Stucky Q.O.T.D. —— Da Joos

“I certainly agree with the Power of Propaganda or what I would call the Judazing of American culture and Religion. The tribe(Jews ) and ( their Anglo Saxons progressives Lackies) that controls Hollywood , TV Networks and most of the publishing industry have done Satan’s work in turning this nation away from its founding principles.(Christian principles )” ————- bb, in “The Odds Are Never In Your Favor” thread

Simple Question #1: Why bash da Joos at almost every opportunity?

Simple Question #2: Let’s say we killed all the Jews. Do you think the world’s problems would go away? Of course they won’t. It would solve nothing. So, isn’t your anger misplaced?

My take: I do not like the state of Israel. I am not blind to their manipulations here in America. OTOH, I am also not blind to their accomplishments, which are many.  For example;

“At least 194 Jews and people of half- or three-quarters-Jewish ancestry have been awarded the Nobel Prize,1 accounting for 22% of all individual recipients worldwide between 1901 and 2015, and constituting 36% of all US recipients2 during the same period.”
Evil bastards!!!
Perhaps I’m overly sensitive? Lemme tell you a very brief story. My first son, I named him Samuel.  Both my parent’s reaction — “You gave our grandson a JEW name??!!”, followed by many wailings and gnashing of teeth.  Then I had a second son, and named him David. “WTF, you did it AGAIN, you somuvabitch!!”  To this day, my parents do not refer to Samuel and David by name. Really. That’s fucked up.  One of these days I’ll let them know that if I had a daughter, her name would have been, Sarah Elizabeth. They’ll probably disown me. 
At any rate, although I partake in Joo-bashing on occasion, overall I’m pretty fuckin’ fed up with it. Ya’ll are marching down the wrong path.
Fire away!!  (But, don’t forget … Jesus was a Jewish carpenter!)

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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December 28, 2015 9:20 pm

Stucky, I am willing to be persuaded by the evidence. Please provide it.

December 28, 2015 9:27 pm

BTW I was born in Germany. Ich kann noch Deutsche..

My Dad (and Mom) always told me to be kind to Jews,

“because Jewish people have really suffered.” And I

was/am. I have known many Jews as friends and equals…

and if they were higher on the totem pole than me?

Did not care. I am not impressed or intimidated by people

of means/money/status. I am respectful regardless, and

friendly. If it turns out a person is a jerk? Be polite. Walk

away…and avoid them in the future.

Most of this is in the past…as there are no Jews here, that I have

met anyway. And no tizzunos either. Farmers mostly…and so far,

I like them all. Love a few…adults and children. How lucky is that?

Zum Glucks!

There were/was Jewish blood in my grandparents family. “We don’t

talk about that!” said my Dad to my Aunt at the dinner table. lol

That could be a scandal in the old world.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 28, 2015 9:34 pm


I knew you were military, right? Ever notice almost everyone here is military?

December 28, 2015 9:37 pm


They gots you cornered!

How about this…No one get expelled anywhere, BUT,

dual citizen Jews are not permitted to hold positions

of influence and power in the presidential administration,

as heads of major departments or agencies. I think those

“jobs” and power of influence represent a conflict of interest.

Common sense, no?

December 28, 2015 9:43 pm

Can’t help it…please understand…

In 2010, two licensed private investigators, Susan Daniels and Neal Sankey, found that multiple SS numbers are associated with Barack Obama’s name. Daniels and Sankey put their findings in sworn affidavits. Dr. Orly Taitz further verified their information with a third source, a retired Department of Homeland Security senior investigator named John Sampson.

In May 2010, the mystery deepened when it was determined that the SSN Obama is currently using (042-68-4425) has a Connecticut prefix, 042.

Considering Obama has never lived in Connecticut, how can this be legal?

Obama has never lived in nor had an association with Connecticut!

Obama has been using that 042 SS number since he turned 18…

really about O’s un-impeachability

December 28, 2015 9:46 pm

I wonder if the German people would like to trade their new immigrant population for the Jewish citizens they had prior to WW II?

December 28, 2015 10:16 pm

The anger here is palpable.

I am a firm believer that most anti-whoevers are one of the following: latent or closeted homosexuals who hate themselves, men who are impotent and angry at their inability to achieve sexual fulfillment, men in loveless relationships and those who perceive themselves as underachievers.

December 28, 2015 10:40 pm

Archie – glad you are here. But on this you are an idiot.

