Question of the day, February 25

Sorry I’ve been a little behind with the Qod. Been busy with my small business. Specifically, how will Donald Trump, if he wins, help small business? Do you believe he will? Is he just blowing smoke??

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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February 25, 2016 1:37 pm

Llpoh is going to be very upset. That’s three questions of the day.

February 25, 2016 1:40 pm

Let’s see. He’s run a Big Business his entire life. He hob nobs with Big Business CEOs. He gets his financing for his Big Business from the Too Big To Fail Wall Street Banks.

I have sneaking suspicion he won’t help small business.

February 25, 2016 1:43 pm

Small Business? Middle Class? Bwahh Awhahaha. Let’s be clear…he’s a Billionaire with zero experience in government. As Admin points out, he gets his financing from the same shmucks that are causing all the problems. No way in hell will he do anything for small biz or the middle class, no matter what may slip out of his pie-hole.

rhs jr
rhs jr
February 25, 2016 1:54 pm

My money says he will try and have some success but his real problem will be TPTB who want to wreck US and bring in Chaos. Then the Immovable Rock meets the Irascible Trump; a battle of Titans. I think he might become like Alexander The Great and with a restored and revived Army of Patriots, destroy the Vampire Squid’s (Goldman Sachs) Gordian Knot (the Federal Reserve Bankster System). May God help US.

February 25, 2016 2:01 pm

In order to help small business, he will bump up against the Big Int’l Corps that have been dictating their demands to CONgress/Pres.; TPP is most recent example and Big bus. loves regulations to keep small bus. (competition) down – small bus. does not have the billions or legal staff or regulatory staff.

No chance

February 25, 2016 2:09 pm

Oh children of little faith. The glorious one will reduce the tax rates for all businesses and that will be our yellow brick road.Will the munchkins take advantage of this wonderful opportunity?Or will they run to the emerald city for more free shit?Will they finally pull back the curtain to the Federal Reserve and lay hold of the great OZ.

Read a story last night with the authors claiming there is no gold in Fort Knox.One worked there in the mid 70 s and says to have witnessed the gold being removed. I got to dig a little deeper into this.Cheers.

February 25, 2016 2:24 pm

I suspect Admin is correct. He won’t do much. Although an Executive Order requiring all office females to wear pantyhose and get their hair permed would boost morale back to 1980’s levels.

Mike in CT
Mike in CT
February 25, 2016 2:34 pm

Trump ? Might be Ok for small biz..If the everyman vote & he wins He/She voter might spend some more into this economy to keep this slow motion train wreck going….Mike In Ct

February 25, 2016 2:55 pm

Admin sums it up nicely. What the fuck does Trump know about small business?

February 25, 2016 3:12 pm

bb–Of course there isn’t any gold in Fort Knox or West Point. Possibly in New York Fed.

If you remember, the Bank of England got caught short and got caught settling claims for gold by providing 90% gold-400 oz bars. Settlement bars are .999 fine at 400 0z. Where did these bars come from? The Fed of course (Fort Knox). Why were they 90% fine and not .999 fine? Because they were coin melt collected from the people by FDR during the great depression. The trading gold .999 fine has, like Evis, left the building.

February 25, 2016 3:22 pm

What the F**K! You people just don’t get it. It doesn’t matter who’s President. Things go on the same.
When has your vote ever mattered or changed the political momentum that this country moving toward?

Gad! I’m going to reach for a Bromo-Seltzer.

Hollow man
Hollow man
February 25, 2016 3:36 pm

Three questions with one answer. First he will help himself. Anybody hurt or helped will be by luck.

February 25, 2016 3:50 pm

Look dear readers, I always think the worse because I have, over time, come to realize that worse is what usually happens.

Damn, and I was so optimistic as a kid.

rhs jr
rhs jr
February 25, 2016 3:57 pm

Homer, ref Youtube Doris Day — High Hopes. Old Hickory was able to kick the Second Bank of the United States out in 1836 and he wasn’t even a businessman who had made a billion dollars. Also, Jesus turned their tables over and He wasn’t a general or a businessman. With God, all things are possible.

Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
February 25, 2016 4:04 pm

Admin, did that on purpose. Was going to throw in, has anybody else tried these Wegman’s mozzarella sticks? Figure that would’ve killed him.

Still not back in Wyoming Mike
Still not back in Wyoming Mike
February 25, 2016 4:07 pm

No, not back in Wyoming, damn wordpress.

February 25, 2016 4:12 pm

I imagine he will oppose unfair foreign competition and excessive regulations that serve no practical purpose other than bureaucratic job security.

Couple that with cutting excessive taxes on business and impediments to their exports if they are in manufacturing or other exportable product businesses.

If that doesn’t help small business nothing will.

February 25, 2016 4:12 pm

rhs jr–It is my profound faith in God that has sustained me. He has moved in my life, unquestionably.

There was a show on tv and part of it was the following: A bunch of people of all ages were given a blank white paper and asked to draw a picture of what they thought God looked like. They all drew a picture, some with hearts and love, some, the Universe, etc. I though about it for a moment and I said to myself, “leave the paper blank”. Why might you ask? Because God is everywhere and seems hidden from view.

