The 21st Century: An Era Of Fraud

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

In the last years of the 20th century fraud entered US foreign policy in a new way.  On false pretenses Washington dismantled Yugoslavia and Serbia in order to advance an undeclared agenda.  In the 21st century this fraud multiplied many times. Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and Libya were destroyed, and Iran and Syria would also have been destroyed if the President of Russia had not prevented it.  Washington is also behind the current destruction of Yemen, and Washington has enabled and financed the Israeli destruction of Palestine.  Additionally, Washington operated militarily within Pakistan without declaring war, murdering many women, children, and village elders under the guise of “combating terrorism.”  Washington’s war crimes rival those of any country in history.

I have documented these crimes in my columns and books (Clarity Press).
Anyone who still believes in the purity of Washington’s foreign policy is a lost soul.

Russia and China now have a strategic alliance that is too strong for Washington. Russia and China will prevent Washington from further encroachments on their security and national interests. Those countries important to Russia and China will be protected by the alliance.  As the world wakes up and sees the evil that the West represents, more countries will seek the protection of Russia and China.

America is also failing on the economic front.  My columns and my book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism, which has been published in English, Chinese, Korean, Czech, and German, have shown how Washington has stood aside, indeed cheering it on, while the short-term profit interests of management, shareholders, and Wall Street eviscerated the American economy, sending manufacturing jobs, business know-how, and technology, along with professional tradeable skill jobs, to China, India, and other countries, leaving America with such a hollowed out economy that the median family income has been falling for years. Today 50% of 25 year-old Americans are living with their parents or grandparents because they cannot find employment sufficient to sustain an independent existence.  This brutal fact is covered up by the presstitute US media, a source of fantasy stories of America’s economic recovery.

The facts of our existence are so different from what is reported that I am astonished. As a former professor of economics, Wall Street Journal editor and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy, I am astonished at the corruption that rules in the financial sector, the Treasury, the financial regulatory agencies, and the Federal Reserve.  In my day, there would have been indictments and prison sentences of bankers and high government officials.

In America today there are no free financial markets.  All the markets are rigged by the Federal Reserve and the Treasury. The regulatory agencies, controlled by those the agencies are supposed to regulate, turn a blind eye, and even if they did not, they are helpless to enforce any law, because private interests are more powerful than the law.

Even the government’s statistical agencies have been corrupted. Inflation measures have been concocted in order to understate inflation. This lie not only saves Washington from paying Social Security cost-of-living adjustments and frees the money for more wars, but also by understating inflation, the government can create real GDP growth by counting inflation as real growth, just as the government creates 5% unemployment by not counting any discouraged workers who have looked for jobs until they can no longer afford the cost of looking and give up.  The official unemployment rate is 5%, but no one can find a job.  How can the unemployment rate be 5% when half of 25-year olds are living with relatives because they cannot afford an independent existence?  As John Williams (shadowfacts) reports, the unemployment rate that includes those Americans who have given up looking for a job because there are no jobs to be found is 23%.

The Federal Reserve, a tool of a small handful of banks, has succeeded in creating the illusion of an economic recovery since June, 2009, by printing trillions of dollars that found their way not into the economy but into the prices of financial assets.  Artificially booming stock and bond markets are the presstitute financial media’s “proof” of a booming economy.

The handful of learned people that America has left, and it is only a small handful, understand that there has been no recovery from the previous recession and that a new downturn is upon us.  John Williams has pointed out that US industrial production, when properly adjusted for inflation, has never recovered its 2008 level, much less its 2000 peak, and has again turned down.

The American consumer is exhausted, overwhelmed by debt and lack of income growth. The entire economic policy of America is focused on saving a handful of NY banks, not on saving the American economy.

Economists and other Wall Street shills will dismiss the decline in industrial production as America is now a service economy. Economists pretend that these are high-tech services of the New Economy, but in fact waitresses, bartenders, part time retail clerks, and ambulatory health care services have replaced manufacturing and engineering jobs at a fraction of the pay, thus collapsing effective aggregate demand in the US. On occasions when neoliberal economists recognize problems, they blame them on China.

