Will A Trump Presidency Really Change Anything For The Better?

Submitted by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.com,

I want to start this analysis by stating that I fully understand the whirlwind of public interest in Donald Trump’s campaign. However, for those that don’t get it, let me break it down for you.

A sizable portion of the American population considers themselves “conservative.” More than 38% of U.S. citizens, according to Gallup, hold conservative political and social views. Only 24% of the public considers themselves “liberal.” Now, I realize that the term “conservative” means different things to different people, so I would apply a simple rule to categorize them — a conservative is easiest to identify by his or her distaste for normally liberal ideological views. Beyond that, different factions of conservatives disagree on a whole host of issues.

The goal of any conservative candidate that hopes to be publicly “popular,” whether he actually intends to follow through with his promises or not, is to appear to be all things to all factions; to avoid alienating one faction to appease another. After he is elected (or, after he is placed in the oval office by the powers that be), he may abandon any care for appeasing any of his constituents. Until then, he plays the game so that Americans can maintain faith in the system for at least one moment every four years.

Trump’s popularity is predicated on the fact that past Republican candidates have done little to make friends with true conservatives and have not sought alliances with the factions of conservatism that have been growing in momentum and power the past two decades. In fact, the Republican candidates presented to the citizenry in recent memory have ALL had characteristics more akin to liberal Democrats than conservative stalwarts. Mitt Romney, for instance, was essentially a carbon copy of Barack Obama in terms of political policy and voting record, with only slightly greasier complexion and equally mysterious religious background.


Election after election, conservative Americans have been offered one RINO (Republican In Name Only) candidate after another: politicians whose rhetoric sounds principled but whose record is littered with big government policies, constitutional violations, and a disregard for the intentions of the founding fathers. It is very difficult to call yourself a “conservative” in America unless you respect (or at least claim to respect) the tenets of limited government, constitutional law, and a regard for the heritage of our founding principles. U.S. conservatives have not had a candidate sharing their views for a long time.

Democrats may finally be experiencing a similar disenchantment with establishment candidates considering the surprising popularity of Bernie Sanders this election. The problem is, democrats are trapped in the big government mindset and are for the most part a lost cause. Their anti-establishment candidate is a self-categorized socialist, after all. The only hope for a constitutional small government candidate and a return to our founding principles in politics rests in the hands of Republicans, being that third parties are quashed before they get a chance to put their foot in the door.

So, you have most if not all Democratic candidates working for bigger more powerful government which leads to increased corruption and less liberty. You also have most Republicans working for bigger and more powerful government and less liberty. And you have few, if any, candidates that represent the majority of voters seeking limited constitutional government.

Those of us in the liberty movement call this the “false left/right paradigm”. It is the most insidious form of social control present in our nation and it makes a mockery of the election process. That is to say, elections are now nothing more than a way for international financiers and elites to keep the masses in line by allowing them to believe (falsely) that they have a “choice” and thus power to determine the future of our country. In fact, our choice is contrived and we have no political power whatsoever. The rest of America is finally starting to become aware of the false paradigm that liberty proponents have been warning about for generations. Is it any wonder that people are becoming fed up with the system?

The genius of Donald Trump as an election figure is that he has little to no political history. He does not have an extensive legislative or voting record that we can look back on and determine where he stands. His political affiliations have been all over the place with him identifying as a Democrat at one time, Republican at other times, and even independent. Most of us cannot really judge his potential based on this. Hell, I was a registered Democrat early in my life, so how can I hold it against Trump?

Beyond Trump’s rather disturbing past affiliation and friendship with the Clintons, he is otherwise a blank political slate. And as a blank slate, Trump can in fact present himself as all things to all people.

The other ingenious aspect of the Trump campaign is really who he is running against — Hillary Clinton, a rabidly liberal candidate even more hated than Barack Obama. A candidate with a potentially serious criminal record and a penchant for an outright communistic world view far beyond that of Bernie Sanders. Those of us who have been in the writing field for a long time and have dabbled in fiction know that in order to create a fantastic hero, you must first put even more work into creating a fantastic villain. The hero is nothing without the villain.

The unmitigated horror inherent in the prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency is like adding jet fuel to the Trump campaign. (And yes, I am assuming according to the results of the primaries so far that the final election will be between Trump and Clinton).