Doris Day? I loved Doris Day, all the way from the Big Band days. She was so beautiful and what a voice.

February 25, 2016 4:30 pm

Trump, I think, is a very shrewd and audacious man. If we can see that the existing TPTB has overplayed its hand, he can too. He obviously is wide awake, because he is nailing the issues that are destroying us. He will use the anger of the middle and lower class whites to rise to power.

Trump is a very ambitious man. Any move he makes will be calculated to advance himself, with any other motive running a distant second. If elected, there is no doubt in my mind it is his goal to create a dynasty for himself and his progeny. The old guard has gotten greedy, just as the aristos of England had, and like the Rothschilds, he sees their abuse and the rage it has produced as a means to ascend to the seats that they are currently holding.

Make no mistake: he doesn’t want to be our savior, he wants to be our master. The only question at hand is whether he prefers eating golden geese for dinner or farming them for eggs.

Trump is a businessman. He will not give you ANYTHING without expecting some sort of benefit to himself in return. Does he see protecting/encouraging small biz and the middle class of entrepreneurs as a benefit to the US and to himself? Do we have anything to offer him? Would it hurt his empire if we were gone or severely diminished?

If he thinks that we add value to his empire and promote his aspirations, he will support us. If not, he will throw us to the wolves.

Trump may realize that giving the small biz types just enough to keep us happy is a better policy than allowing us to fall further. He may realize that it is the aspirational middle class that put money into his coffers by visiting his luxury resorts and golf courses. Kill off our discretionary income and there are precious few people left to buy what he is selling. Thwart our innovation and you lose an opportunity to ride its coattails to increased wealth through investment.

Trump may be wise enough to realize that feeding us enough crumbs to keep us happy and laying eggs is a much better idea than serving us up with gravy. I hope.

February 25, 2016 4:40 pm

I should add, Trump and Hillary are both nouveau riche. Both are extremely aspirational. The difference I see is that Trump recognizes that the old system has overplayed its hand and will not work much longer. It has taken too much and angered too many. If he gains power, I think there will be a bloodletting in the power structures of this country. there needs to be, too much pressure has built up. If some semblance of justice is not done, there will be a blowup.

Hillary, on the other hand, is fully invested in the system as it stands. She will continue to grind down the middle and lower class, using the structures already in place to hang on to power and enrich herself.

I think that he is playing a longer game than she is. She sees the current system as a means to riches and power. Trump sees it as a liability. She thinks that she can keep a lid on an increasingly angry middle and lower class. Trump sees that doing so is impossible.

She will continue to boil the frogs, he will take the lid off the pan and use the frogs to make a new power structure benefitting himself.

If you elect her, you get to stay in the soup. If you elect him, you might get out of the soup long enough to stay alive for a while before being plunged back in again.

February 25, 2016 5:23 pm

“Let’s see. He’s run a Big Business his entire life. He hob nobs with Big Business CEOs. He gets his financing for his Big Business from the Too Big To Fail Wall Street Banks. I have sneaking suspicion he won’t help small business.”

Ever hear of trickle down?

Yeah, that’s the ticket, Trump will grow his empire and us small business types will reap hundreds from his trillions!


If he continues to win big on super tuesday and he doesn’t claim the popes wife is great at sucking cock or some other bullshit trying to get kicked out, I might be a believer that he’s in it to win it.

February 25, 2016 5:26 pm

One last thing (I am cooking butter chicken for dinner and rocketing back and forth between the computer and the kitchen, LOL).

We are taught mythology and not history in school. The Founding Fathers, clever men that they were, were not, for the most part, some sort of altruistic gods sent from on high to redeem the miserable wretches of North America. Far from it. They were aspirational men who did not like being considered provincial and second class to the English aristos. They saw an increasing unraveling between the US and England, exacerbated by endless British wars and an ocean between us. When the British king started cracking down too much, they saw their chance to take a kingdom for themselves and they took it, playing upon the sentiments of the middle and lower classes to accomplish their conquest.

The killing of the Articles of Confederation is damning proof. Alexander Hamilton’s war on the westerners seeking autonomy from eastern speculators and wealthy businessmen is another. Shay’s Rebellion is a third. We didn’t get freedom, we got a new flag and a new boss. Anybody fool enough to see it as anything other than a dynastic shift is naive indeed.

People like Robert Morris and Alexander Hamilton used the Revolution to rise to power they could not have attained under English rule.

That is what clever and ambitious men do.

Our old system is dying. It will be replaced with something new. I think that Trump sees this and he is jockeying for power.

Those who support him thinking he will usher in some sort of golden age of freedom are in for a rude awakening. The farmers of northwestern PA who believed the new US gov’t was based on Thomas Paine’s ideals found out very quickly that they were still peasants. They wanted a slice of power for themselves and thus were a threat to the new gov’t. Others, like Alexander Hamilton, wanted power too but WITHIN the new system. He was given massive power, they were given the wrong end of a bayonet.

