Is Trump’s Ban on Islam a Normal Reaction?


Armstrong Economics/PEI has always been a very diverse company with clients and staff from all around the world. We have every race, religion, and social status among our ranks servicing clients of equal diversification. So, a ban on anyone from the Islamic faith entering the USA is not something I would support, obviously, and it would cause us problems to say the least. I would not worry about it because it could not be implemented and right now, it is popular so Trump gains in the polls to the bewilderment of career politicians and the press.

Yet, the media is anti-Trump because they want the status-quo and will only mouth whatever their boss has to say because “mainstream” media is the product of big corporations with agendas (e.g. FOX vs. MSNBC). The truth is that this reaction is entirely normal. It is also a product of the media itself for it constantly ties Islam & terrorism together. So why should it be such a shock when Trump says the obvious?

Of course, there was the arrest of all Japanese civilians during World War II. That was done under the same assumption that just because they were Japanese, even three generations born in the USA, it did not matter.

During the Iran Hostage Crisis of the late 1970s, President Jimmy Carter, who was one of the most passive president in modern times, banned ALL Iranians from entering the country. Nobody said he was wrong and the press did not make a peep.

FOX News Political Debate

Naturally, the press is desperately trying to dethrone Trump on this issue since their claim that he hated all women didn’t work. They ignore history, and instead of trying to pretend this is outrageous, they deny their own role in creating that image.

Asiatic Jews

Trump is speaking to the masses who are, unfortunately, not well educated on the Middle East or Islam. They have no idea that there are branches in Islam as there are in Judaism and Christianity. We have everything from Asiatic Jews to those who cannot even turn a light switch on during the Sabbath so they hire the Shabbos goy to perform tasks they cannot. Then there are Sephardic Jews or simply Sephardim (“The Jews of Spain”) who regard themselves as different from other Jews and they should not marry another type of Jew.

Charles-I Beheading

PA Dutch

Then we have Christianity and the battle between Protestants and Catholics, which has killed countless of millions throughout the ages. There is the extreme of the Pennsylvania Dutch who do not use electricity or modern transportation. There are plenty of varieties within each religion, yet not a single one represents the whole exclusively of any religion. This battle in Islam between Sunnis and Shia is very old and ISIS is the extreme of the Sunni who do not regard the Shia as even Muslim.

So when it comes to religion, there are plenty of varieties within each major division of Christianity, Judaism , and Islam. You cannot lump everyone within one group. Nevertheless, stereotypes take place largely because of the media’s constant focus reporting the same issue over and over again. When the meteor struck Russia, there were people suddenly frightened that something could kill them from the sky. Back on June 16th, 2003, David Letterman told what happened in Atlantic City that a woman carrying a bucket full of her winnings from slot machines in the Casino up to her room when two black men got into the elevator and she feared they were going to rob her.  They turned out to be Eddie Murphy and Michael Jordan. The media plays a huge role in creating these stereotypes and then blame others when they become frightened.

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December 13, 2015 9:53 am

The author doesn’t know his fucking ass from a hole in the ground.

Just one inaccurate statement: “There is the extreme of the Pennsylvania Dutch who do not use electricity or modern transportation. ” No these are Amish, not PA Dutch. The Amish came from Switzerland. Besides have you ever read about the Amish blowing up an airliner.

Or the old saw about how the Christians maimed in 1400… all relativistic bullshit.

Islam is a religion, a political, an economic system all rolled into one. This is why Islam is not compatible with any other religion – more then worshiping god, it dictates your life. This is totally against freedom and liberty, as well as modern thought.

What kind of warped thought has created a culture of death. It seems like 10% of the Muslims think about nothing more that how to get their hands on guns and C4.

Someone has to confront the other 90% of the Muslims out there and tell them they have to rewrite the Koran, take out the Sharia shit, take out the killing shit. Until this happens I don’t want any Muslims in the US.

December 13, 2015 9:55 am

When it comes with religions, how about just banning all of them who have murder of their opponents as one of their primary tenets.

I see nothing wrong in doing this.

It was Muhammad, not Jesus, that ordered people to be killed to further his religious goals.

December 13, 2015 10:24 am

Apart from the fact that in the Delaware Valley (all over which we’ve got Amish families running small businesses serving “the English” population because the price of land is too flinkin’ high for them to expand their existing family farms and establish new ones) the expression “Pennsylvania Dutch” means nothing more or less than “Old Order Amish,” we’ve got a good comment from Dutchman.

“Islam is a religion, a political, an economic system all rolled into one. This is why Islam is not compatible with any other religion – more then worshiping god, it dictates your life. This is totally against freedom and liberty, as well as modern thought.

What kind of warped thought has created a culture of death. It seems like 10% of the Muslims think about nothing more that how to get their hands on guns and C4.

