If The Negroid Race Is So Intelligent …

…. and 800+ people have received a Nobel Prize since 1901, then why are only 14 of them black? Maybe my maff is off, but that doesn’t seem very representative to me. Why are NONE of them in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology, or Medicine?  Why are only 4 from the United States?  It must be raacisss!  I’m sure Tucci has a reasonable seven thousand word explanation.


Ralph Bunche - 1963 March on Washington.jpg

Ralph Bunche … 1950 … United States … PEACE

Albert Lutuli nobel.jpg

Albert John Luthuli … 1960 … South Africa … PEACE

Martin Luther King Jr NYWTS.jpg

Martin Luther King … 1964 … United States … PEACE

Arthur Lewis (Nobel photo).jpg

Sir William Arthur Lewis … 1979 … St. Lucia … ECONOMICS


Desmond Tutu … 1984 … South Africa … PEACE

Soyinka, Wole (1934).jpg

Wole Soyinka … 1986 … Nigeria … LITERATURE

Derek Walcott.jpg

Derek Walcott … 1992 … St. Lucia … LITERATURE

Toni Morrison 2008-2.jpg

Toni Morrison … 1993 … United States … LITERATURE

Nelson Mandela.jpg

Nelson Mandela … 1993 … South Africa … PEACE

Kofi Annan.jpg

Kofi Annan … 2001 … Ghana … PEACE

Wangari Maathai in Nairobi.jpg

Wangari Maathai … 2004 … Kenya … PEACE

Official portrait of Barack Obama.jpg

HNIC … 2009 … United States … PEACE

Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, April 2010.jpg

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf … 2011 … Liberia … PEACE


Leymah  Gbowee … 2011 … Liberia … PEACE


Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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April 3, 2016 7:08 am

Yeah, and with affirmative action, you can pretty much assume most of those awards were for showing up, not actual accomplishments. Like Barry’s award. Never did ‘nuthin, but gets a prize just for showing up. Then, makes his supporters look like fools when he proceeds to be the Dronest One of All.
I think it was Fred Reed who made the point, thanks to affirmative action, folks are going to flee from black doctors, black lawyers, black engineers, black programmers, etc.
Same story with Arab awards.

Hershel Pasternak
Hershel Pasternak
April 3, 2016 7:44 am

Why cant non jewish white scientists keep up relative to their numbers? blacks busy picking cotton can be excused, but jews making up about 0.1% of world population shouldnt be taking out HALF the nobel prizes in some years. If caucasians stopped wiping each other out in civil wars and world wars 1, 2 and going for 3, stop complaining they cant cut it in controlling banking, media, movies or foreign policy, they might look smart enough to impress the judges and get their fair share.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 3, 2016 8:01 am

Obama is only half black. Maybe his white half won the prize. When does a person stop being black and become a non hyphonated citizen.

April 3, 2016 8:04 am

Two words, “White Privilege.” About 5 inches of snow here Stucky.

April 3, 2016 8:31 am

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the Nobel Committee has an agenda .Look at the some of the people who received this award. Nelson Mandela was a communist multiple murderer .They even gave that idiot
Economist that works for the NEW York Times an award.Then Obama.

April 3, 2016 8:34 am

The irony of all the peace prizes given to Africans is so sweet. How peaceful is Africa after all these work of these peace prize winners.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
April 3, 2016 8:50 am

You will notice that at least half are mulattos and that even so most of the “prizes” are the universally mocked Nobel Prize for Peace. Not too hard to join that crowd. Obama did, for example, just by being half-black and gulling millions of stupid, guilt-ridden white Americans to vote for him. What, a clown show. Priceless.

April 3, 2016 8:52 am

Why cant non jewish white scientists keep up relative to their numbers? blacks busy picking cotton can be excused, but jews making up about 0.1% of world population shouldnt be taking out HALF the nobel prizes in some years. If caucasians stopped wiping each other out in civil wars and world wars 1, 2 and going for 3, stop complaining they cant cut it in controlling banking, media, movies or foreign policy, they might look smart enough to impress the judges and get their fair share.

You do understand that the the committee is run by a bunch of jews, right?

April 3, 2016 8:57 am

Nobel as an indicator of the overall intelligence of a race?

