Stucky Q.O.T.D. —— Da Joos

“I certainly agree with the Power of Propaganda or what I would call the Judazing of American culture and Religion. The tribe(Jews ) and ( their Anglo Saxons progressives Lackies) that controls Hollywood , TV Networks and most of the publishing industry have done Satan’s work in turning this nation away from its founding principles.(Christian principles )” ————- bb, in “The Odds Are Never In Your Favor” thread

Simple Question #1: Why bash da Joos at almost every opportunity?

Simple Question #2: Let’s say we killed all the Jews. Do you think the world’s problems would go away? Of course they won’t. It would solve nothing. So, isn’t your anger misplaced?

My take: I do not like the state of Israel. I am not blind to their manipulations here in America. OTOH, I am also not blind to their accomplishments, which are many.  For example;

“At least 194 Jews and people of half- or three-quarters-Jewish ancestry have been awarded the Nobel Prize,1 accounting for 22% of all individual recipients worldwide between 1901 and 2015, and constituting 36% of all US recipients2 during the same period.”
Evil bastards!!!
Perhaps I’m overly sensitive? Lemme tell you a very brief story. My first son, I named him Samuel.  Both my parent’s reaction — “You gave our grandson a JEW name??!!”, followed by many wailings and gnashing of teeth.  Then I had a second son, and named him David. “WTF, you did it AGAIN, you somuvabitch!!”  To this day, my parents do not refer to Samuel and David by name. Really. That’s fucked up.  One of these days I’ll let them know that if I had a daughter, her name would have been, Sarah Elizabeth. They’ll probably disown me. 
At any rate, although I partake in Joo-bashing on occasion, overall I’m pretty fuckin’ fed up with it. Ya’ll are marching down the wrong path.
Fire away!!  (But, don’t forget … Jesus was a Jewish carpenter!)

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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December 28, 2015 7:24 am

Jesus was a Jew. Nuff said.

December 28, 2015 7:44 am

Written with a total disregard and lack of understanding of the history of this criminal cabal.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 28, 2015 8:13 am

Before they developed the compass, the Chinese had a pointer on a cart. No matter where they went, the pointer always signaled the direction back to China. This device is now used to point blame somewhere else. Our government makes use of this tendency to point somewhere else by directing the blame onto whatever scapegoat is useful.

Stuck, my mom had an important question to ask when she was quite efficiently whipping both us boys at the same time for something. She would ask while swinging the tree branch, which one deserves more? We never pointed at the other, we knew we had it coming.

December 28, 2015 8:55 am

I happen to agree with this posting. Directing your anger/frustration/etc. at a specific group is exactly what the government desires – it deflects your mental capacity away from the real scum in every society, the government. It is O’Blow Me’s favorite tactic.

December 28, 2015 9:30 am

Of all the major religions, Judaism is the most closely aligned with the religion practiced by the global elite, which is some kind of pagan luciferianism with somewhat loose ties to jewish mysticism/kabbalism. But even so, this is definitely not the Torah/Talmud and it is not what most people who call themselves Jewish worship or even know anything about. It is definitely not fair to blame all jews when the leaders of the world gather to worship Molech. Nor is it fair or rational to blame all jews for the actions of the state of israel. I’m not an israeli, but the same dynamic plays out here in the US. I never voted for any of this bullcrap that my government does, yet they somehow manage to always find the votes for it despite the majority of people usually being against it. I’m sure it is the same for the jews living in Israel.

December 28, 2015 9:39 am

I like this topic. Anybody here frequent Like anything, there’s some good info there; lots of really whacky shit too.

Anyhow, there are a handful of people that post comments on every topic blaming the Jews for the ills of the world. Videos, links, cut-and-paste screeds a thousand words long. No matter what you say, they will point out: “yes, but the Jews control everything!”. It’s exhausting. I have asked the same kind of question: okay, let’s assume you’re right, whaddya want to do about it? Silence.

I know of one (ethical) way to stop what you don’t like: cut off the money. Jews control the media? Don’t pay for cable TV, newspapers, movies. Jews control the TBTF banks? Use your local credit union, buy precious metals, keep your cash at home.

