Pacific Northwest: Amerika’s Worst Racists

First read this article in full.


Want to Meet America’s Worst Racists? Come to the Northwest

Confederate sympathizers have nothing on the ‘Northwest Front.’

By Casey Michel

uch of the national debate over racism in the aftermath of last month’s mass murder in Charleston, S.C., has focused on the South and its strange and sometimes jarring nostalgia for the Confederacy. And yet tucked away in the Pacific Northwest of the United States is a vicious group that most people have never heard of but the nation’s most virulent online racists know well (among them, accused South Carolina murderer Dylann Roof, who wrote about the group in his now-infamous “manifesto”).

The group is called the Northwest Front and its final solution to the race “problem,” if you will, is to expel non-white people from the Pacific Northwest and to establish a mono-racial republic there.

Racism knows no region, it’s safe to say. While the Pacific Northwest can abstain from the debate on the removal of traitorous colors from the Capitol grounds—Oregon was the last state in the Union before the Civil War’s outbreak, after all—the region bears a racial legacy tinted by an ignorance, a decades-old vision of minority-free lands, as stark as any in the United States.

To be sure, the Northwest Front represents a fringe campaign, a minority of a minority seeking to expunge the Pacific Northwest of any color but white. According to Harold Covington, the group’s leader, the union of Washington State, Oregon, Idaho and western Montana would be “kind of like the white version of Israel. I don’t see why the Jews are the only people on Earth that get their own country and everyone else has to be diverse.” Covington knows precisely what he’s gone in for: “Of course it’s racism. What’s wrong with racism? It’s the purist form of patriotism.”

Numbers on the Northwest Front are hard to come by—the group does without formal membership—but the Southern Poverty Law Center maintains Northwest Front as one of the foremost white nationalist groups in the region. The group’s reach has as much to do with its push as it does with its leader, Covington. While no direct connection between Roof and Covington has yet emerged, aside from Roof’s broadsides about Northwest Front, circumstance and parallel motivations twin the two.

In 1972, while a member of the U.S. Army, Covington wormed his way into his first neo-Nazi organization. He soon found himself in Bulawayo, Rhodesia (a nation whose colors Roof, coincidentally, didn’t hesitate to sport). While there, Covington managed to start both the Rhodesian White People’s Party and the South African Friends of the Movement. But Covington quickly outstayed his welcome, and his screeching anti-Semitism soon saw him deported from one of the most racist regimes extant.

Not long thereafter, however, Covington set his sights more domestically—and tapped into a vein of racial stratification long overlooked within the U.S. For Covington, the Pacific Northwest could prove the well-spring for the white supremacists’ dreams. An independent ethnie. A Rhodesia regained.

But don’t think Covington’s claims—that he can flip the vertiginous Northwest into an autarkic ethno-state—are novel. Rather, Covington tapped into a racist longing that has long festered in this part of the country, a tide of American history that’s never been properly addressed. From its earliest American outset, the Pacific Northwest was long meant to be a land for the white caste. “Whites Only” writ large.

Look at  Oregon, for instance. As Walidah Imarisha of Portland State University’s Black Studies Department told me, “Oregon was founded as a state, as a territory, as a white homeland. Folks who answered that call wanted to build their perfect white society.” And not in the same vein of a three-fifths-clause South, where black Americans would be tolerated, if in servitude. Oregon would be different. While the state remained in the Union—and actually  proved pivotal to Abraham Lincoln’s nomination on the Republican ticket—Oregon’s founders mentioned racial unity in the state’s original documents. To wit, the 1850 Oregon Donation Land Act  allowed free land to whites alone. And during an 1857 vote on the constitution’s formulation, some 83 percent of participants voted to prohibit “free negroes” from living or working in the state. Chief Justice George Williams, who later served as attorney general for President Ulysses Grant, summed the sentiment,  lobbying voters to “consecrate Oregon to the use of the white man, and exclude the negro, Chinaman, and every race of that character.” According to  one researcher, Oregon was “the only state ever admitted with a black exclusion clause in its constitution.” There’s a reason, growing up in Portland, that my seventh-grade teacher informed us Oregon was often considered the most racist state west of the Mississippi.


