Via Townhall

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rhs jr
rhs jr
March 2, 2016 8:31 am

The Jack in the Box represents the people fed up with the Rockefeller-Bush NWO NEOCON RINOs. One of those boxes will pop up a fat pink slip for all of them and a new Era of government will begin that hopefully will breath the spirits of Washington, Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, JFK and Reagan. I am glad I lived long enough to see The Exterminator of God, sort of an American Joan of Arc, appear. Praise God and long live The Republic.

March 2, 2016 9:28 am

Trump and Hillary are shaping up as the two sides the people want going up against each other.

And this time there will be an actual difference in the sides.

It will be like an unscripted pro wrestling match with opponents actually opposing each other and no winner decided in advance.

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 2, 2016 9:45 am

The big takeaway from these primaries is that voter turnout for the Republicans is much higher than the Democrats, indicating the timid support for Hitlery. So take those poll numbers that show Clinton ahead of Trump with a big dose of salt. If these turnout percentages hold, she could lose, and lose big.

March 2, 2016 10:10 am

Rise Up,

Yeah, looks like the Democrats are getting ready to do to their base what the Republicans have been doing to theirs: Giving them someone they don’t want and expecting them to vote for him/her out of party loyalty anyway because the opposition is so terrible as to be unthinkable.

Hasn’t worked well for the Republicans lately, now we’ll see if the Democrats -their rank and file members- are dumb enough to fall for it where the Republicans didn’t.

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 2, 2016 10:17 am

@Anon, it also could be that the Dems aren’t bothering to vote in these primaries because Hellary is pretty much a lock for the nomination, so they’re waiting until November.

March 2, 2016 11:06 am

Donald just got the Christie bump.Works every time.

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March 2, 2016 11:08 am

Just appearing alongside a POTUS candidate will get them elected. The Christie bump…[imgcomment image[/img]

March 2, 2016 11:34 am

I was at the bar last night with my wife, having a few drinks with friends before heading home for the evening. As our friends cleared out, my wife and I were “accosted” by some Bernie-bots.

“ARE YOU FEELING THE BERN?” one gleefully cheered as he went to stick a campaign sticker on my shoulder.

I adroitly dodged it with a mildly bemused expression on my face. I’ve dealt with this sort of idiocy before and just wanted to pay my tab and get the fuck out of dodge. My darling wife, however, wears her heart on her sleeve, and couldn’t keep a good old fashioned “fuck no” from being smeared across her pretty face. There was also a “go fuck yourself” eye roll tucked in there as well, she’s talented that way.

Honestly, I wish you could have been there. My wife’s nonverbal communication can crush a man’s will to live in nanoseconds….not that I have experience in that arena….

Anyway, they immediately began to shout “BOOO” at her, and asking “DONT YOU WANT TO FIX AMERICA? DON’T YOU WANT A PRESIDENT THAT WILL FIGHT FOR YOUR?”

My wife kind of shunted to the side with the two followers and began walking them (patiently) through our views, repeatedly having to say “Yes, Trump is a bad candidate, but we aren’t talking about him right now.”

I was tasked with tackling the head Bernie-bot, a young man from Arizona who has only ever done volunteer work for a living, and has attended (but not finished) education at University of Phoenix (physically attended). Not only that, but the man was actually a bought and paid for Bernie-supporter, traveling the nation a week ahead of a primary to put up flyers, organize groups, and gather support.

It was his first night in our town, if I believed in God I would say he was smiling down on me.

I opened with “I’m about 50% on Sanders, he’s spot on about corruption and money in politics, and I do like his stance on a lot of social issues, and you can’t deny that he is 100% true to his view, virtually unchanged throughout 40 years of politics…..its just that the last 50% is unconscionable.”

He was nodding sagely along, smiling and encouraging until that last word left my mouth. The shock was stamped plainly across his face.

We then spent the next 40 minutes to an hour with me patiently explaining why his policies were unsustainable on the large scale, and that the Northern European model was not perfect, and in fact has been undergoing its own collapse.

When he used his experience working with inner city kids as proof that he was better than me, I had several years of volunteer work of my own to follow up with.

When he brought white privilege up, my poor pig farming multi-divorce family trumped his suburban two parent household.

At each turn he got more and more angry, more and more frustrated. As the conversation wound down he began to look panicked and scared, actively trying to edge towards the door and escape back to Bernie-land, where things like reality and truth have no place.

As he left I shook his hand, smiling all the while, and told him “stay safe, and stay warm.” As he bustled out the door I noticed my wife was still speaking with the man’s two converts. It was obvious that their stance was on increasingly shaky ground, they looked depressed, and were almost bargaining with my wife with respect to government intervention.

“Well yes, I can understand that not everybody’s problems are the same, but we still need more involvement on a NATIONAL scale…”, to which my wife would spin them around, and set them back down completely disoriented, fielding their concerns left and right with beautiful aplomb.

I was so proud of her.

As I lay in bed that night I realized what we had been seeing was the 5 stages of grief.

Our initial disagreement was met with complete shock, followed closely by anger. As the night rolled on, all three of them experienced depression. The ring-leader bailed on the conversation before I could do more work, but the two followers even made it to Stage 4- Bargaining before calling it a night.

In a single night, a single conversation, we had managed to seriously disturb people who previously were 100% convinced they were utterly right in their convictions.

Of course they went through the 5 stages of grief, we were killing their dream, right before their eyes.

I think what shocked me the most was just how easy it was. These people are not like me, or you. They do not question, argue, or fight. They do not defend their stance, and are not use to a battle.

They are followers, through and through. Little lambs, pretending to be fully fledged sheep.

I probably wasted my time in the long run, but it made me feel better to at least try to change someone else’s mind.