Zero Tolerance: 2 Teens Face Expulsion, Jail for Fishing Knives, Advil in Their Cars

Via Reason

Charges could prevent one teen from joining the Marines, and the other teen from attending college


Two Escondido, California, high school students—ages 16 and 18—could see their whole lives derailed because they committed the crime of keeping fishing supplies in cars they parked on school property.

The elder teen, Brandon Cappelletti, had three knives in his car: the remnants of a family fishing trip. The knives were used to cut lines and filet fish. The younger teen, Sam Serrato, had a pocketknife in his glove compartment. His father had left it there.

Both teens are facing expulsion. Cappelletti, a legal adult, could serve jail time if convicted of weapons charges, according to The San Diego Union-Tribune.

You might be wondering how administrators at San Pasqual High School even found out about the innocuous items. You might be wondering why the Escondido police became involved. You might also be wondering if the world has gone mad. I have answers to these questions, but you won’t like them.

The high school pays a company to search its campus for contraband using drug-sniffing dogs. On January 27, the dogs indicated Cappelletti’s vehicle—not because of the knives, but because he kept Advil in the car. It’s not clear how Serrato was caught (one news story claims he also had Advil, but his father disputed this). But the knives were discovered, the police were called, and both boys are in big trouble. According to the police report:

At the conclusion of the investigation, the [school resource officer] determined that both students were in violation of a misdemeanor crime by bringing the knives on school property.  The juvenile student’s case has been recommended for the Juvenile Diversion program.  The Juvenile Diversion program involves a collaborative effort to address various juvenile crimes without the case being heard through the formal juvenile court process.  The second student, Brandon Cappelletti is an adult and not eligible for the diversion program. Cappelletti was issued a misdemeanor citation and released at the school to his mother.

At this point, the criminal matter and school matter are two different things. The school district is deciding at a hearing today whether to increase their punishments from suspension—they have already been out of school for weeks—to expulsion. Such a harsh punishment would jeopardize Serrato’s future: he’s relying on athletic scholarships to attend college.

“If I end up getting expelled, I’d have to go to a community college,” he told The Union-Tribune. “It’s not what I really want to do. My whole life would change.”

Cappelletti has enlisted in the Marine Corp, so he’s more worried about the criminal charges, which could completely derail those plans. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Cappelletti and Serrato are not the first boys to run afoul of completely ridiculous school zero tolerance policies, which punish students for making innocent mistakes that harmed no one. Nor will they be the last—because the rules governing school safety protocols are insane and utterly disconnected from any real concerns about violence. Students who leave sharp objects in their car are not menaces to society, and irrational fear of knives—which have practical, non-lethal uses (i.e., fishing)—does no one any good.

Knives left in cars are not weapons. Advil is not an illicit substance. Cappelletti and Serrato are not criminals. They shouldn’t be expelled. They shouldn’t even be in trouble, period.

When it comes to safety, the American public school system—enabled by overzealous law enforcement and clueless state legislators—has completely lost its mind. I hope common sense prevails in this case. Quite often, it does not.

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February 15, 2016 1:19 pm

It is what they do. They create crimes that can put their enemies into prison. Then they use prosecutorial discretion to protect their friends.

Jury Nullification! Is an important defense against arbitrary government.

Hollow Man
Hollow Man
February 15, 2016 1:24 pm

California a utopia of socialism.

February 15, 2016 1:25 pm

“Back in my day I drove to school with a hunting rifle in the back of my pick’em up truck, fished without a license, got in fist fights on the playground, raised hell in my neighborhood, etc, etc, etc.”

February 15, 2016 1:37 pm

It’s no longer about punishment for actually committing crimes, it’s about the perceived ability to. Insane.

rhs jr
rhs jr
February 15, 2016 1:38 pm

And Harpy the Butcher of Benghazi gave Top Secret Documents to the world but is running for president; Obama who was born in Kenya is flooding US with Muslim terrorist, supplying ISIS and Iran, and threatening the Russians; the Banksters are looting the world; a Patriot is murdered in cold blood by government Thugs; our Oligarchs spray Chemtrails and push sterilizing vaccines and GMOs; our Courts trample the Constitution; the IRS persecutes Conservatives; the police steal more wealth than common criminals, the EPA causes pollution and forbids us to drain swamps or turn them into ponds; government scientist and economist are required to lie; the Dept of Justice gives weapons to Drug Lords; Blow Job Bill may have stolen the Fort Knox gold and it has been covered up; JFK, Bobby K, Marilyn Monroe, 65 people at Waco and maybe 2500 Panamanians were assassinated by American Agents and it has all been covered up. God will be the Judge of this nation real soon.

mike in ga
mike in ga
February 15, 2016 1:51 pm

Thinker says:

“It’s no longer about punishment for actually committing crimes, it’s about the perceived ability to. Insane.”

Unless, of course, you happen to be black or muslim and already committing crimes in which case local, state and federal resources will be brought to bear to prove your innocence.

This is known as progressivism.

February 15, 2016 2:46 pm

Were they black military style assault knives? Those are scary dangerous and evil.

Also tire irons should be banned from school property; they could be used in a fight. Get rid of baseball bats also.

Pencils and pens could be used to poke someone’s eyes out in a fight, so anyone bringing these dangerous items onto school property should be arrested. We must do everything in our power to protect the chidrens don’t ya know

February 15, 2016 2:48 pm

rhs……..really liked your comment.

February 15, 2016 3:10 pm

@Paul: I was ready to open a can of whoopass about this crap so thanks for the update. Seriously it took two 4 hour meetings to adjudicate this? The school admins must have a lot of time on their hands.

