Russia’s Military Aims Achieved, Putin Switches to Diplomacy

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

American presstitutes, such as the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, expressed surprise at Russia’s support for the Syrian ceasefire, which Russia has been seeking, by Putin’s halt to attacks on the Islamic State and a partial withdrawal of Russian forces. The American presstitutes are captives of their own propaganda and are now surprised at the failure of their propagandistic predictions.

Having stripped the Islamic State of offensive capability and liberated Syria from the Washington-supported terrorists, Putin has now shifted to diplomacy. If peace fails in Syria, the failure cannot be blamed on Russia.

It is a big risk for Putin to trust the neocon-infested US government, but if ISIS renews the conflict with support from Washington, Putin’s retention of air and naval bases in Syria will allow Russia to resume military operations. Astute observers such as Professor Michel Chossudovsky at Global Research, Stephen Cohen, and The Saker have noted that the Russian withdrawal is really a time-out during which Putin’s diplomacy takes the place of Russian military capability.

With ISIS beat down, there is less danger of Washington using a peace-seeking ceasefire to resurrect the Islamic State’s military capability. Therefore, the risk Putin is taking by trusting Washington is worth the payoff if the result is to enhance Russian diplomacy and elevate it above Washington’s reliance on threats, coercion, and violence. What Putin is really aiming for is to make Europeans realize that by serving as Washington’s vassals European governments are supporting violence over peace and may themselves be swept by the neoconservatives into a deadly conflict with Russia that would ensure Europe’s destruction.

Putin has also demonstrated that, unlike Washington, Russia is able to achieve decisive military results in a short time without Russian casualties and to withdraw without becoming a permanent occupying force. This very impressive performance is causing the world to rethink which country is really the superpower.

The appearance of American decline is reinforced by the absence of capable leaders among the candidates for the Republican and Democratic party nominations for president. America is no longer capable of producing political leadership as successive presidents become progressively worse. The rest of the world must be puzzled how a country unable to produce a fit candidate for president can be a superpower.

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Phil from Oz
Phil from Oz
March 15, 2016 5:06 pm

It would take Russia VERY little time indeed to “re-establish” a very capable (and locally-experienced) force. Remember how much modification / extension was being done, much to the chagrin of “Nato” forces . . . .

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March 15, 2016 5:12 pm

I still haven’t heard an explanation from the Pentagram or Hitlery how Putin was able to accomplish in just a few months what the U.S. military couldn’t do in years. Could it be the U.S. objective was somehow “different”?

March 15, 2016 5:56 pm

John Kirby, State Department Spokesperson. — one of the dumbest most incompetent buffoons in government — claiming six months ago that the Russian military campaign was doomed to fail

OOPS!!!! Newspaper headlines around the world are claiming that Putin outfoxed our HNIC yet again.

Russia won. That’s why they’re “leaving” ….. but not really leaving, heh heh

March 15, 2016 7:59 pm

All lies and propaganda Obama tail between legs.

March 16, 2016 8:37 am

Putin is a very smart player, wonder what he is really up to with this new move?