Question for 12/30/15

Over the weekend, a commercial for an upcoming UFC bout popped up and my son saw it and said “I want to do that.”

My response was “Oh, Mommy would love that.”

Granted, he wants to do anything that looks cool (monster truck driver, race car driver, pro athlete, etc…).

I brought it up with my wife last night, she was obviously not a fan of our 4yo’s “decision” (lol) but as we talked I ended up admitting MMA fighter would not be my first wish for him either but it’s ahead of him becoming a soldier for the US by hundreds of miles.

So I’ll post the question here for the members of TBP that are parents:

What profession/path would you not want your son/daughter to follow and why?

Author: harry p.

A Gen X mechanical engineer who values family, strength, discipline, self-reliance and freedom who is doing what he can to protect his family, belittle morons and be ready for the tough times ahead. Discipline=Freedom

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Hollow man
Hollow man
December 30, 2015 7:44 am

Mechanical engineering with a minor in writing code. The rich will always want new cool
Machines. If you build it or can fix it you should be ok.

December 30, 2015 7:52 am

1, Internet blogger

2. Accountant

December 30, 2015 8:04 am

I second Stuck’s brilliant assessment.

December 30, 2015 8:04 am

Cop, because Cops are douchenozzles.

December 30, 2015 8:22 am

Mega Church Pastor


Hey it’s where the money and pussy is.

December 30, 2015 8:26 am

Last school year, my kids were telling me about a day in school that they were visited by various branches of the US Armed Forces. My kids, being elementary school age, had no idea they were being visited by a propaganda machine. They told me how cool it would be, when they turned 18, to join the military. (I forget exactly which branches were represented. Maybe all of them? Only the marines? I forget.)

I told my kids, in no uncertain terms, that I would support almost any decision they made when they turned 18. I would support them if they decided to move to NYC and try to make it big on Broadway. I would support them if they moved to LA to try and break out in Hollywood. I would support them if they wanted to go to trade school, and learn a skill, like welding. I would support them, under certain conditions and guideline, if they wanted to go to college. I would support them if they wanted to open a small business.

But I will never support, endorse, recommend ANY involvement in the US military system. Not even the fucking Coast Guard. Hell, I would even support them if they went to work for a landscaper, cutting lawns. But if that landscaper had even one contract on a military installation, I wouldn’t even support them cutting the fucking grass for the US military.

I was so emphatic in my position to the point that it caused a rift between my wife and I (At that moment in time. A small spat. Obviously, we’ve kissed and made up since then.) Nevertheless, I remain steadfast:

I will not support my kids entering the US Military.

December 30, 2015 8:36 am

Both my kids are self employed contributing members of society, and doing well for themselves.

December 30, 2015 8:41 am

Okay, is this questions what you do NOT want your kid to pursue or what you do?

Because apparently, some people are either confused or have a problem with their kids.

I’m going to say that I want my son to be self-sufficient and not reliant on his father and I after his career begins, but I do want him to “like” us enough to visit.

I do NOT want him to be interested in financial instruments in any form because the “LOVE” of money is the root of all evil. Everyone needs money or some form of currency to procure goods you cannot make yourself, but you don’t have to love it to the point of doing anything to get it and keep it.

So, I do NOT want my son to get interested in getting rich, just in working to have “enough.”

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
December 30, 2015 8:41 am


December 30, 2015 8:45 am

And, yes, Tim… in spite of the military being a great road to maturity and growing up and enlightenment and all that for myself? In the social experimentation and perverse atmosphere of the modern U.S. military and the danger that imposes on the young people now enlisting/being commissioned?

NO WAY. I would cut off his toes.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
December 30, 2015 8:45 am

We need less Sky daddy Emissaries

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 30, 2015 8:45 am

MSM News Anchor

Movie Actor

You have to sell your soul to the devil to obtain those jobs.

December 30, 2015 8:52 am


Awww, you’re just saying that cuz you’re happy I didn’t kill myself last night.

I wouldn’t want my child to work for The State, at ANY level, including the military but, especially at the DMV. There! That ties the following commentary to the question at hand, which means I am not hijacking this thread.

Along with the tax office, I can’t imagine a worse governmental office than the Department Of Motor Vehicles. Then again, maybe it’s just bad in Noo Joisey.

My mom lost her purse, which contained her drivers license, SS card, and other identifying information. My dad had to surrender his drivers license because he failed the written test three times so, he needed a Non-driver Identification Card. Why? Well, for one reason, because the local bank (Wells Fargo) that he has been going to FOR FIFTY FUCKING YEARS …. and every cocksucker there knows my dad!!! …. well, they can’t cash his checks without proper ID!!!! AAARRRGGHHHH!

We arrived at the DMV at 9:45AM. We got home at 3:30 PM.

There were easily 200+ people already there when we arrived. I guess the last week of the year is not the ideal time to go. 90% were non-white. Lots of kneegrows, Spanish speakers of every ilk (Mexicans, Columbians, Ecuadorians, etc etc), quite a few dot heads, and at least 4 or 5 mooslims with headscarves and all. What a country.

