Holy Week and the Decline of the West

Guest Post by Antonius Aquinas


At one time, Holy Week – Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday – was recognized and commemorated by the Western world as a solemn period where earthly matters were put aside and focus was directed to history’s most seminal event.

Most businesses were closed or had reduced hours especially during the Sacred Triduum of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday.  Entertainment and leisurely activities were curtailed while schools and universities’ “spring breaks” coincided with Holy Week as mankind contemplated, as best as it could, the momentous events which took place in a small backwater outpost of the mighty, and at the time, unknowing, Roman Empire.

Tragically, for the human race those days are a thing of the discredited past.  Sports are played, most work throughout the week, financial affairs are routinely conducted, while Easter Sunday is not seen as a celebration of the Resurrection, but of egg hunts.  In politics, it can be safely assumed that there will be no let up in the seemingly interminable U.S. presidential campaign during this week which, of all places, is in the most need of spiritual reflection.

The triumph of secular humanism is almost complete.

Such disregard and ingratitude for what took place two millennium ago does not bode well for mankind’s future, especially in those lands and among those peoples which once revered these sacred days.  The ominous eternal consequences of such indifference was warned about by the Divine Savior as recounted in St. Matthew’s Gospel: “Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, I will also confess him before my Father, who is in heaven.”

While most do not realize it, the grave economic, political, and social problems which the West faces are ultimately the result of the indifference toward God with the neglect of Holy Week as a prime example.  None of the current abominations such as abortion and “gay” marriage could have ever been possible had human societies been dedicated toward Christ.

Such disregard will not go unpunished.  Could the continuing economic malaise and possible financial collapse, the burgeoning police states and the mostly Muslim invasion of what was once Christendom be heavenly retribution for man’s lackadaisical attitude toward his God?

It is amazing that none among the current crop of presidential contenders have recognized this obvious fact.  Their ignorance, and the blindness of those that are currently in power, will mean that none of the issues being debated and discussed will be solved.  The problems that the West faces today cannot be resolved as a matter of the right policy, but are at their core spiritual.  Redress of these issues will not come about through the ballot box or reform.

The forces that seek the West’s destruction must be fought on the spiritual plane.  They have long understood this, which is why they have tried to and largely succeeded in removing religion from society, allowing it only on Sundays – and if trends continue even this will no longer be tolerated.  Those who seek to preserve the fruits of Western civilization must realize that it is a religious contest.

The disastrous consequences of mankind ruling itself is on display for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.  The cultural depravity that abounds in contemporary life is stunning and has gone on so long and has been conducted with such intensity that most are now desensitized to it.  Creating jobs, halting mass immigration, appointing “conservative” judges will do little to overthrow the cultural Marxism that permeates society.

Until the Divine Entity for which Holy Week is centered on is once again placed at the summit of Western life, the chances of resolving its various crisis are nil.


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March 21, 2016 9:13 am

There is always just ONE answer. When I taught 3-5 year old Sunday School class and asked a question of a little one who wasn’t listening, the kids knew the magic get out of trouble answer was “Jesus.” It was my personal way to remind them to listen but that our Lord doesn’t blame them for being children.

HOWEVER… We are not children.

March 21, 2016 9:18 am

As my great-grandmother used to say about such things: “Well, that’s all fine but it doesn’t grow any potatoes.”

The ideal Christian is one who endures a screaming death on a cross while onlookers laugh and have a picnic. This sets up a moral ideal to which no one can realistically aspire. Therefore people give up on morality. I has taken 2000 years for people to finally give up even trying to imitate such actions.

I suggest that problems aren’t solved by setting up impossible goals for humans. This simply makes them amoral and violent, because they have no idea what REAL morality is.

March 21, 2016 9:18 am

Jesus warned of betrayal, and he still kept his faith. Easter is a rebirth, yet we deny spiritual needs in this consumer oriented world. Rich in materialism, poor in morals and judgement. The Almighty has no other choice!

March 21, 2016 9:48 am

Well, my Sunday School class days are long behind me, but the children in my classes sought the new life offered to them by their Lord in the form of brightly colored plastic eggs with candy inside.

