Haruka Weiser was as much a victim of Liberalism

Guest Post by Angel at Lonely Libertarian

I’ve been stewing on this all week, and the more I think about it, the madder I get. Liberal ideology got an 18-year-old girl killed last weekend. Most of you have probably seen or heard news reports about the murder of a University of Texas co-ed Saturday night. If not, here’s a quick rundown:

  1.  Haruka Weiser was a first year theater-dance major at the University of Texas, Austin.
  2. Weiser left the rehearsal hall Sunday evening and her body was found Tuesday morning in a creek bed on the campus.
  3. A 17-year-old African-American Son of Obama was charged with 1st degree murder in her death. The defendant has been in the foster care and juvenile corrections systems most of his life.

Looking at the perpetrator, you can expect bleeding hearts to blame the system and not the person who committed the act. Weiser wasn’t murdered because her attacker was a black man; plenty of black men live their whole lives without committing a crime. Weiser wasn’t murdered because her attacker had been a foster child. Numerous foster children grow up to be stable and productive citizens. Weiser died because of a perfect storm. She was a naive and unprepared young woman who crossed paths with Evil on a Liberal college campus that promoted tolerance and fostered victimhood. She was basically set up.

Now, looking at the victim, one can make certain assumptions. Haruka Weiser was a dancer, so assume she was slight of stature. Most serious dancers will be around 5 foot nothing and weigh at or under 100 pounds. Her attacker is a healthy young man, probably around 6 feet and 180-200 pounds. Easily overpowering. She was from an upper middle class family from Oregon. Most likely raised in a liberal household that would have trained her to see all African-American males as victims of white privilege and not an overt threat to her existence. This family, more than likely would not only have not trained her to defend herself, but would have taught her to shun her natural instincts of survival, seeing them as racist and wrong-minded.

Even if Ms. Weiser had been licensed to carry a weapon, and since Texas made it legal to carry concealed on state university campuses, University of Texas (being the Flagship of Liberal Idiocy in Texas) ruled against allowing their legally licensed students to conceal carry on their campuses. So even if she’d been licensed, she probably wouldn’t have been carrying. Some people don’t question authority when it comes to their well-being, trusting The Powers That Be to keep them safe from Evil. (The number of times I said “licensed” should be a clue that I believe in Constitutional Carry. The 2nd Amendment should be more than enough.)

But that didn’t help Ms. Weiser. A very young, naive and unprepared woman crossed paths with Evil in an environment she was brainwashed to believe would keep her safe. I hold Liberalism almost as responsible for her death as I do her attacker. I believe, if the environment she grew up in and inhabited in Austin had been a little less “enlightened” and more realistic, she might have had more of a chance. Twenty-twenty hindsight will drive you crazy. Would she still be alive if she’d been trained in self-defense emphasizing situational awareness? I don’t know. Would she still be alive if she’d been trained to handle a weapon and was not only ready to use it, but convinced it was HER GOD GIVEN RIGHT to use it to defend herself? I don’t know that either. What I do know is that both of those things and the support of women to defend themselves instead of being sobbing peeing victims would have maybe tipped the scales in her favor. But we’ll never know, and that’s a big part of the tragedy.

Why am I pouring this out to you, my faithful readers, whom I believe to be very staunch supporters of a woman’s right to self-defense? Why am I “preaching to the choir”? Mostly because I hope, using several key words, some Liberals will stumble upon this post and read it. Most will blow it off as being Right Wing Hate Speech, but somewhere out there, someone may stop and think. Someone may have a change of heart. Someone, somewhere, might seek out self-defense classes, defensive handgun classes, arm themselves mentally and physically, and be able to stop or survive another attack. Because Evil exists, it walks among us, and it doesn’t respect tolerance, but it does respect a .45 ACP slug.

Be careful out there and know I’m praying for you,



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April 10, 2016 9:41 am

I don’t see the world in terms of perpetrators and their victims.

I see the world in terms of perpetrators and their volunteers.

Usually an unpopular position to profess, but one that corresponds strongly with reality just the same.

The point?

Don’t be a volunteer.

rhs jr
rhs jr
April 10, 2016 9:47 am

Why didn’t she use a handgun to defend herself?

