Stucky Q.O.T.D. —– MLK

The Millennial son of I Love Carbon Dioxide wrote a fine piece which was posted here yesterday —->

BUT ….. he wrote positive things about Martin Luther King.  OOPS!!

bb said MLK was “a sorry POS“, and got 5 thumbs up.

Unassimilated says go ahead and call him a “nigger lover” but, he likes MLK.  He did research on it.

Llpoh says MLK is a “giant scam“.

Rose is gonna submit a long post about MLK, and it won’t be a positive one.

I Love Carbon Dioxide said — Rose, could you site some sources for your claims for “Mike” ? For reasoned research of course, not a negative comment.”

OK then! Let’s help out ILuvCO2 and his Millennial SonI know we’ve discussed MLK here often, but … let’s give ’em sum edumacation!!

Question #1.  Was MLK basically good, or basically bad?

Question #2.  Why?


Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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March 14, 2016 7:30 am

MLK was a communist parading around as a Christian minister. You can Google his statements on Christ . He didn’t believe Jesus Christ was / is the Messiah. He didn’t believe Christ rose from the grave or the virgin birth therefore he was a lying POS in the worse way.He also was a moral leper and subversive. Civil rights was really a Jewish brain child. Jews provided the money and the legal services. Civil rights movement was a scam to forever forbid whites the freedom of association and a justification for stealing money from white America to pay for the Great Society / War on Poverty Programs.

March 14, 2016 7:45 am

The civil rights movement also gave birth to the feminist movement and the homosexual agenda. Nick Rockefeller admitted the women’s movement was designed to 1) remove women from the home to the work place so they could tax the other half of the population.2) to get children in public schools to indoctrinate them in godless atheistic ideologies.

The homosexual agenda / feminist movement / great society programs were all ways to destroy the family ,destroy believe in God and make whole segments of the population dependent upon the state. I sincerely hope MLK ,the Jews that supported him and the Rockefellers burn in Hell .

March 14, 2016 7:53 am

One last thing ,Nick Rockefeller also has admitted the end game is to get everyone chipped with implants so they can control the population by controlling economic transactions.These treasonous SOB s really do want a One world government with a one world electronic currency.

Everything is just a Google search away. Go look yourselves.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
March 14, 2016 8:40 am

The answer to that one is simple. If you believe that there are no innate differences between races (and in particular blacks and others) and that the obvious failings of the black race (as typified by Africa and 30 blocks of squalor) are the result of racism on the part of whites rather than a general lack of competence and intelligence among blacks (in general; we are not talking about individuals here), and if you believe in a form of Lysenkoism in which genetic patterns can be changed in a reasonable amount of time (say two or three generations) by changes in the environment, then MLK was right to demand so-called “equal treatment” for blacks, even if it meant (hopefully) temporary harm to the white majority. If, on the other than, you do not believe these things and believe that the attempt to create “equality” when no such thing can exist in the real world and that the civil rights campaign was the first step in a road that will eventually lead to the break-up of America and its destruction, then MLK was nothing more than the angry spokesman for a minority which, while admittedly having suffered discrimination and worse, will wreck America. It is of academic interest that MLK was largely a puppet of Communist organizations and, of course, the Jews, who cleverly used the blacks and absurd “white guilt” as a battering ram to destroy the traditional WASP power structure and turn America into a boiling pot of identity politics and alien creeds. As a Southerner, I lay this disaster right at the feet of the Northeastern so-called “elites”, who provoked a civil war in a selfish grab for total power and then, within three generations, proved beyond any doubt that they lacked the qualities needed to maintain it, thus dooming the rest of us. A bunch of bow-tied pantywaists and would-be aristocrats without a single saving grace. How terribly unfortunate that a Southerner can only laugh at and mock the hapless, fumbling Yankee New Englanders who lost it all, only at the expense of the destruction of both their regions.

March 14, 2016 9:24 am

Basically human.Nothing more.Nothing less.

