Eyewitness Account Of The “Monstrous” Migrant Attacks In Germany: “It’s Like Civil War”

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On Tuesday, we documented multiple reports that suggest as many as 1,000 men “of Arab or North African origin” participated in what appeared to be coordinated attacks on German women in Cologne.

“About 90 women have reported being robbed, threatened or sexually molested at New Year celebrations outside [the city’s] cathedral,” Reuters writes, adding that the men were “between 18 and 35” and appeared to be “mostly drunk.”

Cologne mayor Henriette Reker called the incident “unbelievable and intolerable” while Justice Minister Heiko Maas described the attacks as “a new scale of organized crime.”

For her part, Reker has been variously criticized for comments which seem to place some of the blame with the victims. “The Mayor of Cologne said today that women should adopt a “code of conduct” to prevent future assault at a crisis meeting following the sexual attack of women by 1000 men on New Year’s eve,” The Independent reports. “The suggested code of conduct includes maintaining an arm’s length distance from strangers, to stick within your own group, to ask bystanders for help or to intervene as a witness, or to inform the police if you are the victim of such an assault.”

“We need to prevent confusion [among asylum seekers] about what constitutes happy behaviour and what is utterly separate from openness, especially in sexual behaviour,” Reker said, as though this might all be one big misunderstading.

Ms Merkel where are you? What do you say? This scares us!,” read a sign held by one of hundreds of protesters who gathered outside the cathedral on Tuesday. Here are some images from the demonstrations:

“A spokeswoman for the interior ministry in North-Rhine Westphalia, the state in which Cologne is located, said there were three suspects but declined to give further details,” Dow Jones says, before detailing the alleged attacks: “Police have said the women reported small groups of men attacking them among a crowd of around 1,000 people that had gathered in front of the station to set off fireworks. Women were allegedly cornered by groups of 20 to 30 men, mugged and in some cases sexually assaulted.”

Assaults were also reported in Hamburg and Stuttgart. Authorities are attempting to discern if there’s a connection.

“Mrs Merkel, is Germany ‘colorful and cosmopolitan’ enough for you after the wave of crimes and sexual attacks?,” AfD party leader Frauke Petry tweeted, taunting the iron chancellor’s open-door policy for Mid-East asylum seekers, more than 1.1 million of whom streamed into the country in 2015.

While Integration commissioner Aydan Ozoguz warned Germans to avoid putting migrants under “blanket suspicion” for the attacks, it is precisely these types of incidents that trigger dangerous bouts of scapegoating xenophobia, embolden right-wing political movements, and provoke violent responses from otherwise peaceful people who feel their home is being invaded by hostile foreigners. As we put it on Tuesday, “at this point it is too late for damage control, however, as this has become a case of guilty until proven innocent.”

Below, find a first-hand account of the New Year’s Eve assaults in Cologne from Ivan Jurcevic, a hotel club bouncer who was on the job (literally) as the melee unfolded. “These people that we welcomed just three months ago with teddy bears and water bottles … started shooting at the cathedral dome and started shooting at police,” Jurcevic says. “Well seasoned police officers then confessed to me that they never saw something like this in their entire lives,” he adds. “They called it a ‘civil war like situation.'”

On Wednesday, Merkel renewed her call for open borders despite the violence.

“Right now we’re seeing a very differentiated positioning among EU member states,” the Chancellor told reporters at meeting of her CSU Bavarian sister party. “It’s important to me that we have a noticeable reduction in refugee numbers, but at the same time preserve the freedom of movement within the European Union, which is an engine of economic development and prosperity — and nobody is more reliant on it than Germany.”

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January 6, 2016 1:04 pm

Ha ha ha ha ha ha. liberalism is a mental disorder

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 6, 2016 1:04 pm

There are no real men left in Germany? Our whole damn country will be Gone With the Wind pretty soon at this rate!

harry p.
harry p.
January 6, 2016 1:12 pm

Part of me thinks the mooselimbs are fucking up because the german people will take a lot of abuse but when theyve truly had enough and merkel the twunt is replaced bya putinesque leader the wrath will be almost otherworldly.

I guess i can at least hope for the germans to engineer a “final solution” for islam and its goatfuckery.

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
January 6, 2016 1:18 pm

“I repeatedly told David that the European Union and United States were not yet ready for the final stage of our plan, but he didn’t listen. Because he wanted to rush things through before passing away, we may have jeopardized decades of hard work where the sheep of the West would have voluntarily signed the death warrants of their own family members had we commanded it. I’ve had to cancel many social functions to meet with media owners to develop a modified narrative to save our beloved agenda.

We stumbled upon a useful technique in Germany after World War 2 when we noted how guilty Germans felt about asserting national identity and defending themselves from harm. They gave the keys to the castle over to the Americans, who thanks to their powerful cognitive elite, played an instrumental role in the rise of a digestible multiculturalism that led to the Germans competing amongst themselves to announce who was most welcoming of anything non-German, including people from countries who still practice stonings and beheadings. Once we saw the power that guilt played in allowing our agenda to be adopted, we copy-pasted it throughout the Western world, particularly Scandinavia and the Anglosphere…”


January 6, 2016 1:35 pm

Have they hanged Merkel yet?

