’t because of India invading any other country (although obviously India and Pakistan have been at it for decades). When Boko haram bombs churches in Nigeria it isn’t because of what the US did in Iraq (or even in response to anything Christians in Nigeria did). There have been terrorist incidents in Australia. They can say they’re in response to Australia’s cooperation with the US, but let’s be real, there’s always something they can blame it on. Their goddamned book says to kill the infidels. Thankfully most Muslims don’t want to follow their book, but whenever they think they need to be more zealous, they gotta find somebody to kill. How do you think Islam spread across North Africa, the Middle East, the near east, into Spain and even France within 100 years of its founding? Was it because they peacefully convinced people of the beauty of Islam? Fuck no. It’s because they said “become a Muslim or we’ll cut your fucking head off and rape your daughters.” It took 800 years to kick them out of Spain. And now Merkel and company are inviting them back in. So sure, kicking the hornets’ nest has brought about the latest attacks, but hornets are going to sting. It’s what they do.

November 18, 2015 11:00 am

All these attacks are “terrorism” since terrorism is attacking a civilian population or targeted group to promote a political or religious agenda on them through by instilling fear.

They aren’t targeting military targets in the West, just civilian ones.


robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
November 18, 2015 11:11 am

Blowback 90% now but 99% at the end. Islam is 1 billion powder kegs and our CIA lit up OBL who lit up the NYC Banksters who re-lit up Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Sudan, Iran, Syria, Ukraine, etc; the big explosion with Mabus of the Blue Turban, The Mahdi, WWIII, Gog and The Apocalypse is yet to come. The Red Horse’s (Rev 6) rider is BHO (who is also The Black Mahdi in Muslim Prophecy); he has taken away peace as a Cheerleader of Black Riots, Open Borders, Terrorist supplications & importations, Middle Class Economic and Cultural Destructions. Christ will throw him and his followers into the bottom of Hell with Satan, the Anti-Christ, False Prophet etc.

November 18, 2015 11:49 am

We are in trouble anyway you explain it.

November 18, 2015 11:56 am

Blowback IS still terrorism. Terrorism is a tactic. It doesn’t matter what the detailed motivations are.

If you’re asking about chicken vs. egg, you’ll need to go back to at least the creation of Islam, if not earlier.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
November 18, 2015 12:07 pm

I don’t look at blowback as terrorism. Terrorism is attacking civilian populations just cause. Blowback is fighting by attacking the civilian population because it’s the only way you can fight a superior opponent.

November 18, 2015 12:16 pm

Never happens in Australia?

There was a massive amount of post-facto ass covering after this event in Australia. The government is pretending the guy is mentally ill, and not a muslim terrorist. I’m pretty sure he is both.

Or China? Never heard of Xinjiang or Uighurs, I take it? It’s hard to find solid information, because the Chinese government clamps down on it hard and fast, but the Chinese and the Uighurs are basically fighting a low grade civil war in Xinjiang.

November 18, 2015 12:46 pm

I’m thinking there is some facet of the French/Syrian colonial experience that causes France to be a particular target.

November 18, 2015 1:36 pm

“Terrorism is attacking civilian populations just cause. Blowback is fighting by attacking the civilian population because it’s the only way you can fight a superior opponent.”

Then your definitions are different from anyone else’s.

Terrorism is the attempt to terrify a group in order to cause political or social change out of proportion to the amount of actual harm you can inflict. Although more often directed at civilians, it certainly can and has been directed at military and police forces, as seen in Northern Ireland, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon (USMC barracks bomb, among many) etc.

Blowback is the concept of retaliation for something, typically warfare, by use of terrorism or unconventional warfare at a distance removed from the thing you’re retaliating against. If some Afghani bombs a Florida cafe in retribution for US acts in Afghanistan, that’s blowback, and it’s also a use of terrorism. If the same person does it purely out of hate for Floridians, that’s not blowback, but is still terrorism. If the same person bombs a US military facility in Florida, that’s both blowback and terrorism under my definition, but maybe not under yours. At this point it’s hard for anything between the US and Islam to be labeled as clearly being or not being blowback.

November 18, 2015 1:44 pm

This is an interesting look at the “No True Muslim” would do such a thing.

November 18, 2015 1:49 pm

At around 18 minutes, he learns from Muslims on the streets that there are no Islams in ISIS.

November 18, 2015 2:29 pm

I would be happy to deport all Muslims.They just don’t adjust and get along well. The middle east could send all Christians here(the ones that are still alive) They hate us non Muslims.
Don’t believe me,Open a christian church in most of the middle east.

