You may have noticed I haven’t written anything in the last four weeks. I’ve been unable to concentrate because of headaches and general fatigue. I’m going back to the doctor today for the 4th time in the last 5 weeks. I’m sick of being sick. I haven’t felt normal since the middle of December.

I’ll keep trying to post interesting articles, but I won’t be writing anything until I feel normal again.


Notify of
January 27, 2016 8:29 am

Get a 2nd opinion.

January 27, 2016 8:34 am

My advice is to drink heavily.

January 27, 2016 8:45 am

Black mold?

January 27, 2016 8:46 am

No matter what the doctor says or how you feel. Stay on your diet. Remember , you lost 10 pounds last week being sick. So in a weird way being sick is good for your health.

Also your pal Hugo Salinas said ( at Silver Doctors) : Price Revaluation of gold coming-.Gold prices to 50,000 per ounce. On that I bought a few more gold eagles yesterday.

Rise Up
Rise Up
January 27, 2016 8:47 am

Get well soon. I need another dose of economic doom.

January 27, 2016 8:51 am

At what point do you start wondering if “they” got to you?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 27, 2016 8:57 am

Cleans the colon, fast for three days then drink heavily for two days……’ll be fine. Get well soon.

January 27, 2016 8:58 am

I have something similar. Headache, mild stomach upset (intermittent) – I tested positive for Strep. I’ve had three different antibiotics – and still have the strep.

January 27, 2016 9:11 am

I don’t know how the heck you cleared your driveway and walks feeling the way you do. Hopefully, one of your kids was home to help. Feel better JQ. And remember to tell the Dr.’s “No, I don’t own any firearms.”

Rise Up
Rise Up
January 27, 2016 9:26 am

goofyfoot says: … And remember to tell the Dr.’s “No, I don’t own any firearms.”
Ditto that, goofy. I haven’t been asked that question yet, but that will be my answer if I do get asked.
I was at the doctor’s to renew some prescriptions last month and the front office gave me a disclaimer to sign that basically they could administer any procedure they deemed necessary. So basically if they thought I needed my arm cut off they could do that. I confronted the doctor once I got to see her and she said she had not read it. I informed her I would not sign it. She went on to perform the basics on me (BP, heart beat, pulse, etc.) and gave me the prescriptions I needed. Dropped off the form at the front desk unsigned. Fuck them.

I. C.
I. C.
January 27, 2016 9:41 am

I hope you will regain your health soon. Is there a way that you can be seen by a D.O.?
Prayers to you….

January 27, 2016 9:42 am

Something like a flu completely knocking you out for a month isn’t natural if you’re in otherwise good health.

You might want to get a comprehensive physical exam after you get well (at least if you don’t die, an autopsy would be in order if you do).

January 27, 2016 9:50 am

Go find a reputable holistic practitioner, all you’ll get at the doctor is an x-ray, more pills with side effects yet to be known, and a bill big enough to shut Stucky up. Oh, and you’re supporting a broken system. Besides, you’ll feel better and know it for next time.

My bet, and its just a blind ass bet, is that your kidney’s are plugged – the fatigue and inability to filter a system under stress leads to the never ending dead-ass feeling.

harry p.
harry p.
January 27, 2016 10:00 am

as we say;
“you should have ducked”

but seriously, rest and get allow yourself to get better.

January 27, 2016 10:22 am

JQ, I won’t go all into the food is medicine holistic spiel cuz’ you know how to Google as well as any here , but FWIW do take the time to check in on your gut bacteria and see how they’re doing.Those little bugs , more than anything else, have a major influence on how one feels. I recommend home made sauerkraut as a gut bacteria booster…but then what do I know..

Best wishes,

January 27, 2016 10:28 am

Yes, health begins in the gut. Probiotics can help, and home made sauerkraut as flash said. Fermented, not with vinegar. Have you been tested for lyme ??

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
January 27, 2016 10:34 am

[imgcomment image[/img]

If you have a local farm store over there, they might make their own. Tastes better than sauerkraut.

January 27, 2016 10:42 am

Colloidal siver

January 27, 2016 10:43 am

Colloidal silver

January 27, 2016 10:49 am

Check out the research on colloidal silver at
I take a shot each night and also use it to irrigate nasal passageways with a NeilMed squeeze bottle from the grocery store pharmacy. Eliminates/prevents all sinus infections. Better than antibiotics. Buy the generator from the web site and make your own by the quart.

January 27, 2016 11:21 am

Sorry to hear it. Something is wrong, but what is the cause?

There are so many new bugs in play…and our immune system

can be overwhelmed by those strangers. Have a workup…

check for Lyme and TB. Dr stymied? Go see someone else.

Just do it. Good luck.

Suzanna RN

January 27, 2016 11:31 am

Hope you feel better soon. Winter, man. All the stress can get you down.

January 27, 2016 11:52 am

There is some serious shit going around out there, myself and others were hit with something that lasted for over 6 weeks before it finally left. Hits all age groups. Drains you physically then OK for a few days then BAM!! high fever comes back, sore throat, coughing etc. general malaise. Many on the Wet Coast got it. Really virulent shit!!

Hang in there Admin…… it will eventually subside.

January 27, 2016 12:49 pm

Years ago, I had a case of the flu that took 6 weeks to completely get over. However, the fatigue, etc. STARTED with the flu.

Docs these days rarely find the root cause of anything, they just treat symptoms. So, FWIW, I’ve had headaches, profound fatigue, and total brain fog (among many other more minor symptoms) for the better part of 2 years. This started with having a flu-like illness that kicked my ass, and I’ve not been well since. I know what you mean about being sick of being sick!