December 28, 2015 10:53 pm

Llpoh,, please explain. Show me that I am an idiot. I await the evidence. I like evidence.

December 28, 2015 11:01 pm

LLPOH said he spoke to a camp liberator; you ignored it. How do you explain American GI’s who saw the holocaust survivors first hand?
You spoke at length about what the Jews have done to Christians. Never heard of this until now, oddly enough. But I have read in detail what the good Christians did to suspected “witches” back in the day. Very unpleasant stuff, at least equal to the claims you make. Tell me, Archie, do you believe in witches? If not, why not? They’re in the Bible (well, mediums, necromancers and sorcerers, anyway).

December 28, 2015 11:17 pm

The entries on this topic are entering a whirlpool.

When one lacks control of their environment, they blame others.

I would accept negative entries from a writer about a target group if they also wrote positive entries about the group when events warrant it.

December 28, 2015 11:27 pm

Looks like “rainstorm” is the appointed ADL (etc.) minder of TBP for the evening. Yippee.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 28, 2015 11:42 pm


Just because a guy’s an underachiever, impotent and a latent homosexual doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be allowed palpable hatred.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 28, 2015 11:44 pm

PS, Rainstorm, you can’t hide the hook.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 29, 2015 12:24 am

Rainstorm says: I am a firm believer that most anti-whoevers are one of the following: latent or closeted homosexuals who hate themselves, men who are impotent and angry at their inability to achieve sexual fulfillment, men in loveless relationships and those who perceive themselves as underachievers.

I was only half joking when I told Maggie that I have to love myself first before I can love her. Rainstorm is right on the money, you old-timers are just jealous seeing a noobie speaking wisely.

Prof. Pangloss asked (about a malcontent), Is he so insecure that he has to criticize others?

Speaking of loveless relationships, Rainstorm, El Doggie said that if your wife spends most of her time bitching at you, you were not her Plan A.

December 29, 2015 1:20 am

you guys are nuts! lol

“Who picks the titles for books? Is it the writer or the editor? Is there someone in marketing who figures out the best title to sell a book? Red Mafiya is a fifteen year old book that is about the Russian mob. The red is for the association of red with the old USSR. For some strange reason, the title feels wrong. Robert I. Friedman did not write about the Russian Mafia as much as he wrote about the Russian Jewish Mafia and its amazing manipulation of ’90s Russia, America’s immigration policies, Israel’s extradition policy and Jewish privilege.”

Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn….12-11-1918 – 8-3-2008 Moscow

hear him speak at the above link…

my Dad always said the Russians were the most brutal of all people…
heartless, ruthless, murder with impunity. Putin is very nice looking,
nonetheless. Dad didn’t read a blog, he was there.

Who has read: The Gulag Archipelago?

December 29, 2015 1:22 am
December 29, 2015 2:11 am

Maggie – I have read Solzhenitzyn extensively. Elie Wiesel I have read and met. I studied under some of the foremost Judaic historians. I have heard many witnesses of the holocaust speak. Each one was credible. There are endless records l ft by the Germans. Photos. The camps. Graves. Rail stations. Empty poison cans. Ghettos.

Anyone denying it happened is out of their minds.

December 29, 2015 10:50 am

“I studied under some of the foremost Judaic historians”

I’m a little curious about the what and why on this statement.

December 29, 2015 12:32 pm

Stucky, if you had all the right papers the first time the DMV would have to investigate how.

Persnickety, as far as Asians in the panoply of global evil I would suggest PolPot, the Kims of North Korea, Mao as being the equal of anyone, you could throw in ancients as well such as Attila etc. I suspect all races have the same proportion of psychopaths and wannabe dictators, just a matter of opportunity, gumption and of course press.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 29, 2015 12:40 pm

Suzanna- A sizable chunk of American Mafia is Jewish. Most non-thinkers will answer that the Mafia is Italian.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 29, 2015 12:46 pm

I’ll bet RAINSTORM speaks Yid.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 29, 2015 12:50 pm


Did Prof. Pangloss ( a three hundred year old fictional character) tell you that you are a fuknut?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 29, 2015 8:49 pm

No, am I? I’ll let thee count the ways.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 29, 2015 9:28 pm

Bea Lever says: Suzanna, I knew you were military, right? Ever notice almost everyone here is military?

