America Is Being Destroyed By Problems That Are Unaddressed

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

One hundred years ago European civilization, as it had been known, was ending its life in the Great War, later renamed World War I. Millions of soldiers ordered by mindless generals into the hostile arms of barbed wire and machine gun fire had left the armies stalemated in trenches. A reasonable peace could have been reached, but US President Woodrow Wilson kept the carnage going by sending fresh American soldiers to try to turn the tide against Germany in favor of the English and French.

The fresh Amerian machine gun and barbed wire fodder weakened the German position, and an armistance was agreed. The Germans were promised no territorial losses and no reparations if they laid down their arms, which they did only to be betrayed at Versailles. The injustice and stupidity of the Versailles Treaty produced the German hyperinflation, the collapse of the Weimar Republic, and the rise of Hitler.

Hitler’s demands that Germany be put back together from the pieces handed out to France, Belgium, Denmark, Lithuania, Czechoslovakia, and Poland, comprising 13 percent of Germany’s European territory and one-tenth of her population, and a repeat of French and British stupidity that had sired the Great War finished off the remnants of European civilization in World War II.

The United States benefited greatly from this death. The economy of the United States was left untouched by both world wars, but economies elsewhere were destroyed. This left Washington and the New York banks the arbiters of the world economy. The US dollar replaced British sterling as the world reserve currency and became the foundation of US domination in the second half of the 20th century, a domination limited in its reach only by the Soviet Union.

The Soviet collapse in 1991 removed this constraint from Washington. The result was a burst of American arrogance and hubris that wiped away in over-reach the leadership power that had been handed to the United States. Since the Clinton regime, Washington’s wars have eroded American leadership and replaced stability in the Middle East and North Africa with chaos.

Washington moved in the wrong direction both in the economic and political arenas. In place of diplomacy, Washington used threats and coercion. “Do as you are told or we will bomb you into the stone age,” as Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage told President Musharraf of Pakistan. Not content to bully weak countries, Washington threatens poweful countries such as Russia, China, and Iran with economic sanctions and military actions. Consequently, much of the non-Western world is abandoning the US dollar as world currency, and a number of countries are organizing a payments system, World Bank, and IMF of their own. Some NATO members are rethinking their membership in an organization that Washington is herding into conflict with Russia.

China’s unexpectedly rapid rise to power owes much to the greed of American capitalism. Pushed by Wall Street and the lure of “performance bonuses,” US corporate executives brought a halt to rising US living standards by sending high productivity, high value-added jobs abroad where comparable work is paid less. With the jobs went the technology and business knowhow. American capability was given to China. Apple Computer, for example, has not only offshored the jobs but also outsourced its production. Apple does not own the Chinese factories that produce its products.

The savings in US labor costs became corporate profits, executive renumeration, and shareholder capital gains. One consequence was the worsening of the US income distribution and the concentration of income and wealth in few hands. A middle class democracy was transformed into an oligarchy. As former President Jimmy Carter recently said, the US is no longer a democracy; it is an oligarchy.

In exchange for short-term profits and in order to avoid Wall Street threats of takeovers, capitalists gave away the American economy. As manufacturing and tradeable professional skill jobs flowed out of America, real family incomes ceased to grow and declined. The US labor force participation rate fell even as economic recovery was proclaimed. Job gains were limited to lowly paid domestic services, such as retail clerks, waitresses, and bartenders, and part-time jobs replaced full-time jobs. Young people entering the work force find it increasingly difficult to establish an independent existance, with 50 percent of 25-year old Americans living at home with parents.

In an economy driven by consumer and investment spending, the absence of growth in real consumer income means an economy without economic growth. Led by Alan Greenspan, the Federal Reserve in the first years of the 21st century substituted a growth in consumer debt for the missing growth in consumer income in order to keep the economy moving. This could only be a short-term palliative, because the growth of consumer debt is limited by the growth of consumer income.

Another serious mistake was the repeal of financial regulation that had made capitalism functional. The New York Banks were behind this egregious error, and they used their bought-and-paid-for Texas US Senator, whom they rewarded with a 7-figure salary and bank vice chairmanship to open the floodgates to amazing debt leverage and financial fraud with the repeal of Glass-Steagall.