There was exactly ONE white worker — of about 15-20. They all looked miserable, pissed off, and ready to shoot someone. Rude as fuck, too. What a country.

My mom walks with a walker, and dad with a cane. Not one person in the 50-person line offered to let these old people move to the head of the line. So, I found a seat in the waiting area, and stood in line for them.

Finally, it’s my turn. We have several documents with my parent’s name on them, but it’s not the right type of proof for the fatfuck nigger reviewing our documents. The problem is mostly with my mom. Did I mention my mom lost her purse? So, da nigger wants my mom’s birth certificate. “Ummm, that was lost in WWII.” That’s not my problem says the nigger. “Well, make it your problem!! We can’t produce something that no longer exists!! I want to see a supervisor!!!”. OK, says the supervisor, just bring a marriage certificate (!!) and she stomps off before I can say anything.

OK, I go home with dad, leaving mom at the DMV — easier that way. We go home, and find it after half hour of looking. Back to the DMV. The Nig looks at it — “What’s this?”. It’s their marriage certificate!! “I can’t read it.”. No shit Sherlock, I tried to tell you it’s in German but your dumbass supervisor just stomped off!!!! And, I’m NOT leaving until YOU people figure something out!!!!!!!

Eventually, they did figure out that my parents were not terrorists, or wetbacks, or dotheads trying to sneak into the country to blow up buildings.

As we drove home exhausted and frazzled, all of wondered how in the fuck free-shit illegals are able to get licenses so easily …. while people who lived here 60 years, worked, paid taxes, and never took any free shit ever are put through the ringer. What a country.

December 30, 2015 9:11 am


After reading that, I’m glad you don’t own a firearm. That story reveals so much about how fucked up this country has become. And more than half the country wants MORE government control of our lives.

My oldest son flew back to Colorado last night after visiting for two weeks. Avalon was a mess. He starts his new IT job for the city where he lives on January 4. It’s a great job for a 22 year old. But I told him that I would have to refer to him as a government drone from this point forward.

December 30, 2015 9:12 am


I’m glad you didn’t kill yourself.

December 30, 2015 8:52 am

I would not support either of my sons going into the US military to go die is some far off land for some neocon wet dream (well it would be somewhat enticing if they would be put on the southern border and could shoot to kill, but not really). That and to be used as guinea pigs for the latest and greatest toxic vaccines.

Back in Pa Mike
Back in Pa Mike
December 30, 2015 9:20 am


fear & loathing
fear & loathing
December 30, 2015 9:36 am

my first statement after my son was born 31 years ago, “hope i am not raising a soldier”

December 30, 2015 10:20 am

The only things I don’t want my kids to do are most of the things I’ve done myself.

So rather than be a hypocrite about it, I try to keep my mouth shut for the most part.

December 30, 2015 10:26 am

Community Organizer

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 30, 2015 10:36 am

Politician/lawyer would get them disowned….

December 30, 2015 11:05 am

I hope any young person I love has better sense than to sacrifice her or his best career-building years to chasing a career in acting, music, or the fine arts. If this is your calling, great, but find a stable way to support it, because it won’t support itself.

I hope they would never fall into anything unethical or criminal, and I hope they do not elect anything outrageously speculative or dangerous.

December 30, 2015 11:06 am

Any job/career that steals from the working private sector I do not want my girls to be involved in.
My kids are not going to be .gov tax thieves.

December 30, 2015 11:46 am

military cannon (DU) fodder

December 30, 2015 11:57 am

echo suzanna.

It terrifies me that our CONgress is contemplating raising the maximum age for draft eligibility to 28. I’m only praying that another 4 years pass so both my boys are safe, before they get moving on this.

So much for ending the draft. If we had truly meant to end it, we would have repealed the laws requiring young men to register. Conscription is second only to slavery as a violation of basic human rights.

December 30, 2015 12:16 pm


Ever wonder how many people that age range increase implies will be needed for whatever it it that is anticipated by it is intended?

Or maybe how many special interest protected groups will be granted exemption that makes the remaining pool to small to provide the anticipated number of draftees?

December 30, 2015 12:28 pm

Want him to learn to play the guitar, learn to play them drums. Money for nuthin’ and the chicks are free!

December 31, 2015 1:41 am

Stucky, if your parents had been terrorists, wetbacks, or dotheads trying to sneak into the country to blow up buildings they could have gone right to the head of the line.

Try this next time.
1. Select a middle of nowhere town about two hours away that has a DMV office. (Verify they offer the services you need first)
2. Take a nice relaxing road trip to that town.
3. Enjoy the wait while talking to the three people ahead of you in line.
4. Take care of business.
5. Find a nice place for lunch.
6. Enjoy another route more scenic route home.

You’ll still be gone for six hours but you’ll have a much better day.