It is unclear that the US economy can be revived. To revive the US economy would require the re-regulation of the financial system and the recall of the jobs and US GDP that offshoring gave to foreign countries. It would require, as Michael Hudson demonstrates in his new book, Killing the Host, a revolution in tax policy that would prevent the financial sector from extracting economic surplus and capitalizing it in debt obligations paying interest to the financial sector.

The US government, controlled as it is by corrupt economic interests, would never permit policies that impinged on executive bonuses and Wall Street profits.  Today US capitalism makes its money by selling out the American economy and the people dependent upon it.

In “freedom and democracy” America, the government and the economy serve interests totally removed from the interests of the American people. The sellout of the American people is protected by a huge canopy of propaganda provided by free market economists and financial presstitutes paid to lie for their living.

When America fails, so will Washington’s vassal states in Europe, Canada, Australia, and Japan.  Unless Washington destroys the world in nuclear war, the world will be remade, and the corrupt and dissolute West will be an insignificant part of the new world.

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January 18, 2016 10:58 am

Well, PCR, that certainly cheers me up.

John Angelo
John Angelo
January 18, 2016 11:40 am

I agree with his diagnosis, so no need to reiterate the obvious here. However, I’d like to discuss his conclusion of the matter:

“…the world will be remade, and the corrupt and dissolute West will be an insignificant part of the new world.”

Who, exactly, is going to remake this world of which he speaks? The African continent? The countries which comprise South America? The Islamic nations of the Middle East? India? China? Russia? As if. None of them are in a prime position to take the global mantle of leadership. The best any nation or conglomerate can do is exert a regional influence, America included. I think we’re much more likely to see smoldering ruins followed by a new proverbial Dark Age. Aside from the .01% you might as call the New World Order the Third World Order.

On an island
On an island
January 18, 2016 11:48 am

Excellent commentary as always by Dr Roberts. The corruption and hubris has eaten away the very soul of the USSAN elites to the extent that there is nothing worth living for at this end of the experiment built on the ethnic cleansing and genocide of the native American peoples and then the Anglozionazi jihad against the rest of humanity since the end of World War Two at the latest. Of course Russia and China have to confront and chastise the USSA because its people inside the belly of the beast are incapable and as blindly unprepared for the task as the Germans under the NAZIS obviously were. Perhaps the latest Bundy style standoff in Oregon with the John Wayne cowboy backdrop is enough to fire the imagination of the Hollyweird “educated” masses and will enable them to find their manhood before they are permanently penned in their electronic FEMA camps of the mind and soul, however, I am not holding my breath as the evil Washing town thugocracy plays cat and mouse in Harney County.

More likely the global rejection and dismantling of the Saudi Mercan petrodollah free lunch scam will be enough to bring the Zero 1% ruling thugocracy, bankster elite in the USSA to its senses but looking at the insanity of the neocons and the Pentacon mob and the war mongering “defense” industry it is hard to imagine that these sickos will go quietly into the dust bin of history. Then it must be made known to them and those USSANS wobbling around wired to their thingies that they will pay a price as great as if not greater than all those other nations that have been wantonly destroyed by the USSAN kakocracy. Either way USSA will see major war in the very near future; as to whether it will be a civil war to cauterize the seething corruption that has for too long festered inside the USSA itself which directly has caused all the Anglozionazi serial wars in the ME not to mention the astounding treachery and state terror and murder in nations too numerous to mention, or there will be a raging global war against the USSA on the scale of the war against that other full blown fascist pariah NAZI Germany which was as we now know the spawn of the same crime families that own the USSA to this day.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 18, 2016 11:49 am

Diogenes of Sinope, don’t even bother going to Washington DC.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 18, 2016 12:14 pm

John Angelo- Glad to see ya !

You ask who will reshape the world, well it will be those who ALWAYS reshape this planet. Look to the top of the pyramid.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 18, 2016 1:39 pm

What can you do against the lunatic who is more intelligent than yourself, who gives your arguments a fair hearing and then simply persists in his lunacy?
George Orwell

John Angelo
John Angelo
January 18, 2016 1:55 pm

Thanks, Bea. Glad to be here. I nary miss an article (or the comments thereof), but I unfortunately haven’t made the time to post lately.

I suspect the particular elites who reshape the world after the coming collapse will be different than elites in the past. When we think of the old empires like the Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Germanic, Mongols Ottomans, French, Spanish, British, Soviets, and Americans, they were based on a particular people in a specific region exerting influence over a given domain. Many of their dominions encompassed what was considered the known world.

