Question of the Day, Dec 7

What/who will finally stop the government from taking over every industry, controlling every dollar, controlling every person?

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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December 7, 2015 1:53 pm

“What/who will finally stop the government from taking over every industry, controlling every dollar, controlling every person?”

The government will continue to expand until it permeates every nook and cranny of our lives and economy. At that point it will collapse under it’s own weight. Much like East Germany.

December 7, 2015 2:04 pm


December 7, 2015 2:05 pm

A well armed and not so regulated citizenry is the only thing that can.

rob in Nova Scotia
rob in Nova Scotia
December 7, 2015 3:04 pm

I agree Maggie.

December 7, 2015 3:06 pm

Nothing will stop it.

It is going to happen and will be a fulfillment of the prophecies.

But don’t despair, read the back of the Book and you will know who wins (make it a point to be on that side if you are at all wise).

December 7, 2015 3:07 pm

Agree with M.I.A., no one will. Our future is a world where half a billion degraded serfs love their servitude.

December 7, 2015 3:20 pm

The same thing that stopped the soviet government: It ran out of money.

December 7, 2015 3:22 pm

When bombs start falling on American cities, THAT’S when things will change. We’re seriously overdue for a 2nd American revolution.

Muck About
Muck About
December 7, 2015 3:38 pm

What ever happens, it will not be what you anticipated or expected.

No government can rule without the permission (either tacit or apathetic) of the population. That included the NAZI’s. If no one stands up to be counted, the Government then can forge ahead, being careful not to ruffle or kill off too many citizens who aren’t actively making bad noises toward said government.

One push too far and the Four Horsemen saddle up and the country is, in the end, destroyed and morphed into something new which may or may not be recognizable to those who survive the transition.

Right now, we stand on the cusp of a religious war, fomented by Islamic Muslim Radicals bent on destroying any and everything within reach and I’m not sure even they believe what they think they really want can be accomplished (if the end game has even been defined). But they can be a huge pain in the ass while they stir the spot, causing death and destruction in the name of Allah wherever they can.

In a situation such as this, sheeple will strike out at any available Islamic target including non-involved Muslims, Imams, fathered,wives and children simply because they are visible and available to take out frustrations on (in that while not participating in death and destruction, they do not actively condemn their more violent brothers for fear of deadly retaliation ).

Collateral damage of innocents or non-active participants are guaranteed. Any war (and this is a deadly serious war) where you can’t tell the good guys, the innocent guys or the bad guys apart and the bad guys are more than willing to sacrifice the good and innocent in the pursuit of their goals just guarantees that very nasty things will happen and our current civilization will suffer large holes blow in it, taking lives of innocents and good guys along with the bad.

This has always been so and unless something magick makes its’ appearance, will happen again.

Truth hurts and doesn’t make us “feel good” but must be recognized for what it is. War is Hell in any form is the most understated term I know of. Religious War is an several orders of magnitude worse because it doesn’t have to make logical or reasonable sense because it is a war between people (or civilizations) who don’t believe the same things and entertain no interest in changing their minds and feel it their “duty” to either convert everyone else to their point of view or kill them..

That, in itself is both irrational and illogical and leads only to death and destruction.

A pox on all religions — which is sadly embedded in the naturally superstitious nature of the human animal.


December 7, 2015 4:54 pm

A pox on all religions.

Well now that is not quite as simple as one might think. Hitler, Stalin, Mao etc. were not religious men that I am aware of and they all murdered a contemptible number of people.

Israel went into Canaan with a purpose to drive out the inhabitants of the land and wipe them out which they never did. A little research will find that the inhabitants of the “Land” were a war-mongering, child sacrificing sheep & goat raping homosexual lot. Israel on the other hand was not involved in the sexual degradation and human sacrifice of the inhabitants.

In fact if Israel had followed the command and wiped out the inhabitants maybe (and that’s a maybe) we would not have the problem we have today with a war-mongering human sacrificing (see suicide bomber) Muslim religion today.

Christianity at its roots and in its origins was (is) a peaceful religion. It started out that way until it became politically expedient for Rome to create its own version of the church. Many a Christian was burned at the stake and executed in many other ways by “The Church”. Read the Pilgrim Church by EH Broadbent. God has never left himself without a witness. You will find True-Christians among the most persecuted people in the world.