My opinion? People are always looking for a scapegoat to explain shitty outcomes. I believe we got to where we are for a simple reason: the world turns because of hate, fear, greed and envy. It is in our nature, unfortunately.

December 28, 2015 10:24 am

It is what it is. It is true that one should not judge a group

by the rapacious “leaders.” Scapegoating is a shallow

enterprise. Study history and make up your own mind

about the traits of any group. I have always known some

people dislike Jews from a point of jealousy. Jews aren’t

welcoming the goy into the temple any time soon. They are

separatists for sure. They consider themselves chosen and

and want to keep it that way. So? There is not an interest

in becoming mongrels/all mixed up blood lines. Personally,

I think that practice has served Jews quite well. Further, contrary

to goy practices of intermarriage and living in diversityville…I

believe in segregation of races and groups/the law and opportunities

applying equally to all. People can sort themselves out by class and brains.

December 28, 2015 10:25 am

People -nations, Kingdoms, tribes and religions- have been trying to “kill all the Jews” for thousands of years.

The Jews are still here, they aren’t.

There’s a lesson in that for anyone willing to learn it.

December 28, 2015 10:37 am

IMO the whole jew thing misses the point entirely. Central banking and fiat money are the problems, and even if we got rid of all “the joos” those problems would still exist. Its irrellevant to me who runs them, I just want them gone.

I agree with you stucky- I do not like the state of Israel, I despise it. And I also hate how much influence the Israeli lobby exerts on our government. That tiny little country is allowed to lead us around by the nose, its pathetic. But, thats what many dumbass american christians want, apparently. I know my very religious grandparents do.

If I was of a conspiratorial mindset, I would think that the constant joo bashing was done to purposefully undermine the message of liberty and ‘end the fed’ movements. People who are against us posting shit like that, kind of like the black girl at the college protest recently who logged onto twitter during a protest and pretended to be a white person threatening to kill all the black students. That shit happens, I have no doubt. If I was a person wanting to undermine this movement of ours, I would log on every single RP post of every time central banking/debt/fiat money, etc was mentioned and blame “the goddamn JOOS” every single time. This makes us look like a bunch of unhinged wanna-be nazi types and turns people off to the actual message.

Same reason why I cringe when I read the word “nigger”. While I certainly support the right to say whatever the fuck you want, intelligent people should be able to rant against the welfare state of black criminality in progressive utopia cities without using the word “nigger”. It misses the point, and turns people off to the message.

December 28, 2015 10:39 am

damn it, I really wish there was an edit option, the post is riddled with errors….

December 28, 2015 11:53 am

I never blame all Jews .I place much of my disgust with White liberal secular progressives and their Lackies. When I look at who controls the central banks , hollywood , the TV industries , news media and radio you will find an overwhelming Jewish ownership. Then do further research and you will see how these people were able to buy up the true assets of the West using worthless pieces of paper.(Central Banking) Google the ownership of the Federal Reserve , The world bank , International Monetary fund , the Bank of international settlements or the Bank of England , Germany ,France , Canada or Australia. See who own them .It’s only a tiny percentage of Jews but these Jewish elites are hostile to Western Civilization. Most of this shit is illegal and unconstitutional but who cares . Right …STUCKY ?

December 28, 2015 11:55 am


December 28, 2015 12:08 pm

The power of Propaganda is obvious .Much of this propaganda is satanic to the core .Look at the way our culture has been attacked . This is and was a deliberate effort to undermine traditional society. Most of the intellectual genius behind this assault came from The Frankfurt School of Higher Criticism. Mostly run by Jews
Then there is porn which is owned and controlled by Jews. Behind the most destructive ideologies of all times are Jews .Marxism for example. Behind most of this shit are Jews . It’s obvious for anyone with just a little common sense.

December 28, 2015 12:21 pm

I never blame all Jews but Babylonian Talmud Judaism is the so called religion of most of these people. It is hostile to Christianity , to Western Civilization , to our REPUBLIC. It is hostile to all men.Jews who believe this satanic shit are taught to hate all Gentiles. Just read a little bit of the Talmud.