The repeal of Glass-Steagall destroyed the separation of commercial from investment banking. One result was the concentration of banking. Five mega-banks now dominate the American financial scene. Another result was the power that the mega-banks gained over the government of the United States. Today the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve serve only the interests of the mega-banks.

In the United States savers have had no interest on their savings in eight years. Those who saved for their retirement in order to make paltry Social Security benefits liveable have had to draw down their capital, leaving less inheritance for hard-pressed sons, grandsons, daughters and granddaughters.

Washington’s financial policy is forcing families to gradually extinguish themselves. This is “freedom and democracy “ America today.

Among the capitalist themselves and their shills among the libertarian ideologues, who are correct about the abuse of government power but less concerned with the abuse of private power, the capitalist greed that is destroying families and the economy is regarded as the road to progress. By distrusting government regulators of private misbehavior, libertarians provided the cover for the repeal of the financial regulation that made American capitalism functional. Today dysfunctional capitalism rules, thanks to greed and libertarian ideology.

With the demise of the American middle class, which becomes more obvious each day as another ladder of upward mobility is dismantled, the United States becomes a bipolar country consisting of the rich and the poor. The most obvious conclusion is that the failure of American political ledership means instability, leading to a conflict between the haves—the one percent—and the dispossessed—the 99 percent.

The failure of leadership in the United States is not limited to the political arena but is across the board. The time horizon operating in American institutions is very short term. Just as US manufacturers have harmed US demand for their products by moving abroad American jobs and the consumer income associated with the jobs, university administrations are destroying universities. As much as 75 percent of university budgets is devoted to administration. There is a proliferation of provosts, assistant provosts, deans, assistant deans, and czars for every designated infraction of political correctness.

Tenure-track jobs, the bedrock of academic freedom, are disappearing as university administrators turn to adjuncts to teach courses for a few thousand dollars. The decline in tenure-track jobs heralds a decline in enrollments in Ph.D. programs. University enrollments overall are likely to decline. The university experience is eroding at the same time that the financial return to a university education is eroding. Increasingly students graduate into an employment environment that does not produce sufficient income to service their student loans or to form independent households.

Increasingly university research is funded by the Defense Department and by commercial interests and serves those interests. Universities are losing their role as sources of societal critics and reformers. Truth itself is becoming commercialized.

The banking system, which formerly financed business, is increasingly focused on converting as much of the economy as possible into leveraged debt instruments. Even consumer spending is reduced with high credit card interest rate charges. Indebtedness is rising faster than the real production in the economy.

Historically, capitalism was justified on the grounds that it guaranteed the efficient use of society’s resources. Profits were a sign that resources were being used to maximize social welfare, and losses were a sign of inefficient resource use, which was corrected by the firm going out of business. This is no longer the case when the economic policy of a counry serves to protect financial institutions that are “too big to fail” and when profits reflect the relocation abroad of US GDP as a result of jobs offshoring. Clearly, American capitalism no longer serves society, and the worsening distribution of income and wealth prove it.

None of these serious problems will be addressed by the presidential candidates, and no party’s platform will consist of a rescue plan for America. Unbridled greed, short-term in nature, will continue to drive America into the ground.

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December 30, 2015 1:45 pm

“In exchange for short-term profits and in order to avoid Wall Street threats of takeovers, capitalists gave away the American economy.”

This isnt what happened at all. The economy has been systematically destroyed, and NOT in the name of profit. This has been overlooked and dismissed for a long time. Now that we are in the final stages of it, you can see it more clearly. They took away the manufacturing jobs and now they are now going after the service jobs. They are passing laws where small businesses can be fined massive amounts of money for doing such simple things as requiring that a male bartender not wear lipstick. I’m not making this up. This is an actual law, it was reported on today all over the alternative media. At what point do you accept that this was always the plan? When every single last business in America closes its doors? This isnt capitalism gone wrong. It isnt greed. This is nothing less than pure satanism in control of our government. Not hyperbole. These are real, in the flesh, Baal worshipping Luciferians running a real demonic ritual on this country, using black magic to cloud their true agenda.

December 30, 2015 1:59 pm

“…American capitalism no longer serves society…” – cuz American capitalism (vs basic capitalism) is now Crony capitalism.

December 30, 2015 2:55 pm

Don’t know if it’s really a conspiracy . It just seems so given the lunacy.