Someone has to confront the other 90% of the Muslims out there and tell them they have to rewrite the Koran, take out the Sharia shit, take out the killing shit. Until this happens I don’t want any Muslims in the US.”

As many other online commenters and scholars have observed, Islam has never yet had (and may never in future have) the equivalent of Christianity’s Protestant Reformation. This is in greatest part because Islam’s Prophet, that murdering, thieving, obliterating pedophile son-of-a-bitch (may he writhe eternally in Hell) ordained that the surahs of his Qur’an and the hadiths of his own utterance be handed down in Arabic, unaltered, and even without translation.

The schooling of a Muslim larvum – like Obozo, our Indonesian-in-Chief – consists almost wholly of teaching the kid Arabic, no matter what language prevails in the country where it lives. Like Hebrew school for the Orthodox Jew and the way Church Latin used to be for us Mackerel-Snappers, Arabic is ESSENTIAL for the Sand Nazis, no matter where they spawn and thrive.

Islamic scripture and all derivative (exegetic) scholarship is thereby effectively fixed in stone, without the prospect of reasoned examination, interpretation, and debate, with which those of us in the predominantly Christian Western cultures are so familiar.

If that weren’t enough, the fucking wogs have deliberately suppressed the Christ’s admonition to “render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s” – which establishes the basis for both secular government and the principle that government assholes must be kept OUT – by killing them, if necessarily – from the individual human being’s relationship with his deity, however said individual conceives his peculiar Great Sky Pixie to be.

Big part of what we know as Western civilization, and utterly alien to those fucktard Muslims – ALL of them.

December 13, 2015 10:37 am

His ban of Muslims is indeed constitutional because the constitution only applies to American citizens. None of these Muslims in other countries have a right to anything. Especially citizenship.

December 13, 2015 11:19 am

A lot of this fervor could have been avoided if he had simply worded his statement a little better, for example:

“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of citizens from Muslim countries entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.”

By simply saying “Muslims” he is taking a needlessly weak position. How do you really differentiate a muslim from a christian or any other religion? It opens to door to muslims claiming to be christians being allowed in, which is an absurdly weak and untenable policy to implement. It is much easier to simply ban travel for all citizens from predominantly muslim nations. I would hope that as election draws closer, he is going to have several people helping him with his wordsmithing. It’s not about political correctness as much as it is about concision.

December 13, 2015 11:54 am

Normal flew out the window years ago

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 13, 2015 12:02 pm

The Letterman story was a bit that Eddie Murphy did on the show, not the truth and Eddie Murphy stole it from an old episode of The Newhart Show.

We were talking last night and my wife made an observation- have you ever seen a joyful Musilm? Are they not the biggest group of sad sacks you’ve ever seen. We went to the theater to see A Christmas Carol and afterwards I asked the people we were with if they could name all the beautiful and inspiring things that Islam has produced, their Bach or Michaelangelo, their celebratory plays and festivities filled with light and uplifting themes.

Came up bupkus.

fwiw imho
fwiw imho
December 13, 2015 12:12 pm

have you ever seen a joyful Musilm?

I did. Muslims around the world on 09-11-2001.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 13, 2015 12:26 pm

“Then we have Christianity and the battle between Protestants and Catholics, which has killed countless of millions throughout the ages.”

How many incorrect statements can you make in a two hundred word post?

December 13, 2015 12:26 pm

Do I agree with trump on this? Yes and no. I do believe that at least until the welfare state is dismantled, we should ban people from coming here that can’t take care of themselves and will rely on cradle to grave taxpayer handouts. Is hazard a guess that this would include the majority of Muslims trying to come here.

December 13, 2015 1:04 pm

The Germans now have one million mooslimfuks shoved up their collective arses. That is epic as they only have a population of 81 million people. Germans are starting to catch on that maybe this is a bad idea, I agree. Would not be surprised if a good number of those mooslims go missing soon in Germany.

I think it very telling that none of the Neocon Repukes or Liberal Dem presidential wannabes have stepped up to the plate to cash in on the anti-mooslim popularity in the poles. Why are they silent on this subject or have I missed reading about one of those miscreants “going Trump” on the subject ?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 13, 2015 4:42 pm

T4C as I was reading your post I thought ‘she sounds like Ann Barnhardt.’

I guess it’s just a matter of time before they Fatwa her, too.

December 13, 2015 5:36 pm

Martin, martin, martin. You’re a full of shit apologist. Nobody is scared of anything. We are angry. Very angry. All in globalization, at the cost of OUR way of life, was never anything we voted on, or consented to. We are about to take the whole project down. You and your ilk are the ones who need to be, (and probably are) scared shitless. Take care, martin

December 13, 2015 5:58 pm

And to be fair hardscrabble, what if it were bill cosby and kobe bryant?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 13, 2015 6:07 pm

Rubio is running this commercial in heavy rotation. He claims that “radical Islamic terrorists want to kill us because we let women drive.”