Secularization of society is the other problem. This has been done by unconstitutional decisions by the supreme court. You have a hostile Jewish / White Progressives Anglo elite that are our enemies. I think it’s time to call these people what they are.Go do the research for yourself. It is all on the internet for you to see…….Stucky.

December 28, 2015 12:24 pm

Suzanna, interfaith marriage not a big deal to most jews. I dated a couple in my younger days and their daddys would have been thrilled to welcome me into the family. Gator, don’t cringe, it’s just a word, and sometimes nessesary to convey one’s thoughts precisely.

December 28, 2015 12:32 pm

Lipoh , Jesus Christ saved his most harsh words and condemnation for the JEWS.Even calling their father the devil.. It was the Jewish elites of that day that conspired with the Romans to kill Jesus. Jewish elites and white Roman elites killed Jesus Christ. Jewish elites / White Anglo progressives elites conspire today to kill what is left of Christianity which is really conspiring to destroy America . In.other they are conspiring to kill us.Wake up great injun chief.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
December 28, 2015 12:36 pm

There are Satanic Verses in the Koran and the OT; and I think a lot of Catholic Tradition is not very Christian (ref the Reformation). Not every follower winds up deceived enough to do Satan’s work but I think most are sympathetic. Yes Jesus was a Jew but they killed Him and want to destroy us culturally, politically and economically; that is the 2,000 year old problem we have. I even find problems with the NT but I don’t find Jesus ever advocated violence.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 28, 2015 12:43 pm

Who else could create money out of thin air with such ease while we all sit around looking stupid?

Who else could run the porn industry with such a Midas touch?

Who else could control all media and form all thought processes of the sheep from cradle to grave with such style?

Who else could create and control all financial markets worldwide in order to legally steal your money?

Who else could convince you they are a chosen people while they pick your pocket?

Looks to me like that is true talent and they are masters of their craft, So who’s bashing?

December 28, 2015 12:44 pm

Gator ,Damn what is so amazing is that Jews throughout history to this day have admitted to this hatred for all Gentiles.That’s the best source for this information . Read what they have said and then look at what they do.It’s there for the whole world to see.

Gator go the the Daily Stormer , New Nation or Daily Kenn websites .You will get a good at back behavior but then look who is putting up the money. For example .. Black lives matter.. it is George Soros, a Jew.Every fucking time.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 28, 2015 2:52 pm

If you watch movies and tv you will soon notice that without the chosen people listed in the credits, we would have nothing to watch. Why can’t the goy make video content for the masses, are we dumb………or have the chosen taken all the best producer/director/actor/screenwriter spots for themselves? You have to agree they are go-getters.

Would there be more shows like “The Waltons” and less reality tv if the gentiles ran the show? We will never know.

December 28, 2015 3:41 pm

Holy Shit bb, are you serious? The Daily Stormer?

December 28, 2015 3:42 pm

Bn – you are still village idiot.

December 28, 2015 3:46 pm

bb – that was to you. I have forgotten more about this shit than you will ever know. That was some dumb ass stuff with no context. Most of the anti – Jewish stuff posted here lacks context and historical perspective.

December 28, 2015 3:59 pm

Lloph , do tell us all this shit you have forgotten . I’m not anti Jewish . Most Jews are not members. of the elites. I’m talking about maybe .02% of Jewish population.

Overthecliff , I go to daily Stormer because they report the daily hate crimes carry out by BLACKS on whites.They are not politically correct about news.They don’t water it down.

December 28, 2015 4:20 pm

why does it have to get brought up every time certain subjects are discussed though? If the end goal is ending the fed and the restoration of sound money, who fucking cares about the jewish thing? EVEN IF YOU ARE CORRECT, do you think that kind of thing is going to attract more people to the liberty movement of turn them away? If the goals are what I mentioned above, you are actively hurting that goal by turning people off to the movement with you anti-jew rants.

I support free speech, say or think whatever the fuck you want. None of it offends me, I just think it is pointless and counter productive.

You should also keep in mind, “the man with no name” that admin credits with keeping this site running when it was attacked a while back, is jewish.

