Questions and Answers

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

The really big item in last night’s 60-Minutes newsbreak was that the latest Star Wars movie passed the billion dollar profit gate a week after release. That says just about everything you need to know about our floundering society, including the state of the legacy news media.

The cherry on top last week was Elon Musk’s SpaceX company’s feat landing the first spent stage of its Falcon 9 rocket to be (theoretically) recycled and thus hugely lowering the cost of firing things into space. The media spooged all over itself on that one, since behind this feat stands Mr. Musk’s heroic quest to land humans on Mars. This culture has lost a lot in the past 40 years, but among the least recognized is the loss of its critical faculties. We’ve become a nation of six-year-olds.

News flash: we’re not going Mars. Notwithstanding the accolades for Ridley Scott’s neatly-rationalized fantasy, The Martian (based on Andy Weir’s novel), any human journey to the red planet would be a one-way trip. Anyway, all that begs the question: why are we so eager to journey to a dead planet with none of the elements necessary for human life when we can’t seem to manage human life on a planet superbly equipped to support us?

Answer: because we are lost in raptures of techno-narcissism. What do I mean by that? We’re convinced that all the unanticipated consequences of our brief techno-industrial orgy can be solved by… more and better technology! Notice that this narrative is being served up to a society now held hostage to the images on little screens, by skilled people who, more and more, act as though these screens have become the new dwelling place of reality. How psychotic is that?

All of this grandstanding about the glories of space goes on at the expense of paying attention to our troubles on this planet, including the existential question as to how badly we are fucking it up with burning the fossil fuels that power our techno-industrial activities. Personally, I don’t believe that any international accord will work to mitigate that quandary. But what will work, and what I fully expect, is a financial breakdown that will lead to a forced re-set of human endeavor at a lower scale of technological activity.

The additional question really is how much hardship will that transition entail and the answer is that there is plenty within our power to make that journey less harsh. But it would require dedication to clear goals and the hard work of altering all our current arrangements — and giving up these childish fantasy distractions about space and technology

Dreaming about rockets to Mars is easy compared to, say, transitioning our futureless Agri-Biz racket to other methods of agriculture that don’t destroy soils, water tables, ecosystems, and bodies. It’s easier than rearranging our lives on the landscape so we’re not hostage to motoring everywhere for everything. It’s easier than educating people to both think and develop real hands-on skills not dependent on complex machines and electric-powered devices.

But we’re not interested and that is why we’re going to be dragged kicking and screaming into a very different future, not riding rockets to the new mall on Mars. I’m not religious, but maybe there is something like Providence at work foisting all these space fantasies on us at the very end of the year, allowing us to get all this stupid shit out of the way so we can prepare for the banking and political tribulations to come in 2016. Speaking of which, next week I will publish my forecast for the twelve-month roller-coaster ahead. Happy New Year, one and all.

Herewith, the CFN Christmas present to readers:
An excerpt from World Made By Hand 4 (and final)
The Harrows of Spring

(Note: uncorrected manuscript)

Coming in 2016
World Made By Hand 4 (and final)


The third World Made By Hand novel

!! Is available !!

(The Fourth and final is complete
and in production for May 2016 publication)

Kunstler skewers everything from kitsch to greed, prejudice, bloodshed, and brainwashing in this wily, funny, rip-roaring, and profoundly provocative page- turner, leaving no doubt that the prescriptive yet devilishly satiric A World Made by Hand series will continue.” — Booklist


My local indie booksellers… Battenkill Books (Autographed by the Author) … or Northshire Books
or Amazon

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December 28, 2015 1:43 pm

I used to work for NASA. When I saw the orbiter (space shuttle) I knew it was the end of space exploration. A clunky ship, designed for low earth orbit. Sorta like a tractor trailer in space.

Physics dictates we’re not going to get off this rock.

I say send Musk, Beezos, Tim Cook (queer), Zuckerberg, Hillary on that one way trip to Mars.

And yes, Star Wars is for empty headed, narcissists. What a POS.

December 28, 2015 6:19 pm

So this mass of humanity is all in on the Star Wars, the Mars mission, etc.?
Who’s going to accomplish this and with what financing?

All us dumb asses just assume that someone is going to do it. But, the brainy white and asian guys are being run out town in the name of diversity, plus it’s going to be damn hard to scrape the funding together when big money on one side and the fsa on the other have already just about drained the carcass dry.

December 28, 2015 6:43 pm

If we had the internet 50 years ago this guy would be ranting about how silly and absurd it is to try to put a man on the moon.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 28, 2015 6:53 pm

We never went to the moon.

December 28, 2015 7:25 pm

“To the Moon,..Alice!!”

mike in ga
mike in ga
December 28, 2015 7:42 pm

HSF…are you serious, “we never went to the moon”?

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
December 28, 2015 8:11 pm

Congress voted funds for reusable rockets beginning 1972. Jimmy was POTUS 1977-1981 during shuttle development and I was at Hq SAC 1981 when he sent us the Shuttle Engineering Drawings and we had a big meeting. Our Rocket Guys said the thing is too complicated and there will be failures at 10 times the stated rate. The Budget Guys said WDC took all the money from dozens of our projects and gave it to the shuttle; we would run out of heavy rockets but WDC said to just strap some of our ICBMs together. The Intel Guys said NSA wants the thing for low orbit human manned spying on Russia and they get what they want. The first launch was 1981. Reagan became POTUS 20Jan1981 but it was to late. Now about half our citizens get welfare, we have a shuttle museum, NASA is bare bones and we pay Russia to launch our satellites. I say thank you Democrats for screwing the pooch.

December 28, 2015 8:41 pm

“We never went to the moon.” —————- hardscrabble farmer

Oh, Lawdy, help us!
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In other HF News ….. THE EARF IS FLAT !!!!

December 28, 2015 9:31 pm

HFSs wife..

you don’t pay him no mind he’s just haven fun with you city folk. he gits that way when hes had too much of the hooch. home grown an stilled with lovin hands of course

December 28, 2015 11:28 pm

heck, I don’t know if we went to the moon or not.

Some people are saying we did not, and it was a

Stanley Kubrick production. Other people say there

is a “secret space program,” and “we” have already been to mars.

I usually like JHK’s work, and I did very much enjoy his novel

series. I am inspired to investigate whether I could manage a mule.

This article was a bit dark however.

I saw the Star Wars movie as a guest in a group. A couple of themes

popped out…the promotion of interracial romance and woman as strong

and capable/white man as dumb fool. I’m sure there were others.

I give it a C. As my Mr. would say, = paycheck movie. I am looking forward to seeing

The Big Short. Now what does that say about me? That I am a masochist?

Or an eight year old?

December 28, 2015 11:47 pm

Google van Allan Belt. Who do you believe?