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
January 6, 2016 1:41 pm

But…But… She was the Time Magazine “Person of the Year”!!!
That should tell ya somethin’ right there.

January 6, 2016 1:53 pm

Where’s Pegida when you need it?

And to think, Ovomit wants to bring millions of these same barbarians to the U.S. They’re just widows and orphans…..right…

January 6, 2016 2:14 pm

Letting in immigrants to hopefully start new lives and live in peace and (again “hopefully”) prosperity is not the same thing as allowing lawless assholes to do what these lawless, savage, sand niggers have done in Cologne.

Track them down, cuff ’em up (preferably outside in the rain), frog march the bastards to the closest shipping port, haul their ass into the South side of the Med and dump them into Zodiacs (cheaper that way) to find their way back to the ME or N. Africa.

If I were Germany or Sweden, I would not tolerate such behavior for one second. The backlash would be swift and cruel and permanent.

When an immigrant comes to a new country, the first duty is to make yourself very small, lower your “footprint” to require the smallest amount of support from your new country as possible, learn the language and take whatever employment comes available to begin the climb to a normal, responsible, sooner than later, worthwhile life. Might take five years. So what? It’s a better path than a bullet in the head, your children sold in slavery for rape and slavery.

I don’t know about the average German or Swede, but it pisses me off to the tenth!


Katze im Sack
Katze im Sack
January 6, 2016 2:14 pm


you hit the point exactly. Germans were thoroughly re-educated and brainwashed after WWII. It takes several years of cognitive dissonance to overcome this kind of indoctrination. Most people never make it. I know. I went through the whole process.

Katze im Sack
Katze im Sack
January 6, 2016 2:17 pm

… this is not very original, but I’m going to re-post a comment I made on another thread that dealt with an entirely different topic.

While Cologne was ground zero this shit went down in at least two other cities, Hamburg and the other I don’t remember right now.

Cologne Police, who are, like all police in Germany now, under orders to cover up shit like that, did exactly that, issuing a statement the next day that there were no unusual events during the night. They quickly had to steer back, now speaking of violence on an unprecedented level.

What freaks me out is the description of the perpetrators as “men”. Yeah sure they were. All of them.

They rode back on that one only after the accosted women, all of them, gave the same description of their violators. German politicians now admit they were not Germans, but warn of calling them all refugees. Claudia Roth of the Green party even said, I’m not shitting you here, it was a problem of male violence, since all of the perpetrators were male. Again, no shit. She really said that.

Hot fucking damn. Wanna look at skin color here as the most distinguished feature? All hell, that’d be rayciss.

What happened there was a test, I should say. Women were deliberately targeted.

Remember when I said that the German guys won’t fight back? The attached boyfriends did nothing to defend their gals. Yeah, outnumbered blah blah blah. Of course they were, that was the tactic.

When you do not even defend your women anymore your country is lost. Invaders know that.

Katze im Sack
Katze im Sack
January 6, 2016 2:21 pm

Predators smell the weakness of their prey.

While the West is all macho projecting power in foreign wars, at home a soft underbelly is exposed.

That’s why the waves of migration of the last decades have now accelerated to outright invasion and occupation.

January 6, 2016 2:22 pm

Tough Shit. Germans have asked for this by being stupid. We Americans will get the same soon enough and deserve it. It will be mass assaults by our home grown niggers. No matter how you spin it you reap what you sow.

January 6, 2016 2:33 pm

I understand the mayor of Cologne, a woman, has pointed out that it was these women’s fault, they asked for it.

I suppose she expects women to stay at home now in a hijab unless accompanied by a male relative or husband in public, anything else is asking to be sexually molested, raped and robbed.

FWIW, I expect a surge in PEGIDA in Germany now, as much the result of the mayors blame the victims comments as of the assaults themselves. The Germans may be currently subdued, but they aren’t stupid.

January 6, 2016 2:35 pm


This incident seems to be one of the better answers to the question of why the people need high capacity semi automatic weapons.

Although the ones asking the question will not be able to understand the answer (or any answer for that matter).

January 6, 2016 2:38 pm

over: yup, coming to a neighborhood near you! This summer will be the last under black ruled America and I would expect our oppressed negroes to take full advantage if this fact. The violence perpetrated by the Dindus could make Ferguson and Baltimore look like child’s play.

January 6, 2016 2:46 pm

We got our Porch Monkeys, Pavement Apes.

Germans got their Sand Niggers.

January 6, 2016 2:50 pm

Read an article yesterday saying since Obama came to office over 100 million guns have been sold in America. Don’t know if that true but a lot of white Americans are preparing themselves for some type of conflict / civil strife.