December 28, 2015 4:28 pm

Gator said:
“Same reason why I cringe when I read the word “nigger”. While I certainly support the right to say whatever the fuck you want, intelligent people should be able to rant against the welfare state of black criminality in progressive utopia cities without using the word “nigger”. It misses the point, and turns people off to the message.”

As an example of this, witness Billy’s coming out…………welcoming here on TBP a couple of years back. Without the word “nigger” he could have gotten his point across much more effectively and efficiently and avoided most of the drama. Truth is, he had some excellent points to make but too much of it got lost in delivery.

December 28, 2015 5:38 pm

William E. Dannemeyer
U.S. Congressman, 1979-1992

If you want to take over a country, one of the first things you do is to seize control of the money supply. Jacob Schiff was the son of a Jewish rabbi, born in Frankfurt, Germany. He was sent to America in the late nineteenth century by the European Rothschild financial dynasty. One of his assigned tasks was to seize control of the money supply of the U.S. Government. At that time it was under the control of the U.S. Congress pursuant to Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution which states:
“The Congress shall have Power to coin Money, regulate the Value thereof.”
Baron MA Rothschild had stated this truism in the nineteenth century:
“Give me control over a nation’s currency and I care not who makes the laws.”
Jacob Schiff began his quest to take over the money supply of America by purchasing an interest in a banking concern in Indiana called Kuhn and Loeb. He married the daughter of Loeb, bought out the interest of Kuhn and as sole owner of Kuhn and Loeb, moved the business to New York in the late 19th century.
acob Schiff was not exactly welcomed with open arms by the financial potentates led by the House of Morgan then controlling the financial markets in New York. Schiff, as the Rothschild’s agent in America, gradually was able to build a working relationship with the other banking houses in New York by sharing some Rothschild bonds and stock business with them.
Schiff was so successful in being accepted as a player in the N.Y. Banking scene that in 1908 he was among a handful of NY bankers who gathered at Jekyll Island, one of the House of Morgan’s homes located in Georgia. These financial wizards plotted to take over the money supply of America. They had no small task before them.
They needed to get America to pass their hatched plan called the Federal Reserve System which was nothing more than a private group of bankers. It was not then nor has it ever been a part of the U.S. government. Some of the stockholders included: Rothchilds of London and Berlin; Lazard Brothers of Paris; Israel Moses Seif of Italy; Kuhn, Loeb and Warburg of Germany; and the Lehman Brothers, Goldman, Sachs and the Rockefeller families of New York.
The congressional stooge present at the meeting in 1908 at Jekyll Island was Senator Nelson Aldrich of New York. He was assigned the task of shepherding the outright theft of the U.S. money supply system called the Federal Reserve Act through Congress.
On December 23, 1913, he delivered in spades. Two days before Christmas is a good time to have Congress debate and vote on a major piece of legislation if your desire is to minimize the desire of members of Congress to really understand what they are voting on. The reason is not hard to find. Members of Congress have families and want to get home for Christmas like anyone else.
The Federal Reserve Act was passed by a vote of 298 to 60 in the House of Representatives and in the Senate by a majority and was sent to the White House for the signature of President Woodrow Wilson.
How President Wilson was elected in 1912 was all a part of the conspiracy organized by Jacob Schiff and his New York banking fraternity at the meeting at Jekyll Island in Georgia in 1908.
President Robert Taft, a well respected Republican, was running for re-election in the Presidential election scheduled for 1912. He was on to the theft of our money supply organized by Jacob Schiff and his New York City banking friends. If President Taft was re-elected in 1912, it was clear that he would veto any bill passed by Congress to create the privately owned Federal Reserve Act.
The conspirators led by Jacob Schiff enlisted the help of former President Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican and convinced him to run on the third party Bull Moose ticket and split the Republican vote. The scheme worked and Woodrow Wilson was elected President in the 1912 election and when the Federal Reserve Act came to his desk in 1913, he rewarded his bankers and signed the act into law.
In 1913, the principle means of communicating to the people of America what Congress was doing were newspapers. The newspapers did not report this biggest theft in the 20th Century at all.
Almost a century later, 2007, we Americans are still experiencing the consequences of this theft of our money supply in 1913 by transferring control of it to private elitist banking families residing mostly in Europe and some in America.
It is not an exaggeration to say that these are the consequences of this historic event:
(1) The American people lost control of how and to what extent Congress spends our money: Example, Congressional deficits are financed by irresponsibly expanding the money supply by the privately owned Federal Reserve System which results over time in an inflationary spiral which will lead to a total collapse of the dollar and the destruction of the middle class.
(2) America disavowed the advice of George Washington to avoid entangling alliances with other countries and focus our energies on protecting the interests of the American people.
(3) The creation of Imperial America which seeks to control the world and results in perpetual war to achieve perpetual peace. It goes by the name of the New World Order, led by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
The CFR has over 3,000 members, over 70% of whom are Zionist Jews.

