The Neoconservatives Are Brewing A Wider War In Syria

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

While you are enjoying your Sunday, the insane neoconservatives who control Western foreign policy and their Turkish and Saudi Arabian vassals might be preparing the end of the world.

Any person who relies on Western media has no accurate idea of what is happening in Syria.
I will provide a brief summary and then send you to two detailed accounts.

The neoconservative Obama regime set-up the Syrian government headed by Assad for overthrow. A long propaganda campaign conducted in Washington’s behalf by the Western media portrayed the democratically-elected Assad as a “brutal dictator who uses chemical weapons against his own people.” Washington organized and supported a front group posing as democrats and involved them in conflict with the Syrian military.

With conflict underway, Washington began predicting that something had to be done to overthrow Assad before he used “chemical weapons against his own people.” Obama turned these predictions into a “red line.” When Assad used chemical weapons against Washington’s puppets, the US would invade Syria.

With the “red line” drawn, a false flag chemical weapons attack was staged, or an accident occurred, that Washington used to say that Assad, despite the US warning, had crossed the “red line.”

Preparations for an invasion began, but hit two roadblocks. David Cameron, Washington’s puppet prime minister of Great Britain was unable to deliver British support for the invasion as the Parliament voted it down. This left Washington uncovered and vulnerable to the charge of naked aggression, a war crime.

Russian diplomacy threw up the other road block by securing the removal of all chemical weapons from Syria.

Their invasion plan frustrated, the neoconservatives sent the jihadists they had used to overthrow Gaddafi in Libya to overthrow Assad. Initially known as ISIS, then ISIL, then the Islamist State, and now Daesh, a term that can be interpreted as an insult. Perhaps the intention of the name changes is to keep the Western public thoroughly confused about who is who and what is what.

Washington now pretends that it is fighting the Islamist State, but Washington is doing its best to frustrate the success of the Russian/Syrian alliance that is defeating the Islamist State..

Washington’s support of the Islamist State is the cause of the war in Syria. General Michael Flynn, the recently retired head of the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has stated publicly that it was a “willful decision” of the Obama regime to support ISIS.

See also:

The neoconservative insistence that “Assad must go” comprises a threat to the security of Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Hezbollah is the Lebanese force that has twice defeated Israel’s attempt to annex southern Lebanon for its water resources. Hezbollah is dependent on Syrian and Iranian support for its arms and financing. Israel wants rid of Hezbollah.

The Islamic State that Washington is trying to create in Syria would provide Washington with a means of destabilizing Iran and Russia by exporting jihadism into those countries. The Russian Federation has Muslim populations as do former provinces of the Soviet Union that now cooperate with Russia. By bogging down Russia in internal conflicts, Washington can move Russia out of the way of Washington’s exercise of hegemony. Similarly, non-Persian populations in Iran could be radicalized by jihadism and used to destabilize Iran.

In order to protect themselves, Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah have come to the support of Syria.
The Russians are there legally at the invitation of the Syrian government. The US is there illegally.

Russian air power in support of the Syrian Army has turned the tide against the Islamist State.
The invaders are being driven out. The neoconservatives cannot accept this defeat.

Washington is preparing a Syrian invasion by Turkey and Saudi Arabia, the purpose of which is to split Syria in half with Washington controlling the eastern part with the oil fields.

Possibly this is a bluff to get Russia to accept a Syrian settlement less favorable to Russian, Iranian, and Syrian interests. However, the Russian government cannot risk that it is only a bluff. If a US/Turkish/Saudi force were to arrive first in Raqqa and Deir Ezzor, Syria would be dismembered.

The Russians can get there first by dropping in paratroopers. In other words, what the insane neoconservatives are doing is giving the Russian government a big incentive to introduce Russian ground troops into the conflict. Once those troops are there, you can safely bet that the insane neoconservatives will cause conflict between them and US/Turkish forces. A wider war will have begun from which neither side can back down.

Here is a description of the race to Raqqa:

Here is The Saker’s take on the seriousness of the situation:

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February 15, 2016 8:50 am

Good thing they gave bozo a Nobel Peace prize.