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
January 6, 2016 3:42 pm

Anyone who has lived or worked around A rab men knows they are analogous to children. Just a child will gorge himself on candy or binge away at video games if left unattended so too will the A rab gorge himself on the fruits of Western civilization if allowed to do so. The A rab has no naturally evolved concepts of liberty, empathy, justice, morality, or property rights. The only thing he understands is brute force. This is why his masters have developed strict social controls (by our standards) such as Islam, Sharia law, arranged marriages, totalitarianism, a caste system, prohibition of alcohol, and all the various cruel and unusual punishments meted out on a daily basis. Just as a child cannot be plopped into the workforce and expected to succeed, neither can the Third World Caveman be transported to the heart of European civilization and expected to succeed, let alone behave. Without the harsh measures designed by his kings and princes he will instantly resort to savagery.

January 6, 2016 3:52 pm

I read the article but not every comment so this has probably been said. But since i’m not allergic to redundancy here goes!
Where are the fathers, husbands, and sons of these women? There should be a parallel article describing these Muslim immigrants being killed in mass.

January 6, 2016 3:54 pm

My kids, who gene ally roll their eyes when I talk about the evil mooslims, came right Ning to me when they read about this.

“Dad, I think you are right! This is fucked up and bullshit! Keep them all out!”

Yep, my kids now realize I ain’t so stupid after all.

January 6, 2016 4:08 pm

It’s my understanding Obama sucked Paul Ryan’s nub and Ryan pushed the ‘on the bus bill’ or Omnibus bill through which has funding to resettle Syrians in our Homelands. That’s treasonous I tell you treasonous!

January 6, 2016 4:11 pm

@Sensetti, I think that parallel article is coming from just a few months in the future. Even if 90% of German men are wussies, the remaining 10% could wipe out the problem in a week or two. All it takes is motivation and organization. I suspect motivation has now been delivered.

January 6, 2016 4:54 pm

no videos anywhere ?

January 6, 2016 5:14 pm

Hopefully I have figured out how to cancel the autofill gibberish that popped up in my last post. Sorry about that.

My kids have always been sensible, generally, but have grown up in an era of tolerance, plus they have been exposed to idiot teachers, like most kids have. So they have not been receptive to my “mooslims invader” comments. ” Dad, we know lots of mooslims. They are all normal, etc., etc.”

They have changed their opinion radically. They are smart kids, and it does not take much to open their eyes. Hoards of mooslim “refugees” pillaging and raping and molesting caught their attention, and I said nary a word, just to see if they would notice. They did.

Letting masses of Muslims into your western civilisation is akin to putting several foxes into your hen house. The hens are accustomed to being safe and happy, and are ill-prepared to fighting off the foxes when they are close at hand.

Getting several million foxes out of Germany will not happen without a lot of blood being shed.

I do not believe the west is able to fight this stuff at home. They are only able to drop bombs – out of sight out of mind. The shit on their doorstep will not compute. They have grown soft, and think the rest of the world is soft, or can be reasoned with, or placated.

“It can’t happen here!”

Stupider words were never uttered.

January 6, 2016 6:24 pm

blood in the water now

January 6, 2016 7:08 pm

When unarmed black men die at the hands of the police (and some, admittedly, are just lain murdered, but many are not), BLM shows up. When it happens to us, it’s Trump, La Pen or their equivalent who show up. It may well be remembered that the protests of the silent former majorities of the West took place in the silence of the polling booth. If so, it will only be because they were successful in their aims, as history is written by the victors.

Trump is, de facto, ‘White Lives Matter.’

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 6, 2016 8:46 pm

So only “liberal” women got molested?

Doubt that. Muslims are deeply conservative in regard to their religious writings. Women are chattel to them.

They would do the same here in Texas, a heavily red state, with many pretty women (mostly conservative) who dress in the current fashion. Put them in a burka and these fanatic Muslims would do the same thing here.

“Look Ahmed, a woman without a male beside her. Whore, Slut! Molest her as Mohammed desires us to!”

But some idiot will come along and say the women deserved it when they did no such thing to entice these horn dogs hiding behind their religion to act like cavemen on Khat.

January 6, 2016 9:34 pm

@killBill of course individual women did not ask to be molested. Politically correct misguided dumb asses created a situation that resulted in rapes etc. almost anyone should have seen this coming. Kind of like jumping from high places and breaking a leg. People have a wonderful capacity to engage in risky behavior and be surprised when there are negative consequences.

January 6, 2016 11:30 pm

We must remember the police cannot protect us. They are not obligated to protect us. We are on our own.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 7, 2016 12:29 am

Politically correct misguided dumb asses created a situation that resulted in rapes etc. almost anyone should have seen this coming. -Otc

I think perhaps you mean globalization.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 7, 2016 12:33 am

The New World Order desires that (though I think it a farce) when its more about a single financial system. Political correctness is not a cure but a means to create chaos (which results in more governance, IMO)

January 7, 2016 4:05 am

I hope these women learn from ranchers/.farmers about geldings.Problem solved

January 7, 2016 3:12 pm

‘Angela Merkel invited us!’: Muslim sex mob taunted Cologne police after robbing and raping women – See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2016/01/angela-merkel-invited-us-muslim-asylum-seeker-sex-mob-taunted-cologne-police-after-robbing-and-raping-women.html/#sthash.2NHjXnXr.dpuf