The hypocrisy of this socialist pope is breathtaking to behold. His church continues to cover-up the priest abuse scandal. He preaches to leaders of countries to open their arms to Muslims who despise and hate Christians. His church has hundreds of billions in wealth tied up in real estate and art. Why doesn’t he use his vast real estate to house his Muslim brothers? Why doesn’t he sell all of his artwork to feed and clothe these Muslims? He preaches peace and hates guns. But he surrounds himself with armed men and travels in a bulletproof vehicle. This guy is a joke.

Pope Francis urged nations to “open their hearts and open their doors” to refugees on Wednesday.”They are there at the border because so many doors and so many hearts are closed.”

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March 17, 2016 11:35 am

Not counting pre-teen boys, how many refugees has the vatican taken in? LOL…

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
March 17, 2016 11:43 am

I was raised(forced) catholic but hated it. My mother always wanted me to be an alter boy but glad I didn’t. It took until recently to understand what the “alter” meant.

March 17, 2016 11:46 am

The Catholics have always given recognition to the Bible but have not really paid much attention to what it teaches for several hundred years now.

The seem to think the Pope can simply redefine biblical principles such as the only purpose of Christianity being the spreading of the Gospel and and support of other Christians in unity and praise of God, and nothing else, teaching the people that there is only one way to reconcile with God for their sins and enter heaven and that is through Christ (not Islam or personal good works or anything else), stealing being the forceful taking of peoples money and property from them against their will but is not stealing if it involves accomplishing Church goals of Charity or politics if is done with taxes instead of a weapon for Church purposes, and obeying the law of the land when it means things like immigration law and such.

Quite a bit more, and I’d be fully willing to point out to the Pope himself and tell him that if I were to get the chance (which I obviously won’t since I’m a nobody).

This Pope prepares the way for the Anti Christ the same way John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus. Everything God has done and will do the Old Snake himself will offer up in a counterfeit form to deceive people as well.

FWIW, I have nothing against Catholics or the core of their beliefs as Christians, just against the Devil who has infiltrated and deceived them into believing so many things that come from him and not from God.

And of course, the same thing applies to much of the rest of the Church -the body of all believers past, present and future- in a different magnitude.

harry p.
harry p.
March 17, 2016 11:49 am

i’d get him out,
fuck that school, even if teaches good aspects it is generally in the business of training sheep.

March 17, 2016 12:02 pm

I was raised Catholic (the Irish kind, double the guilt, none of the fun). I went to Catholic schools straight through high school and NOTHING would induce me to send my daughter to that system. Not only was the education mediocre, the kids were brats and the SJW teaching was nauseating.

The Catholic church is a political institution that has gotten filthy rich through the oppression and suppression of vulnerable people all over the world. It is a voice of darkness. It has given the world some beautiful architecture and precious little else of value.

Any institution that allows the rape of children and covers for the abusers is not a system that I want to be associated with in any way.
Any institution that drapes itself in gold and precious possessions and pretends to be the friend of the little guy is a flaming hypocrite worthy of nothing but scorn.

I’ve no beef with people that are Catholic (although I think they are nuts for continuing to support such an institution) but I have nothing but loathing for the institution itself.

March 17, 2016 12:04 pm

My father is a devout Christian. He says the Bible tells us that all religions will become one under the Pope.
Maybe bb and Stucky can weigh in on this?

March 17, 2016 12:17 pm

Countries that follow the Pope’s favorite economic system have to use walls and force to keep people in, countries that follow economic freedom, at least partially, have to build walls to keep people out.

John Angelo
John Angelo
March 17, 2016 12:27 pm

@wip There’s a figure in the book of Revelation called the False Prophet, who’s job it is to direct the people of the world to worship the Beast (commonly referred to as the Antichrist). Some people believe this False Prophet will be a Pope. That thinking was especially common with Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation.

The Beast is referred to as coming from the sea (the Gentile people) and the False Prophet is referred to as coming from the land (translated “haaretz” which I believe to be the land of Israel). Therefore I believe the False Prophet will be Jewish. Given my understanding of Scripture, I believe he will cause the people of Israel to accept the Antichrist as their protector and, subsequently, direct the world to worship said Beast.