December 28, 2015 5:44 pm

Consider a hypothetical: suppose there is a country in the Middle East that has a predominantly jewish population. Yet their central bank is run by a Christian, part of a tiny minority, and has been for decades. Most of its newspapers, tv stations, publishing houses, and movie studios are run by Christians. Many movies for instance make fun of Judaism and Jews in general. Suppose too that their foreign policy is dictated by Christians. Ditto immigration policy, say by bringing in millions of Muslims. The top universities are run by Christians. Even further, you find out that the really religious Christians view Jews as animals, with no soul. And assume that the Christians own all the fancy properties, marry the best looking jewesses, and basically lord giant chunk of real wealth in this Jewish land over the Jews. Do I need to go further? You get the point I take it, right? And finally notice that taken in its totality, all of this Christian influence has a horrendous impact on the native majority jewish population.

Suppose further that when some Jews voice their displeasure at this state of affairs he is ridiculed as a “christian-basher” or “anti-Christian”. He may lose his job for being outspoken. He is ridiculed and humiliated. He may even be put in prison for speaking his mind. Now, if you are a Jew and don’t have a problem with the above scenario, saying to yourself “well, I have a great Christian dentist, so leave them alone” or even more moronically ” well, it isn’t all Christians” then fine, that’s your opinion. A stupid one in my view, but fine. If I were a Jew though I would be outraged and would want justice, some action taken against the subversive Jew hating Christians.

The above is obviously meant to demonstrate the opposite, namely that Jews run roughshod over a predominantly Christian population here in the USA, something so entirely unnatural and ahistorical as to be absurd. But that is what the Jew does. He takes over via relentless ethnic networking. He took over Russia, slaughtering tens of millions of native Russians in the process. He took over Germany, ruining her. He has taken over America, make no mistake, and by extension the western world. Do you like what you see? Do you want me to elaborate? Really?

I do not have children, so I couldn’t give a flying fuck what will happen in the next 20 or 50 years. But those of you who do would do well to spend a month studying the jewish question. It has vexed dozens of men down through the ages. There are many books on the subject. They have been called bigots and anti-Semites predictably. Do the names of Henry ford, Thomas Edison, Ezra pound, edgar degas, Immanuel Kant, hg wells, bobby fischer (a Jew himself), Voltaire, Richard Wagner, ts Eliot, nicola tesla, and Cicero ring a bell? They criticized the Jew and his corrosive influence on Christian society. I feel real cozy in their company. The Jew has pissed off at least one talented man in every town, in every place, in every time in human history enough so that he will put pen to paper.

If you try to understand our present condition without understanding the Jew, you will be wandering in the dark, mumbling phrases like “TPTB blah blah blah”. Go forth in ignorance I say. I was the same not 2 years ago. If you say, like Fred reed does, “hey my brilliant doctor is a Jew, so I can’t blame Jews” go ahead. (Hey, my accountant is a Jew, but that doesn’t stop me from telling the truth.) yes, incidentally, there are righteous Jews. Some have paid a high price for criticizing their own. I pray for them. Read the excellent book, Republican Party animals, by a very funny and weird sounding Jew named david cole, who is a holocaust revisionist. His story is the stuff of movies. But I doubt the Jews in Hollywood will make it. They are more likely to kill him, which is what almost happened to the guy. Read the talented Norman finkelstein’s book on the holocaust industry. He paid the price alright.

