Stamina – Trump’s Linguistic Kill Shot for Clinton

Guest Post by Scott Adams

Donald Trump has been saying lots of bad things about Hillary Clinton for months, but the one that will stick is “stamina.” I’ll tell you why.

The best Trump kill shots have the following qualities.

1. Fresh word that is not generally used in politics

2. Relates to the physicality of the subject (so you are always reminded)

Clinton has already experienced some coughing fits on the campaign trail. And her voice often sounds hoarse, which is to be expected when you give speeches every day. Neither of those things mean much. But add the Internet rumors that Clinton has some lingering brain issues from a concussion, plus her long bathroom break during that one debate, and some rumors that she has trouble with balance, and there you go. That’s enough circumstantial “evidence” to convict her of being unhealthy.

Well, maybe.

The so-called evidence in this case is probably a mix of true facts that might not matter too much plus rumors and speculation. If you looked at any one piece of “evidence” on its own, it would mean nothing. But put it all together and you have…confirmation bias.

Confirmation bias is what makes you see any kind of evidence as supporting your point of view. Once Trump puts in our heads the idea that Clinton might have some stamina (health) issues, that’s all we will see in the evidence, even if it doesn’t exist.

And that is why “stamina” is such a well-engineered kill shot. Between now and November, the odds of Clinton having another coughing fit, losing her balance, forgetting something, or having some other health issue is nearly 100%. Trump has primed his “stamina” kill shot to get stronger as time goes by. Confirmation bias will keep adding “evidence” to his suggestion even if that evidence is imaginary.

Some folks reminded me that Trump has been using the stamina kill shot for months with no real effect. But stamina is a sleeper word. It gets reactivated every time the real world triggers it in your brain. And the real world is certain to deliver.

What happens the next time you see Hillary Clinton looking tired? Under normal circumstances you might tell yourself that all candidates look tired. And they should, given the workload. But Trump primed you to see any bit of fatigue in Clinton as a health issue. So you will.

Keep in mind that Trump always goes where he has an advantage against an opponent. Trump’s big advantage (I think) is that he appears to be managing his physical energy better. I’ll bet he spends fewer hours campaigning but uses those hours better because he draws big crowds.

In my book, I talk about using “energy” as the primary metric for you own life. When you do things that keep your energy high, the rest of your life works out better. You are more fun to be around, better looking, more productive, and more credible. Trump seems to be managing his energy whereas his opponents are trying to maximize voter contact. They probably spend more time prepping for debates than Trump does, trying to memorize important facts that Trump doesn’t care about. If I’m right, Trump will keep his energy high and Clinton will fade over the months from exhaustion. Voters will see it.

You won’t remember that Clinton worked harder on the campaign trail, or that she did more studying to command the facts. You stopped caring about that stuff a thousand campaign lies ago. But you will remember any health or energy issues that Clinton might experience in the coming months.

What if Clinton copies Trump and reduces her schedule to keep her energy high? That would look to the public and the pundits as if Clinton doesn’t have the stamina. Trump wins either way. And that’s another tell for a Trump strategy. He creates two ways to win and no way to lose.

Another advantage of “stamina” as a kill shot is that it reminds you of sex without being a sexual word. It makes you think Trump has this stamina thing (sexual power) and Clinton does not. And when Trump shows up with his model wife, the message is reinforced. Add a shaky and unhealthy Bill Clinton to the mix and the contrast is even bigger. Stamina works in Trump’s favor on every level.

On a related topic, many of you asked my opinion on Trump’s anti-Clinton ad that shows Hillary Clinton barking like a dog and Putin laughing. I give the ad an A+ for persuasion. It was funny and doesn’t take itself too seriously, but at the same time it appealed to our irrational minds just as Trump intends. Your rational mind knows that Clinton’s “barking” has nothing to do with anything. But your irrational mind sees Putin and ISIS looking powerful on the video while Clinton barks like a chihuahua.