Holy, shit! Right?  Of course, the next thing one must do is to go to that rayyccisss motherfuckin’ website …. to see first hand what those white cocksuckers are all about.  Here are some excerpts, verbatim;

What happened to change all this?

We’re going to let you in on a secret. It shouldn’t be a secret, but few people dare to talk about it in today’s politically correct world. White people created modern civilization and modern science.

We as a people have forgotten our greatness and our courage. We’ve been told our beliefs are “cultural imperialism” and have been chided to accept other cultures’ standards for behavior.

If someone suggested replacing the solid foundation of your home with shifting sand, you would dismiss the idea as absurd. Nations, economies and cultures are built on a solid foundation of values. The values that created and shaped America made possible a prosperous, productive society. Yet many would have us believe that those values can shift from time to time and society won’t be harmed. How wrong they are!

We are paying the price for erosion of our values and we’ll continue paying unless we do something to change present trends.

A country just for White people

It is now fairly clear that at some point in the future, the United States of America will cease to exist as a viable political, economic, and social entity. It is a historical truth that nothing lasts forever, and the USA will not last forever either.

When that collapse occurs, the many races and vested interest groups that inhabit the North American continent will begin to rip and tear at whatever’s left of the United States, like vultures on a carcass. Bluntly put, we need to make sure that Whites get their piece of the carcass.

We need to create a country for White people alone. Considerations of history, economics, and logistics dictate that the best place for such a country is here in the Pacific Northwest.

We call this country the Northwest American Republic, and we call the fighting revolutionary Party of Northwest independence the Northwest Front (NF).

But I don’t want to hate anyone!

Neither do we. The politically correct system we live under stigmatizes any kind of White racial pride or racial awareness as “hate.” We need to learn to ignore this and not let ourselves be frightened away by a meaningless word.

We don’t stand for hating people, we stand for freeing people—our people—from a yoke of tyranny and oppression that has become impossible for us to live with. We stand for preserving our race from biological and cultural extinction.

The Northwest Front is about building a new, better society where everyone contributes, everyone benefits, and all share a common set of values and cultural beliefs—and a common racial heritage.

As American as apple pie

The founding fathers of the United States would be far closer to being White Nationalists than to any of the other political groups of today. The men who drafted the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution were all White. They shared a common cultural background, and none of them wanted racial mixing.

Only recently has diversity and affirmative action been made national policy. And it’s been used as a weapon against Whites.

How bad could it get?

Affirmative action has effectively closed the door on young White people seeking a good job with enough pay to raise a family. In schools, our youth have been bombarded with propaganda telling them that White people have oppressed and persecuted minorities. They don’t hear about the White scientists, explorers, authors, and inventors that made today’s world possible.

Laws force cultural diversity everywhere. Mass immigration from countries with very different cultures is helping erode the foundations on which our country was built. English is no longer a shared common language.

Diverse societies survive only as long as a strong central government can suppress the natural tendencies people have always had.

What happens when cultures clash? Historically, the result has been civil unrest of the worst sort. Examples from Yugoslavia include rape camps, where each side degraded the other’s women; the torture and murder of civilians; death camps; and more.

It is our duty to our children, both born and unborn, to avoid it.


Hmmm, they don’t sound so bad! That will likely piss of Llpoh.  But, listen, I don’t want to control any other race … other than where they live.  Fact is, I’m all Kneegrowed-out. Extreme Kneegrow fatigue. I don’t want to see them, interact with them, or live near them, … ever again, if possible. I. Just. Don’t.  And, frankly my dear, I don’t give a rat’s ass what label y’all put on me for feeling that way.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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April 17, 2016 9:48 am

The white races’ externalized altruism puts the well-being of other races ahead of our own. All one has to do is look at “affirmative action” and well-intentioned, but misguided “civil-rights (for some)” laws that have outlawed “freedom of association” (for whites–especially white males) and replaced it with government-enforced and minority-backed “public accommodation”.