You have to remember , even Doctors and other IQ’s in society can’t comprehend that when you deposit money in a bank your making a short term loan to the bank that gets rolled over every day. No comprehension of fractional reserve banking. No comphrention of no matter what society uses as money it’s value fluctuates based on confidence of the over all economy.

No we’re in for a hard landing.

December 30, 2015 3:20 pm

Pure genius USG, …destroy the economy of your nation while funding the growth of the military of your communist enemy at the same time….go long hemp America…sumbitchez need to swing.

December 30, 2015 4:17 pm

As I’ve said many times before, all power coalesces into one power. America was designed to divide power into many hands with power, ultimately, resting in the people. This was to avoid the very condition that we find ourselves in today. The Ideals of our country was gradually lost thru undereducation, poor political choices, and Progressive onslaught.

Like sheep going to slaughter led by a Judas goat, (our progressive political and social leaders), we are unaware of our impending doom, thinking we are lining up for more free goodies. To “Serve Man” is indeed a ‘cookbook’.

Giving responsibility for your life that God has given you, over to others, is indeed the apex of irresponsibility. Especially so, if it’s for slavish goodies. Your trust in government rather than in God will, in a very short time, I fear be revealed as a wicked delusion as governments renege on their promises and obligation to the governed and their true ambitions of greed, death and destruction are revealed.

Because of the likes of Paul Craig Roberts, Admin and others, you have a warning and foresight that may provide you with a way of escape. My hope is that enough will be alarmed at their impending doom to act in concert to provide a better future for all our children.

Paul Craig Roberts thinks that there is no hope for change in today’s environment. But…one thing you can always bet on is that there will always be change. We will bring change to a world hoping for change, not the change Obama fostered on a believing electorate, but real change, a change back to the truths our Fore Fathers envisioned.

That is my hope, too.

December 30, 2015 6:10 pm

stick a fork in it…we’re done.

December 30, 2015 6:37 pm

One thing I have learned as a research scientist over 30 years is that it is impossible to solve a problem without understanding the ultimate cause. There is a common tendency among scientists to focus on symptoms that lead many astray. So here are the facts as I see them.

The US is an Evil Empire now controlled by powerful Talmudic Jews. There are lots of non-Jews involved but the head of the snake is Jewish bankers such as the Rothschild’s banking dynasty in the City of London (not the municipal City of London but the City within a City). As a example, Jews control the Federal Reserve, major banks on Wall Street and in London, the financial system, major corporations such as Google, the global Main Stream Media, almost all the movie studios in Hollywood, the Congress, the President, the Supreme Court, the State Department, the CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, parts of National Defence and much, much more. The culture of America has been subverted and is now a Talmudic Jewish culture. It may be hard for many to believe but the United States is a slave colony run by Jews for Jews. The scary part is that this system of neo-feudalism was imposed on the US people without their knowledge. Even today, most Americans think they are free, live under a constitution and fight wars for America when in fact they are brainwashed serfs – such is the power and insidiousness of mass indoctrination and the use of mind-altering chemicals, some such as fluoride delivered in our drinking water and others in our food supply and drug stores.

It took me a long time to figure out the ultimate source of our destruction, which is not easy because there are so many distortions, lies, dead ends, false narratives, 24/7 propaganda in all our institutions – church, schools, universities, governments, mass media, movies, TV shows, advertising, internet, etc, etc. It is all very skilfully done which shows what can be accomplished with tens of trillions of dollars stolen from the peoples of the world. The entire western world is based on a totally false narrative, where up is down, good is bad, bad is good, women are men and men are women, CO2 – the gas of life – is a pollutant whereas GMOs, fluoride, pesticides, hormone laced meat, etc. are the epitome of health. Science has been corrupted in the process. All I can say is welcome to the satanic world we all live in. Hard words to be sure but I think that is where we are at. I should also point out that authentic Jews may be some of the greatest victims of this diabolical system, but unfortunately few realize that they help enable this system by their blind support of Talmudic Judaism. I suspect that Judaism itself has been corrupted by those calling themselves Jews who are not the children of Abraham of the Torah or Old Testament.

December 30, 2015 6:39 pm

I am with Suzanna…..we’re screwed! Just a matter of when it all come crashing down and what that crash leads to: WWW3, Civil War turning to Revolution or Peaceful Reform (the last basically being a pipe dream)!

mike in ga
mike in ga
December 30, 2015 6:45 pm

“Universities are losing their role as sources of societal critics and reformers.”

hahaha That sentence alone confirms my already low opinion of Mr. Roberts.

mike in ga
mike in ga
December 30, 2015 6:52 pm

PCR obviously detests capitalism as much as I detest communism so I wonder what he might propose to replace this system?

