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Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic.

The following exchange was on SLL and it was just too much fun not to share with all my friends on TBP. It was in the comment section on my article, “America Needs to Throw-up” which was posted on TBP and received a generally positive reaction. Hit the link for the original article and comments.

Rebecca Cummings | April 20, 2016 at 7:30 am
Although I agree with your points, I very much dislike the misogynistic way you got there.

Robert Gore | April 20, 2016 at 7:40 am
Anticipating your point, I used no gender-specific terms in my first two paragraphs. The scenario could involve a man picking up a woman, a woman picking up a man, a man picking up a man, or a woman picking up a woman. Nights like the one described are inherently degrading, regardless of the genders and sexual preferences of the participants. Most people will assume the scenario involved a man picking up a woman, but that is people’s assumption, not supported by the writing. I can’t control what others think, only what I write. The assumption may be furthered by the photograph I used, but even that picture appears to be a hybrid of a man and woman. Posting that picture cannot be construed as misogynstic, any more than posting a picture of an ugly man would be construed as misandry.

Rebecca Cummings | April 20, 2016 at 8:12 am
Thank you for the mansplaination. Shocking as this may be, I had noticed you did that. Doesn’t make it less obvious, tho, as is clear from the comments who did gender the parties. Your use of whiskey and beer, a c&w favorite MAN drink was another touch you did ‘between the lines’. Would you like better feminists than I to parse your piece, or can you just say ‘mea culpa’, learn, and try differently next time?

Rebecca Cummings | April 20, 2016 at 8:18 am
“I can’t control what others think, only what I write.” Then why are you writing?

“The assumption may be furthered by the photograph I used, but even that picture appears to be a hybrid of a man and woman. Posting that picture cannot be construed as misogynstic, any more than posting a picture of an ugly man would be construed as misandry.”

It’s clear from all you have said that you knew how it would sound, did what you believed to be a little ‘cya’ by removing pronouns and transing the pic, and did it anyway.

Robert Gore | April 20, 2016 at 8:36 am
I’m certainly not writing to control what others think. I wouldn’t want that power if I could have it. I write because it’s my passion and I’m very good at it. I write what I think and if it affects what others think, so be it. Of course I knew how it would sound, from both the picture (which I did not alter) and the first two paragraphs, but one could not tell, from the literal words, the genders or sexual preferences of those involved. I didn’t do it to cover my ass, I did it to have some fun. I wondered if anyone would bite; you did. Not trying to control what others think, I know I can’t control if they want to label it offensive to a gender, ethnic, or racial grouping, nor do I care if they do. Have all the feminists you want parse my piece; I’ll post their analyses. Throwing around pejoratives only has an effect on those who care what they’re called, which I don’t. So no ‘mea culpa’ here.

Bruce | April 20, 2016 at 9:16 am
Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.

I’m sure that was terribly misogynistic, and I’ll be found guilty in the court of social justice.

It just seems to me that the author went well out of her/his way to construct a blog post that was gender neutral and was vilified for his efforts. But what do I know? I’m just a guy. Please forgive my privilege, even though it seems more like an albatross around my neck in this brave new world.

I’m having a mental image of a Monty Python sketch, in which a group of women (actually men in drag) are pointing and shrilly screaming, “Persecute! Persecute! Persecute!”

Rebecca Cummings | April 20, 2016 at 9:53 am t
Misogyny is a huge part of the stomach contents — apparently not something you wish to examine. Hypocrite often?

Robert Gore | April 20, 2016 at 11:13 am
As often as I can.

Rebecca Cummings | April 20, 2016 at 10:10 am
“I hate them because they take all the jobs away due to affirmative action.”

I pulled the above statement off the internet by googling “example of racist statement” and I took out all mention of race so now it is not a racist statement. See how that doesn’t work? Doesn’t in your case either.

And if you think the state of the country is bad, then you should be wanting to examine that which needs vomiting. But you clearly don’t. So, unless you make apologies, I’ll leave you to your 7th frade boys w/ napoleon complex. I’ll continue doing the real work, as usual.

Robert Gore | April 20, 2016 at 11:02 am
Fine by me. Go to it, I thought you’d never leave. By the way, it’s Napoleonic complex, with the N capitalized, and I believe you meant “frat” or “fraternity” boys.

John Hargraves | April 20, 2016 at 9:58 am
Any point that could have been made by this piece was drowned in a pool of beer-laden, misogynistic vomit. It reads like a yarn spun by a twenty-something male to his buddies during a game of quarters. Grow up.

Robert Gore | April 20, 2016 at 11:05 am
See replies to Ms. Cummings.

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April 20, 2016 3:14 pm

Ha, ha! THAT was hilarious. You spanked not only the bitch, Rebecca, but also her cuckold, John.

Also, thank you again for adding to my vocabulary. Two new words added from this post: Misandry and Mansplaination.

Well done!

April 20, 2016 3:22 pm

Fun post. And T4C, dead on. I use “yeah, so what,” almost daily. It has deadly effect.