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March 21, 2016 10:14 am

Spirituality is hugely important. But trying to enforce spirituality because of an event that may or may not have happened to a man/god who may or may not have existed 2000 years base on a book that has been heavily edited by TPTB over the centuries for their own purposes? I’m not into that so much.

March 21, 2016 10:31 am

“While most do not realize it, the grave economic, political, and social problems which the West faces are ultimately the result of the indifference toward God with the neglect of Holy Week …”
——— from the article

Perhaps, or even probably, true regarding “social problems”.

But, economic and political problems simply aren’t the result of neglecting the Holy Week. The author might want to google Federal Reserve, bankers, 1%ers, Free Shitters and, of course, Da JOOS!!
” Could the continuing economic malaise and possible financial collapse, the burgeoning police states and the mostly Muslim invasion of what was once Christendom be heavenly retribution for man’s lackadaisical attitude toward his God? It is amazing that none among the current crop of presidential contenders have recognized this obvious fact.” ——— from the article

Donald Trump recognizes it. Next.
“The forces that seek the West’s destruction must be fought on the spiritual plane. They have long understood this, which is why they have tried to and largely succeeded in removing religion from society, …” ————- from the article

How many Christians were there in the Roman Empire, say, in the year 10AD. A few thousand, maybe, vs. millions of Roman heathens? Yet, by 315AD, Rome officially converted to Christianity.

It doesn’t matter if the vast majority has forgotten the true meaning of Easter (and, Christmas). That doesn’t stop YOU from worshiping as you see fit! It only took a HANDFUL of dedicated Christians to eventually turn Rome upside down. Maybe the real problem today is not the vast majority who have no use for the risen Christ, ….. but rather, that there isn’t even a handful of true believers left in America to affect change.

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 21, 2016 10:49 am

“And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name” (Phil2:8,9). Communities should celebrate the goodness and mercy of Jesus Christ and Easter should be the holiday of the year for every human. Sure, the early church modified pagan holidays into Christmas and Easter; but ZOG has insidiously turned ignorant America to Lucifer and perversions and turned Easter into the Springtime Festivus of Yourville (to celebrate Cultural and Sexual Diversity like they have their Mass Media and government school systems) and turned Christmas into a Festival of Lights and retail sales. Matt10:33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 21, 2016 10:58 am

The wife and I saw the movie “Risen” a few weeks back. I liked it.

March 21, 2016 12:18 pm

I find it difficult to believe that we find ourselves in a difficult situation because of the decline in practising organized christianity. i figure that it is more due to laziness of mind and body. If more sheeple worked harder at understanding things and standing up for whats right – regardless of political, reliigous, racial, gender differences – this world would be a better place. In fact, sermonizers like Antonious reminds me of some of my Catholic friends. They tend to be the most loyal sheep who never look up to see that the sheepdog is really a wolf.

March 21, 2016 1:15 pm

” If more sheeple worked harder at understanding things and standing up for whats right”

But then they wouldn’t be sheeple, would they? Good points, though. One of your upvotes is from me.

March 21, 2016 1:27 pm

Hi Ed,

“But then they wouldn’t be sheeple, would they?”

Always good to find a quick wit. Thanks

March 21, 2016 6:35 pm

C’mon Admin, do Deist’s celebrate “Holy week”?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 21, 2016 6:56 pm

Stucky- Which way do you want it, (sun) of God OR (son) of God ? I don’t write this stuff, you do.

Being close to Ishtar……I mean Easter, you are swinging in a different direction.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 21, 2016 7:08 pm

Did anyone here catch the story today about the mall in NJ where the kids were lined up to see the Easter Bunny and al hell broke out? Looked to me to be 99% kneegrows at this mall and for some reason the Easter Bunny started whipping the shit out of one of the dads.

The Bunny (who was also black) had the guy down letting it fly. At one point it looked like a brawl broke out. WTF…….even the Easter Bunny goes postal nowdays.

March 21, 2016 11:37 pm

“If more sheeple worked harder at understanding things and standing up for whats right – ”

what is right = common sense
or, don’t murder people
unless they are trying to murder you
pretty simple actually