A true Christian cares more about every human life, because a True-Christian understands the value of a man’s soul. The reformation of “The Church” just brought what was a small remnant for several hundred years into the main-stream. A Christian will explain the gospel to you and pray for your soul, but understands that ultimately you have free will and you will stand before God by yourself. I have absolutely no power to convert one person. It is between you and God. Never will a blade or a gun be held to your head with a die or convert mantra. A Christian believes that history is His-Story and ultimately all things will be made right in His time and at His bidding.

Does that mean I just sit back and say God is in control there is nothing I can do? Absolutely NOT!! I have a duty to protect my family and pray for my country and I will work as hard as I can to see the freedoms we have given up restored. The Bible is very clear about the state of man, the value of a man and the FREEDOM that man enjoys apart from the rest of creation.

War and warfare is dirty, nasty stuff and there is so much GRAY out there when it comes to faith and warfare I do not have a clear answer, but I know one thing I have a duty before God to protect my family. Islam is a dirty, nasty religion (if it is a religion at all). It is the complete antithesis of Christianity. Islam is all about subjugation. Islam is closer to Communism and Nazism then anything else. Islam wreaks havoc and destruction everywhere it goes.

Think about it. Where is the Islamic Mother Teresa? Where are all the hospitals built my Muslims?Where are all the Muslim universities where free and open thought are available. The American Universities, even the Christian ones, used to be places where your thoughts and world paradigms were challenged. Today, not so much. Our Universities have turned into the thought police, much like the Islamist.. Is this from the Religious Right? No, it is from the secular LEFT!! A Classical Western education is a thing of beauty. It will challenge its students to think and rethink all their positions. I would go so far as to say the Christian University today is probably the safest free speech zone at the University level.

It is the Purtanical godless left that is ruining the USA. The Islamist and Leftest are both trying to create Heaven on earth ( Their version of it). That is why they are in bed together. ala, by the way is not another name for GOD. There is only one name for God and it is found in Exodus 2. PLEASE do not lump all “religions” together. That is a very simplistic retort to a complex world.

harry p.
harry p.
December 7, 2015 4:56 pm

What will end it?


Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 7, 2015 4:57 pm

I vote for Stucky.

Where is he anyways?

December 7, 2015 5:11 pm

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maggie's phone
maggie's phone
December 7, 2015 5:16 pm

I know one thing. I will do what I can and I won’t back down. One life and if my choice is subjigation or die? Then I die trying.

December 7, 2015 5:21 pm


December 7, 2015 5:22 pm

I Do Not Fear Terror Because I Am Redeemed, And I Have Been Predestined To This War

There is a war between light and darkness, and it has been advancing since the very beginning. Statism and Islam are different facets of the same stone (there are other facets), and they are merely the societal manifestations of the struggle between light and darkness. The war occurs individually and corporately, and while men see the consequences and effects of the war, and get brief glimpses into the deeper things, in large measure we don’t truly see the battle in the heavens.

As for individual men, there are those who are lost. The New York Times editorial board is lost. No, not collectively, but individually, each and every one of them. The war is over in their soul, or better, it never occurred. There are those men who have been given a taste, and who know the truth, but who suppress it in unrighteousness. They will never find peace or rest, not now and not in eternity.

If the former believes that upon death their bodies cool to ambient temperature and then get planted or burned, and that’s the end, they are merely observers to the great war, not even pawns. They are worse than irrelevant. They see the effects, but cannot effect change. For those of us who believe, there are no volunteers to this war.

We were created for it, and we were drafted to this army. Our volunteering occurred simultaneously with our being called, and upon being called, we had no other choice. The sheep know their master’s voice, and only follow Him.

Oh, to be sure, I won’t give up my weapons, not a single one of them, and I will defend myself and my family as we are threatened, whether by the state or other actors. I will do so because I have been taught by my master that I must do so. But it goes deeper than a few guns.

I know that the New York Times editorial board, for all their bluster, isn’t relevant to this war because they don’t even know there is one.

“You will not be afraid of the terror by night, or of the arrow that flies by day,” Psalm 91:5.

December 7, 2015 5:42 pm

An uncivil war.

December 7, 2015 5:43 pm

We will have to cope/and survive whatever way we can.
Help family and your neighbors. Maybe they help you.