April 10, 2016 10:09 am

We manage a rental cabin in the mountains of NC. When folks are coming we tell them the door will be open and the key in on the kitchen table. It blows most folks away we would do that. If they say something about it I follow it with,” Well everyone around here carries a gun and everyone knows everyone carries a gun, so we don’t have much random crime here.”

I get a real kick out telling them that particularly if they have stickers on their cars show they are moonbat liberals.

Personally, I wish all liberals had to wear a “L” on the clothes so the crooks would know who to single out.

April 10, 2016 10:10 am

Don’t need a .45. A single-stack 9mm(Glock 43 anyone) holds seven rounds of extremely effective hollow points(Federal HST) and is so small that it can be carried concealed by anyone. We just visited friends in Dallas and they also said that Austin is a liberal infested shithole. As for my Negro, he should be given a speedy trial and hanged in a public square. Next week!

April 10, 2016 10:19 am

You use the term ‘liberal’ when you should be using ‘leftist’ or ‘neo-marxist’. The liberals I knew growing up were not naiive and knew the difference between theory and reality.

April 10, 2016 10:37 am

Rainstorm, they were still stupid.

April 10, 2016 10:54 am

Even if you don’t have a gun there are all kinds of weapons a woman can carry that will deter an attacker, even kill him.

Those wooden stick pinned hair things (think about a sharpened stick, as effective as a knife on soft tissue like stomach, crotch and eyes), a fingernail file of the fancy kind with a handle to grip it, etc.

Lots and lots of other stuff you can carry with you if you live in someplace weapons are not allowed or you aren’t old enough to get a permit. The key thing is to have them readily available no matter how you are attacked and a plan on how to use them.

Self defense is as much an attitude as anything else, guys attacking girls are expecting them to be weak, soft, helpless and unresistant. Make plans on being more dangerous to them than they are to you, and surprise is a big factor in your favor when you are.

April 10, 2016 10:56 am

I agree completely with the author’s final paragraph.

But, he makes a shitload of assumptions in how that young lady died …. and that she could have defended herself even if she carried a gun.

Here’s how it probably went down;

—- Nigger sees a pretty white girl
—- Instantly gets a boner
—- The lone 8 or 9 brain functioning brain cells he has are now deprived of oxygen
—- So, the Nigger coward sneaks up on the girl, knocks her the fuck out, and rapes and kills her. She never saw it coming.

We need some Saudi Justice here. Cut off his dick. Let him bleed to death,

harry p.
harry p.
April 10, 2016 11:04 am

Itd horrible but not unexpected, going to college to be a “dancer”?

Threats like this nigger, future muzloid camel fucking sheep rapers etc need to be viewed as zombies from the walking dead; nothing more than threats with a severe lead deficiency in their cranium that inly a double-tap can fix.

Anybody who isnt prepapring themselves for threats, enemies and attckers wont get sympathy from me. The evidence is smack dab in front of everyones face, get strong, get aware, get armed, get training, ignorance is not an excuse.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
April 10, 2016 11:12 am

Libtards are public enemy #1. Hopefully this fourth turning will reduce their numbers by a good 80%, through elimination or epiphany, as have all the others.

April 10, 2016 1:06 pm

White people are attacked , raped and murder everyday by these black bastards . Go over to the New Nation website and have look.It is a day by day account of the chaos and destruction caused by young blacks.Follow the site for a week or two .You’ll get a good idea of the savagery they bring upon themselves and society .They destroy everything they touch.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
April 10, 2016 1:09 pm

UTA cannot disallow concealed carry on campus. They are however allowed to declare sensitive ares off limits to licensees. But there are two reasons why she could not have a gun on her at the time. Where she was at would have been perfectly legal, beginning August 1st 2016. Campus carry is not legal until then. The second reason is she was only 18 years old. You must be 21 years old to obtain your permission slip to carry unless you are currently serving in the armed forces or are honorably discharged between 18 and 20 years of age.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
April 10, 2016 1:12 pm

@ Stucky
If the lowlife had a screwdriver on him he never would have been arrested. You know are cops are down here. 🙂

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
April 10, 2016 1:14 pm

*how our cops are down here.