I had no idea.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 13, 2015 6:18 pm

If someone can’t be bothered to at least do the minimum of due diligence when they toss off a piece that short, it’s kind of hard to take anything they say seriously. I know that’s it’s very common to conflate reality and fiction, but that’s part of our collective problem, we need to pay closer attention to the details. Or at least tell people…”like the old joke/story/fable goes…”

I was listening to a documentary the other night and one of the things someone was talking about was something I had a deep knowledge of and they were speaking as an authority but it was almost complete nonsense- like they’d been told they were going to be interviewed and they did a quick wikipedia read through and then just decided to wing it. For the rest of the interview- about things I wasn’t very knowledgeable about- I couldn’t believe anything they were talking about. Like the Rubio commercial I just spoke of- “they want to kill us because we let women drive”-

First of all “we” don’t “let” women drive- I’m surprised the feminists haven’t landed on him with both feet of that mis-speak- but really? You’re running for President and that’s why you think they’re doing what they’re doing? I wouldn’t let hi run for dogcatcher with that kind of bogus analysis.

I’m a stickler, I know.

December 13, 2015 6:33 pm

With the right questioning I think you could entrap Trump to the point of his having no answer. Why? Because even Trump knows most of our oil comes from the Saudi’s and they protect all the Wahabbis worldwide. Seriously, does anyone think Saudi’s would ever be restricted from travel to the U.S.? And how could you justify them and no other Muslims since they harbor the worst of the worst?
Meantime, things are fucked up and shit.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 13, 2015 6:34 pm

T4C- thanks for that. Good to see you around, every time I see your avatar I think of Fibonacci.

I. C.
I. C.
December 13, 2015 7:16 pm

TOTALLY agree w/ Dutchman.

The word “Islam” means “submission”. In Islam one submits to the Quran, the words of Allah, and to the Sunna, the life example of Mohammed. They are followed without question. One also submits to the “umma”, the community of Islam, and to the “Sharia”, the divine law of Allah.

The problem is that submission does not just apply to Muslims, it applies to the Kafir, the non-believer as well.

Islam is dictated by the Quran and Hadith which form Sharia. Sharia is a totalitarian, legal-religious, military-political code and will not (and cannot) abide by any other religion. All Muslims follow the Quran and Hadith, there is no substitute for those books.

The establishment is always telling us that there are good, moderate Muslims and extremist, jihadist Muslims. They also declare that the two different kinds have nothing in common with each other. Sorry, but not true. What all Muslims have in common is the same Quran, the same prayers, the same Sunna of Mohammed and being a member of one umma (Islamic community).

I. C.
I. C.
December 13, 2015 7:22 pm

Actually, Rubio et al should point out the enormous inbreeding that has gone on w/ Muslims for 1,400 years. That would probably stir-it-up and take attention away from Trumpisms.

There are only a few studies to prove the recessive disorders but the inbreeding has created some seriously dumb Muslims. Now, Muslims who are in European countries have low IQs and in Denmark, after 10 years of public schooling, they are illiterate. With inbreeding, as you know, the gene pool shrinks and there are deformities, lesser intelligence, higher proportion of mental illness, and recessive disorders.

Mohammed believed that inbreeding was fine, according to their Quran and Hadith.

They’d actually do better to stick w/ the goats.

December 13, 2015 11:27 pm

Rather than disagree with and try to correct most of the off the top comments about Islam, which are 3/4 uninformed rubbish and the rest pure s–t, I will try to help you to get to something most valuable. Google William C. Polk, and spend a couple of months, studying, yes Martha, studying his enlightening analysis. Do not be afraid. You will not become contaminated. This man happened to be a high ranking and most valuable diplomat with the USA government.
Oh, and you people who have never known of anything worthwhile created by Islam. start by taking a trip to Spain, and open your eyes and mind, without what is left of your brains falling out and messing up the place. And then, check out some enyclopeadias, if that is not too big a term to understand. You might be surprised at the early contributions to civilization at the time.
Yes, Spain was conquered by Muslims, just as so many tribes, areas, were historically, and often brutally conquered by Christians Ever hear of the colonies in Africa, in India, or relations with old China, or even the history of North and South America??
Oh, and another point for the masses. When the Muslims were in control of much of
Spain, it did happen that a Jewish (imagine that) man with the name of Hasdai Ibn Shaprut had the position of chief Minister to the ruling Muslim Caliph of Cordoba .
By the way, Martin Armstrong has more world historical knowledge stored in the dirt under his fingernails, than most of the today commentators could collectively amass in several lifetimes.
No, I am not Muslim, nor have read their Holy Book, nor am aquainted with any Muslim. My grinded axe is disgust with deliberate ignorance.