It is long overdue to turn that altruism INWARD, looking out for our own kind, other races be damned. The other races have been looking out for themselves all along and definitely do not need our “help”…

…in the grand scheme of things, whites are only about 6% of the world’s population, making us whites a true minority. This, in itself, should qualify whites for all of the race-based benefits that are available to minorities (which, in real life, will never happen).

Whites have been responsible for uplifting the whole of humanity, while self-denigrating our own race by providing “people of color” with preferential treatment and access to programs that are routinely denied to whites. You see, according to the United States Department of Justice (actually “just us” department) only whites can be “racist” and therefore NOT covered under any civil-rights protections.

It is the white race that came up with well-meaning, but flawed “civil-rights” laws that are now helping to destroy us whites. “Affirmative action” programs have been used to deny whites with superior skills, their rightful place in society…a rich black will get preferences over a poor white…just because of skin color.

Externalized altruism is one character “flaw” that only whites possess–looking out for “the other guy” and giving “people of color” advantages in every endeavor, which has served to make whites (especially white males) third-class citizens in our own country. This externalized altruism, if not stopped, will result in the demise of the white race…

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
April 17, 2016 9:54 am

“In schools, our youth have been bombarded with propaganda telling them that White people have oppressed and persecuted minorities”.

So exactly how can one be oppressed by another without the admission of inferiority. If the schools, politicians, and the media want to keep pushing this meme on us do we not have to ask them that question? Once we admit that they are inferior, only then can we relegate them to their proper status and remove them from our society.

“Why should the people of your race be colonized and where? Why should they leave this country? This is, perhaps, the first question for proper consideration. You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss; but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think. Your race suffers very greatly, many of them, by living among us, while ours suffers from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason, at least, why we should be separated. You here are freemen, I suppose? Perhaps you have been long free, or all your lives. Your race is suffering, in my judgment, the greatest wrong inflicted on any people. But even when you cease to be slaves, you are yet far removed from being placed on an equality with the white race. The aspiration of men is to enjoy equality with the best when free, but on this broad continent not a single man of your race is made the equal of a single man of our race.”

Abraham Lincoln, August 14, 1862

  Greg in NC
April 19, 2017 8:48 pm

Dont you all forget that,whites are not from here directly.if racism is seen as patriotic than i guess native americans can began our own ethnic cleansing right??

Sen. Burticus
Sen. Burticus
April 17, 2016 9:56 am

SECESSION, the only political solution available in the time remaining.

Why Southern Nationalism

Why Not Independence?

Hollow man
Hollow man
April 17, 2016 10:13 am

Yep the country needs to split. It has become so diverse we will never get along again. Next will be open violence. Muslims are coming like it or not and they get along with others so well. So let’s quarter it up peaceful if we can. Then go on about our rat killing.

April 17, 2016 10:31 am

We are talking about the Federal Government here. The establishment needs racial acrimony to keep itself together at this point.

The Federal government has the IRS and other means of coercion but would be rendered useless via whites voluntarially widrawing economic output.

The best hope is for some form of self segregation such as people escaping Illonoise and leave someone else holding the bag.

Any form of violence by Trump supporters will be used against them.

April 17, 2016 10:53 am

” While the Pacific Northwest can abstain from the debate on the removal of traitorous colors from the Capitol grounds—”

That’s as far as I cared to read. This cocksucker is too fuckin ignorant to have anything to say I might want to read.

rhs jr
rhs jr
April 17, 2016 10:54 am

If violating the 14th Amendment with Affirmative Action and Diversity Quotas isn’t Reverse Racism, then I am Abraham Lincoln.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 17, 2016 11:12 am

People tend to point the finger of racism toward the south but there are some gooberment and kneegrow hating pockets in the northwest.