History rhymes.

February 25, 2016 5:36 pm

Westcoaster is a dumbass. As always.

The idea that someone needs experience to be president is bullshit.

What they need is competence.

I lost track of the number of times I was told “you need experience to be successful in x”.

Bullshit. This shit is not rocket science. The president will need to be able to apply resources and have good judgment and manage. Experience? Bah. Most of he folks with Xperience cannot do any of these things. Clinton? Sanders? What a joke.

February 25, 2016 5:39 pm

Mike – damn it, how many times you gonna pull this shite? Either put an s on question in the heading, or ask one question. You do this just to annoy me, right?

February 25, 2016 5:42 pm

Rose–Provocative thoughts.

February 25, 2016 5:52 pm

Trump MAY benefit small business, because it is a benefit to him as has already been said. As a builder he knows the need for small specialty contractors who produce excellence. Specialty contractors, of which I am one, are a dying breed. Builders and general contractors are nothing more than paper pushers. It is the specialty contractor that brings the expertise to get buildings built.

We are a dying breed. Why? Because there was a time when small contractors were a generation after generation business. Today, not so much. Neither of my kids are going into the trade. My crews are aging with no new blood in the pipe-line. I am the last generation. The generation before me is retired or dying off and most contractors I know are in a 10 year age window. 45-55 years old. Go to a pre-construction meeting and there are NO YOUNG men in the room everyone is 45 ad older.

99% of specialty contractors are privately held C & S corps. Once we die off, you better learn how to hang a door and fix a leaky pipe, let alone build a real building.

So, If Trump sees this and “gets” it. He will help the small businessman. I think he does. He does understand building and the engineering and ingenuity that goes into a project. Time after time it is the contractors who “fix” the screwed up engineering and architectural details on a job. We bring the expertise of how to get things done and Trump knows this and has experienced it and he knows it needs to be fixed.

The issue with Trump is not will he help small business, but will he destroy our freedoms, if we have any, even further than they have already been destroyed. When you hear him speak he sounds like he is fresh off a job-site, which can be refreshing, but also quite scary if he follows through with all he has said.

Still not back in Wyoming Mike
Still not back in Wyoming Mike
February 25, 2016 5:53 pm


February 25, 2016 6:38 pm


Your last post is probably spot-on. Unfortunately. Thanks for sharing your opinion/insight. It is thought provoking, to say the least.

February 25, 2016 7:05 pm

Trump is a businessman. Meaning he is practical and nibble. He will change directions if need be.

It’s who he is likely to fire and bring in also. Competent people who are actually willing to invest their time for a cause knowing full well as you do it’s getting late in the day for an empire in decline. And nothing they will be working for in the private sector will be worth anything if the trends continue.

February 25, 2016 7:22 pm

I’m going to go with ‘trickle down.”

Rise Up
Rise Up
February 25, 2016 7:49 pm

Don’t know if he’ll help small business or not. His stump speeches preach too much regulation, but is he referring to big corps or also understands the small businessman/woman’s red tape hassles?

Either way, this professor says he wins the Presidency–claims his predictor model has 97-99% accuracy:

A professor of political science at Stony Brook University has forecasted that Donald Trump has a minimum 97 percent chance of winning the general election as the Republican nominee.

Professor Helmut Norpoth’s forecast presentation took place Monday evening in the SUNY Global Center in Manhattan, which was organized by the Stony Brook Alumni Association.

Norpoth created a statistical model of presidential elections that uses a candidate’s performance in their party’s primary and patterns in the electoral cycle as predictors of the presidential vote in the general election.

Donald Trump has a 97 percent chance of defeating Hillary Clinton and a 99 percent chance of defeating Bernie Sanders in the general election, according to Norpoth’s formula.

“The bottom line is that the primary model, using also the cyclical movement, makes it almost certain that Donald Trump will be the next president,” Norpoth said, “if he’s a nominee of the [Republican] party.”

Norpoth’s primary model works for every presidential election since 1912, with the notable exception of the 1960 election. These results give the model an accuracy of 96.1 percent.

February 25, 2016 11:12 pm

Riser, Trump is too much of an outsider. My predictor model says that is the deal-breaker.
C’mon, military academy?
Why isn’t LLPOH running?

February 26, 2016 11:01 am

FWIW, I just heard a local radio interview with Trump’s son. He articulated—very well—the regulatory and tax burdens on small business. He specifically mentioned obamacare and how it plays out with job loss and reduction in hours. He also talked about interest rates and the effects of rising rates, the debt and deficit and the crumbling US infrastructure. It was an excellent interview, and the son actually addressed things that matter to me. He gets it.

I’ve heard and read Trump mention a few of these things here and there. Unfortunately, his more bombastic comments are the ones that make mainstream nooz. I have often wondered if he’s watched all the carnage for years, studied how it happened, and decided that he was in a position to do something about it. His son alluded to this.

I’m about over voting and politics in general, and there is much with which I disagree, but I’m beginning to think Trump sure can’t be any worse than what we have. At least he’s had to make payroll a few times.