December 13, 2015 11:58 pm
December 14, 2015 12:07 am

Joey, great apology – be sure to tell your Islamic head-chopper that you understand him, it’ll surely cause him to have mercy on you, you dhimmi.

“No, I am not Muslim, nor have read their Holy Book, nor am aquainted with any Muslim. My grinded axe is disgust with deliberate ignorance.” How can you write those two statements sequentially with no sense of irony, inconsistency or cognitive dissonance?

OH, was that whole post a joke? I’m a bit slow today, sorry for the misunderstanding!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2015 6:56 am

“Oh, and you people who have never known of anything worthwhile created by Islam. start by taking a trip to Spain, and open your eyes and mind, without what is left of your brains falling out and messing up the place. And then, check out some enyclopeadias, if that is not too big a term to understand. You might be surprised at the early contributions to civilization at the time.”

Joey, I am a lot of things, but ignorant I am not. I’ve been to Spain, been to most most of the Islamic world for what it is worth and it is because of this that I asked the question-

“…name all the beautiful and inspiring things that Islam has produced, their Bach or Michelangelo, their celebratory plays and festivities filled with light and uplifting themes.”

Your response was to visit Europe.

Name the influential writers and artists and composers and architects of Islam, list their particular achievements and their works, show us the scientific and engineering discoveries that have improved the lives of billions, let us know about their joyful celebrations and life affirming holidays.

If we are so ignorant, and you so informed it should be like the snap of you fingers to demonstrate an Islamic equivalent to the paintings and sculpture of the Renaissance, to the symphonies of Mozart, Beethoven and Brahms, the combined philosophies of the Greek and Germanic traditions, the scientific and engineering advances of the industrial age.

This was not to say that they have made no contribution whatsoever to the advances of the world, but rather that they are so sparse, so infrequent, so parsimonious in number and frequency as to be little more than an addendum to the greater canon of the Western World. You claim that we are ignorant, so for you the accomplishments, the names, the works, the masterpieces and the inventions of this exceptional culture should roll off your tongue like a waterfall.

I await my enlightenment.

December 14, 2015 8:30 am

My two cents- The only thing I can think of they left behind in Spain or Europe in general was their influence on the food and architecture in some regions. Other than that, I’m at a loss to list anything.

December 14, 2015 8:39 am

Westcoaster- Last time I took a look, only 15% of the oil used in the US comes from the Saudi’s or ME. Unless you can find info to the contrary.

Not to cause a major fight today but going forward I think you will find that NG is going to become more important than crude. The US is silly with NG so the sandkneegrows are not as important to us as they once were.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2015 9:04 am

I’m currently struggling through two works I have long neglected. Due to the current-socio political climate I felt it was time to put aside any reservations I had and just dive in. The Koran and The Art of the Deal. A comparison of the two would make one hell of a book review.

December 14, 2015 9:47 am

Is Trump’s ban on Islime a normal reaction?

Didn’t even have to read the article to get a reaction from this…. and no, I didn’t.

This is me. Right now, this very instant, thinking about that question…

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Really dude? Fuckin REALLY?

You think it’s a normal reaction? YA THINK?!?

Once upon a time – about 80 years ago or so – common fuckin sense would dictate that the motherfuckers blowing shit up and wanting you dead, well, it might be a good idea to keep those motherfuckers out of the country… better yet, let’s send all those motherfuckers back to wherever they came from, just in case…

Because American lives are worth more than their lives. Sorry, but that’s the way it is.

They have no right to live here. We have no obligation to take them, moral or otherwise. Matter of fact, we don’t have to take ANYONE we don’t want to… and that includes pretty much anyone we say…

If they don’t like it? Well, so fuckin what? If they’re not HERE, then they can’t do shit about it, can they?

That this “Martin Armstrong” person even has to ask this question shows me that:

1) he needs to be hit repeatedly with a fuckin Clue By Four and have some sense beat into him and

2) he probably thinks he’s being “edgy” and pushing the envelope by even asking such a question… because the Blow Dried Hairdos on the Idiot Box are all duct taping their heads up so when their heads actually explode, they’re not running around picking up itty bitty pieces of brain and skull…

“Trump said we should kick these fools out? AND stop bringing more here?!?!? OH MY GAWD!!! He needs to be crucified upsidown and set on fire!!! BURN THE WITCH!!!!” (BLAM!!!)

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Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 14, 2015 11:27 am

HF- I read “The Art of The Deal” when it came out and I liked it very much. I gave a great deal of thought to buying up air rights here in KY but none of the lawyers I know seemed to have a clue about how to go about it. Quite honestly they thought I was off my nut but then so do a lot of people as I am usually bringing forth ideas into conversation that people can’t wrap their peabrains around. I still think it would be a good venture.