I will close this lengthy post by quoting the Jews Maurice Samuels. He wrote in 1924:

“Wherever a Jew is found, he is a problem, a source of unhappiness to himself and to those around him.”

“We Jews, we destroyers of things, will remain destroyers forever.”

December 28, 2015 6:11 pm

Stucky you were right, this does bring out some strong opinions. I just think its a distraction. The story of the creation of the fed in jekyll island is a good story, interesting from a historical perspective. But, if your goal is ending the fed, restoring sound money, and removing the influence the banks have on government, the Joos thing is completely irrellevant. For the record, I am a white atheist from the south, not jewish, this shit just gets old. Here and ZH, same thing.

Just answer this – do you guys want to end the fed, restore sound money, rid ourselves of fiat money, etc?

If you answer yes to my first question, do you think you will convince more people of the wisdom of your position by making reasoned arguments, or by constantly complaining about a jewish conspiracy?

Another point, EVEN IF YOU ARE CORRECT and they have secret jew meeting where they come up with new ways to swindle us, IT DOES NOT MATTER. The goal remains the same, and if you were actually able to do those things I mentioned, the joos would lose their magical powers over us you guys seem to think they have as well.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 28, 2015 6:16 pm

Stucky-How did your day go with the parental units?

I never mentioned the word conspiracy and what part of what I posted was not true?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 28, 2015 6:22 pm

Gator- Reading your post truly convinced me there is no hope for our country.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 28, 2015 7:15 pm

Stucky- There was a tribal member in our office condo building years ago, arrogant as hell who kept saying, “Well, we ARE the chosen people”. I would answer him by saying, “chosen by whom” ? He would say “God” to which I would say, “Which God” ?

Yes, I am as big a asshole in real life as online.

December 28, 2015 7:25 pm

But let’s have the facts speak the loudest, shall we? Please read a book called, “philistines at the hedgerow” by steven Gaines. Basically, the book describes how the rapacious Jews overtook the WASPS weekend territory called Long Island. Pay attention to a Jew named Barry Turpin, who bought and razed the DuPont manor house called Chesterton.

He wanted to turn it into a castle cum aquarium. He made his money inventing a ” loophole” in the tax code. How rabbinical of him. Anyway, there were a flurry of lawsuits and recriminations. The upshot is that he didn’t get to build his ugly monstrosity. He was served with 50 lbs. of summonses at his kid’s wedding, a completely vulgar affair. It reminds me of when the Jew criminal Ivan boesky landed his personal helicopter at my fancy boarding school to visit his boys. That was the first time that happened but hey whatever the Jew wants he gets, because of the holocaust ™. I guess 76 relatives of his died at the hands the nadzees. Never mind that there’s no material proof. It happened because the Jews said so and because the nadzees testified to that end after their balls were crushed.

Apparently, Trupin swindled $45 million from 600 investors. But nothing ever came of it as far as I know. Why should it? You anti-Semites! Never again!

December 28, 2015 7:46 pm

Archie is a holocaust denier. What a surprise. I once spoke to a guy who helped liberate the camps.
He was not a denier for sure.

Archie, you sir are a fucking moron. No evidence my fat ass. You deniers just refuse the evidence.

December 28, 2015 8:02 pm

When the Jews overtook Russia and murdered the tsar and his family, it unleashed an unhinged anti Christian terror campaign, which resulted in millions of murders of Christians at the hands of the Jews. But it wasn’t just a bullet to the back of the head. There was serious torture.

There was the rat torture routine, whereby, the poor Christian was tied down, and under an overturned flower plant was placed a starving rat, clamped to his stomach. Isn’t that lovely? How’s about the wooden barrel treatment whereby the poor peasant was put into a barrel of nails pounded in at the sides and rolled downhill? Priests were boiled alive and their followers were forced to drink from the “soup”. Yeah, how about when they nailed the Christian’s lower intestine to a telephone pole, and forced him to run around it, effectively disemboweling himself. I wonder when jewish Hollywood will make a movie about it. Maybe Jew 60 minutes will do a full segment on it. By the way, when my uncle was on 60 minutes, they filmed him for over an hour and published 6 or 7 seconds of his testimony. Do not trust the Jews ever, not ever. I got the same spiel from a Latin teacher from Groton in case you are interested, though not put in those terms.