February 15, 2016 9:18 am

The arrival of Russians to the battlefield may in fact be the one thing.that will stave off the madness of Erdman and the.lunatics in Saudi. The Turkish generals might actually rediscover their balls and toss the wannabe sultan into some cellar along with his criminal son

February 15, 2016 9:30 am

Redskins Drop Offensive Name

The Washington Redskins finally drop offensive name:
Dan Snyder, owner of the NFL Redskins, has announced that
the team is dropping ” Washington ” from the team name, and
it will henceforth be simply known as “The Redskins.”
It was reported that he finds the word ‘Washington’
imparts a negative image of poor leadership, mismanagement,
corruption, cheating, lying, and graft, and is not a fitting
role-model for young fans of football

February 15, 2016 9:38 am

All the wars brewing in the ME -actually the world- are not the fault of “Neoconservatives” they are the fault of Obama.

Obama basically took office inheriting two wars that had already been won then proceed to lose them and expand that loss into new wars on top of it as well.

Not to mention destroying our peaceful relations with Russia and starting a new cold war that is likely to get very hot very soon (and we will probably lose it with the current state of the military who seem to think social issues, sexual perversions of all types, and domestic problems are more important than defeating enemy armies).

February 15, 2016 9:55 am

While Bernie marshals his Marxist millennial forces for one the final putzch against entrenched capitalism the MENA matinee plot thickens..

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Week Eighteen of the Russian Intervention in Syria: A Dramatic Escalation Appears Imminent
The Saker
• February 14, 2016

The problem for the USA is that it has no good option to achieve its overriding goal in Syria: to “prevent Russia from winning”. In the delusional minds of the AngloZionist rulers, Russia is just a “regional power” which cannot be allowed to defy the “indispensable nation”. And yet, Russia is doing exactly that both in Syria and in the Ukraine and Obama’s entire Russia policy is in shambles. Can he afford to appear so weak in an election year? Can the US “deep state” let the Empire be humiliated and its weakness exposed?

The latest news strongly suggests to me that the White House has taken the decision to let Turkey and Saudi Arabia invade Syria. Turkish officials are openly saying that an invasion is imminent and that the goal of such an invasion would be to reverse the Syrian army gains along the boder and near Aleppo. The latest reports are also suggesting that the Turks have begun shelling Aleppo. None of that could be happening without the full support of CENTCOM and the White House.

The Empire has apparently concluded that Daesh is not strong enough to overthrow Assad, at least not when the Russian AeroSpace forces are supporting him, so it will now unleash the Turks and the Saudis in the hope of changing the outcome of this war or, if that is not possible, to carve up Syria into ‘zones of responsibility” – all under the pretext of fighting Daesh, of course.

The Russian task force in Syria is about to be very seriously challenged and I don’t see how it could deal with this new threat by itself. I very much hope that I am wrong here, but I have do admit that a *real* Russian intervention in Syria might happen after all, with MiG-31s and all. In fact, in the next few days, we are probably going to witness a dramatic escalation of the conflict in Syria.

February 15, 2016 10:09 pm

It’s TPTB battling the BRICS. The global elite’s desire (via the neocons) is to run natural gas from Saudi Arabia to Europe through Syria and Ukraine, thus further weakening Russia. This is why these hot spots are flared up. Will probably lead to WW III. Paul Craig Robert’s assessment here is much more accurate than blaming Israel. Some may disagree. But TPTB and Israel are not synonymous. IMO…

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 16, 2016 12:03 am

Trump is the only candidate – with the possible exception of Sanders – not consumed with an irrational antipathy toward Russia. A vote for anyone not named Trump is a vote for continued neocon insanity. Oh yeah, I forgot, he’s Hitler. Whatever.

February 16, 2016 5:26 am

Its all about the nat gas pipeline that is worth more than$$$$ Its about controlling power that goes to EU.US is broke.Needs Saud for peto dollar.Even that is coming to an end.I suspect the Sauds are now running the US as most everyone in wh is now m brotherhood