America’s Best-Paid Jobs In 2016

I made the list bitchez!!!

Infographic: America's Best-Paid Jobs In 2016 | Statista
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April 1, 2016 11:22 am

I’m not on this list. BUT, I’m sure I am on another list.

April 1, 2016 11:52 am

You’re a strategy manager or a research and development manager?

Either way, better check your privilege white boy.

April 1, 2016 12:00 pm

Do they count foreign worker H1B’s in that list?? If not that list will not look like that in the years to come. I work in IT. Gotta be 50% Indian in my shop now. It’s bullshit that they can’t find US citizens for those jobs first. I can’t understand a fucking thing the imports say, and don’t care to.

April 1, 2016 12:07 pm

It’s not how much you make but how much you can keep.I made well over a hundred thousand but now take out fuel , truck payments ,repairs and then taxes.( Federal ,state , county )Well you get the point.

masterman finsbury
masterman finsbury
April 1, 2016 12:31 pm

aand, none of these positions actually “produce” anything…

April 1, 2016 12:50 pm

Software / Computer Science / Engineering has been good to me for the last 44 years.

April 1, 2016 1:05 pm

ILuvC02, doesn’t it really make your heart warm when the company boasts about how wonderful their “diversity” numbers are because of all the H1Bs they’ve hired? I work for a mega globul corp and over half of the people I work with in the US have accents so strong it’s hard to understand them, much less the people in other countries. In their latest (anonymous, at least that’s what they say) employee satisfaction survey they promoted their latest wonderful “diversity” numbers, so I commented on that. I pointed out that none of the groups in other countries are “diverse”. In China all the employees are Chinese. In India all the employees are Indian. Etc., etc. So their diversity isn’t really all that good since it only appears to apply in the US. I followed that with a comment about how I didn’t think that having diversity quotas was really a good idea for a corporation. Shouldn’t they be hiring the best person for the job instead of someone who meets the quota? I guess it really was an anonymous survey or I wouldn’t still be working there.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 1, 2016 1:42 pm

Pharmacy Manager- $130,000

Oy Vey ……….Big Pharma sharing the wealth. Jeez, Does that sound a little high for say a Walgreen’s pharmacy manager? (understand that is low income for California or northeast corridor cities, in KY that would seem like a lot)

April 1, 2016 2:33 pm


I didn’t see anything related to entertainment in there – hmmmm. Those shills get paid pretty well to not rock the boat.

April 1, 2016 3:45 pm

Funny, I didn’t see “Beancounter” listed?

April 1, 2016 5:38 pm

They left off crony and corrupt politician.

April 1, 2016 6:09 pm

Admin’s typical Orkney day:

UPenn Beaurocrat to Admin: “I need $100,000 to study the breeding habits of Southern Pa. dung beetles, please.”

Admin: “Fck you, you low life teat sucking Ivy League moron. Go out and get a real job. No money for you, douchebag! Next!”

Beaurocrat #2: “Um, I need …”

Admin: “You fat fuck get out of my office. Blow me, asshole. You are getting nothing, you piece of shit! Next!”

April 1, 2016 6:11 pm

Orkney? I type “work” and get “Orkney”. WPES.

April 1, 2016 9:29 pm

How did “too big to fail” banker, wall street titan, upper level govt bureaucrat and oligarch not make the list? I’m calling bullshit!

Round these parts new “pharmacy managers” are popping up like “weed”s.

April 2, 2016 10:45 am

Pharmacy Manager ……….. $130,000


Pharmacy Manager Job Description

—1) Open BIG bottle of pills.
—2) Put them in a LITTLE bottle.
—3) Make the customer wait an hour.
—4) Type up a teeny tiny label.

April 2, 2016 11:02 am


You still here?

Any posts I submit TODAY …. are for TOMORROW.


April 2, 2016 12:23 pm

OK, Jim.

I just submitted 9 for tomorrow.

We’ll see how it goes. If by early afternoon no one else submits anything, then I’ll submit a few more. But, I think we should get to 12+ rather easily.

April 2, 2016 1:34 pm

Araven, careful of those anonymous employee surveys. I don’t trust them. About 5 years ago they made us get in small groups to discuss the areas where the employee opinion surveys showed dissatisfaction. And then made us come up with possible solutions. Now everyone just rates everything as terrific. Last year they introduced a brand new global department – for Diversity. I really have to watch myself when I make comments on the company social media intranet site. Don’t want to piss off the 5% of employees named Kumar.

April 2, 2016 2:53 pm

ILuvCO2, I don’t post ANYTHING on the company social media, too easy to unintentionally piss off an individual and too easy for the bosses to track down who made any negative comments. I learned years ago to keep all business communications strictly business and highly sanitized and I try to stick to that. In a response email to another engineer I made a play on words based on her misspelling of a word. I thought it was a cute joke. She thought I was deliberately insulting her. Instead of just asking me about it she escalated the issue and her manager contacted my manager and all heck broke loose. So I’m usually very careful about any written communications at work. Except for this most recent “anonymous” survey, if I want to blow off steam I do it here on TBP 🙂

At my mega globul corp even though the employee satisfaction survey is supposed to be anonymous they break down the multiple choice data down to the level of my manager who only has about 6 people in the US. So my boss knows full well who at least one of the people is who marked him down, at least on the multiple choice. I don’t think they break down the comments to his level, but we’ll see if he says anything when he presents the results this year. In his performance evaluation of me he gave me an average 5 out of 10 and said that I should consider that to be good. So I gave him and the rest of the company a 5 out of 10 for doing an average job on questions where they did an average job and less than that in the areas where they didn’t, even though he and the corporate level were pushing hard for a 10 on everything. All the other guys in my group decided to just give 10 out of 10 on all questions this year because of the extended excruciating meeting we had with our manager going over his data last year. So maybe that will push my manager’s numbers up enough that my marking him honestly again this year won’t result in such an excruciating meeting again. We’ll have to see.

I’m almost hoping that they will fire me because of my comments on the survey. That would make for a really interesting lawsuit about how they discriminated against me because of MY diverseness!