“Overall, Jews have won a total of 41% of all the Nobel Prizes in economics, 28% of medicine, 26% of physics, 19% of chemistry, 13% of literature and 9% of all peace awards”

Less than 0.2% of the world population.


I can imagine how frustrating this must be to several of the posters here.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 3, 2016 8:59 am

Hey Boston Is it still snowing down there. I saw on weather network that we are supposed to get some snow in a day or two. Hoping it wasn’t true as the stuff has pretty much melted away and I was hoping to be done with winter.

As for your observation about African continent I have to agree. Much irony in all the prizes in a place torn apart in perpetuity by war. My wife works at a university that does development work there. Many people come here to study. While much is wrong there the people I have met are genuine and articulate. Most when asked say that biggest problem they have and what is holding them back is corruption. I do think ignorance is a problem too. Whether it is caused by IQ or lack of proper education is something that I have no expertise. It is an inconvenient truth though and a problem that needs addressing.

April 3, 2016 9:00 am

BuelahMan, Educate yourself.


April 3, 2016 9:27 am

The Nobel Committee for the last 15 years was run by Marcus Starch ( whose father was head of the Swedish branch of the World Jewish Congress ) was fired and replace by a real Swedish Scientist in 2015 .Other Jews were also replaced same year. Why were they replaced ? Because many in the committee thought they were giving this award to people who didn’t deserve to win.That’s why.

Also Jewish Congress is one of the groups that are funding mass Muslim immigration in Scandinavia.

Looks like bubhah man was right.

April 3, 2016 9:29 am

” When does a person stop being black and become a non hyphonated citizen.”

If you mean blood quantum-wise, it’s when they can say “I’m black” and you go , like, “get the fuck out”. Like Heather Locklear being a Lumbee, blue eyes, blond hair, but still a indin.

April 3, 2016 9:31 am


Which Nobel committee?

And where do you get your information on funding?

April 3, 2016 10:07 am

bb, look out…behind you, it’s THE EEVULL JOOS!

Ahaha, just kiddin. You shoulda seen your face.

April 3, 2016 10:22 am


Add Ashkenazi or Sephardi.

April 3, 2016 10:53 am

Why do Jews contribute so much to the advancement of man and blacks and arabs so little?

God told us why–“the sons of Abraham will be a blessing to all peoples” and ” the sons of Ishmael will be as wild asses”–and for those who think the “mark of the murderous Cain” was a blackened complexion so that he would be recognized as being of a wild, murderous nature and tht he can cultivate the land but not bring food forth ( which continent still struggles with basic agriculture and perpetual starvation?)

April 3, 2016 11:01 am

As I am light years from eligibility for Nobel Prize consideration, so
I have to tread lightly.

A Jew I know well, (husband of one of my dearest friends) lived in
an apt. in New York. The father was a HS shop teacher, Mom was
a homemaker. Those two loved their two children totally, and
valued education above all. DH was given the tools and advantages
to study. And, being a nerdy type, thick glasses and all, he studied
science at school, and on his own time. True to form, he was accepted
into medical school and became a physician. Fast forward, he is
recruited to our town, and mentored and groomed, and married my
friend. Together, they rediscovered their Jewish roots and traditions.

This formula above, is the “secret” of success. Parents promote and
and support their children in their education. I believe if the Blacks
chose a similar path, they too would produce educated children,
and even scholars. The Chinese and other Asians put the education
of their children above other persuits. TV, video games, unsupervised
“play” are discouraged. I guess the answer lies in what parents promote.

Mr. Stucky, (man with boundless heart and energy) I have a question
please. Maybe others also have this question? Should one want to
submit an article for consideration, (Sundays off for admin.) how is
that done? Send v email? Please tell/advise. Thanks

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 3, 2016 11:10 am

Right off the bat your can eliminate these three:

POTUS OBOMYA- war and bombing is what he does best. Remember the Wendy’s commercial where the old lady said, “where’s the beef”? Well with Oreo the question is, “where’s the peace”? Peace Prize my ass.

Nelson Mandela – Radical Marxist who went to prison for murdering people by blowing them up. Does that sound peaceful?

Derek Walcott- The dude has blue/grey eyes and white skin so he does not count as full black.


Ralph Bunche and Kofi Annan, both token kneegrow UN SEC. Generals and NWO puppets who would rubber stamp the commie world government structure being set up. Like Oreo, giving them a Nobel was to give them stature.