February 15, 2016 4:25 pm


That was one of the reasons I quit teaching in public schools. As bad and retarded as it is for the students, think of how terrible it must be for the teachers that have to work under and enforce these pre-crimes & thought-crimes. That is why 80%, to include the most talented, of all new teachers give it up within the first two years. The ONLY people that stay on are dullards and those that got to where they are through affirmative action. It isn’t a system that anyone with any intelligence would want to work in. Just imagine what kind of low-brow mouth breathing moron it takes to try to enforce such stupidity and know, really know, deep down in your heart that those are the adults teaching the next generation.

February 15, 2016 5:21 pm


I understand your pain and frustration. I saw it in its embryonic stage 40 years ago. I started to major in Physics in 1973. In that first year I took many business and science electives. NASA shut down the Apollo program and all our professors advised us to change majors. I switched to Nutrition in the College of Home Economics where Education degrees were earned. I met my first wife there who was intelligent and in the Education program to be a teacher. I also noticed many of students I had met in biology, chemistry, and mathematics classes the previous year had flunked out of their first major and switched to Education because all that was needed to get an Education degree was a pulse.

My wife lasted a year teaching. She came home telling me the other teachers and administrators were dumber than rocks. She said 90% of the student had a higher IQ than the teachers. And just as you allude to, it acts as a filter. The smart move on, the dullards stay. Now fast forward 40 years and you have an education system with teachers with Neanderthal IQs and believers in PC.

It is sad to see so many intelligent students under served by idiot teachers and a government that supports such a system.

In all of history, no government became more honest, less corrupt, or respected its citizen’s rights more as it grew in size. E.L. 2016

February 15, 2016 5:23 pm

Getting expelled from a govt run indoctrination camp is the best thing for these……..any kids. They should consider themselves fortunate.

February 15, 2016 5:29 pm

Here is food for thought, especially for those who support “public education” and rally about the doctrine of “socialization” that they claim is lacking in “homeschooled” children.
Let’s look at what “public education” has to offer:
1. Cliques and rampant bullying, quite often the victim of bullying punished more harshly for fighting back. Many times, bullies are part of a “protected” class–racial minorities, jocks, etc. Strong official disapproval of students making friends outside their grade level. “Peer pressure” used to push conformity.
2. Teachers that don’t teach reading writing and arithmetic. Pushing communist principles such as rabid environmentalism, blaming humanity for conditions beyond our control as well as pushing “communitarianism” (“it takes a village”)–actually communism. This also ties in with teacher-recommended feminizing and drugging (mostly boys) to make them “less fidgety” and more compliant–all for the “benefit” of the teacher.
3. Non-existent moral guidance…the communist concept of “values clarification”, allowing each student to set his own moral standard with no discussion permitted as to guidelines. A student dare not mention God or the Bible in “public school”–not permitted…discussing Islam is OK…even field trips to mosques are encouraged.
4. Sex education that normalizes homosexuality and other deviant practices, actually encouraging deviant behavior and downplaying heterosexuality and abstinence.
5. Insane zero tolerance practices, punishing students for pop-tarts shaped like guns or a student having an “unauthorized aspirin” or plastic butter knife. Of course, abortions and birth control are available without parental notification.
6. Lockdowns and backpack/locker searches by police utilizing “drug dogs”, getting the upcoming generation used to random unconstitutional searches. Quite often, students “roughed up” by “school resource officers”…just because they can…Lockdowns should be reserved for prisons–not schools…
Since these “socialization” practices seem to be the norm in our “public education” systems, parents who send their children to these dysfunctional “indoctrination centers” are guilty of child abuse…

Children who are homeschooled actually do much better in life as they are comfortable with people of all ages. True socialization takes place outside the classroom.

February 15, 2016 6:15 pm

@rhs jr

Everyone liked your comment. Catharsis.

First day of high school and I am in an inconvenient classroom

on the 3rd floor (freshman) and I am early. Guy walks in. Looks

older than 14. Another guy walks in, also seemed older, and walks

up to guy one, proceeds to stab him hard in his RUarm. It was all

down hill from there. Public schools have always been hellholes.

February 15, 2016 7:53 pm

I was told by my kid after coming from school “the one that hit second is at fault because he didn’t stop”.
I said him that only a person with manure inside his skull can say that. I never thought I would need to disavow a teacher (let alone on those terms), but I am learning that my duty as a father is to protect my kid from the education system.

February 15, 2016 9:52 pm

Holder’s New School Discipline Guidelines: Stop Targeting Minorities-If you are white you are now the whipping boy in commie core public school

February 16, 2016 12:00 am

Hey, folks. I just got into an online argument a few days ago on public education with the retired publisher of the Boston Globe and prior former operations chief of the New York Times. Huge defender of public education. He’s got big time liberal creds. Destroyed his sorry ass.

I told him that there may be public schools in urban areas of the U.S. that operate well, but most of the kids who attend those schools have to go home to neighborhoods and families which are crime-ridden and dysfunctional. The bottom line of my argument to him was, “I can’t fix family, and neither can you.” Sound of crickets in response.

You are welcome to use that quote anytime. It’s true, and it works.

February 16, 2016 12:55 am

Hey Harret, can you post your address, I would like to just send money to you. You sound like such a great person.

February 16, 2016 8:50 am

Contrast that and similar zero tolerance incidents with this:

February 16, 2016 9:18 am

I see two future TBP supporters! Mabye this will open their minds and they can rethink their future supporting the apparatus . Marines “keeping us safe” “I went to collage and now understand the left is always right.”