March 14, 2016 9:29 am

I’m So Bored With MLK


That’s a tremendous shift from the last few years of MLK’s life, when never more than a third of Americans seemed to approve of him. But ever since his 1968 murder, a carefully constructed religious aura has been fashioned around King like garland being wrapped tightly around a Christmas tree. His ongoing canonization is such that Jesus is now merely Martin’s towel boy. Compared to MLK, Jesus is not very sacred at all in this culture. He’s a much safer target to criticize.

The corpse of Jackie Onassis was recently exhumed and publicly flogged when it was revealed that she’d said some less-than-worshipful things about Doctor King. Most news reports failed to mention that Bobby Kennedy had allegedly told her that MLK arrived drunk to JFK’s funeral and made jokes about the pallbearers almost dropping her newly dead husband’s coffin. She may also have been tipped off to an FBI surveillance tape which reportedly reveals King watching TV footage of Jackie and her children leaning over JFK’s casket, whereupon MLK said disgustedly, “Look at her. Sucking him off one last time.”

There’s also his infamous philandering—he apparently philandered, re-philandered, and kept on with his phreely philanderous ways until there was nothing left to philander. We know that he was great at oratory, but until the FBI files are unsealed, we’ll never know if he was any good at oral sex. He reputedly hosted multiple orgies while on the road. In private hotel rooms after the speeches, “We shall overcome” apparently switched to “We shall cum over and over.” King even allegedly squandered SCLC funds to pay for booze and whores. Most notable is the allegation that he spent the night before he was murdered inside a Memphis motel room with three separate prostitutes and that it got a little rough with the third one. According to Michael Eric Dyson citing Ralph David Abernathy:

[King] shouted and knocked her across the bed. It was more of a shove than a real blow, but for a short man, Martin had a prodigious strength that always surprised me. She leapt up to fight, and for a moment they were engaged in a full-blown fight, with Martin clearly winning.

Hey, not that there’s anything wrong with any of this! I’m not one to judge, but neither do I claim to be a saint. But isn’t all this at least sufficient to publicly disrobe Martin Luther King, Jr. of sainthood’s holy cloak?

Jimmy Torpedo
Jimmy Torpedo
March 14, 2016 9:34 am

Sorry to be lazy and just paste a link but S Molyneux always has a good take on things.

March 14, 2016 9:42 am

Nothing simple about the truth.,Stuck. The man was a whore mongering deviant fraud, but a braver man as well.

Half Saint, Half sinner. Mere Human.

March 14, 2016 9:46 am

Well, I wanted to help out with the MLK info-gathering thang, but I don’t know enough about the eevul joos.

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 14, 2016 10:49 am

He was a trained Communist pinko fellow traveler Useful Idiot Black Racist whore-hopper hypocrite Civil Rights Operative. I once told a Black coworker that I’d just seen the Movie “Martin Luther” and it was really good. She said MLK was greater. I said nooooo. She said why. I said because he was a very intelligent and righteous man who tremendously influenced the history of Christianity; he was the most important person in the Protestant Reformation which is about a billion souls worldwide today. On the other hand, MLK Jr was an average IQ hypocrite who was trained and used by the Communist in the Civil Rights Movement which was good but affected only about 10 million Americans. She exploded in a loud long furious barrage of Ghetto abuse without any memorable merit and I learned not to discuss things with Blacks more academic than entertainment.

March 14, 2016 10:53 am

I have NFS – Neegrow Fatigue Syndrome.

There is no cure, except to cut off all entitlements to Neegrows.

Face it, 50% of the Neegrows are 100,000 years behind current white Homo Sapien development.

March 14, 2016 11:07 am

Luther , if allowed to continue on his path of wallowing in communism and sexual fetish would have self destructed and all the effort and money invested in the social engineering experiment that was the black civil rights movement would have been lost in his national disgrace.
If you want to create a martyr, first you have to kill one.

March 14, 2016 11:09 am

Stuck -What do you have against whore-hoppers?

Surely you jest? ..a Reverend even.

Thou shalt not commit adultery

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 14, 2016 11:32 am


That one day I won’t be bombarded with his commy ass every 5 minutes.

Tampa Gold
Tampa Gold
March 14, 2016 12:10 pm

“Neegrows are 100,000 years behind current white Homo Sapien development.”