Donald Trump appears to be the perfect antithesis to Hillary Clinton. He is loud and boisterous and a bit obnoxious. He trash talks and says whatever he wants to the torment of liberals. He stomps on the throats of the political correctness police and doesn’t care if they call him a racist or a sexist or a misogynist. And, Americans LOVE IT. They can’t get enough of it.

Conservatives are so tired of cultural Marxists, crazy feminists, the leftist domination of media, PC thought crime, forced immigration policies and the protection of illegal immigration, paying for social entitlement programs, etc., that they are ready to explode. They are, in fact, ready to go to war. I would even dare to say that a Clinton presidency would lead directly to guaranteed outright civil war. This is not an exaggeration.

So, the real question is, is Trump a reflection of the frustration and defiance of the conservative population, or, is he a clever ruse by the establishment to co-opt and placate the conservative population before we rebel?

Again, without much political background to examine and only rhetoric to go by, Trump is a mystery. If Trump is a legitimate anti-establishment candidate, then here are some of the actions he would have to pursue in order to prove it.

1) The complete reversal of every unconstitutional Obama Administration and Bush Administration executive order.


2) The pursuit of removal of the indefinite detention provisions and secret tribunals contained in the NDAA.


3) The removal of FISA, and the end of the invasion of privacy and other violations of the 4th Amendment by the NSA against American citizens.


4) The end of secretive executive powers of assassination, including the assassination of American citizens without trial.


5) The dismantling of the Department of Homeland Security in light of abuses of constitutional limits.


6) The complete reversal of Obamacare.


7) The immediate end to all refugee relocation programs related to the Middle East and Syria.


8) The true enforcement of illegal immigration laws and border controls.


9) The encouragement of states to assert their right to protect their borders based on the 10th Amendment.


10) An immediate call for an independent investigation into the immigration policies of the Obama Administration.


11) An immediate independent investigation into the Benghazi attacks.


12) An immediate independent investigation into the ATF’s “Fast and Furious” gun running program.


13) An immediate independent investigation into the involvement of covert intelligence agencies and the Department of Defense in the funding and training of ISIS.


14) An immediate call for an independent investigation of corruption within the election process itself, as well as the influence of international banks and corporations in the election process.


15) The removal of unfair restrictions that prevent third party and independent candidates from participation in public debates.


16) An immediate call for an investigative audit of the Federal Reserve as well as the pursuit of dismantling the fed and transitioning America back into constitutional sound money creation.


17) An investigation into U.S. relations with the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and the Bank of International Settlements with the intention of ending all ties to said organizations if and when criminal conduct is discovered.


18) An end to the revolving door of banking elites cycling through various cabinet positions within the White House.


19) An immediate investigation into the influence of international financiers and globalist think tanks like the Council On Foreign Relations and their efforts to destroy the national sovereignty of the U.S.


20) The end of globalization of U.S. foreign policy and economic policy which has weakened America, and the return to a more independent and self reliant American economic and defense infrastructure.

I’m sure that readers can think of many other potential actions that would help to prove beyond a doubt that Donald Trump is the kind of anti-establishment firebrand he presents himself to be. If Trump does take such measures during his presidency, then he may be a president worth supporting, or even fighting for. If he pursues few or none of these measures, however, we can be relatively certain he is just another establishment puppet playing his part in the false left/right paradigm leading America toward oblivion.

Whatever Trump is, his popularity does indicate a rising tide of discontent within the U.S. The insane circus atmosphere of election 2016 is no coincidence; it is a perfect representation of the overflowing tensions that permeate our culture and are leading to potential earth shattering conflict. Keep in mind that America’s economic situation was already decided back in 2008 and will only become worse as we move into the election season. Whatever tensions we see now will only multiply as financial crisis becomes more apparent to the masses.

The idea that a Trump presidency will change much of anything is a rather farfetched one in my view. Trump’s popularity only suggests that people are seeking alternatives. The damage to America has for the most part already been done, and there will be no avoiding the consequences. That said, how we rebuild can still be determined. No political leader including Trump will ever be able to heal the American system or the American psyche, but the efforts of millions of independent and liberty minded Americans can. We have a long and terrible struggle ahead of us, but to look at it from an “optimistic” perspective, at least Americans are becoming sick of the status quo. That is a start.

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Hollow man
Hollow man
March 17, 2016 7:20 am

No will not change much. I bet his businesses improve greatly though. I sure hope I am wrong.