Post-Soviet Lessons for a Post-American Century
Dmitry Orlov

A decade and a half ago the world went from bipolar to unipolar, because one of the poles fell apart: The S.U. is no more. The other pole – symmetrically named the U.S. – has not fallen apart – yet, but there are ominous rumblings on the horizon. The collapse of the United States seems about as unlikely now as the collapse of the Soviet Union seemed in 1985. The experience of the first collapse may be instructive to those who wish to survive the second.

December 7, 2015 6:07 pm

The train is in motion people…we have been fleeced,
and will continue to be/meantime, war is in the works.

Stopping isn’t the issue anymore. Really? 50% population
are fat retard heads that can’t or won’t read. (Sorry God)

It isn’t about us…it is about them. Our job will be to cope,
and stay alive to help others. Sounds grim, no?

Consider the peoples that have been bombed/are being bombed,
since the 90’s. It is getting closer.

Oh and coast,
when bombs start dropping you will be heading to a bomb shelter.

December 7, 2015 6:23 pm

please don’t be annoyed at me/this is shorter than any prepper book,
and gives much helpful advice. Thanks

December 7, 2015 6:46 pm

You mean well and your heart is in the right place. I’ve got a big rack of the big name prepper books, but to be honest? None of them thought about this scenario we see right now.

However, improvise.

December 7, 2015 6:50 pm

How? How was anything stopped or changed by humans? By having a debate? A convincing argument? Prayer? Wishing? A magic spell? How about the most laughable of all these…voting?

It’s like a tsunami coming at us. We can see it and all we can do is run and hide. We are all little Cassandras’ who see the future and are muted by the sheer ignorance and apathy of people around us.

It’s not cowardly to just save yourselves. You have a duty to your family first. The time to act like Paul Revere is gone.

December 7, 2015 7:42 pm


Thanks. I may have every prepper book ever written and the novels
too. Mostly due to the Mr. having a compulsive book buying habit.

My point in suggesting Orlov’s work is that it directly correlates to
what we are experiencing. My Mom and her Russian buddy visited
Russia every year for a while…then Dad said …no more/not safe.
Russia became a crime hell-hole for a period, and the young were
not very nice to their
elders. Mind you those were the days when ALL conversations were
recorded. People spoke in the middle of the square and avoided lip
readers. Crime soared with the collapse. Only the connected had enough.
All others suffered shortages. I believe we will have something similar. It
is just the way people act in certain circumstances. Mr. Orlov (he ain’t perfect!)
gives so many practical tips and examples of how dirt poor Russians managed,
I had to share it. Maybe somebody wakes up.

I should have said, what some Americans are experiencing now. And many
more will join those ranks. You personally? It seems you get it.

December 7, 2015 7:47 pm


Yes quacking to random people who are in denial; the time is past.
Helping interested others? It is a duty and an obligation.

December 7, 2015 8:05 pm

I know others have posted something similar, but I don’t think there is any stopping it. It will grow and grow until it collapses under the weight of the debt it creates. And I don’t just mean the government, the private sector debt, both corporate and personal has grown just as fast.

As an aside, I wouldn’t even guess how long that takes, but it could very well be a long time. Despite all the reasons Japan should have ceased to exist as an economic power and a widely traded currency, it continues to muddle along, despite a debt to GDP ratio of well over 200%. Granted, they don’t have quite the police state we do, nor are they trying to control the entire planet, but from a purely economic standpoint, Japan shows us that it’s possible for this to muddle along a lot longer than a rational person would think possible.

This muddle along theory of mine is also predicated on the government not doing something profoundly stupid, which our government is known to do, either with their incessant warfare or doing something really stupid domestically, like actually trying to confiscate people’s guns, or the racial tension finally causing this tenuous(at best) peace we have to come unglued.

Sorry, another long post…

December 7, 2015 8:18 pm

There is turmoil in the force , Luke.

When the average person experiences pain high enough , there will be change .

A well regulated militia meant keeping your firearms well maintained and in good USABLE condition .

As long as the spice flows , everything will be fine .

Until it doesn’t .

Hedge accordingly .

also TY Maggie , you know why ))

December 7, 2015 9:05 pm

You are welcome.

December 8, 2015 9:02 am

The same thing that usually puts a halt to civilian elite plundering –

The military.

Then comes the junta.