Nobody here ever includes the Dutchman in the racist rant or the people from PA or NJ or NY who are the most vocal sometime. Why is that? Could it be that if you are polite about your racist view and don’t use the “N” word that you have been programmed to run away from, that is A-OK just be really polite about it.

The FSA will be really polite as they destroy our country…….right.

April 17, 2016 11:28 am

“Any form of violence by Trump supporters will be used against them.”

Heck, even violent attacks against Trump supporters are being blamed on Trump and his supporters.

You don’t win this one no matter what you do or don’t do.

Not with the left and the Establishment anyway, the rest of America knows better.

April 17, 2016 11:30 am

Most definitions and statistics of white populations in both the US and globally are highly skewed–this excerpt shows how the USA defines “white” in the 2010 Census–clearly we are not even the large majority often portrayed :::::::::

According to OMB, “White” refers to a person having origins in any
of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
The White racial category includes people who marked the “White”
checkbox. It also includes respondents who reported entries such
as Caucasian or White; European entries, such as Irish, German,
and Polish; Middle Eastern entries, such as Arab, Lebanese, and
Palestinian; and North African entries, such as Algerian, Moroccan,
and Egyptian.

April 17, 2016 11:42 am

My point is, hispanics, jews, etc are all considered “white” by the pop numbers. Another affect of this is in the FBI crime statistics which work very hard to hide Latino violence in our country.
By including the Hispanics as white, the lessen the massive disparity between overall black and white crime ( where blacks still commit 53% of violent crime as 14% of the populace)..but when Hispanics and whites are divided, you find that whites don’t commit 45% of the violence, but < 10% of total incidents are perpetrated by whites. Meanwhile, Hispanics-though not as violent as many blacks–are still multiples ahead of whites in likelihood for violent assaults ( especially rape and other sexual assaults.)

April 19, 2017 8:52 pm

You really are a stupid cunt.

April 19, 2017 8:54 pm

You are a stupid whore cunt

April 17, 2016 4:14 pm

“hispanics, jews, etc are all considered “white” by the pop numbers” …Maybe we are lumped with them in crime stats to make their crimes seem less racial but the Civil Rights Office classifies Jews as a minority and they are granted Minority “Rights”.

Dan Kurt
Dan Kurt
April 17, 2016 6:03 pm

Things must really be getting bad when even Burning Platform tries to prove how “Liberal” they are by smearing whites as whites only the Article actually makes sense: why can’t whites have their own version of Israel? Why indeed!

Dan Kurt

April 17, 2016 6:19 pm

rhs jr, why do we call it “reverse racism” or “reverse discrimination” when it is against whites? Racism is racism and discrimination is discrimination. It’s not “reverse” anything.

April 17, 2016 6:32 pm

I live in the heart of the PNW and to hear any racist talk in day to day life is extremely rare in my experience but some very hard core racists exist in this area as I have alluded to many times before. Hell, I heard more racist talk in one week living in SC than I’ve heard in 30 years of living in the PNW.

The SPLC and others did a fairly good job of breaking up and dispersing the concentration of skinheads led by the worm food that was Richard Butler. Despite an obvious increase in the number of non-whites around here, I’ve not noticed an increase in violence or incidents against them. However if/when shit breaks bad, minorities are going to be severely outnumbered and escape will be their only option. As I said during my dust up with Billy, any race war that erupts here in the PNW will last from minutes to maybe a day or two. I could easily see the hard core racists traveling away from here to more fertile hunting grounds just to score a few kills if a race war breaks out. No self respecting hard core racist could pass up the chance to go on safari in the deep south in that event.

While I can certainly understand the tendency to judge races by their actions, judging by skin color alone is as stupid as it gets IMO. Based on the MSM celebrated behaviors of Dindus and muslims it’s only prudent to be weary but that doesn’t make one a racist. No offense intended but Big Dog Llpoh does not fit the standard mould of a Native ‘Murican based on NA actions I’ve seen over my life. A racist however would never see or consider the distinction and exclude him. It’s just too stupid for words IMO.