There not. Most are way too old to still be in the military.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 29, 2015 9:32 pm

1. A person who is so annoying and dumb that they can no longer be classed as an idiot and therefore a new level of idiot was created for them, the Fucknut.
2. A person who has shit for brains (that’s if they lucky).
3. A person who was dropped from a tall building at birth.

I had to look it up. Are you saying I’m as smart as Jfish?

EL Coyote, Fucknut
EL Coyote, Fucknut
December 29, 2015 9:51 pm

Rainstorm says: The anger here is palpable.

Who gave Rainy all those thumbs down?

If people here aren’t angry, Admin is sugar-coating things too much.

I guess we have 7 closeted faggots. Come out of the closet, show your nuts!

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
December 29, 2015 11:03 pm

What Rainstorm is tryin ter say here is that Stucky is uh asshole ergo Stucky cannot maintain wood long enough fer his doberman ter lick all the butter off his nuts. And I agree. Stucky is gayer than Richard Simmons with uh handful of well lubed gerbils headed down the chute, and he ain’t had an erection since Andy Rooney turned him on back in the forties. Good gawd Rainstorm hit it right smack dab in the anus. I officially declare Rainstorm the new raining champion of badassery, and hopefully he take Indented Sphincter’s place cuz that’s another gay retard we all love ter hate.

What’s up EC?

December 29, 2015 11:17 pm

Haha holy shit I haven’t been on here all day, just checked this thread and it is still going.

Stucky, you spoke too soon about the reason and articulate responses. God damn.

Stil no one has managed to answer questions I posed above though, typical.

December 30, 2015 1:53 am

Llpoh says:

Maggie – I have read Solzhenitzyn extensively. Elie Wiesel I have read and met. I studied under some of the foremost Judaic historians. I have heard many witnesses of the holocaust speak. Each one was credible. There are endless records l ft by the Germans. Photos. The camps. Graves. Rail stations. Empty poison cans. Ghettos.

Anyone denying it happened is out of their minds.

Okay, I have avoided this post because of the Subject Matter and woke up tonight and thought “why not?”

Did I miss something LLPOH? I have read the Gulag Archipelago and as a matter of fact, just bought the hardback recently to replace my worn paperback copy. But, what is this comment in reference to?

December 30, 2015 3:33 am

Sorry Mags, that was to Suzanna.

P – interest and opportunity.

December 30, 2015 4:41 am

Suzanna, Jews are not more successful because their smarter than everyone else, it just that they’re better at tribing up.

And while I haven’t spent anytime perusing the material collected and condensed for public fodder by David Cole (David Stein)I am aware that it exists for those with any interest in Holocaust history .

The Right’s Jewish Problem

The Right’s Jewish Problem

the very people who are honoring Steyn are the ones who banned me because of work I did 25 years ago that raised questions about whether or not Auschwitz was an extermination camp. After five years as a member, I was banned for life from Friends of Abe without being given the opportunity to explain my views, and I was banned solely on the grounds that certain other members were offended. The people who expelled and disowned me were my friends. These were people I’d worked with on a daily basis. They celebrated my political writings, they collaborated with me, they attended my events. Indeed, I was considered a liquor-affected voice of reason in their circle. But it all came to an end when my past as a Holocaust revisionist was “outed” on April 20, 2013, by National Review’s Michael Walsh (also an FOA member). From that point on, I was worse than persona non grata. I wasn’t just to be ignored, but fought. To this day, over two years later, mainstream sites that hire me are hit with trolling and threats from my former colleagues.

[imgcomment image[/img]

December 30, 2015 5:09 am

the above was I…now lets talk disproportionate Jewish influence in American politics via pro-Open Borders Jewish billionaires pumping millions into the campaigns of both GOP and DNC politicians.

Three in particular , George Soros, Sheldon Adelson and Paul Singer practically own the GOP/DNC duopoly.

[imgcomment image[/img]

All three are rabidly support with money and mouth the demographic replacement of Americans with foreign workers, the destruction of the traditional family via LBGT marketing campaigns and the total deregulation of the financial industry which has already proven to be near fatal to middle calls mom and pop America, but why should they care. Historically , there has ever been only two classes , one rich and one poor , which they may see as the natural order.

So in answer to #1, I’ll take Bea Lever for a $100 and #2 is so ludicrous a question that the answer can only be purple.