The humor in the ad is what makes it work. Without the humor it would look like a lame comparison. And people equate a good sense of humor with high intelligence, whether or not that is true. The ad leaves us feeling that Trump is funny-smart and Clinton is ridiculous.

You know who wasn’t funny? Hitler, that’s who. Every time Trump makes us laugh he chips away at the Hitler meme that has been dogging him. So it works on a branding level too.

Don’t listen to the 2D pundits who say the ad looked like it was created by a college student. Ignore anyone who says it lacks content. That video is a masterpiece of viral persuasion.

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March 17, 2016 5:14 pm

Trump has two other giant advantages. First, he doesn’t spend a single moment fundraising. That takes a lot of time and energy and resources, not to mention brain drain trying to stay current on what other people want you to say to them. Then another big one. Most candidates get burnt out on the road, not enough time in their own bed. Trump has been travelling the world in that 757 for years. He gets back on the plane after a rally, he is in his own bed. He can finish at 11pm, get a great nights sleep, and ready to rock at 6am, already where he needs to be when he wakes up. That’s huge.

March 17, 2016 5:18 pm
Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
March 17, 2016 5:22 pm

As to the hitlery ,The good news is that fat pig snake has lots of disease and will not be above ground for much longer. But the jew controllers love her.
BTW a reprint of the artical posted in Germany by the second largest publisher in the world, tells the truth about holacaust hoax. Find that at Also, read Dr. David Duke and John Kaminsky for more truth on that subject.

March 17, 2016 6:07 pm

Dear Mr. Scott Adams,

If you’re going to write an entire post about Donald’s new video ….. HOW ABOUT POSTING A FUCKING LINK TO IT??!!

Oh, btw, go blow Dilbert.

March 17, 2016 6:24 pm

This article is true, and stucky, how is it that YOU of all people haven’t seen that video? It does a great job of making her look stupid and weak while saying neither. Same with trump’s use of the word stamina. The author is right, that will stick. Wait for the left to come out saying it is sexist to say that about a woman. It will have the same effect as every time they throw the word racist at him: none.

Another beautiful advantage trump has is her taking money from soros et al. He can(and probably will) give her superPAC tens of millions of dollars, which it will spend on ads attacking trump. It won’t matter. In past elections, courting the billionaire backing for your campaign was highly sought after. That money will run countless ads touting you as the best choice, and even more ads attacking your opponents. The American public spends countless hours in front of the TV, they see these ads, they begin to see you in a favorable light. You are seen more in a positive manner, while your attack ads paint your opponents in a highly negative one. If they don’t have limitless money from people like Soros pouring in, their campaign can’t afford to keep up, and you get swamped and eventually lose.

Not this election cycle, though. This time really IS different(at least in this manner). Any advantage that Soro’s money may have bought you is instantly erased by a few tweets that cost trump nothing, and he will bring it up at his campaign events nonstop. All he has to do is point out the hypocracy of clinton campaigning for the little guy and against the rich while taking tens of millions from people like Soros, and just ask a simple question of the public – George Soros is giving her all of that money for a reason, what do you think he expects to get out of clinton in return? All of the supposed advantage that money would buy you in the past is now gone, and it ends up hurting you more.

I’m not a person who typically has positive things to say about the intelligence of my fellow Americans, but in this instance, Ill give them credit. Here’s why – they are getting wise to the games of people like Clinton and Soros. They aren’t going to allow themselves to be swayed by their money buying air time anymore. If that shit still worked, Jeb! would be our front runner. He spent more money per vote in Iowa than any other candidate in history, according to several websites, anyway. He had the backing of most big money in the party, and has a veritable army of establishment type people to hire and call on from his family’s past campaigns. All of it went nowhere. The money didn’t work. The same fate awaits clinton. If any of you guys pay attention to what I write, you know I used to say that no matter what, she was going to get crowned. I take back those statements.

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 17, 2016 6:53 pm

Don’t be so sure Donald will be the one to run against Hitlery. The convention back-room deals might steal it from him even if he reaches the magic number of delegates. The R-party shysters said that the primary votes don’t mean anything.