Hershel Pasternak
Hershel Pasternak
April 17, 2016 7:34 pm

Anarchist: “whites are only about 6% of the world’s population, making us whites a true minority. ”

You keep saying this but dont say where u get it from. 300m in us, 600m in europe, 30m in canada, 30m in australia and nz, ukraine 60m, russia 150m at least 10m in south africa. We are at over a billion without even counting the causasus of caucasians. Thats about 15% of 7.2b. Only losers need to bask in bullshit glory. Did pocahontas not have pathological altruism on the first thanksgiving? Did we have pathological altruism by wiping them out in return? Same on other continents. U make us look idiotic, zulus snd pigmies can count and reason better. Also harry p talking about other races self sterilizing when its only the white that is doing that, fallen below replacement in most developed countries. Go have at least 3 kids u can support yourself and accomplish some real achievements instead of embarrassing us.

April 17, 2016 7:35 pm

IS – I am more than happy to acknowledge the fuck-uppedness of the Native American culture. It is obscene. The dependency culture and the unwillingness to move on from the past is despicable. That is what needs to be addressed. Stop feeding the Native Americans free shit if you want their situation to improve. Same goes for blacks, Hispanics, ‘Ricans, po’ white trash, etc.

April 17, 2016 7:48 pm

IS – there are certain things that need to be taken into account. For instance, my favorite topic (some say) is IQ. I think it differs by race, and many studies so show.

We need to change the education system so that it takes this fact into account. No need trying to teach a populous like NAs that have an average IQ in the low 90s like they have average IQs of 100. It will not work. It is doomed to failure. We need to identify outliers to the average, and educate them differently. But to try to make Einsteins out of an entire cohort with modest abilities is a fool’s errand.

For instance, if the IQ of the cohort is 90, there are as many 80 IQs in there as 100s. There is a vast difference between an 80 and a 90, or even an 85 and a 90, and a significant difference between 90 and 100. At around IQ 90, the person can become generally capable. At 85, or lower, however, the education needs to be very specific and much more basic, as there is limited capacity for those individuals to learn what is considered a standard curriculum.

It is quite a challenge, but until there is admission by the politically correct that these differences exist, the problem of poor education results will continue.

Hershel Pasternak
Hershel Pasternak
April 17, 2016 7:54 pm

Sececcion for conservatives with conservative culture, not anyone whites. i dont want sjws that are the whole fucking problem around, ill take anyone any color who keeps traditional values of work and family etc. Its the feminist west thats pushing their morally corrupted shit around the world. Progressives are the problem and they are not welcome.

Hershel Pasternak
Hershel Pasternak
April 17, 2016 7:57 pm

Lipo said “Stop feeding the Native Americans free shit if you want their situation to improve. Same goes for blacks, Hispanics, ‘Ricans, po’ white trash, etc.”

Pay attention people coz that’s it in a nutshell. Start with axing single parent pension that encourages destruction of families.

April 17, 2016 8:43 pm

Eric peters was ranting about Tesla the other day. I look at Elon Musk, and think, this is the kind of guy we should put our money behind. He’s really fucking smart. When he puts his mind to it, he moves the ball rapidly, at whatever he’s doing. NASA used to be this way, before affirmative action. The guy invented paypal, and now runs Tesla and space x at the same time. Or we could spend billions on special ed to teach retards to touch their nose on command. IQ does matter. We hold our best and brightest back so the other kids don’t feel inferior. When I was in school, getting into college was competitive. And a high school diploma was testiment to your learned skill set. It’s gone way off the rails

April 17, 2016 8:45 pm

Hershel Pasternak, do you hate your race? I am assuming that you are a white gentile. There is absolutely nothing wrong about promoting the best interests of our own race. It is not “bullshit glory” to look our for ones’ own kind.