I know capitalism is flawed now having morphed into crony capitalism. I understand that central planning has taken over great swaths of our economy and oligarchy defines us just as well. I understand the financial excesses of the last several decades have grown to the point that there ain’t much more free lunch left but now everyone is conditioned to expect it.

What I don’t understand is what these people who have demonized capitalism expect to replace it with. Anyone can complain but I have yet to hear an economic solution that includes freedom of the individual in it.

We’ve all become inured to talk of revolution and economic collapse and TEOTWAWKI up to and including a nuclear WWIII. Are we all convinced that the slide, once begun, continues until war engulfs the world and economies are amputated rather than healed?

December 30, 2015 7:37 pm

mike in ga…..nobody can see/predict long-term our future. There are obvious major items to concentrate our thoughts. I will pick the financial arena – with debt levels being unpayable, I believe there will be a restructuring of worldwide? debt, probably through the UN (horrible as that seems). We will probably take a 50% devaluation of our currency and assets. Whatever action is taken, it will be historic.

I am not in the camp of WW3, although Obama is pushing to take down Russia financially and engaging with Turkey (a NATO member) to push Putin’s button. I only hope Putin is a much saner individual than our POS-in-Chief.

December 30, 2015 8:46 pm

What we need do is rid ourselves of crony capitalism. Bernie Sanders is all about that and peace.

Muck About
Muck About
December 30, 2015 9:21 pm

Simple explanation.. We are about 2/3 the way through the Fourth Turning, on the brink of systemic breakdown and it’s all downhill from here simply because there is no way to turn around and climb back from the over-indebted situation in which we find ourselves.

@kokoda: Research your understanding of currency and assets. An asset is something of hard value – a home, farmland, productive facilities, profit making plants and machinery, commodity wealth such as lumber in the tree, products growing from the earth, gold or silver, coal and natural resources that one controls. Currency is debt. It is backed by nothing more than the confidence of the people that if they take it, it can be exchanged for a real asset at a later date. When that confidence in the fiat (unbacked) currency/debt fails, the value of the currency and “pay back” value of the debt falls to zero, zilch, zippo..

You can not have a devaluation in value of the currency and devaluation of value in hard assets at the same time. When the currency value drops to zippo (i.e. no one will accept it in exchange for assets or anything of real value), those assets climb in in “value” to compensate for the lost value of the currency(debt). In other words, if you can’t tag a “value” of an asset with a “currency”, the assets must then be revalued in some fashion but while the currency/debt isn’t worth burning up except to stay warm, the asset retains the same (likely greater) “value” than it did before even though – for a while – we may not have an appropriate method of assigning what the assets’ new value is.

Value is completely subjective, not an objective figure. Things are only worth what they are worth in trade for something of equal or (if you make a profit) greater “value”.

Righty now the U.S. economic system is running on inertia and habit and status quo and don’t rock the boat systems. It is doomed as the debts of the Federal and State Governments, Corporations and individuals will never be paid back (individual’s are exception to the “rule”). All we are doing is borrowing and creating more debt in order to pay interest on past debt which is, of course, a smaller figure (though ever growing like a cancer) than paying off the entire debt would be. But it’s a Ponzi Scheme of classic construction, chasing its’ own ass in ever smaller circles until, eventually, it vanishes up its’ own bung hole, and ALL VALUE must then be redetermined using some other system than “currency” or “debt”.

The transition is a bitch.

That’s WTSHTF.

That’s a mathematical certainty. The only unknown is how long it will take to collapse.


December 30, 2015 9:21 pm

West coaster – what a load of shit. You are a moron. Sanders is all about socialism and giving away tens of trillions in free shit with zero idea how to pay for it, and no intention of even trying. Everything else runs a distant second place to that.

December 30, 2015 9:43 pm

All debt will be cancelled (unpayable) and banking will be turned into a public utility.

A society of debt run by and for bankers simply can’t endure.

December 30, 2015 10:52 pm

WDG ,you are so correct!!!!!took me a long time to begin understanding our situation. The Central Bankers are truly masters of the universe. At least for NOW.