Blood tests were all perfect, except for slightly elevated thyroid hormone. From my own research, I thought it was a thyroid problem. I had to BEG for a full panel blood test, which the doc only agreed to because I have a sister with thyroid cancer and a daughter with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Turns out I have Hashimoto’s, an enlarged thyroid and a nodule too small to biopsy. Finally got some medication, and hope it kicks in soon.

It pays to do your own research, and at least attempt to narrow down what your symptoms may mean. Your doc’s God complex will be offended, but so what? I agree with those talking about gut health, especially if you’ve taken antibiotics lately.

I hope you find out what’s wrong and get to feeling better soon!!


January 27, 2016 2:07 pm

Admin, I’m not surprised–glad Avalon found meds that work! I think it’s almost epidemic in women, but totally ignored by mainstream medicine. I even know someone who was diagnosed and treated as bi-polar, but when her thyroid issue was treated, the bi-polar disappeared.

Now, my go-to home remedy for ear infections: soak a piece of cotton ball with warm olive oil, put it in your ear, lay your head on a heating pad.

January 27, 2016 2:48 pm

Get well soon, Admin.

rob in Nova Scotia
rob in Nova Scotia
January 27, 2016 3:31 pm

Get well soon Admin…

Muck About
Muck About
January 27, 2016 3:39 pm

Keep on keeping on Admin. I lost the whole month of January to a stomach bug – bed, low grade fever, trots and fatigue sufficient to make one crawl into the bathroom. Probably not flu but it sound’s like as long as you’ve had this, you need some serious medical attention.

Water by the gallon, Avalon spooning chicken noodle soup into you and when it does loose it’s grip be prepared to continue to feel beat to shit because your body isn’t used to taking a month off and will refuse to function properly anywhere and anyway until you start moving around again.

Good luck and don’t quit..


January 27, 2016 3:52 pm

Hang in there admin..You can beat the’re young, you can do it….best of luck

January 27, 2016 5:01 pm

It might be the water in Philly admin. I read that the city water is just as bad as Flint’s.

I hope that you get better soon, Jim.

January 27, 2016 5:53 pm

goofyfoot said:
“And remember to tell the Dr.’s “No, I don’t own any firearms.””

The only time my doc and I talked about guns was when he showed me his and I showed him mine. We were each carrying a Ruger LCP! He hates the direction this country is going worse than I do. Unfortunately he’s past retirement age and just doctorin’ because he loves taking care of people. I expect to lose him before too long.

January 27, 2016 6:08 pm

Get well soon admin. If they’ve got you on antibiotics take a good probiotic and eat plenty of “live” food to replace all those good gut bacteria killed by the drugs. Get a new toothbrush too and rest!

January 27, 2016 7:23 pm

IndenturedServant says: Get a new toothbrush too and rest!

He has no teeth so it’s hard to understand how a new toothbrush will help.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 27, 2016 8:34 pm

As a diabetic, who likes to drink, look into ketone acidosis. Your breath might smell like fruit or fingernail polish remover (acetone)

Food doesnt taste good.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 27, 2016 8:35 pm

I also had the ear infection.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 27, 2016 8:42 pm

For good gut balance try acidophilos

No script needed, found at your local store.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 27, 2016 8:46 pm

Ear infection happens from vomiting. That will require antibiotics.
Dr Blodgett said the flu tends to hit twice because of opportunistic bacteria that make you sicker when your immune system is down and then the flu virus comes back because you weren’t fully recovered.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 27, 2016 8:56 pm

Uhh Kyote, I wasnt throwing up. Besides the eustachian tube is connected to ones sinus cavity. Its what makes your ears pop when flying because the ear is trying to equalize pressure.

The only time I ever had a “leak”, if you will, was when a dentist drilled to far into the jawbone and I could actually feel, hear,the airflow into the nasal cavity.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 27, 2016 9:24 pm

I’m not a doctor, KB, but when we were raising kids I learned that the ‘Eu’ tube is slanted downward and only when older it is sort of parallel to the ground. The whole apparatus is interconnected, your eyeballs, earballs and noseballs all have avenues to your throat so you can swallow all the garbage they accidentally absorb. So, if you have violent vomiting, you could force some debris into the ear tube or force soda out your nose when you laugh at something here.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 27, 2016 9:38 pm

I do not look forward to getting the flu, I have a piss-poor immune system due to diabetes. I feel good right now, though. I put the flu shot off until next month.

January 27, 2016 9:59 pm

Twat? I cunt hear you. I have ear infucksion

January 27, 2016 10:52 pm


You have a lot of friends and friendly advice here. I’d pick the “no harm, no foul” hints such as the change toothbrush from Indentured Servant.

Me? While I hate needles, I’d get some TOTAL blood work done. Everything. Run the table. And be prepared to get at least two opinions on the results. And that means WRITTEN opinions by the doctors right on the lab sheet results In writing (this is standard by my primary care doctor). So you don’t forget and can compare and contrast.

You need to take care of this shit. Now.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 27, 2016 11:56 pm

WWTED? Get more vitamin D. Folks up north are only getting 2 hours of sumlight which leads to a vitamin D deficiency which lowers your mood and immunity. Time for that 2 week vacay in Nogales where there is plenty of sunshine and warmth.

January 29, 2016 11:43 pm

Admin just follow the advice above. You’ll end up in ICU on the vent with a rectal tube in place. LMFAO. One thing about your readership they know a lot about a little!!