December 30, 2015 5:22 am

I think it can be safely said that the Jewish Open Borders lobby pulls the puppet strings of both the GOP/DNC , in particular when it comes to immigration policy , which is why Trump posing as an anti- establishment/immigration candidate has become so wildly popular. But, is he really all that or is it just another unreal reality show put on as a big head fake and Trump is as Bea Lever says nothing but “controlled opposition.” I don’t discount that right off, but at this point the only thing standing between US and a full blown invasion of our homeland is Trump. It’s not like we have 9 other options.Its Trump or bust.

Marco Rubio’s New Billionaire Backer Top Funder for Open Borders

Paul Singer – GOP Mega-Donor
By Wayne Lutton
Paul Singer, 69, is the supremo of the Elliott Management hedge fund. As such he has been variously described as one of the world’s “vulture capitalists.” He specializes in investing in distressed or bankrupt companies (such as Chrysler and Delphi) and distressed countries (such as Peru and the Congo). As we go to press, the financial news journals are reporting on his efforts to cash in on Argentina’s foreign debt.

Singer has long been a major funder of homosexual activist organizations. He has given millions of dollars to gay-rights initiatives across the country and is considered “pivotal in rounding up about $250,000 apiece for the Republican state senators in New York whose votes for same-sex marriage provided its margin of victory in the Legislature” [Frank Bruni, “The G.O.P.’s Gay Trajectory,” New York Times, June 9, 2012].

Immigration is a relatively new cause for Singer. He was the key donor behind Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign for president and is credited with persuading Romney not to focus on immigration-related issues. In 2013, he helped fund the National Immigration Forum’s Evangelical Immigration Table initiative. The objective here was to influence conservative Christians to drop their opposition to illegal immigration and instead embrace open borders. It happens that NIF is one of George Soros’s principle vehicles for influencing immigration policy. With Soros, Singer’s chief interest in this area is to buy support for the Senate Gang of Eight immigration bill.

Singer, Adelson, and their fellow Republican super-donors are doing all they can to see that amnesty for illegal aliens and increased legal immigration of foreign workers enjoys “bi-partisan” support.

[Tamara Keith, “Super Donor Backs Romney—and Gay Marriage,” “All Things Considered,” NPR, April 17, 2012; Matthew Boyle, “Romney’s Top Donor Teams with Soros Front Group on Immigration Reform,”, August 23, 2013].

EL Coyote, Fucknut
EL Coyote, Fucknut
December 30, 2015 8:23 am

Billah’s wife says: What’s up EC?

For a brief shining moment I flew to the heavens where HSF and Maggie cruise. Apparently too high a place for my wax wings. Bea cast me down to Fucknuttery where I belong. Actually, I owe it all to Jfish, he made me look smart. You would have liked him for two or three minutes. Damn, he really needed your disrespect.

December 30, 2015 8:34 am

Ah, EC…

To sit in quiet contemplation on
A mottled slope of granite slab and grass
That lies above a busy coastal port,
To speak, to listen, and at times to laugh,
To watch the falcons and the greedy gulls
That dip and whirl and spin with every breeze,
And bobbing sails and prows of distant boats
That slice the surface of the endless seas,

To smell the sweet salt tang of ocean air,
To sit in silence, or to softly talk,
While all around the crash of foaming waves
Beats loudly on the madly contoured rock,
To set aside the cares that haunt our days,
To let the moments turn to minutes, and
The minutes disappear in squandered hours
While timeless nature beats against the strand;

And, Oh! If moments such as these could come –
These precious gifts that God in grace does send –
If only these could come to us each day,
Or failing that, perhaps, to never end.

by Douglas Twitchell

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 30, 2015 8:59 am


I second Flash, Joos are not smarter just better at tribing up. The goy would be a scary force if they took a lesson from their tribal methods.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 30, 2015 9:13 am

Flash- If you are pointing the finger, I would hardly call pointing out that Joos (like Dylan) don’t sing a lot of Christmas songs worthy of your snide remark. If they did not run everything as you so skillfully posted above, we would not have to call attention to them, right?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 30, 2015 9:22 am


A new year is upon us and I would like to smoke a peace pipe with you so we can work together, not against each other. What do you say?

December 30, 2015 9:27 am

I’ve never denied Jews don’t have disproportionate amount of influence in USG which is borne on the wings of the campaign fiance . All I was saying was not every Jew e.g. Bob Dylan has political aspirations associated with capital and not all Jewish capitalists have political aspirations that are nefarious. Dylan is an entertainer and clas A songwriter , thats all.