Yep and the sooner that everyone realizes the difference between a ‘Humanoid’ and a ‘Negroid,’ the better off we’ll be. I have tried to explain this to others but the truth in times of universal deceit is blasphemy.

And to answer the q’s, he was bad because he was a giant hypocrite. Goes out preaching about jeebus then goes back to hotel rooms and fucks all the white wimmins. Fuck MLK and all the muh dicking bucks he spawned.

March 14, 2016 12:55 pm

by their fruit you shall know them. MLK’s fruit was poison.

March 14, 2016 1:04 pm

look, I’m no huge supporter of MLK, but if the biggest complaint against him is being a hypocrite, shouldn’t we also include this guy?

[imgcomment image[/img]

or this guy?

[imgcomment image?resize=600%2C280[/img]

Or this guy?

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Or even this guy?

[imgcomment image[/img]

My only point is this: When a man is exalted to a position of power and put upon a pedestal, there’s generally only one direction for that man to go. Down. Few and far between is a man righteous enough not to be seduced by the things this world has to offer, whether it’s money or sex or…….well, money & sex.

March 14, 2016 1:06 pm

I was too young at the time to pay a lot of attention to MLK (I was in grade school, and not really interested in social movements) but my mother saw the news and noticed him. Her opinion was not high; as a happily married woman herself, MLK was the epitome of the womanizing no-good charlatan, a man who was a Reverend, married himself and had kids, but went with prostitutes and hucksters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton (yes, their pathological lying was evident even back then). A man of low character pretending to be what he wasn’t, MLK was in some ways the prototype for what Jackson, Sharpton and even Obama later became. A lot of the problems in black America can be traced back to the people they found as leaders, and their lack of character and discipline became the pattern for what black American culture and community became.
It’s a real shame; promiscuity, illegitimate birthrates and broken families once were NOT the norm in black America.

March 14, 2016 1:07 pm

Tampa Gold – African are more human than whites.


In its pejorative usage amid the modern Anglosphere, “Neanderthal” is exclusively used to demean whites. In fairness, pale skin, blue eyes, and red hair were all Neanderthal traits. But although being Neanderthal is a white thing, it is not exclusively so. A landmark 2010 study suggested that not only did ancient Neanderthals breed with modern humans, all modern groups except for sub-Saharan Africans possess a small percentage of Neanderthal DNA.

So genetically, humans can somewhat tidily be divided into two groups: those who have Neanderthal DNA…and black people. If a black person’s DNA test reveals any Neanderthal ancestry, you can assume they have some cream in their coffee.

Please share this article by using the link below. When you cut and paste an article, Taki’s Magazine misses out on traffic, and our writers don’t get paid for their work. Email [email protected] to buy additional rights.


March 14, 2016 1:12 pm

Tim you fucktard, this post isn’t about the other guy. It’s about whether King was evil or not… sheesh.

March 14, 2016 1:18 pm

MLK was a whore-mongering, plagiarising (his “doctorate there’s, for instance), adulterer, hypocrite piece of shit.

Wish Smokey was around to ‘splain it to you in detail.

March 14, 2016 1:29 pm

Two points King made with which I agree: The character-over-color bit, and the be-self-sufficient bit. Other than those, I have no interest in him. Evil? I dunno. If so, I’ll fall back to the blind hogs and acorns thing.

As far as “civil rights”, I’ve always believed that everyone should have equal legal rights. Beyond that, “There ain’t no such thing as equal.”

March 14, 2016 1:44 pm

OK, here’s my too long post on MLK.

First, let me say this: I was raised to see MLK as a hero. My mom is a 60s flower child leftover who voted for Obama, donated to Southern Poverty Law Center and who took pains to indoctrinate me when I was wee. Never mind the fact that every penny she has comes form the labor of my white father, and that she was supporting and contributing to causes designed to destroy the very breadwinner she was depending on. But i digress.

In other words, what I am about to write is knowledge I gained as an adult, and involved completely turning around almost everything I had ever been taught about what is true. Life is like that.

The story begins with a man named Stanley Levison, a very wealthy New York lawyer who also happened to be the 2nd biggest financier of the American Comunist party in the early to mid 50s. In 1956, Levison was introduced to a young man named Michael King (he never actually changed his name legally to Martin Luther) by Bayard Ruskin, a gay, black, Quaker civil rights activist.

Levison was taken with King and offered his promotional services for free. Now, by 1957 Levison had ceased his direct involvement with the CPUSA, but does this sort of leopard ever change its spots?

Levison began to work as King’s close friend, mentor and confidant. He wrote speeches for King, did King’s taxes, ghostwrote his book Stride Toward Freedom and got it published. In many ways, he was the man behind King’s curtains.

Naturally, the close involvement of somebody of Levison’s political leanings and reputation rang some alarm bells. The FBI began to heavily investigate Levison, King and also Jack O’Dell, another of King’s inner circle with close communist ties. During these investigations they uncovered a vast amount of evidence that King was a serial adulterer with an enormous sexual appetite and proclivities that were, to be kind, unusual.

The concern reached POTUS JFK, who warned King that if he did not break off with Levison, he would not be able to support the Civil Rights Act that King was pushing for. King demurred, but did not really break contact. Instead, he set up black attorney Clarence Jones as an intermediary through whom he continued to consult with and take guidance from Levison.

King was also a serial plagiarist. Even his I Have a Dream Speech was stolen (from a Republican black preacher named Archibald Carey Jr.).

So let’s bring it all together a bit. Here we have a man with sexual deviances. Such men are easily controlled and blackmailed.
he forms a tight, one could almost say unbreakable alliance with a person high up in the CPUSA. A realtionship so storng that not even a direct req

March 14, 2016 1:45 pm

Crud. Hit post before I was done. Please forgive any typos, and I will finish the damn thing.

March 14, 2016 2:05 pm

So let’s bring it all together a bit. Here we have a man with sexual deviances. Such men are easily controlled and blackmailed.

He forms a tight, one could almost say unbreakable alliance with a person with a history of being high up in the CPUSA. A relationship so strong that not even a direct request from POTUS can break it.

King is also a man who repeatedly uses the words of others as his own. In other words, he cannot articulate his own message and must instead let others do his talking for him.

I such a situation, it is not at all illogical to suspect that Levison saw King as an easily manipulated man whom he could use as a puppet to achieve his own ends.

Can we think of anyone else like that, who needs words to be put in his mouth via teleprompter, who has a sordid sexual past including ties to the murders of 3 gay men, and who was closely mentored by members of known anti-American organizations (Frank Marshall Davis and Bill Ayres)?

Of course, any criticism of King is immediately met with accusations of racism. Drag in Levison and you’re an anti-Semite too.

Any time the mainstream makes somebody into a saint, my neck hairs go up.

We are fully free to poke into every facet of the lives of other famous Americans like Jefferson and Washington. Hell, they’ve had their reputations ripped to shreds by the media and academia. But King is a sacred cow, and their sacred cows are usually rotten and maggot filled. Anything that you cannot question is something that you should be highly suspicious of. Throwing the race and anti-Semite card merely serves as a giant red flag that you are on the trail of something juicy they’d rather you didn’t know about.

I think that King functioned in the Magic Negro role. Once his usefulness was done, he was killed, because he was worth more as a martyr than as a live man, especially had his proclivities become well known.

The FBI’s records for King have been sealed until 2027, at the request of his widow. Her reasoning was that their release would destroy his reputation. IN 1983, Jesse Helms attempted to get them unsealed so that MLK Day could be abolished, but met with resistance and nothign was done.

By 2027, multiple generations of Americans will have already been taught that MLK was a saint. Anything that questions his rep (like the release of the documents) will become merely the fodder of crazy conspiracy theorists. A 60 year ban of academic scrutiny will do that for ya.

What really galls me about the whole mess is the fact that there WERE egregious civil rights violations occurring in America. They NEEDED to be addressed, and justice needed to be served. This should have been accomplished with a truly grassroots movement though, NOT a co-opted one. But we can’t let the Joes and Janes of the world work things out, now can we? We might actually end up with some sort of lasting peace and progress if we did.

Nope, we needed forced integration and massive racial strife in order to pave the way for LBJs hellacious policies and the divisiveness that is destroying us today.

March 14, 2016 3:28 pm

Heir Stuckmeister: Good QOTD.

I want to respond in more detail but I need to catch a flight later and I have scrambling all day to get out town.

In any case, perhaps I am less cynical regarding my views on MLK. I know he had character flaws and struggled with his carnal nature.

Yet, on a grand scale, King viewed civil rights as a moral cause and he suffered much persecution (FBI, etc) .

King was actually a Conservative even though today’s revisionist liberals have hijacked what he started and now purloin credit for the American Civil Rights Movement when in truth; it originated within the churches of Montgomery, Alabama.

Regarding the Stanley Levison connection, this article breaks it down in an even-handed manner:

Regarding the plagiarism and many other accusations, even Snopes claims them to be “mostly false”.

And I know that some might question the source / links above as having an “agenda”. If so, towards what end?

Besides, if you read it on the internet, it must be true!

March 14, 2016 3:49 pm

Also – as a side addendum: if you ever want to read a fascinating book on Malcolm X, check out “The Autobiography of Malcolm X” (collaboration with Roots author, Alex Haley). It reads like a novel. Regardless of one’s opinion on the subject, it was a very riveting read.

March 14, 2016 4:00 pm

And finally, just to clear: I am not “advocating”, per se. I just don’t believe MLK should be conflated with Jesse Jackson, AL Sharpton and/or Black Lives Matter. That’s all I’m sayin’.

Gotta go for now…

March 14, 2016 4:03 pm

Unassimilated: click the link I provided for King’s plagiarism of his I Have Dream speech, it compares it side by side with Archibald Carey’s.

You have fallen into a false dichotomy: King was persecuted by the FBI so he is therefore good because they were nasty goons. You forgot an important thing: It IS possible that both the FBI AND Levison were bad. Just because the nasty FBI wiretapped his phone doesn’t mean Levison wasn’t a weasel of the same ilk that has infested and destroyed American academia, politics and journalism. This isn’t Cowboy White Hat versus Cowboy Black hat, it is two groups of thugs, the Commies and the establishment goons, and BOTH are dreadful.

And you cannot simply brush his sexual behavior under the rug. How can a man espouse peace and freedom when he beats women to get his jollies? That goes beyond a character flaw. That isn’t a carnal nature, that’s demented. How can he condemn the violence of the police to the black protestors when he doled out the same sort of violence himself? Don’t know about you, but where I’m from, we call a man like that a flaming hypocrite.

If you are willing to turn a blind eye to his plagiarism, which is blatant theft, then you are simply buying into the theory that “the end justifies the means.”

By stealing the words of a black man (Carey) wasn’t King committing the very sin that he was railing against, the exploitation of a minority? Or is it another one of those liberal conundrums, like black lives matter but not when they’re being shot by other blacks?

If you are still trusting snopes then you have a long, long road of awakening ahead of you.

March 14, 2016 4:15 pm

Tim, what is wrong with labeling the entire pack of weasels you posted, MLK included, as hypocrites worthy of nothing but scorn?

In fact, I’ll go you one further, damn near everybody touted as a hero or role model in our effed up society is actually an asshole.
Even George Washington (yes I went there) who supposedly stood for freedom and who encouraged the support and accepted the blood sacrifices of lowly American patriots, and then turned around and marched on PA farmers when they dared rail against a tax system designed to keep them barefoot and broken. I guess they were good enough to win him a country but not good enough to participate in enjoying the freedom they’d won.

Or Lincoln. Don’t even get me going on him.

If you want a hero, look to the ordinary men and women who go about their business and live lives of quiet decency. Slogging through the morass that is our culture and still managing to stay honest and make a decent life for self and family takes guts, more guts than most of the cardboard heroes we shove down our kids throats.

March 14, 2016 4:34 pm

Hi Rose @ 4:03 pm and 4:15 pm above:

I hear everything you are saying. And, coming from you, believe me, I will give it some more consideration. You’re one of my favorite “posters” here. Your erudition and eloquence constantly astounds..

Regarding MLK’s personal failures: C.S. Lewis once argued that sexual sins are of the flesh, whereas “pride” resides in the “spirit’ and therefore, is much worse (paraphrased). I believe this was written in Lewis’ book “Mere Christianity”.

Also consider the timeless Christian Hymn “Amazing Grace” which was written by John Newton, a former slave trader who later influenced William Wilberforce, an English anti-slave-trade activist.

Did Wilberforce “plagerize” John Newton? Or Jesus for that matter when he quoted John 8:36?

One person’s “plagerism” could also be argued as anothers “inspiration”. Is the glass half empty, or full? Perhaps it depends upon how we choose to look at it.

Here is another example:

Abraham Lincoln is commonly given too much credit regarding the abolition of slavery. Historians note many social, political and economic factors contributing to the secession of the southern states in which slavery was just one component.

At the outset of the Civil War, Lincoln and Congress made it very clear the supremacy of the Constitution and preserving the union, rather than abolishing slavery, was the principal objective.

Even when Lincoln issued the Proclamation of Emancipation he defended it on the grounds of military necessity. He declared emancipation would weaken the productive forces of the Confederacy and hasten the end of the war.

The above facts are not in dispute. However, one can’t help but wonder if Lincoln didn’t use his political savvy to disguise his true objectives. Most will agree, above all else, Honest Abe was a Christian man.

It is possible when Lincoln issued the Proclamation of Emancipation in September of 1862, he may have been responding to the call of a devout Christian by the name of Frederick Douglass?

Douglass, a black man, with other abolitionist staged a series of anti-slavery speeches at the Smithsonian Institution during the Spring and Summer of 1862. Many have compared Douglass’s appeals to Lincoln’s conscience with those of Dr. Martin Luther King to John F. Kennedy, a Catholic.

The common thread to all of these men, separated by color and class, divided by 100 years time, seems to be a carpenter from Nazareth by the name of Jesus. All four of these men; Lincoln, Douglass, Kennedy and King accomplished much in the name of freedom. Perhaps because they believed in John 8:36: “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”

Does the end justify the means? I don’t know.

I will concede I don’t have all the answers. But I do try to keep an open mind.

That’s what I love about TBP. We’re all just trying to work it out….

March 14, 2016 6:07 pm

Physical abuse is NOT sexual. I could care what sexual acts turned King on as long as they were provided by consenting adult. That is not the case. When you beat an unconsenting woman to get your jollies, you’re a monster, not a man. It isn’t about sex any more than rape is. And to make it worse, King’s favorite targets were white women. There’s something a little screwed up up with a man espousing peace and tolerance quoting Christ going out and beating the crap out women of a different race, isn’t there?

Quoting is not plagiarization.When you quote someone, you attribute the words to that person and give them their due for the utterance. Admin does so here all the time when he posts other people’s work, he ALWAYS gives them their due props. That’s how honorable people do things, they aren’t intellectual frauds. MLK used other’s words and pretended they were his own. Sorry, but when you compare Carey’s speech to MLKs, the only thing MLK added were more adjectives and a few more mountain ranges. Otherwise, he lifted it.
That isn’t inspiration, its theft. He could EASILY have prefaced his remarks by saying that he had read this speech by Archibald Carey and was so moved that he wanted to share it with his audience. Nobody would have thought less of him for doing so, inspiring words are still inspiring even if they are given as a quote from another. He didn’t. He pretended it was his.

Why are we so reluctant to criticize King? Why is he so taboo? Why do we give him a pass for things that we’d damn others for?

As far as the end justifying the means, what end are we talking about, exactly? The one where black people have abysmal out of wedlock birthrates, fractured families, terrible unemployment, a culture of gov’t dependency, rampant violence and drug abuse and dismal education scores? THAT end is the result of the utter failure of the civil rights movement, a movement that was co-opted by assholes like Levison and twisted to suit their own agendas. Carpetbaggers 1960s style. King had a direct and pivotal role in that. His collusion with creatures like Levison, and Sharpton and O’Dell and Jackson helped give power to men who didn’t deserve it, whose intentions were not good and who have brought misery to the people they were pretending to help.

As for Abraham Lincoln, he was a murderous asshole who could have let the south go and instead chose to get hundreds of thousands of men of good men killed. I couldn’t care less about the abolition aspect of it, Lincoln’s sin was that he forced states to remain in a union that they wanted to exit. Forcing unwilling participants into an association that they oppose is a form of slavery or rape. He didn’t free slaves, he made slaves of AN ENTIRE NATION. In that regard, Lincoln was a slavemaster that would make even the most ruthless plantation owner blush.

You equate them with Jesus Christ? Their behavior was the antithesis of Christian. Christian in name only.

March 14, 2016 7:04 pm

“If you want a hero, look to the ordinary men and women who go about their business and live lives of quiet decency. ”

Hail yeah! Tell it, Rose.

March 14, 2016 7:09 pm

Irish Rose whose eyes are NOT a smilin’ right now. Perhaps we judge too much? Methinks thou protesteth too much? Why? It’s just history that rhymes. Even though you seem to be a “not in my back yarder”, you can’t fight progress. Do you understand there is a time and reason for events? It’s bigger than we know. It’s true, the more we challenge the status quo of the beliefs, the more we hold on. Rrsearch it just a little bit mor. Check your premises.

March 14, 2016 7:14 pm

More. Not mor. Research, etc. In any case, I have been reminded on this post to bring my glasses to where I’m going! :).

I’m out for a while. Talk amongst yourselves. I will catch up later. In a few hours, I’m leaving on a jet plane. Peace.

March 14, 2016 7:57 pm

Rose – please don’t waste time casting your pearls to the Uncola. He is not worth it. I think he is a secret nigger and jew lover and probably bored waiting for his flight and just trying to stir shit up. Ignore him.

March 14, 2016 8:11 pm

MLK was such a force the government felt that they must kill him, and a jury has found this to be true. What does that tell us?

March 14, 2016 8:12 pm

How, exactly, am I a not in my backyarder?

The only people I don’t want in my backyard are liars, control freaks and hypocrites. I can get along with just about everybody else.

Check your own premises.

For somebody who claims to be unassimilated, you seem pretty damn plugged into the matrix.

March 14, 2016 8:49 pm

Rose has a series of excellent posts. Read them.

MLK is no saint, and if he had lived to old age he’d have a reputation similar to that of his close followers or of 2016-era Bill Cosby.

As for:

“Basically human.Nothing more.Nothing less.”

I suppose that would still make him better than Hillary Klinton.

March 14, 2016 9:33 pm

Fuck you Stubb @ 7:57 PM. You are a clueless asshole.

I’m trying to be kind. But, very soon the gloves might come off and I’m going to fuck you up.

I’m being sincere you fuckin’ asshole. Yes, I am waiting for a flight, but I mean what I say..

Rose – it is you patenting thrcontrol freaks and hypocrites.

March 14, 2016 9:43 pm

Rose – you are the one parroting from the Matrix. Take the red pilll. The blue pill offers no solutions.

The negroes are just one part of the problem.

Work it out.

Like Spock, use logic. Not emotion.

If you can’t, I will explain it to you later….

March 14, 2016 9:43 pm

Bravo rose. Great posts. Do not engage with the undead. He is a useless fuck.

March 14, 2016 9:44 pm

Undead, fuck you asshole.

March 14, 2016 10:31 pm

Fuck you Archie.. You are clueless too….

March 14, 2016 10:32 pm

Blow me U fuckin’ comic book character…

March 14, 2016 10:41 pm

Ahhh, now THERE is a well reasoned and intelligent response.

Fail to provide any sort of logical rebuttal whatsoever to the abundant, historically factual and easily researched points elucidated herein. Any emotion displaced here was by YOU, not me. Project much?

NOT ONCE did I in any way in my above posts denounce black people. I spoke out against ONE black man, MLK. You have conflated that with denouncing the entire black race. Your bias is showing, honeybunch, not mine.

Deride my character and throw the race card at me.

When that fails, start flinging obscenities.

Don’t you have a meeting to attend?

Get outta here until you learn to fight like a man.