Washington Continues To Destroy Latin American Reformers

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Currently, Washington is conducting operations against Latin American presidents who tried to represent their own peoples instead of American business interests and Washington’s foreign policy. Washington is trying to unseat and indict President Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela, President Evo Morales in Bolivia, President Rafael Correa in Ecuador, and President Dilma Rousseff in Brazil. Washington has succeeded in getting the president of Argentina, Chistina Kirchner, out of office, and is now seeking to have her indicted. To round off its attack on Brazil’s reformist political party, Washington is orchestrating crimes with which to tar and indict Rousseff’s predecesor, Lula da Silva.

Everyone on Washington’s Latin American list of people to be destroyed is a far better person than anyone in Washington. Washington’s Latin American targets have far more integrity, are tainted with far less corruption, and are far more committed to those who voted for them than anyone in Washington.

The danger that these reformers face is due to their innocence. They naively believe in good will between classes. They think that the rich elites, who are well connected to Washington, and that Washington itself, will accept democratic outcomes.

They believe this despite the fact that Washington, using the Spanish elite that Hugo Chavez left unmolested, overthrew Chavez. Chavez had to be rescued from Venezuela’s Spanish elite, who are agents of the CIA , by the Venzuelan people and military, who secured Chavez’s release and reinstatement before Washington’s Spanish elites could kill him.

Chavez, being a man of good will, did not exact retribution against the Spanish elites who cooperated with the CIA to overthrow him. Consequently, the elites are now working with the CIA to overthrow Chevez’s successor, who lacks Chavez’s charisma.

Lenin did not make this mistake. Lenin made his power stick by eliminating unreliable elements.

So did Pol Pot.

Pol Pot is regarded in the West as some crazed figure who emptied entire cities and turned the inhabitants into piles of bones and skulls. He is seen as a madman, but he was just a good Marxist. He understood that if he left the elites and the bureaucracies that served them in place, his revolution was history. The elites would use their media and Washington’s money to overturn the people’s revolution.

The complete and total inability of Washington to accept democratic outcomes in Latin America
means that unless Latin America has a Lenin or Pol Pot in its future, Latin America can forget about existing independently of Washington’s control and exploitation by US corporations. America’s Latin American colony will continue to be ruled by Washington, Wall Street, and American corporate interests. Latin American governments will represent Washington, not the peoples of Latin America.

In the online journall, Strategic Culture Foundation, Nil Nikandrov provides a view of how Washington operates against those who do not accept Washington’s control: http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2016/04/04/the-us-media-war-against-leaders-latin-america-i.html

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April 11, 2016 9:49 am

Maduro trying to represent the people of Venezuela?

No need to read past that.

Or any other statement indicating that communist leaders anywhere represent the people.

In Communism and its predecessor Socialism, the people are not represented, the State is.

All things are done for its power and interests, nothing else is considered.

April 11, 2016 9:49 am

My vacation destination keeps making the headlines.

April 11, 2016 9:50 am

Hey Paul,

Good article.

But have you explored the connection between the US’s “School of the Americas” and the “leaders” who pop up South of the Border?

WE’RE training these guys… Here. In the US.

Then they run off and do what they want and Mordor has no recourse when their dog won’t come to heel…

It’s interesting… in the same way a horrific train wreck is “interesting”…

April 11, 2016 11:34 am
April 11, 2016 11:53 am


April 11, 2016 12:06 pm

King Cobra survives by eating other snakes.

April 11, 2016 12:22 pm

Zika virus?

Please explore the topic in the link below.
NATO countries are being sprayed. Please explore, find better links.


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 11, 2016 12:38 pm

Interesting that PCR mentioned Pol Pot as I read just yesterday that the citizens are being murdered in Venezuela and the families are told to suffer in quiet or they will be next.

Democide is a handy thing for the owners to eliminate population on the QT, the rest of the world will be aware of it long after and yet again say, “How could this have happened”?

The more the owners get away with this, the closer it gets to being your turn. Seven billion humans reduced to 500 million, that is the goal. Think about it.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
April 11, 2016 1:51 pm

PCR is generally spot on but he is dead wrong about these Latin American thugs. I know. I worked the beat. The people he named are all vermin. Morales is a narco, Maduro an ignorant, violent Communist, Correa a sleazy, dishonest former college professor, Rousseff is the daughter of a Bulgarian Communist who was herself a terrorist involved in attacks on U.S. diplomats. Don´t listen to this Latin “fighting for the people” jive. All bullshit. These are nasty, hate-filled bastards, every one.

April 11, 2016 2:03 pm

John Perkins New Confessions of an Economic Hitman does a fantastic job in highlighting how the IMF, massive international corporations and CIA front companies, all part of what he calls the corporatocracy, have been manipulating Latin American interests for the benefit of a few at the expense of the majority of the residents of those countries for decades. 4 Star Marine General Smedley Butler detailed one option of these fucker’s tactics….if they can’t bribe or blackmail the Latin American leaders into compliance through Economic Hitmen like Perkins they send in the CIA jackals to do a hit…and if this by chance fails, foment dissent, fund the opposition and either have a civil war or military coup and put in place someone who will sell out by further indebting their respective countrymen with unpayable amounts of debt which will inevitably be paid for by privatizing the natural resources of the country and leaving the masses forever as indentured servants!!

April 11, 2016 2:06 pm

I am somewhat optimistic when I see movies like the one below with Sandra Bullock and Billy Bob Thornton!

I highly recommend this movie for any and all!!! To me, Perkin’s revelations have provided others with inspiration to combat the ignorance that afflicts this land!



April 11, 2016 2:07 pm

sorry link didn’t work

here it is again

April 11, 2016 4:36 pm

In other news, Colorado decided to pass on their Republican primary, because the establishment candidate would not have won.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
April 11, 2016 8:33 pm

Boy, PCR been drinkin’ some Kool-Aide!!

Maduro??? seriously???

Fuck me. USA in Latin America has done A LOT of damage, but A LOT of it is home grown, believe me.

It’s THE STATE stupid! ALL governments suck. Not just our piece of shit gummint.

Whew, glad I got that out.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
April 11, 2016 10:06 pm

John Perkins is a complete fraud. His book is made up nonsense – he never did the things he claims and he was never, ever part of any U.S. intel service. He is a flat out liar. As for PCR, I like him but on this he is clearly losing his marbles. The so-called “leaders” he named are all major, big-time corrupt bastards. Venezuela and Bolivia are virtual narco states thanks to Chavez, Maduro and Morales. Chavez and Maduro have bankrupted one of the richest countries in Latin America giving out goodies to their friends. Correa was exposed by his own brother as a voracious thief and bribe-receiver. Dilma Rousseff is facing impeachment and prison in Brazil because of her direct involvement in a massive corruption scandal involving Petrobras, the Brazilian national oil company. Danny Ortega is the same murdering Communist thug he has always been. Sorry, PCR, but you stepped on your poncho on this one. Don’t imagine that critics of the U.S. are always right or always decent people. Quite a few of them would be better off hanged.