March 17, 2016 7:28 pm
March 17, 2016 7:32 pm

Rise up, there are no backroom shysters. Only guys who have already lost. Bid deal, one nobody from North Dakota gets on TV and claims they pick the nominee. The guy is such a nobody that Wikipedia never heard of him.

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 17, 2016 7:38 pm

@starfcker – Hope you are right but I don’t trust any of those m-fuckers.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
March 17, 2016 8:01 pm

Trump is playing by different rules…and winning.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 17, 2016 8:10 pm


What odds do you give Trump of getting the nomination ? GOP is painted into a much tighter corner than is escapable without stepping in something.

March 17, 2016 8:22 pm

Trump know the kill shot par excellence as here in Ohio even though he lost to the weak Kasich, he totally faced him the day before elections by rightly calling him weak and a phony who voted for NAFTA which caused THOUSANDS of job losses here in Ohio and has been brushed under the rug, and I might add the other nice republican candidates were to afraid at offending him to bring up. As far as hillary , her voice literally reminds of a female hitler. That alone should turn off any voter who isn’t brainwashed by party affiliation. Her voice/yell/whine is the most disturbing thing about this whole election.

March 17, 2016 8:22 pm

If Trump gets the nomination and wants to win, he needs to convince the blacks that Hillary is their enemy.

They probably wouldn’t ever vote Trump, but if he can get them pissed about Hillary, they just might stay home on election day.

I’d be running her sound byte about superpredators 24-7 on BET.

March 17, 2016 8:35 pm

Scott Adams,

good work! Stamina = sex = success. Sex sells!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 17, 2016 9:29 pm

Folks ought to chill about the Donald. There is no need to demonize him or canonize him. He wont save us, he is only applying for a job. We heard Melania praising him, now we need to hear from Ivana.

March 17, 2016 10:07 pm

Spot on Scott Adams,you’re 100% right, and good on you Gator for seeing the light about Hitlery’s chances. Bernie is set to pass her in delegates by Jun 8 (day after Cali primary). He already has a good organization here.

And if Bernie doesn’t beat her, Trump will mop the floor with her.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 18, 2016 12:25 am

Don’t know how to stop him.

We don’t know how to stop him.
What to do, how to beat him.
We’ve been changed, yes really changed.
In these past few months, when he’s swept the polls,
There must be someone else.
We don’t know how to take this.
We don’t see why he’s winning.
He’s a man. He’s just a man.
And we’ve seen so many men before,
In very many states,
He’s just one more.
Should we shout him down?
Should we scream and shout?
Should we speak of Trump,
Tell him to get out?
We never thought It’d come to this.
What’s it all about?
Don’t you think it’s rather funny,
This clown in front position.
We’re the kind who’ve always been
So calm, so cool, no loudmouthed fools,
Hogging every show.
He scares us so.
We never thought It’d come to this.
What’s he all about?
Yet, if he said he’s joking,
We’d be lost. We’d be frightened.
We couldn’t cope, just couldn’t cope.
We’d turn our head. We’d back away.
We wouldn’t want to know.
He scares us so.
We fear him so.
We need him so.

March 18, 2016 4:33 am

EC? You couldn’t come up with new lyrics for The Night Chicago Died for me? Piss on you.

March 18, 2016 4:46 am

I actually started watching JCS videos and enjoying them, especially with the idea that Trump is the Grey Champion and stepping into a role for this crisis.

May we all live in interesting times… the curse we can’t escape.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 18, 2016 8:28 am

The music is great even if the story is messed up. Jesus wondering what his purpose is, Mary Magdalene acting like a total woman and unsure if she loves him or not.

I have to wait for the occasion for little willy. just like i have to wait for the moment when I can use bill paxton’s ‘we’re fucked, game over’.

Thanks for your kind reply, Maggie May.

March 18, 2016 9:49 am


Never underestimate a Clinton.

(It can actually be fatal if you do.)