The way it’ll be different this time is we will see a multipolar world order with a common agenda, not unlike the UN. I think the UN will serve as its precursor as the League of Nations did to the UN. The world is too vast and populous for a limited geographic empire to have its military, economy, religion, and government imposed upon it (despite the best efforts of the USA). Working in unison, I foresee wealthy elites transcending borders and reorder the world into their much-longed for New Order for the Ages (Novus Ordo Seclorum). America has reached the zenith of our power and influence and been bouncing along the top like a post QE stock market. I wish the USA never took it as far as we did, but c’est la vie.

As America has reached the end of its global influence, it’s no surprise a man like Trump has arisen to give a last breath into saving the Republic for what it’s destined to become. We’re already on the precipice and while He might delay the inevitable for a term or two, but it’s obvious to the global elites that this nation has served its purpose. After this surge of nationalism subsides, the true global order will ensue. It makes me wonder if “threats” like Al Qaeda and ISIS were created to hasten this very purpose. The Internet, open borders, and free trade agreements have certainly accelerated the end goal, while the masses are distracted by endless entertainment and discord over social issues.

Regardless of how it might sound, I’m not being negative or fatalistic; I’m simply digesting current events as matter of fact and drawing a possible conclusion of where it could be headed.

January 18, 2016 3:17 pm

Only after America is defeated on the battlefield will the dollar lose its status in the world. Until then the elites will keep this engine turning. With or without war.

January 18, 2016 4:20 pm

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has provided an excellent analysis of the current state of economic affairs in the US and throughout the western world. He also recognizes that monetary policies of the Federal Reserve bank and the corruption of Congress by large banks and corporations are at the core of the problem. However, Dr. Roberts stops short in pointing out that the Federal Reserve is a privately owned central bank that was established in 1913 in violation of the US constitution by a cabal of mostly Jewish bankers, particularly the Rothschild banking family in the City of London. The plunder and destruction of American and the entire western world is not be accident or motivated by greed alone, but by design and represents one more step on the pathway to global tyranny, better known as a New World Order. In order to solve a problem, one must focus on the ultimate cause of the problem and not become overly distracted by symptoms of this problem, otherwise there can be no solution.

January 18, 2016 5:16 pm

PCR is correct and this is NOT the world we have to live in. BUT if we want to change it we will collectively need to adjust our thinking and stop being led to slaughter by stupid wedge issues. We have a phony divide in the U.S. between conservatives and liberals. The politicos play us like a fiddle and the end result is, with few exceptions, they’re sure as hell not working for us or to improve our lives.

January 18, 2016 9:38 pm

Here is a start.

What if they gave an election and nobody came??

January 18, 2016 10:39 pm

America’s time is over. The rot and corruption is so bad, other nations are starting to distance themselves from us. We are bankrupt financially and morally. Our policy in the Middle East is basically the same as Britain’s after WW1 when the Ottoman Empire was disassembled. Their policy was unpopular and expensive and helped to lead to the dissolution of their Empire. Through their ill informed manner of drawing boundary lines to create new countries they planted the seeds for what we have today in the Middle East. The Middle East is our graveyard.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 18, 2016 11:13 pm

bb, a side bet; I short your prediction: The dollar crashes because of NYC Banksters and politicians who print the dollar to the point of hyperinflation exhaustion (with a little help from the BRICS led by Putin; a payback for our sanctions, Serbia, Ukraine, Syria etc). We must choose between the Military or Welfare and you know Welfare wins. We are forced to bring troops home and to disarm (a financial defeat; no particular war involved). BB has to pay Bob big bucks for the bad bet. Then the TPTB ignite the Communist Revolution in Urban Jungles and the BRICS are invited to help reestablish order; no actual war or invasion involved. Useful Idiots just get boiled and rendered in TPTB’s pot. All our remaining wealth and the attractive women are shipped to the victors.

maxer's mom
maxer's mom
January 18, 2016 11:23 pm

Wow, and Yikes.

“…the world will be remade, and the corrupt and dissolute West will be an insignificant part of the new world.”

John Angelo, thanks, your remarks gave me some sense of hope.