Via Ben Garrison

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April 12, 2016 8:12 am

So glad I’m not paying attention to this election. TBP is my sole source of election coverage and I skip most of the election info posted here.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 12, 2016 8:53 am

Like I/S I also try to avoid most of this idiocracy.

Everything about this election is so contrived as not to be believable, lose most of the primary elections but still get the delegate, the horrid candidates…….Bleeh.

Trump may be the adult in the room but that won’t cure the festering boil that this election has become.

April 12, 2016 10:20 am

Do you two guys live together?

I read a few blogs, mostly they focus on the financials,
bank frauds, old crimes (JFK) and the link between present
crimes, 9/11 crap, phony climate scams, scandals involving
politicians (Hastert), the never ending billions Wall Street Bankers
and Central Banks are fined for “wrong doing” that the “share holders”
will “lose.” Police murders, uncontrolled violence in schools that
graduate “kids” that do not read/can’t read.” Threats issued by Islamist’s
to blow up the West, dirty bombs,threats to the grid, EMP, population control/
eugenics, poison water ignored, nuke plants leaking and fouling water, fracking
fouling water, lead pipes/lead in the water, weather modification, deliberate
causing of droughts, people starving, CDC planning epidemics, Rockefeller
et al owing patents on Ebola, Zika virus and all other potential viruses and
plagues, ever increasing ramping up, and provocations for war. Regime change.
The US spending more on military everything than the GDP of most nation.
Our pensions have not been funded, we get no interest on our meager savings,
capital controls and bail-ins are coming.

Of course, the list could go on.
But in the greater scheme of things, what is the big deal about a blatantly
corrupt election process revealed before our very eyeballs?

April 12, 2016 4:20 pm

Suzanna said:
“But in the greater scheme of things, what is the big deal about a blatantly
corrupt election process revealed before our very eyeballs?”

Welcome to the dark side!