Trump Unbound

Even by The Donald’s standards his 95 minute long interview with the Washington Post was remarkable. He let loose so many stray shots as to leave the establishment press clucking in a chorus of disbelief. It undoubtedly started with the stink bomb he lobbied at the ” all is awesome” meme about the US economy and stock market:

Donald Trump said in an interview that economic conditions are so perilous that the country is headed for a “very massive recession and that “it’s a terrible time right now” to invest in the stock market, embracing a distinctly gloomy view of the economy that counters mainstream economic forecasts.

The New York billionaire dismissed concern that his comments — which are exceedingly unusual, if not unprecedented, for a major party front-runner — could potentially affect financial markets.

Now there’s an irony. Presumably the last paragraph was written by Bob Woodward who was once the bête noir of the Washington/Wall Street establishment. But like nearly everyone else in the Imperial City he has been drinking the Cool-Aid for so many decades that he was apparently shocked by Trump’s unfiltered bit of truth-telling about an economy that is failing 90% of the American public.

Worse still, Woodward was apparently dumbfounded that Trump didn’t self-censor his thoughts about the economic troubles ahead for fear of unsettling the Wall Street casino.

That’s right. The cult of the stock market and the notion that the Fed literally controls and powers the US economy through the transmission belt of Wall Street and soaring financial asset prices has gotten so deeply embedded in the establishment narrative that even the pedigreed left-wing of the journalistic establishment has been coopted into reflexively chanting the meme.

So imagine Woodward’s consternation when Trump——-the very embodiment of a billionaire financial tycoon—–let loose with the following counterpunch:

“I know the Wall Street people probably better than anybody knows them,” said Trump, who has misfired on such predictions in the past. “I don’t need them.”

Those last five words are what has the Washington GOP establishment in a cold sweat. The fact is, the Washington based apparatus of the GOP is beholden lock, stock and barrel to Wall Street and the broader financial industry for sustenance. That is, PAC funds and the K-street influence peddling rackets which make life in the Imperial City so copasetic for careerist politicians and their apparatchiks.

Indeed, there is an obvious quid pro quo. The job of the Washington GOP leadership amounts to keeping the free market yokels who frequently get sent to Washington from the conservative provinces busy on everything except the core problem. That is, whopping it up about neocon war missions abroad, vastly exaggerated terrorist threats at home, the supposed affliction of illegal immigrants who actually do much of America’s low-skill work and the pro-statist agenda of the right-to- lifers, anti-gays and the various and sundry similarly benighted projects of the red state bible-thumpers.

Meanwhile, capitalist prosperity is in crisis because the central bank’s free money is destroying honest price discovery in the financial markets, deforming the free market allocation of investment and other economic resources, crushing savers, retirees and real entrepreneurs and generating unspeakable windfalls to traders and speculators.

Indeed, if you are partial to tin foil hats you might even believe that the GOP leaderships kid gloves approach to the Fed had in mind the generation of a Bernie Sanders all along. Bernie has arisen because the sum and substance of Fed policy is massive inflation of financial asset values, and therefore a reverse robin hood redistribution of wealth to the 1%.

So what could be more convenient to mobilize the red state base and the blue state left-behinds than a socialist candidacy on the Democratic ticket, or, failing that, a desperate Hillary Clinton who sounds like one?

And do not doubt that the GOP establishment is in league with the Eccles Building and its Wall Street suzerains. Do you remember who was chief economic advisor to Mitt Romney?

None other than a Columbia business professor and Wall Street shill by the name of Glenn Hubbard. During the heat of the campaign he kept the candidate radio silent on the fundamental issue of our times—–the Fed’s usurpation of vast powers of central monetary planning—–and even averred that Bernanke had been doing a fine job. Said professor Hubbard, he should be considered for reappointment!

And don’t even mention the clueless action of Senator McCain in 2008. The man actually suspended his campaign so that he could come back to Washington and help Bush and Paulson bailout Wall Street; and to authorize the Fed to unleash a torrential spree of money printing that has virtually transformed Wall Street into a dangerous and unstable gambling casino.

Woodward’s snarky observation that Trump has “misfired on such predictions in the past” was especially ripe, but absolutely consistent with the establishment meme that all is fixed and getting better by the day.

Actually, when did the Fed and its gaggle of Wall Street camp-followers ever predict a recession and subsequent financial market crash? There was not a peep from those precincts in 2000 or 2007. It was all about tommyrot like goldilocks, the Great Moderation and a supposedly minor subprime disturbance that was “well contained”.

Yes, most of what Trump has thrown into the debate is outlandish, regrettable, outright deplorable and just plain wrong.  The Wall, the ban on Muslims, his call for more torture of enemies, his dog-whistling on race, his cop pandering, his no-nothing position against social security reform and his blatantly sexist name-calling fit some or all of those categories.

And to the outlandish category, now add the blatantly stupid. To wit, Trump’s promise that he will eliminate the national debt in eight years!

Even there, however, he can perhaps be praised with faint damn. At least he recognizes that our current $19 trillion of national debt will be $22 trillion by the time the next President is in the saddle, and that its a short slide to national bankruptcy from there.

At the end of the day, Trump has petrified the Wall-Street Washington establishment for good reason. He loudly rejects the War Party consensus on foreign intervention and has tapped into a deep vein of main street alienation from the phony recovery and economic fixes promulgated by the Fed and its beltway henchman.

We had another jobs Friday celebration by the latter and it amounted to the same old, same old.  That is, purportedly 100,000 new jobs in retail and bars and restaurants, but no progress where it counts. There are still nearly two million fewer full-time, full-pay jobs than there were when Bill Clinton was packing up his bags to leave the White House.

Breadwinner Economy Jobs- Click to enlarge

Even if the likes of Bob Woodward haven’t figured this out, the unschooled Donald Trump apparently has.  No wonder they fear Trump Unbound.


The full Washington Post Interview follows:


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April 6, 2016 9:51 am

“And don’t even mention the clueless action of Senator McCain in 2008. The man actually suspended his campaign so that he could come back to Washington and help Bush and Paulson bailout Wall Street;”

Well, so did the Incredible Kikuyu. Just sayin….

April 6, 2016 9:58 am

“Yes, most of what Trump has thrown into the debate is outlandish, regrettable, outright deplorable and just plain wrong. The Wall, the ban on Muslims, his call for more torture of enemies, his dog-whistling on race, his cop pandering, his no-nothing position against social security reform and his blatantly sexist name-calling fit some or all of those categories.”

Hmmm, lemeseehere…

Yes, some of what Trump has thrown into the debate is outlandish, regrettable, outright deplorable and just plain wrong. His call for more torture of enemies, his cop pandering, and his no-nothing position against social security reform fits all of those categories.

There Davie. I fixed it for ya.

April 6, 2016 10:01 am

Trump confounds and frustrates the MSM, the American political establishment, and the larger world Elite ruling Establishment as a whole because they are completely inbred and understand nothing outside of themselves and their own ways.

Along comes Trump, who is not one of them, and they simply can’t fit him into any category they can comprehend or even believe legitimately exists.

Since they can’t understand him, they can’t control him, since they can’t control him they fear him, since they fear him they want him destroyed in any manner they can.

And all this over what amounts to an average guy in a thousand dollar suit saying what he and his supporters want said without giving a damn about whether the Establishment approves or not.

Look at all the other candidates over recent decades from this point of view and you understand just how different Trump is than anything we’ve seen for a long time on the American and world political stage.

April 6, 2016 10:13 am

I was really hoping Trump was going to name Stockman as his Treasury Secy or even fed chair. That would be something to see.

April 6, 2016 12:47 pm

I think a ban on Muslims would be a good idea. A ban on all third world immigration would be a better idea David Stockman.

I usually like David Stockman but sometimes he can be as foolish as the other inside the belt way types.

April 6, 2016 12:50 pm

I can not decide whether Stockman is pro Trump or does he hate the regular Republicans to the point that he will support Hilary. I have never seen him vent his spleen against the Democats and their Socialistic fellow travelers to this extent.

But it seems apparent that the Banksters will keep the lid on the economy until Hilary is elected and corinated (thank MSM andDebold).. After that the deluge and an oppotunity for greater government control of all aspects of the ordinary citizens life and fortune. The critical events will be postponed so that Trump is neutralized. Just as the 2008 trauma was programmed for maximum damage to Mc Cain’s prospects (not that he was not sufficiently able to destroy himself even without a little market manpulation). Furthermore, forget this nonsense of big terrorist actions in US. Valarie and her ilk have passed the word to those who need to know, keep the lid on it can only increase interest in and votes for Trump. Also the long-hot- summer predictions will not prove out the BLM and other afiliates know that riots and massive disruptions will be counter-productive. They would only awaken sleeping potential votes who might vent their anger and concern by horror of horrors voting for Trump (not that he would be able to do much if he by some statistical miricle is elected).

April 6, 2016 1:03 pm

@prusmc – Stockman roasts the liberals/keynesians pretty good in his latest book. I think it appears that he goes after Republicans more, probably because they should know better. At least the Dems are honest about taxing and spending. Agree with your other observations – I suspect all will be quiet on the terror front, and the market will be roaring in the 3 months up to the election. Very little is said about Geitner pulling liquidity from the market ahead of the ’08 election. Yeah the fed is impartial alright. The other thing people forget is that the equation for GDP includes govt spending, and what did Ryan and the GOP just hand Barky? A blank check to juice the economy and mathmatically guarantee there won’t be a “recession” before he exits the White House and Hillary is coronated.

Sedona Rocks
Sedona Rocks
April 6, 2016 4:58 pm

When Mr. Trump decides to include the obvious constant aerosol spraying of our once blue skies….I will perk up and listen. This planet’s weather is being geo engineered and leading us all on the road to extinction. When ANY politician decides to open THAT discussion….I will perk up and listen. The fact that no one dares bring it up shows just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

April 6, 2016 6:54 pm

“This planet’s weather is being geo engineered and leading us all on the road to extinction. ”

Well, whatever they are doing isn’t very effective since the weather and climate are pretty much the same now as before they started.

April 6, 2016 9:44 pm

The long list of people publicly against Trump includes so many assholes. To me they are gold plated endorsements. You can know a lot about a man if you know his enemies. Trump is not even my choice.