March 17, 2016 7:26 am

Bwahahaha! Good luck getting tRump to tackle even one item on that list. TPTB are working furiously to get rid of him now. You think anyone on either side of the aisle is going to work with him to tackle that list? That would require the bought and paid for congresscritters to go against everything they’ve worked for and that’s IF they actually WANTED to accomplish those goals.

BOTH sides of the aisle worked together to build the current status quo. (great band by the way) No way they’re gonna tear it down now. They know who butters their bread. They’re gonna run this leviathan hard aground at full ramming speed with or without tRump.


Southern Sage
Southern Sage
March 17, 2016 7:31 am

Hollow Man, you say more about yourself than Trump when you make such a cynical comment. I assume you live under a bridge and have never rubbed shoulders with people like Trump. If you think he is doing this for his ego or to make money you are simply out to lunch. Men in Trump’s position do not run for president make a few shekels. As for his ego, putting yourself up to be smeared as Hitler or a maniac is hardly the way to boost it. Trump is running for exactly the same reason people are voting for him: Both are completely fed up with what our country has become, where it is going and who is running it. Will Trump wave a wand and repair 50 years of leftist damage to our culture and our nation? No, but he may be a start, and that is as good as it gets.

March 17, 2016 7:51 am

Who do we want at the helm when the Fourth Turning really gets going in this country? We’ve avoided a lot of the shit storm so far, unlike many other countries, because the Fed prints up money like toilet paper.


March 17, 2016 8:23 am

The author presents a list of 20 issues Trump should tackle to prove he is not the Establishment.

—- The author does not seem to realize a President can only do so much.

—- The author is actually making a demand that Trump become a Dictator.

—- The author is not making such demands of any other candidate.

—- The author correctly states in summarizing that — “The damage to America has for the most part already been done, and there will be no avoiding the consequences.” —- YET, he make 20 demands of Trump to fix America. This really confuses the fuck outta me.

Lastly, whether or not Trump can change anything “for the better” isn’t even important to me anymore. Why?

— Because I am convinced all the other candidates WILL make things worse.

— Because this is now an “enemy of my enemy” thing; ALL of the MSMfuks, Democraps, many many other Repukes, niggers, fags, lesbos, 1%er elites, bankers, SJWs, free shitters of every ilk, my seester, etc. etc., HATE this man. I really don’t need any more reason than that to give Trump my support. It’s “us” vs “them”.

— If Trump does only one thing …. stop the mass immigration of illegals, especially mooslimfuks, then a vote for Donald is worth it.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 17, 2016 8:30 am

Sometimes a banana is just a banana, Anna.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
March 17, 2016 8:52 am

Just looking at the crowds and excitement at Trump rallies tells me people are waking up to the corruption and treason going on in the US goobermint. This corruption is happening at all levels, from elected officials and their staff, to the incompetent and worthless bureaucrats. I cannot think of one agency that should not be de-funded. Whether or not Trump is merely playing this I do not know but he seems to be honestly concerned about our society. Just the other day I saw a clip of him on Oprah that was made maybe 20yrs ago and really he was saying the same things but with less of an immediate concern. It seems the time has come to be terribly concerned.

The list of actions he should take is spot on but that is also the problem for him. If he were to investigate those things there would be much theft, murder, and treason uncovered. I can’t imagine how many of our elected officials and agency heads would have to be arrested? I think he would have an accident before even convening an independent investigation.

Trump may be our best chance of repairing our society relatively peacefully but I believe civil war will still be the end result.

March 17, 2016 8:57 am

we’ll be miles ahead if he just stops the appointment of more jews to non-elected positions in high government councils. before we know it, the supreme court will be majority jewish. Lew at Treasury, Jewell at Interior, Pritzker at Commerce, Burwell at HHS, Froman as Trade Rep, Samantha Power married to Cass Sunstein as UN Ambassador, Furman at Council of Economic Advisors, Yellen as Fed Head, and even the dual citizen former Israel Fed Chair Stanley Fischer as Fed Vice Chair. i could go on….. 3% of the US population runs the show thru cronyism, protected status and power brokering.
“Diversity is our strength” as a rallying cry for progressives does not seem to apply to lofty appointed positions.

March 17, 2016 9:07 am

It is a ‘flash in the pan’.

I hope he can get things done: build the wall, straighten out the immigration system, set a new tone for the country.

Maybe lower corporate taxes.

That’s the most I expect.

March 17, 2016 9:10 am

If nothing else, the attitude of the nation would change.

Does anyone really think the national attitude would be the same under Trump as under Hillary?

And it’s attitude that tempers and directs the actions of a nation the same as it does those of an individual.

I doubt seriously if you’d see the same jump to defend and excuse Islam and condemn and suppress Christianity under Trump as you have under Obama and would under Hillary (or Sanders for that matter).

Make a difference, vote Trump.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 17, 2016 9:11 am

This may come as a shock to Flash and others today, but at this point in time I have to agree with Stucky. The black thugging is not going to stop even after Oreo is out of office, we are under mob rule at this point.

Doubt Trump will be the GOP candidate so as sad as it is Trump would be the last ditch choice as third party and pray it doesn’t hand the office to Hitlery.

I most likely will not vote unless something stirs me in that direction. Mob rule would be the conduit that would get me in the voting booth. My opinion that Trump is a actor has not changed but our collective tits are in a wringer.

March 17, 2016 9:17 am

Three potential scenarios.

1) GOP nominates anyone but Trump. Trump drops out. Trump supporters stay home.Hillary wins.Civil war erupts.

2) GOP nominates anyone but Trump. Trump runs third party.Republican vote is split.Hillary wins.Civil war erupts.

3) GOP nominates Trump. Trump wins.Civil war erupts.

March 17, 2016 9:23 am

Stuck….don’t throw in the towel and vote now..give it another hundred years and arnarchy will kiss our human boo boos and make it all better.Just ignore govenrment and it will go away.

“When enough people understand reality, tyrants can literally be ignored out of existence. They can’t ever be voted out of existence.”
― Larken Rose

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 17, 2016 9:34 am

Flash- I don’t know how serious you were at 9:17 but after thinking about this shitshow that is the conclusion I came up with.

Don’t think it doesn’t pain me greatly to turn on my fellow Americans but this is untenable. The shitshow will end one way or another. I will not be lorded over by fucking black thugs,the south will not stand for this.

March 17, 2016 9:40 am

BL, as serious as a having case of diarrhea while swimming in a pool of shit eating shark. How are you turning on your fellow Americans…do tell?

March 17, 2016 9:45 am

“Stuck….don’t throw in the towel and vote now..give it another hundred years and arnarchy will kiss our human boo boos and make it all better.Just ignore govenrment and it will go away.” —–flash

For fuksakes, will you please stop erecting Straw Men and, also, generally acting retarded?

March 17, 2016 9:49 am

Stuck , no straw argument intended.. that’s merely your interpretation…just food for thought.

March 17, 2016 9:54 am


Hard to believe that someone who won’t even make a simple risk free effort to vote also “won’t be lorded over by fucking black thugs”.

This seems like two concepts that are in conflict with each other to me, ones that cancel each other out. Not willing to make the lesser effort at almost no personal risk or cost but willing to make the greater effort at great personal cost? How would this be carried out?

Maybe you think differently and can explain how those two attitudes are mutually supportive and compatible?

March 17, 2016 10:20 am

“For fuksakes, will you please stop erecting Straw Men and, also, generally acting retarded?”

Stucky, that’s like asking a stinkbug to stop sticking his ass in the air.

March 17, 2016 10:20 am

Trump is waking people up…

I want him to get the Nobel Prize for that!!

Can he be elected as president?

I don’t think so…the people in power will NOT

allow it. IF he is still in the race at election time,

I will vote for him. Regardless his “personality,”

(I don’t care whatsoever) he is talking truth.

That may be the only thing he can do, ever.

The evil ones and their dupes are firmly entrenched…

liken it to metastatic cancer = too late. Hospice care.

March 17, 2016 10:22 am

Ed, adults are talking…don’t you have a buttplug to recalibrate?

March 17, 2016 10:25 am

Yes, we adults are talking, flasher. Just sit in the corner and suck your thumb quietly, or go back to DU where you’re also a site pest.

March 17, 2016 10:28 am

Buttplug Ed , never been to DU, but do tell.

March 17, 2016 10:32 am

Sounds like a plan…where were these saviors of Democracy when Obama was campaigning?

Anti-Trump Groups Plot “Democracy Spring” – Largest Civil Disobedience Action Of The Century

Following their apparently delusional belief in the “success” of Tuesday night’s violent protests, anti-Trump groups are plotting “Democracy Spring” threatening “drama in Washington” with the “largest civil disobedience action of the century.” The operation, backed by Soros-funded MoveOn.org among others, warns on its website that “We will demand that Congress listen to the People and take immediate action to save our democracy. And we won’t leave until they do – or until they send thousands of us to jail.”