As an important side note, the term Antichrist is never mentioned in Revelation. It’s found in the epistles of John. The way to identify an Antichrist (and conversely identity yourself with Christ) is thus:

“Who is the liar but the person who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This one is the antichrist: the person who denies the Father and the Son. Everyone who denies the Son does not have the Father either. The person who confesses the Son has the Father also.” 1 John 2:22-23

Is it possible that a Pope could be “the” Antichrist? I think so, provided one with Jewish roots is elected. However, as much as I might disagree with the socialist principles of Pope Francis, I don’t believe he is the actual figure because he’s professed his belief in Christ.

March 17, 2016 1:12 pm

The reformers (Martin Luther, all believed that the papacy was the anti christ. They, after all, were living during the 1260 year period (538AD to 1798AD) where he/it was powered to make war with the saints (Christians). Millions were tortured and burned at the stake.

Today the only Protestant denomination left that teaches this doctrine is the Seventh Day Adventist Church, although their leaders, too, are backing away; becoming ecumenical, politically correct. They instruct their pastors to not teach this doctrine which is still their official position. The Lutherans, ironically, have apologized for the reformation. We are in the end days!

The Beast from the Earth who enforces the worship of the image of the beast (The apostate Protestant church-state complex) is the good old USA.

The mark of the beast is Sunday worship. Sabbath keeping (7th day, Fri sundown to Sat sundown) highly recommended.

Have a nice day!

March 17, 2016 2:20 pm

The pope is from South America. He is a by product of Liberation theology which is where the Social Gospel ,economic justice and fair share ideology had its beginning. It is Marxist to the core.The greatest evil in the world is equality and now western civilization / White people who stole all their wealth from poor countries.I don’t believe a word the pope says. If he is not a communist he is certainly a socialist which makes him a liar. He knows mass Muslim immigration will destroy western Europe. The heart of what was once a great Christian civilization.That’s been the plan for centuries. Find a way to destroy Christian civilization.

March 17, 2016 2:39 pm

Wip , a One world religion is the hope of all Luciferican religions. One world government with one world
Digital currency with a One world religious system all center in one man or a small group of elites. In my research some of the biggest supporters of this are the wealthy international banking families follow by the international endowments ( Gates foundation Rockefeller Foundation ) .These are followed by the United nations think tanks and various other organizations .The Jewish Zionist , the Catholic church and some Muslim sects support this.
They are many involved in this conspiracy. Jews and Gentiles world wide. They all have one thing in common. They completely reject the Lordship of Christ Jesus and his Gospel therefore whether they realize it or not they are worshipping Satan.This is the religion of the anti Christ. Anti means in place of.

Olde Virginian
Olde Virginian
March 17, 2016 3:25 pm

I don’t know a whole lot about Catholicism nor do I typically express any sort of religious sentiment on line.

Still I must say — my God, those Italian joggers sure dress well.

March 17, 2016 3:45 pm

I have to pay thousands of dollars to a public school system that absolutely sucks. So I had to spend thousands more to send both of my kids to Catholic private schools. My son is finally graduating from high school so I don’t have to give any more money to the gay ass pedophile church.

Modern Chronicler
Modern Chronicler
March 17, 2016 4:02 pm

The following are some of the firearms of the Swiss Guard:

[imgcomment image[/img]

[imgcomment image[/img]
Glock 19 with Vatican insignia

[imgcomment image[/img]
Standard issue pistol: SIG P220

[imgcomment image[/img]

More details here:

Modern Chronicler
Modern Chronicler
March 17, 2016 4:22 pm

When Pope Francis made his statement about firearms manufacturers and being Christians, a liberal guy (and a Catholic) praised his comments on FB.

I was the first to comment and said that the same companies Francis was criticizing designed and sold the very firearms that the papal guard and the Gendarmerie use to keep the pope safe, and that if Francis really wanted to be thorough, he should have his bodyguards only use swords/knives.