December 31, 2015 2:46 am

mike in ga says, “PCR obviously detests capitalism as much as I detest communism so I wonder what he might propose to replace this system?”

News Flash, Flash! PCR doesn’t detest capitalism, as I understand him, but does detest Crony Capitalism or Fascism posited as Capitalism, which is what we are becoming. I prefer to replace Crony Capitalism with the term ‘Free Marketism’. The free exchange of goods and services within a framework of ‘Contract Law’ and social consciousness.

The alignment of government, corporations and bankers is inimical to the social fabric. Comparable to three wolfs and a sheep deciding on what to have for dinner. What is lost in Crony Capitalism is social consciousness, a feeling for responsible consideration of others. And…I might add for the world which we inhabit.

Our Constitution is an Ideal, a goal to attain, which our fore fathers pass on to us, based on Christian ethics and morality. There were many failures of our nation to live up to those Ideals, but we held them high even in our failures.

Today those Ideals are being destroyed by Progressive thinking and in their place selfishness, politically correct thinking, socialism, war, and social destruction of living standards are gaining ascendancy. Christianity is under incessant ridicule and attack. Incorrect, illogical thinking have replaced reasoned judgement in our social institutions.

A country, nation, that have no Ideals or have Ideals of a base nature, ceases to be a nation. It’s an individual decision, what are your Ideals?

December 31, 2015 2:50 am

Westcoaster–I trust that’s sarcasm.

December 31, 2015 3:09 am

Muck About, that comment deserves to be it’s own post! It’s a thing of beauty!

December 31, 2015 4:16 am

Muck About–Close, but no cigar! Perhaps you should “research your understanding of currency and assets”.

You say, ” An asset is something of hard value…”, true, but many intangibles are assets, too. A promissory note is an asset, your wealth in a bank account is an asset, your learning is an asset, Real Bills are an asset, etc.

What makes an asset and asset is the desirability of others who want to hold it or on a personal note, your desire to possess it. But…all assets don’t have value and by value I mean your ability to sell it for money or exchange it for another asset. Air is an asset, you need it, but try and sell it to your neighbor. Air is FREE. Good luck with that.

Our currency, the Federal Reserve Note, is an asset because people desire to hold it, and as an asset can be exchanged for other assets. Yes, the FRN isn’t money and it’s intrinsically worthless, but it’s value is in its desirability, whether that desirability is misplaced of not. Money has a distinct definition throughout history which our currency doesn’t comport (conform to). It is a money substitute, pseudo money. Our currency is credit based not debt based and is lent or borrowed into existence. Credit and debt are two sides of the same coin. Like a horse and carriage, you can’t have one without the other.

Fiat doesn’t mean fake as you suggest, but merely means by decree of government. Legal Tender.

You say, “You can not have a devaluation in value of the currency and devaluation of value in hard assets at the same time.”

Well, FDR during the great depression devalued the currency 70% and many assets declined in value. It was called deflation. Today we have a devaluation of the currency. It is called Inflation, yet the price of commodities are crashing. Note! You can have an outright devaluation of a currency thru gov edict, bring in ten of your old dollars and get 1 new dollar. Then you can have inflation which devalues the purchasing power of existing currency.

Yes, Value is completely subjective. One man’s meat is another man’s poison. But…It help transactions among peoples if there is a solid unchanging yard stick in which to measure value—that’s called ‘money’.

December 31, 2015 4:38 am

Look value has a lot of meanings and how you define it in your usage should be apparent in your sentence structure. If not its usage becomes confusing.

relative worth, merit, or importance:
the value of a college education; the value of a queen in chess.
monetary or material worth, as in commerce or trade:
This piece of land has greatly increased in value.
the worth of something in terms of the amount of other things for which it can be exchanged or in terms of some medium of exchange.
equivalent worth or return in money, material, services, etc.:
to give value for value received.
estimated or assigned worth; valuation:
a painting with a current value of $500,000.
denomination, as of a monetary issue or a postage stamp.

December 31, 2015 8:49 am

Well, you will NEVER hear the vaunted PCR attach blame to the real culprits… the jew.

No, PCR uses the tired, old Nazi card (again).

PCR is historically challenged:

December 31, 2015 11:35 am

Regarding this discussion of what is “value” or a “hard asset.” I would see that as a thing requiring no third party promise to pay.