March 17, 2016 10:44 am

Y” know,

If nothing else, Trump has made a very large number of people realize they aren’t lone losers out on the fringes of society, that they and what they believe is actually a mainstream political force if united.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 17, 2016 10:49 am

Would a Trump presidency change things for the better? Who cares? It would drive crazy a bunch of people I hate.

March 17, 2016 11:06 am

I am sort of with Iska, I don’t think he can or will change the trajectory much, we are doomed given the debt and the 50% of the country that is beholden to government, but the entertainment factor would be great and there is the outside chance he makes a difference or at least slows the decline. Plus he might actually fire a few bureaucrats.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 17, 2016 11:13 am

Now that the leftists have made it plain that they will send the kneegrows out to thug, we should let our local law officials know that on election day if the black panthers or any other thug group is out to turn white voters away from the poles they will be called upon.

Next question is what do we do if local sheriff/police won’t do what needs to be done? MSM made no effort to point out this intimidation at the poles when Oreo was running.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 17, 2016 11:19 am

Flash- Like I posted last night about “Democracy Spring”, the TBP community in Philly won’t want to miss the festivities on April 2nd at the Liberty Bell.

March 17, 2016 11:53 am

Trump ran/is running because he realizes that the people at the top are all like Jeb. They are cucks who run at the sounds of a man’s step.

We are run by cucks of which Obama is a prime example. Trump will end the PC reign of the cucks or we spiral down into a war between BLM (and all their ilk) and us.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 17, 2016 12:08 pm

Anon- at 9:54

You may find that the coming election will be anything but “risk free” if you are white. Don’t kid yourself that they won’t have thugs at the poles to intimidate whites to keep them from entering or feeling threatened after they exist.

March 17, 2016 12:45 pm


So are you saying here that your fear of “thugs at the poles” is why you don’t plan on voting?

That makes actually resisting blacks lording it over you to seem even more incongruous.

March 17, 2016 1:51 pm


All roads lead to Civil war. Very probable, I agree.

However you overlook a very important distinction; Hillary will continue the intent of Obama to flood this country with Muslims. Then when conditions get to the point similar to what we see now in Europe, overrun with Muslims the country will undoubtedly erupt into Civil war.

Under Trump; Muslims immigration will be restricted or outright blocked which will outrage the left and Muslims in this country which will likely result in Civil war.

Which condition do you prefer?

Hollow man
Hollow man
March 17, 2016 3:49 pm

To change anything he will have to have congress on board. I am sure the establishment repub and dems will play along to forward his agenda. Then on top of that his changes will face court battles that are filled with judges which are increasly liberal in thought. Like I said I hope I am wrong. If he can convince the people to get involved and call congress and change their mind as Reagan did he may make some changes I sure hope so. In the general I will go republican no doubt. My hand would fall off if I even thought of going to any commie democract. I still like to masterbate to much to do that. I live in a 20 acre farm. In a double wide and we have a barn. Not a bridge within 50 miles

March 17, 2016 3:50 pm

ASIG …does this answer your question?

[imgcomment image[/img]

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 17, 2016 4:13 pm

Anon- NO, dipshit.

That is why I would be at the poles watching for thugs who intimidate old ladies and why I would be there to place a “fuck you” vote. Does not mean I feel any different about Trump.

Why don’t you come out of the shadows Anon, are you afraid? I don’t bite ………….and I think you get what I am saying. Do you want to be lorded over by the leftist’s BP or Nation of Islamfuks thugs? This could get much worse than you can imagine.

March 17, 2016 4:18 pm

BL, when I was a kid we had a schoolyard saying:
Tit for Tat
**** my dog
and I’ll **** you cat.

The only recourse the sane have left.

Vote Trump or not , but your dog is still getting ass raped.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 17, 2016 5:17 pm


Thanks for the cultured insight. As if I don’t know the dog is still getting ass raped.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 17, 2016 9:44 pm

I can argue for this fucker or against my boy Trump. I have no pig in this race.
When fucking Reid pretends to be the friend of illegals, it’s safer to vote for the enemy of illegals.

Build the Iska wall!

March 17, 2016 11:24 pm

I don’t know what trump is but I know what the rest of the candidates are. There is no hope if Hillery or Bernie get elected. If Trump gets elected there is 1 in 10,000 chance he will do something right. I’m optimistic, that means there is a chance.