On another thread I posted Jewish military historian and professor emeritus Martin Van Cleveld talking about Israel currently enjoying the fact that a neocon USG is willing to shed blood and treasure in the fight against Israels enemies, but he fears that influence might be on the wane due to too much public exposure….make of it what you will.

From last weekend’s Brainstorm event with Dr. Martin van Creveld, Israeli military historian and the author of The Transformation of War and A History of Strategy: From Sun Tzu to William S. Lind:

VOX: Speaking of the US, I am curious to know what the general opinion in Israel is of the American neocons who, like you said, have been trying to overthrow Assad. They have overturned the Ukrainian government, the Libyan government, the Iraqi government, etc. What is the general view of the neocons in Israel?

MVC: Oh, we love them. The Israelis are very happy to fight the Arabs and the Iranians with American blood. During the first Gulf War, Israel was then under Yitzhak Shamir and did whatever it could to encourage an American invasion of Iraq. I wouldn’t say that this was decisive but they tried. It was the same when the Americans invaded Iraq for the second time. It was the same when Americans clashed with Iran over nuclear weapons. Each time you can see this very consistently. You can see the Israeli Right and, to some extent, even the Left say okay, this is lovely, we are going to let the Americans put the chestnuts in the fire for us.

Myself, I must say, that I dislike this policy very much. But certainly most Israelis like it. They like to be on the side of the strong as I see it. They push America as much as they can into these ventures. Just today I saw a famous t-shirt that says “Don’t worry America, Israel is behind you.” I also know that some Americans, like Pat Buchanan, have been writing that these lousy Israelis have been trying to use American for their own purposes and have unfortunately they have succeeded. So, personally I am not happy about this policy. I think that it may well one day act as a boomerang.

VOX: Do you think it is bad for Israel to be dependent in that way?

MVC: Yes, because, as we say in Hebrew, “the one who’s got the money has the say.” It’s bad in several ways, it is bad in the sense that we are tilting too much in the Republican direction. That is a bad thing in my view. It’s not bipartisan. There is a danger that one day support for Israel will probably fade and people will say enough of this. They will say Israelis are exploiting us with American-Jewish help. They are exploiting us for their own purposes. Let them go and fight their own wars. I have been warned more than once by my American friends that this is one day going to happen. It hasn’t happened yet but it is going to happen one day and it worries me. Frankly, it worries me.

VOX: Yeah, you don’t want to use your allies on a war that you don’t need and then not have their support when you actually need it.

MVC: Exactly.

December 30, 2015 9:31 am

Fine BL, we can smoke a peace pipe, but FWIW, I haven’t a thing against you. I was merely cracking on your tendencies to see Joos and the “controlled opposition” behind every thread. Sometimes thing is just a thing.

December 30, 2015 9:44 am

Stuck, are you saying Bea Lever is ((( GASP))) controlled opposition? …it all makes perfect sense now.

December 30, 2015 9:49 am

BL’s probably loaded with pot, and he’s working together with Super Sleuth to get me busted on some obscure Federal law about sharing pot pipes across FCC controlled lines which carries a sentence of 100 to life.

December 30, 2015 9:53 am

On second thought, I’d rather jerk off a mountain lion with barbed wire in a phone booth than smoke a peace pipe with freefall Bea.

December 30, 2015 10:11 am

I’m going for 99! It is the new one hundred you know. I will be honest here and tell you that In interviewed a politics and religion professor (Dr. Alan Hertzke) for an article one time and asked him about the Jewish issue, expecting a concise answer. I mean, he was an EXPERT in politics and religion. The rambling answer I got did NOT make it into the article. As good as I can sometimes be at condensing meaning from long sagas (NOT MY OWN!!!) I didn’t even try. Something about the Black Plague, hygiene, closed community and low death rates seems to come to the foreground of my memory.

And now, I think I’ll look online and see what Hertzke is up to these days.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 30, 2015 11:10 am

Stucky is going to win the Nobel Prize for Shit Stirring that will be awarded by some Joos no doubt. 🙂

Thanks Flash, I promise not to bash Trump for the whole month of January just to show good faith.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 30, 2015 1:52 pm

Maggie- Two days in a row. Hit the 100 mark and did not realize it. Strange planetary alignment or something.

December 30, 2015 2:00 pm

I think if you get a hat trick here, you get to be a big dog.