Via Ben Garrison

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March 3, 2016 7:19 am

the latest conductor of the Trump train …fight GOP establishment vermin with their own fire.It’s the only way.I’m beginning to enjoy the new Republican Party.

Travis County GOP Apoplectic Over New Chairman

The newly elected chair of the Republican Party in the county that includes the Texas Capitol spent most of election night tweeting about former Gov. Rick Perry’s sexual orientation and former President Bill Clinton’s penis, and insisting that members of the Bush family should be in jail.

He also found time to call Hillary Clinton an “angry bull dyke” and accuse his county vice chair of betraying the values of the Republican Party.

“The people have spoken,” Robert Morrow, who won the helm of the Travis County GOP with 54 percent of the vote, told The Texas Tribune. “My friends and neighbors and political supporters — they wanted Robert Morrow.”

Morrow’s election as Republican chair of the fifth-largest county in Texas left several members of the Travis County GOP, including vice chair Matt Mackowiak, apoplectic. Mackowiak, a Republican strategist, immediately announced over social media that he would do everything in his power to remove Morrow from office.

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March 3, 2016 8:08 am

Comedy gold. But the Establishment had it coming. They wanted it, they continued to support it, they spent millions on it.

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March 3, 2016 8:27 am

made me laugh.

Paul Joseph Watson ‏@PrisonPlanet

This is just what voters need. A two-time failed presidential candidate to lecture them about “the state of the presidential race”. #Romney

March 3, 2016 9:10 am

Vote Trump or vote Establishment.

It’s your choice.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 3, 2016 9:28 am

I read yesterday that Marco Rubio was a known homo and attended “Foam Parties” with large groups of other men in his younger days in Florida. Is it secretly required to be a homo now and would that not leave out Trump ? God knows Oreo has played more tunes on a skin flute than the Pied Piper.

The big question is, what the hell is a foam party?

March 3, 2016 9:35 am


Never heard of them before your post, had to look it up.

Maybe has other meanings too, but this is what dominates the search.

March 3, 2016 11:04 am

This election season is pretty exciting, no?

The more the R’s try to smear Trump, the more they

smear themselves. And Romney? What a hoot.

And what about all the bisexuality coming out?

The harder the R’s work to discredit Trump,

the more I like him. They are writing their own

indictments/sort of. Maybe some people will wake up!!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 3, 2016 11:19 am

Anon- I got to the bottom of the foam party thing. It is where approx thirty guys get in a huge
(and I mean huge) hot tub and the water is so turbulent as to foam up. God only know what things go on in that tub. Very popular in south Florida among the gays.

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 3, 2016 1:14 pm

When Trump wins, the NWO Rockefeller-Bush RINO NEOCON’s will be fired and have to sell their homes and move into trailers in “flyover country” to become neighbors of the very people they have scorned and abused for decades; the actual hard working long suffering God fearing Bible loving gun toting Patriotic Americans who built America (not the FSA, CEOs, lobbyist, brokers, politicians, media and academic boobs). The poor love the showy billionaire who speaks for their causes in their language. “We The People” have repeatedly voted for supposed Conservatives to Battle TPTB and restore America only to be repeatedly double crossed by the RINOs who drink from the Cup of the Beast. They spoke like Conservatives but lived and voted like the Devil; they took the Beast’s filthy lucre and voted with the Moloch loving Liberals for abortion, porno, homosexuality, wars, corporate treaties that took our jobs; destroyed our borders and flooded US with scofflaws; and crammed every conceivable piece of degenerate Cultural Communism down our throats. Truth is shining on the cockroaches that infest WDC. In His mysterious ways, God has sent an unlikely Prophet like a Jeremiah blowing a warning Trumpet from a tower and calling all Patriotic Americans to rally for political battle; and like Nehemiah calling for a wall to be built and people to defend themselves (PS: Trump carries heat). God used Charles Martel “The Hammer” to rally people to smash the Muslim Invaders of Europe at the Battle of Tours in 732 and begin the reconquest of Europe from the incorrigible Godless Barbarians. Trump will also smash the Depraved Destroying Democrat FSA enablers. He is like a modern Crusader Commander (who was never a soldier but it wasn’t his fault he was born with a million dollars) and a Joan of Arc rallying the downtrodden to throw out the invaders. Trump the Defender of 1st Amendment Rights of Judeo-Christians stands like a Mighty St. Michael with a Trumpet (microphone) in one hand and a sword (pen) in the other stunning TPTB; he’s fighting against “principalities and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. May God help US restore Traditional American values and Make America Great Again. But may sorrows and regrets fall on the Democrats and RINO’s heads like rain drops in a hurricane all the remaining days of their lives and when they leave Earth, may they rot in Hell.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 3, 2016 9:09 pm

Despite everything I have written previously, when Hillary wins the nomination, I will get aboard the Trump Train.

What’s not to like about a misogynist who wants to take us back to the future before the Neocons turned warfare into the national purpose and redefined patriotism to mean mindless approval of all things military?

Eh, who am I kidding, no one reads my shit anyway cause I make too much sense.

Anyway, if nobody likes me, it’s because I’m not a pussy. Guys like pussy. I’m just a swinging dick around here.

Fuck you fuckers. Can’t you spare a fucking thumbs up once in a while?

March 3, 2016 9:51 pm

I just gave you a thumbs up. But it’s not because I like dick. Truth is, I’m a pussy. We are what we eat.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 3, 2016 10:10 pm


I gave you a thumbs up, I don’t know why. Maybe you should go by El Swinging Dick for a few days just to cement the macho image.

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 3, 2016 10:19 pm

Over a hour into tonight’s debate, the Donald is on his heels in defense. The Faux “moderators” are ganging up on him like never before, and of course Cruz and Rubio. Kasich is staring at his own feet.

The day after the last debate, Trump crushed the media buzz with the endorsement from Christie.

What will he do tomorrow to gain back the momentum?

I hope he has another rabbit in his hat.

EL Coyote who knows nobody will read this
EL Coyote who knows nobody will read this
March 4, 2016 12:14 am

If there are any more debates, I expect they should interrupt the show with background comments by the people involved so we can get a clue as to what the size of a man’s hands has to do with eligibility for higher office.

This new reality show might as well declare a season and call it Who Wants To Be President? Are You Smarter Than a Billionaire? or Marco & Ted’s Bogus Journey. They look positively thrilled to be rubbing elbows and trading barbs with The Donald.

I went for Kasich early on but this is a reality show and outrageous behavior gets the ratings, too bad.

WTF is The Donald going to debate with Hillary, the size of her hands? Whether she is bleeding from wherever?

March 4, 2016 12:40 am

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meh..he’d STILL win…

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 4, 2016 1:03 am

I see he’s wearing the business bulge. I hope it can out-bulge Hillary’s package.