April 10, 2016 4:13 pm

Rainstorm: apparently you’re not smart enough to know that liberals, leftists, ETfuckinC come from the same pile of dogshit. Not a dimes worth of difference between ’em.

April 10, 2016 4:49 pm

Nice article. The problem is that MSM is controlled by the NWO (or as some has so aptly put it, The Jew World Order). The JWO agenda is total tyrannical control and a global govt. You cannot get this in without chaos and lots of crime. The welfare system has been set up to produce monsters just like this killer. It is also why the borders are open. It is also why MSM hides the crime stats when it comes to illegals and blacks. They need things to be chaotic so they can institute their controls down the road. And, yes, it is a liberal agenda. It is overly “politically correct”. That is what political correctness has gotten us. It is so far beyond common sense that people ignore the facts and no longer trust their instincts and then you have someone like Haruka, looking at her phone in the dark, walking by a black man and not thinking about the danger of that. Look up the crime stats to see how lied to we have been and continue to be. There is an agenda to keep the truth hidden.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
April 10, 2016 6:26 pm

Stucky is 100 percent right. To suggest that race played no role in this is nonsense. It is true that there are many law-abiding black men who will never be guilty of any crime. We all know, however, that there are huge numbers whose primary goal in life is to rape, rob and murder whites. As for white women, anybody who does not understand that most blacks would do anything to get their hands on one does not know the facts of life – black women sure know it. These are simple facts and crime statistics show it. Every white parent has a duty to tell their kids the truth: Around blacks, never relax. Never. I suspect, however, that Stucky is right. She never saw it coming and it went down just as he described.

April 10, 2016 6:40 pm

Sheep get harvested. It’s what they do. Predators prey. It’s what they do. Live your life accordingly.

April 10, 2016 6:55 pm

I never thought of it that way before but volunteer fits. That was insightful to me. IS that is really good advise.

Hershel Pasternak
Hershel Pasternak
April 10, 2016 9:16 pm

Stucky says:
I agree completely with the author’s final paragraph…. sees a pretty white girl

Unless theres sonething wrong with my screen brightness setting shes brown, Haruka is a Japanese given name.

TD says:
The JWO agenda is total tyrannical control and a global govt.
Weiser is Jewish surname.

But i agree PC gone crazy killed her.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 10, 2016 9:29 pm

And where is the wall to wall outrage on CNN. There is none. No late night panels. No protests. Nothing. I guess solution for those in charge is to just not talk about it. That way it isn’t a problem. Down the memory hole with this story. A new chapter in the Orwell book 1984.

April 10, 2016 10:07 pm

Indentured, that’s so nailing it.

April 10, 2016 10:09 pm

A Joo Jap??

Wow, don’t see many of those around. And now, sadly, there’s one less.

April 10, 2016 10:30 pm

what a rotten story

Austen charity place for living, working, blah blah,
send these strapping men to work in an adult basic workshop,
farming…that would be a helpful skill. Supervise them and put
a fence around the place. No need to harm them…these men need
to be DOING something.

April 10, 2016 11:43 pm

She was a pretty and intelligent woman. May she rest in peace. On a separate note, I volunteer to put a bullet in that animals head.

Modern Chronicler
Modern Chronicler
April 10, 2016 11:49 pm

I saw news reports on this and was saddened. Haruka Weiser was an absolutely beautiful, gorgeous, full-of-life young person with tons of potential and much, MUCH life ahead of her.

Angel, the writer of this piece, is most probably dead-on when he describes her as “naive.” She was indeed from an upper-middle-class neighborhood and therefore, most definitely grew up sheltered and protected. And as a petite young woman, she wasn’t going to be a dangerous “prey” to any predator.

A point which nobody has made so far is: if everything about the story remained the same, except that the victim was a beautiful, upcoming, talented, upper-middle-class African-American female… and the murder suspect a white teenage boy… would there have been more noise about this story?

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
April 11, 2016 8:30 am

Unlikely event. Few such black women exist and, in any case, white on black rapes are virtually non-existent in this country. But point well taken. There would be a Federal investigation.