These five- Oreo, Nelson Mandela, Derek Walcott, Ralph Bunche and Kofi Annan are all Marxists. You could add MLK to that and likely throw in Desmond Tutu. The whole lot is tied in some way to furthering a commie world government so I don’t think you could even count these 14 as legit out of the 800 prizes awarded.

April 3, 2016 11:42 am

Sweden has a very dubious history. Neutrality during the wars
was no coincidence. The country became a haven (secrecy laws)
of ill gotten gains. Their present dilemmas aside (immigration)
they may be losing their status for secret bank accounts and $
laundering. Time’s up.

Sometimes I think the Jews are beyond hating the balance of
humanity. They have had the reputation for being grabby, and
greedy forever. Fair? Don’t know…but they have been rejected
(when open and visible) time and again. Research shows Jews
change their names, and hide their personal history, in order
to integrate into the business environment. It is what it is.

Again, regarding dual US-Israeli citizens in positions of power within
the US gov.: Inappropriate and illegal.

April 3, 2016 11:45 am

Thank you v much for the info Mr. Stucky.


I know others thank you as well!

April 3, 2016 11:48 am

One more comment please,

Flash…are you over your pique?

Come back…a fundamental skill is being able to
“let it go.” You can do it.

April 3, 2016 12:18 pm
April 3, 2016 12:23 pm

Amazing the number of people here that seem to think the Jews are the superior people in the world, with less than a total (of mostly nobody’s) of less than 0.2% of the world population being in charge of and running every institution and government in the world.

Gotta give ’em credit, they are definitely a superior people and I can see everyone else’s jealousy at being inferior to them. Probably why God chose them to bring the Christ to the world for its eventual salvation.

April 3, 2016 12:26 pm


I have no problem finding scripture of God placing a mark on Cain as a warning to others not to slay him, but I see no scripture indicating it was a racial mark or that anyone but Cain himself, not his descendants, ever bore that mark.

Could you elucidate on your statement with scriptural reference?

April 3, 2016 12:34 pm


No, I don’t actually have bible references. Who needs them when I can just pull shit out of my ass?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 3, 2016 2:06 pm

Stucky says: Bull! Fucking! Shit! When will some of you STOP reading into the Scriptures that which IS NOT THERE??? For the record;

All that pre-dates the deluge.

If there were only 8 survivors aboard the Nostromo, (minus one alien that Ripley shot out of the ship) then the mark of Cain can’t jump to the descendants of Cam.

Which makes me wonder, is that why one of the gays in Modern Family is named Cam? Are they suggesting Noah’s kid was curious – yellow? Could be, peeping men is the subject of one story by Henry Miller

But wait, the alien is the son of Cain in the movie and later, Ripley is impregnated with an alien baby.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 3, 2016 2:26 pm

Thank Stucky for taking the the to input into wordpress. Getting ready to watch Blue Jays Opening day baseball game. Hard to believe winter is just about done.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 3, 2016 2:33 pm

Rob, winter was done over here by groundhog day. Sorry to hear of your pain.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 3, 2016 2:50 pm

I was not addressing the question of race, I questioned how the mark of Cain could survive the flood if in fact the mark of Cain is melanin. Unless one Noah’s daughters in law was a brown shuga.

April 3, 2016 2:58 pm


So how do you know this?

April 3, 2016 3:03 pm


Not entirely, there was that little incident on the Plain of Shinar. Race and separate languages seem to go hand in hand before the cultural blending of the Great ancient empires (Egyptian, Roman, Babylonian, etc.) started mixing them.

April 3, 2016 3:31 pm

“But wait, the alien is the son of Cain in the movie and later, Ripley is impregnated with an alien baby.”

Dag….that’s too fucked up for even my twisted mind to think about.

rhs jr
rhs jr
April 3, 2016 3:32 pm

Asians and Whites don’t get Peace Prizes because they don’t live in a Savage Jungle. Just saying, there are a lot of more Bonobos deserving the Peace Prize than Obama.

April 3, 2016 4:11 pm

I find it funny that the folks who say “The scriptures say (fill in the blank)” are often the ones who don’t know – and don’t care to know – that there was no official “Bible” for about 200 years or so after Christ.