November 18, 2015 2:47 pm

We need to stop being the world’s policeman. Face it, we haven’t won a war since WWII and arguably the Russkies did the heavy lifting for that one.
These neocons that have been allowed to shape our foreign policy are cowards. Most of them have never been in battle; they sit in their mahogany-lined offices and spew position papers and talking points while tens of thousands of our troops die, billions in infrastructure is demolished and millions of refugees try to find a safe place to live.
Until we rid our government of the neocon parasite, this shit will continue.

November 18, 2015 2:50 pm

The Muslims coming to the West aren’t coming to assimilate into the west, they’re coming to assimilate the West.

November 18, 2015 3:09 pm

1. War is hell.
2. In modern warfare, 90% of casualties are civilian.
3. The casualties include refugee migrations.


— The West’s response to 9/11/01 was to declare war.

— It began a campaign of bombing and extra-judicial assassination in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, and elsewhere.


— Since 2003 the U.S. war in Iraq has caused more than one half million deaths — again, most of them civilian.

— Meanwhile, the U.S. has supplied weapons to Israel and Saudi Arabia for their own bombing campaigns in Gaza and Yemen.

— In Gaza alone (with complete U.S. support) the Israeli Defense Force fired 50,000 shells, carried out 6000 airstrikes, destroyed 3,500 buildings, killed 2250 Gazans, including 551 children.


In wars there are always at least two sides.

——– All have the right to attack and counter-attack.
——– It is insane to be shocked when counter-attacks occur.
——– Counter-attacks often mimic attacks.
——– So if one side is perceived as attacking defenseless civilians, the other side will likely respond in kind.


— France itself is at war.

— President Hollande is a founding member of the U.S.-led coalition that has recently dropped 175,000 bombs on Iraq and Syria killing at least 600 civilians in the process.

— Therefore no one should be surprised when “in kind” counter-attacks occur. (To repeat: that’s the way war works.)


What does one do on light of these truths?

Well, the West responds with more and more bombing campaigns. We don’t want to look like pussies, do we? Revenge! Evil MUST be punished! Those mooslim goatfuckers deserve it!!

What will happen when the two most powerful nations on earth (USA and Russia) and the biggest pussies on earth (France) bomb the everlasting fuck out of shithole mooslim cities?

It creates more refugees. More homelessness. More death and disease. More anger. Very very angry young men. Resulting in more terror. More blowback.

Then we’ll bomb them again.

How does it end?

Either we run out of bombs. Or, they run out of people.

November 18, 2015 3:52 pm

A question of the day with no question whatsover. Go figure.

BTW – I am n plain sight, not hiding.

November 18, 2015 3:59 pm


You have it all wrong. We, and we alone, have the weight of moral righteousness on our side. We shall vanquish the heathens and spread freedom and democracy throughout the world!!!


November 18, 2015 4:16 pm

Got a better question for you. How many acts of Islamic terrorism occur in countries with no muslims? Anyone? Bueller?

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
November 18, 2015 4:20 pm

Read for comprehension oh brilliant LL. It’s kinda on the top line. But who am I to correct you? LMAO

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
November 18, 2015 4:22 pm

Believe me LL, you’re better off jerking off a mountain lion in a phone booth with barbed wire than screwing with me.

November 18, 2015 4:57 pm

Mike – no question in the top line. No question in the body of text. No question anywhere. The top line advertises there will be a question forthcoming, but then there is no question. If you are going to have a question of the day, you need to actually ask a question. Jerry Seinfeld would have a field day with this.

You wouldn’t happen to be a teacher, now would you, with those English skills?

See – that is a question. You can tell by the question mark.

You maybe want to call this “comment of the day”.

And when you quote my dear friend Smokey, you might remember I am the only poster he would not screw with.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
November 18, 2015 6:07 pm

LLPOS, Even you can’t be that stupid, let me quote myself, below. BTW, below means under or underneath. Take special note of the question mark at the end. WOW, open keyboard, insert foot. Again, comprehension is a wonderful thing.

How much of these attacks in France and other places are terrorism and how much is blowback?

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
November 18, 2015 6:12 pm

Or, we’ll go another way, read the very first comment which directly answers the question you don’t see. Too funny.

November 18, 2015 7:04 pm

Mike – you really cannot be as stupid as your recent posts would indicate. You are trying to claim there is a question in there somewhere when it is glaringly obvious there is none. Please, do post the exact quote that shows an actual question.

I now am beginning to believe you are a government drone, or perhaps even a politician – they make a career out of denying and obfuscating.

It is really quite simple, and an indisputable fact (your pathetic efforts to claim otherwise not withstanding) – you did not ask a question anywhere, and all your misdirection and repeated claims you did are horseshit.

It is a case of the emperor’s new clothes. You are naked, boy, and claiming you are dressed will not change it.

Maybe the Admin can use his magic and fix it for you.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
November 18, 2015 7:13 pm

It is a 2 parter, so that may be what’s confusing you. Clearly, you are just screwing with me at this point, even David Pierre wasn’t that dumb. Good one.

November 18, 2015 7:25 pm

I have to disagree with RP on this.

This so-called refugee crisis is merely a new phase in a very long war, a war that started with the birth of this totalitarian-fascist creed, oops, I mean, Religion of Peace called Islam. There is at the core of Islam an idea of constant expansion and supremacy over other peoples.

They have tried it in Africa, MENA, India, Europe, Indonesia, China, etc. They were stopped in Europe as recently as 1683 at the gates of Vienna for the love of Christ.

Sheeit, the Marines were formed in the 1775 to combat and defeat the MUSLIM Barbary pirates!!!

Now the Muslim world is using EMPATHY, the cult of MULTICULTURALISM and the PATHOLOGICAL ALTRUISM of the West to expand Islam once again into Europe and the world.

A healthy, aha aha, dose of terrorism, beheadings, mass killings and suicide bombings is part and parcel of this effort.

The terrible “sin” of US involvement in MENA with resulting “blowback” is merely the latest EXCUSE, SPIN, RATIONALE and LIE about why Muslims are doing what they are doing now.

Sorry Ron, luv ya, but you could not be more wrong about this.

November 18, 2015 7:27 pm

Mike – there has not geen a good feud in ages. Plus you rarely post. I have drug more posts out of you in two days than you make in a month. With a little luck, I figured you might blow a gasket. And I found a chink in your armor.

That said – you did not ask a question!

November 18, 2015 7:31 pm

Hope – if all the countries that stuck their noses in the ME had kept their noses out of it, there is a pretty good likelihood this crap could have been delayed.

Allowing ragheads into one’s country means this shit is inevitable eventually.

We should have let the Israelis handle this.

November 18, 2015 7:50 pm

@llpoh: No, you are wrong. The Western world went to MENA for OIL. Which we could fucking well obtain in less volatile places, TYVM.

This OIL created vast fortunes, in fact, an unimaginable transfer of wealth from the WEST to Saudi/Qatar/Bahrain/Libya. The Western govts really had no idea of what the core of Islam is, mainly supremacy over all other nonbelievers, or maybe they did but their coffers and political careers were being fully enriched and they could have cared less.

Prior to all this OIL wealth, Islam relied on swords and guys on horseback. Now they have nuclear weapons and fighter jets.

Islam as ALWAYS been about expansion and subjucation of non-believers. It is one of the core principles of it. (That and the doctrines of taqiyya and kitman, which is lying to nonbelievers to further the cause of Islam.)

Islam has tried it with the sword – which worked very well in India (with 80 million dead), Africa (with probably 80 million dead or enslaved) and the European continent (5-6 million dead).

(That is actually only a small sampling of the murder machine that is Islam.)

Their MILITARY conquests have been checked by the superior “swords” of the West so Islam has now resorted to a different set of weapons.

Islam is now weaponized EMPATHY and MULTICULTURALISM, coupled with the pathological altruism of the liberal progressives in the West, to once again expand throughout the world.

Don’t be fooled. All this brouhaha is merely the lastest phase in a very long war.

November 18, 2015 9:13 pm

As a totally impartial friend of LLPOH, I say the question is a prefatory remark to the comment that China and Australia may not see any attacks. Nobody has interviewed terrorists to ascertain the percentages in question.

This would be the second time Mike steps on his dick with the QOTD.

Let me give an example, How much of what Mags says is smart and how much is plain dumb? She should have more respect for regular posters instead of trying to suck up to her favorites.

As you can see, I do not really expect an answer to the leading question. It is not quantifiable with the information available.

November 18, 2015 10:45 pm

Damn, the Israelis are lousy at war. 6,000 air strikes and only killed 2500 A-rabs. they need to spend more time at the range. It does not bode well for them if their efficiency doesn’t improve.

November 18, 2015 10:51 pm

Llpoh, the anti-Semites will get you for suggesting we should let the Israelis handle the Mohammedans.

November 19, 2015 3:37 am

Over – they are trying to selectively target. I suspect they would be just fine at carpet bombing?