Hershel Pasternak
Hershel Pasternak
April 17, 2016 10:34 pm

Anarchist, no I do not hate my race and u might want to watch out for your own race rather than country or town, thats for you. I see it different black brown whatever willing to work are welcome but leave any ghetto attitude at the border or gate or get booted out. I wont vote sanders just because
Yid, maybe you would. I would vote Trump because hes against PC BS. Ive done the math for you and show theres been altruism AND the opposite in different races at different times. The pathological altruism is only in the so called progressives, but their pets are going to turn on them like who keep a baby crocodile in a bathtub or bear cub in the back yard. These are not my people:

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 17, 2016 11:21 pm

I/S – Off topic but are you totally prepared for earthquake at your house? The Russians are hunkering down for a BIG quake but they say the worst of it is coming your way.

I guess FOX News had said that the PNW could be destroyed in this coming plate shift. Keep the grits dry and remember to keep some supplies for first-aid.

If anyone can survive a mega disaster it would be you.

April 17, 2016 11:22 pm

Sorry, but many white people are also the problem. Most SJWs are white. Do they get to come too? Would you rather have a whiny white liberal in your new society, or a hard working, family oriented black one? Focusing on race alone is stupid. And where do my half white/half Hispanic children for into this. They look white, as does my wife, but she is a Rican, so my children are half-a-Rican. Do I have to leave them behind at the border?

I get the idea, but there is a massive % of white people that I have be desire whatsoever to be around. They are irredeemable. I want to be surrounded by people who take care of themselves and mind their own business and don’t try to take what is mine. Much more concerned with that than skin color. Sure, most people who meet that description are white, but so are the most vocal opponents of liberty.

April 18, 2016 1:28 am

Like some many other problems in this country and world, the majority of racism could be solved by shutting off the free shit faucets. Put an end to central banking, which is nothing more than the ability to print as much money as you want, at any time for any purpose and to use a favorite liberal buzz word, 90% of our problems will be solved “organically”.

It won’t be pretty, it won’t be easy and there won’t be many feel good moments for awhile but…….the population will be reduced by about half, the lazy, sick and stupid will be gone and there won’t be any money for the govt to do shit. It will be up to the resiliency, skill and ingenuity of the survivors to make due. The survivors will likely be the best of the best.

That won’t be happening until you have candidates who campaign on a platform of ending the fed and restoring sound money. Until then, ANYTHING we do is just pissing into the wind.

April 18, 2016 1:31 am

Yeah, gator you are correct about some white people, the SJWs. They would be excluded also. It’s very simple. No kneegrows, Jews, SJWs, chinks, wogs, faggots, mestizos, beaners. They would occupy the other 99.99% of the earth. Sorry, it is true, you leave your wife and children at the border if you want to come. The northwest is for whites only. That’s all.

April 18, 2016 1:51 am

Llpoh, you’ve always been up front about pointing out the red trash as many of us have been up front about the white trash that abounds. For whatever reason we coddle the non-producing parasites to our own detriment. It truly boggles the minds of any reasonable people.

Nez Perce tribal lands near here are not contiguous and I’ve had the opportunity to pour concrete on tribal lands just as I’ve had the opportunity to pour concrete in poor white and other minority neighborhoods. Two things were common to all of them: 1. Regular, weekly garbage pick-up service whether they wanted it or not. 2. Garbage and filth everywhere. I understand they are poor but they can’t even muster enough pride and dignity to clean up the place they live? Fuck ’em!

April 18, 2016 2:12 am

Bea, I’m not sure how much you can to to prepare for an earthquake that big. There wouldn’t be any structures left standing but I’ve got an Army canvas wall tent and a wood stove for it. I’ve got construction skills and I’ll have a pile of slightly used construction materials on hand. As long as I could answer the question “why go on” each day I think I’d do ok. Mental toughness would be key. I like tough challenges. I just compartmentalize each aspect and treat each aspect as a game I’m trying to win as efficiently as possible. Successfully completing each aspect keeps you going.