You had all sorts of stuff floating around for two centuries – what we now call the Apocryphal’s – that was considered just as valid as anything else out there… reading them is quite revealing.

That stuff didn’t make the cut, but still exists… then you have folks quoting the KJV without knowing the backstory. King James was such a shitty king that he was in real danger of civil war between religious factions and thus losing his cushy job. And his head. So he commissioned a rewrite of the Bible to placate everyone.

Yet, everyone quotes it like it’s “gospel” or something… when in fact it’s just the efforts of some shit King trying to keep his job.

Bottom line is if you look hard enough, you can find a passage in the Bible to support or denigrate anything you want… make it say whatever it is you want it to say to justify your views and/or actions…


April 3, 2016 5:41 pm

the bible content may comfort and/or guide and/or inspire
people…at risk here…it can not be a picture of our history,
or “true” in any literal sense.

I read the piece on Swedish banking. Thanks…
I was referring to history, a dark history, of Swedish “banking”…
remember the “Swiss bank account” stories. enough

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 3, 2016 5:56 pm

Stucky says: The way Cain talks about his fears, he makes it seem like there are LOTS of people out to kill him. The way God responds … makes it seem like Cain is correct.

Stuckles, I know of 3 or 4 instances where a couple in their late 30’s are new grandparents. These cats in Genesis lived like thousands of years. Let’s see, 900 divided by 30, carry the 1 and you have something like 40 squared generations. That’s a lot of pissed off nephews.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 3, 2016 6:00 pm

You always get some corn-holer who says the bible isn’t accurate.
Look, math is supposed to be accurate yet they still have people discussing it.
And law and science and whether Michelle is a man.

April 3, 2016 6:33 pm

Stucky writes that “…the Economics Prize is technically not a Nobel Prize,” quoting:

“Alfred Nobel’s will stipulated the creation of just five awards: physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and peace. However, since 1969, a sixth award has been handed out. In 1968, to honor its 300th anniversary, Sweden’s central bank created an endowment to fund a new prize honoring achievements in economic studies. Properly known as the “Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel,””.

I didn’t pay much attention to the (allegedly “Nobel”) prize in economics until 1974. As Murray Rothbard observed (16 November that year), “…all the previous Nobel Prizes in economics have gone to left-liberals and opponents of the free market, but also because they have gone uniformly to economists who have transformed the discipline into a supposed “science” filled with mathematical jargon and unrealistic “models” which are then used to criticize the free-enterprise system and to attempt to plan the economy by the central government.”

As I’d said in another post, economeretricians.

But in ’74, they awarded the prize to two economists who couldn’t be further apart in their poltical philosophies, and for the first time to a free-market guy – one whom I’d been reading most of my adult life, Friedrich von Hayek, a year after the death of his mentor, Ludwig von Mises.

I guess the shitass Swedish socialists had to wait until Mises was dead. Most ‘Murrican academics are still so thoroughly thought-blocking the influence of Mises *Socialism* (1922) that they can’t – or won’t – come to grips with the way Dr. Ludwig’s very early analysis (which is still in print all over the place) delivered the definitive assfucking that’s still got the European leftards twitching and grimacing every time they hear his name.

The other recipient of the ’74 prize was “…the notorious left-wing socialist Dr. Gunnar Myrdal” (quoting Rothbard again), and was Myrdal PISSED at having to share the prize with the author of *The Road to Serfdom* (1944)…!

Since then, I’ve followed the annual “Nobel” prizes in economics for nothing more than their entertainment value.

I mean, *Krugman* gets one in 2008. Whee! No wonder they gave a Peace prize to our Indonesian-in-Chief a year later. Something even more egregious had to be conjured up to distract attention from THAT chihuahua-fuck.

April 3, 2016 6:34 pm

Billy makes an excellent point. No originals of the New Testament district, and https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tJWLGahOwGMhat copies district, if really, date from hundreds of years after Christ. And who did the translations? And we’re they accurate, not slanted? Hat is rhetorical.

No documented proof Of Christ exists. Muhammad, well, that is another story.

On Point
On Point
April 3, 2016 7:22 pm

Again – a very definitive and scholarly comparison on the Bible vs. the Koran can be found in Lee Strobel’s book: “The Case for Christ”.

Or below is just another, of many, comparisons online:
