28 Things Everyone Has Done But Would Never Admit

Hat tip Onward

Via BuzzFeed

1. Tried to squeeze those hours in:

Tried to squeeze those hours in:

2. The ol’ switcheroo:

The ol' switcheroo:

3. Had this life-altering moment:

Had this life-altering moment:

4. Had a change panic attack:

Had a change panic attack:

5. Said “sure!”

Said "sure!"

6. Taken clear noses for granted:

Taken clear noses for granted:

7. Just gobbled it down:

Just gobbled it down:

8. Lost track of the decade:

Lost track of the decade:



10. Acted a little too natural:

Acted a little too natural:

11. That laugh:

That laugh:

12. The ol’ turnaround:

The ol' turnaround:

13. Been betrayed:

Been betrayed:

14. Starred in your video:

Starred in your video:

15. The upside-down plate trick:

The upside-down plate trick:

16. Became a fry bandit:

Became a fry bandit:

17. Acted the role of a lifetime:

Acted the role of a lifetime:

18. Wed-nes-done this:

Wed-nes-done this:

19. Applied something a little too literally:

Applied something a little too literally:

20. Restarted everything:

Restarted everything:

21. Done some calculations:

Done some calculations:

22. Thought a little TOO much:

Thought a little TOO much:

23. The phone call olympics:

The phone call olympics:

24. Had second thoughts:

Had second thoughts:

25. Experienced shower regret:

Experienced shower regret:

26. Done “the face”:

Done "the face":

27. Had this conversation with themselves:

Had this conversation with themselves:

28. And, of course, this to pretty much every joke:

And, of course, this to pretty much every joke:

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Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
April 10, 2016 12:27 pm

1. Check
2. Check
3. Check
4. Check
5. Check
7. Hell yes
10. All the time.
11. Check
14. Check
15. Check
16. YEs. I tell the family that it’s a tax. Like the income tax they hate it, but have learned its for the greater good.
17. Check
18. Yup. Every time.
20. I think I’ve done that but can’t remember.
21. Check
22. Yessiree.
25. Guilty.
26. Yes
27. Check

April 10, 2016 12:44 pm

Me too. Every. Single. One.

April 10, 2016 5:28 pm

21 nays
7 yay’s

Who has time to think about minutia like that? I got bored reading through that list and skipped down to the comments. Gave the list another go and was twice as bored the second time.

April 10, 2016 6:00 pm

Hey Indentured Servant: Maybe check it out again when you have a sense of humor? I thought it was funny and true. BTW only boring people get bored. FYI.

April 10, 2016 7:17 pm

It was funny?
The phone olympics cracked me up!

April 10, 2016 7:31 pm

Stubb said:
“BTW only boring people get bored. FYI.”

You could be right but I’m rarely bored. If pondering the eating of corn out of someones shit constitutes being interesting, I’ll take boredom thank you. 🙂

April 10, 2016 8:26 pm

Indentured Servant: Ha, Ha! Truth is, you are one of my favorite posters on TBP. Always have been. Fuck it. I don’t know…

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
April 11, 2016 2:31 am

A few of these are spot on but most I have no connection with. I’m guessing the ones I have no clue about are the glue holding together the worthless millennial generation.

April 11, 2016 7:58 am

Laughing….. This cracked me up. Yes to several things on list, especially 24,25 and 26.