Liberal Friend: “I’d bet you he’d do this.”

Other people chimed in, and he eventually said that “the presence of guns does not help situations.” I retorted by saying that there are times when the presence of guns makes people safe and can even save lives, such as when an armed police officer walks a frail civilian home at night in a crime-ridden neighborhood.

(From here on, it got a bit theological; please bear with me, atheists/agnostics/non-Christian religionists of this forum…)

Others entered the conversation, and at one point, Liberal Friend asked me what I thought of Jesus refusing to use violence to overthrow Roman rule over Judea at the time. I said that Jesus didn’t do that, and that he didn’t use force to defend himself, because his mission was one of self-sacrifice, and that Christian teachings about charity and love and compassion did not mean that people did not have the right to defend themselves from harm (with force, if need be).

The conversation continued, and I challenged him by saying that he as a liberal who stands up for minorities should have approved of the National Guard’s use of army rifles to protect the black teenagers who were integrated at Little Rock – a perfect example of the presence of guns helping situations.

The conversation eventually ended, but not before Liberal Person contacted me privately to present a long list of his own ideological views about life, God, the poor & oppressed, and about how gun manufacturers don’t need help as they are wealthy (unlike poor people). He further expounded on his leftist ideology and insisted that he’s not a beginner to these serious discussions. He was quite angry and aggravated.

To me, it was his pride and ego wounded, because he had been bested on a discussion about firearms. He also defended Pope Francis, obviously, as a Catholic would, and failed to see (or to admit) the contradictions in Pope Francis’ statements.

I hope Liberal Person never meets a youngster with an illegally owned firearm intent on committing crime. He is a SJW, and it’s always a very rude awakening when SJWs are victims of the very people they think they’re fighting for.

March 17, 2016 4:25 pm


Growing up, I was told that the end times would include the Sunday Blue Law. The law will required everyone to obey and worship on Sundays. I was also told that the Catholic Church even admits to changing the day or worship to Sunday from Saturday. Why? They did this in order to grow the Catholic church. They brought the pagans into the catholic church by doing this.

March 17, 2016 4:45 pm


Revelation says those who do not take the mark of the beast will not be able to buy or sell. Given the ability of the NSA to monitor every aspect of our lives I can see how by that time it would not be that difficult to control who does what and when. With a cashless world how hard would it be to control who buys or sells?

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 17, 2016 9:02 pm

Just another Pope that should be excommunicated; talk about a non-traditional Catholic Heretic! Besides the Pope and some Rothschild for AntiChrist or False prophet, there is the possibility of The Mahdi. One thing is certain, the Zionist Banksters are working hard to rid the world of fiat and replace it with their e-money and their Mark of the Beast Enslavement Chip; and TPTB know that Trump would be the only Republican Candidate to object in no uncertain terms and ways. Beware the Black Mahdi’s Fifth Column Jihad & Communist Riots.

March 17, 2016 10:10 pm

I am an atheist married to a catholic. Her whole family is catholic. I mostly just keep my mouth shut, But it is infuriating. This pope is pure evil, a Peronist. I ask them if they know who Peron was, they do not. They have no idea about the environment in which this guy thrived, he is the pope, therefore he is right, always. These otherwise conservative people still give money to this communist scum, some of which inevitably gets used to defend a bunch of child molesters.

My wife takes the kids to church sometimes, which I agreed to before we got married nd had kids, but I had one stipulation – my children will not, ever, be in a situation where they will be alone with a member of the catholic clergy. Her response was a semi-angry “not all catholic priests are child molesters” to which I told her that I know that, most of them aren’t, but enough of them are that I am not willing to take that chance, ever. No exceptions.

It is amazing how deep the brainwashing runs with a lot of those people. They own guns for several reasons, but primarily to defend themselves, and they adore, love, this guy who tells them to their face that he wants to disarm them. Its easy for a guy surrounded by armed guards to tell people they don’t need to won guns.

Whats the most reliable form of protection, belief in some kind of magical wish-granting sky fairy, or a glock?