Anyway, back to the gore. The jewish terrorists would tie a cinder block to your shoe and throw you in the river. They would take a dentist’s drill to your skull. They would saw off the top of your head, and force others to eat his brains. They would brand you with a hot iron. And also insert said iron into the naughty parts too, I am sorry to report. Where are the Hollywood movies about this? The dissidents would have their limbs hacked off ( a Jew specialty, when you consider what has happened in Palestine). Hot lead would be poured down their throats. Christian babies would be skewered upon bayonets. Do you want me to go on? I could on all night long if you want. The idea that Jews are harmless is so stupid it befuddles me.

Again, I could go on and on all day long. Bring it Stucky,I am not as adept as you at posting shit. Not even close. I am slow. The tortoise beats the hare though right?

December 28, 2015 8:18 pm

Lloph ..the holocaust never happened… so there.

Stucky , from now on I’m referring your to Archie.Meathead.
Stucky , you have never proven me wrong on anything. Your just pissed because no one is stupid enough to buy your house for a half a million dollars.

December 28, 2015 8:21 pm

Gator , liberty movement is a joke .Bea ,is right. There’s no hope for our country.

December 28, 2015 8:35 pm

Llpoh, please present the facts. As admin says, “I like facts.” I do too. The holocaust is founded by two things: testimony from inmates, much of it proven false, and the confessions of Germans, which was brought about by torture. This last bit is beyond dispute. Do you want to rest your reputation on this?

Please present the orders by hitler, which were after all decoded by the British, outlining the predetermined genocide of the Jews. You cannot find them. They do not exist. Please give me autopsy reports, which do not exist. Do not insult my intelligence by saying “all the Jews were cremated”. In German controlled Europe there were almost 4 million Jews. 6 million were liquidated right? And there were between 3 and 4 million jews collecting survivor checks. You are a math genius. Does that add up? Again, do no insult my intelligence.

If you think that the germans, fighting on all fronts, for their very existence, used up precious resources to liquidate Jews using an extremely inefficient and tricky method to do so, then you are stupid, plain and simple. The holocaust myth, because it is so, is so fucking stupid, it defies belief. Even if you doubt me, the Russians revised the numbers by half at auschwitz. Again, I beg you to read the jew david cole’s biography, or at least watch his vids on YouTube.

I do not think you are stupid. Therefore, you are misinformed. So far, none of what I have posited the last several months has been refuted. None. I am willing to be proven wrong. Please do so.

December 28, 2015 8:54 pm

Llpoh called me a moron. He is responsible for my being here, having encouraged me to post years ago. I am in his debt, really. I thank him for his encouragement. But llpoh, if you really believe in the holocaust please supply material evidence.

You can’t do it friend.

December 28, 2015 9:03 pm

My mentor after college is a Jew, the mentor that pushed me toward

college was a Jew. One of my best friends in the world was a Jew…

she is gone/cancer. Jews are smarter than average people. And,

key, they help and promote one another…to a point. There are

a % of Jews that are gangsters and are talented lawyers and bankers.

They make lots of big money. Really smart gangsters are a menace.

Everyday Jews? Just people, some great, some not so great. There are

stereotypes about various groups. Peoples get those labels for a reason.

The end.

December 28, 2015 9:08 pm

Stuck…OMG, you went to the DMV and had the wrong papers??

Hoping you had better luck with the shopping.

December 28, 2015 9:13 pm

Stucky, I will answer you. First of all I am not interested in the world’s problems, only ours. Yes, we would have poverty, illness, etc. this I do not dispute. But we wouldn’t have a debased culture for one. We would not have gays flaunting their faggot asses in the streets.

If we killed all the Jews? First off, I would never recommend such a thing. Second, it repulses me, being a pacifist. But they should be expelled to Israel. no doubt about it.