April 20, 2016 3:24 pm

Also – maybe redirect Rebecca and John here to TBP? It will be like sending a couple of toddlers to “The Shining”:

Modern Chronicler
Modern Chronicler
April 20, 2016 3:27 pm

It did take me a bit longer than I would care to admit to figure this out… but, the SJW’s main weapon is to guilt-trip/emotionally blackmail others into guilt. With their ideology of intersectional/group-class oppression, it is standard for them to accuse others of racism, bigotry, sexism, privilege, etc.

The key is not to follow them along that thinking; if one does follow them, one loses. They’ve got you hooked.

If however one refuses to abide by that warped belief system and instead chooses to be neutral, holding each person accountable for his/her character/opinions/decisions, the SJW will eventually tire (or, switch subjects, attempting to appropriate the conversation so as to regain the upper hand).

That, of course, if the SJW somehow refrains from getting shrill/emotional/fired up and thus actually abstains from adhominems. Not impossible, but not too common.

April 20, 2016 3:30 pm


I am a woman…I was not remotely offended.
I am not a “feminist” but I am very feminine.

You made an analogy, and yes, it may have evoked
the image of a man. So what?

April 20, 2016 3:59 pm

She acts like a car that had the battery cables crossed up and the computer is fried. I tried to follow her train of thought but I guess I am not evolved enough……….

April 20, 2016 3:59 pm

More facts about social justice warriors (lower case). They ignore truth in order to emotionally manipulate others. Like one night stands don’t exist. Yeah, right.

We all know one night stands occur. Furthermore, in any one night stand, both parties are responsible for their own individual actions. Your original essay made this very clear. (And, the broader implications make your original essay very poignant indeed.)

Yet, the sjw’s ignore the entire metaphor and choose focus on politically correct trivialities while simultaneously, allowing the ALLEGHORICAL woman off the hook for her choices and blaming the author and the ALLEGHORICAL man instead (i.e. – Frat boys, and beer-laden, misogynistic vomit)

Yep, it’s total “misogyny”.

sjw’s s are experts at labels, judgements and emotional manipulation.

Truth? No so much.

They all will sacrifice freedom of thought (and speech) upon the alter of their own desired “safe spaces.”

FUCK THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 20, 2016 4:14 pm

FUCK THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Uppercase), that is…

April 20, 2016 4:14 pm

Nothing beats “yeah, so what.”


I wonder if that’s the same as “whateverrrr” ….. cuz my kids have been saying that for over a decade.

April 20, 2016 4:19 pm

Nothing beats “yeah, so what.”


Maybe you’re right. But I still prefer “FUCK THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

My hatred keeps me warm.

April 20, 2016 4:43 pm

@the author – Honestly, I pictured my wife’s close friend. The gal is about 5’4″, college cheerleader type turned marketer.

She’s a hard partying fireball and shoots bourbon and chases random dick that she later regrets.

Her stories crack me up.

Generally speaking the only people offended by this sort of thing are those who couldn’t get laid if they were dying for it.

April 20, 2016 4:43 pm

The one clue I get from Trumps popularity is he is UNAPOLOGETIC. The political correctness social justice league will always attempt to extract an apology, which in their minds is an admission of guilt. They then won. At some point you just say “it is what it is” and stand by your statements and remain unmoved, and impeccable.

Modern Chronicler
Modern Chronicler
April 20, 2016 4:49 pm

Another way SJWs guilt-trip/manipulate is when they speak against firearms. They claim that Second Amendment advocates care more about rights/laws/the Constitution than about people. This is a tricky and crafty tactic, often used precisely because it appears to make sense at first and it triggers (how ironic to use that word when describing SJW tactics) an emotional response from observers and participants.

Present to the SJW, however, data from the FBI, the CDC, or from any apolitical research group showing that increased, legal civilian ownership of firearms leads to lowered crime rates; inform the SJW that cops are not legally obligated to protect civilians (quoting specific laws, court cases, and judges’ actual statements); ask the SJW why certain administrations release criminals early (Barack Obama) if they care about people; and, tell the SJW to justify state sales of weapons (of infinitely greater destructive power than shotguns and pistols) to undemocratic, cruel, tyrannical, and oppressive third world countries by their very politicians (Barack Obama) if it’s important to “care about people…”

… and see the SJW evade, get angry/shrill, or simply call you names. Or try to give some vague and unrealistic explanation.

SJWs: the more I see them, listen to them, and read what they write, the more I believe that they simply wish not to and CANNOT EVEN BEAR to live in the real world. This is why they are naive, idealistic, and want to create “safe spaces” (literally and figuratively).

April 20, 2016 4:50 pm

SJWs are immune to logic, understanding and other patriarchal tricks; only their feels matter. Keep it up, and maybe someday you can endow a chair in Mens’ Studies!

April 20, 2016 5:09 pm

TPC @ 4:43 says “Honestly, I pictured my wife’s close friend. The gal is about 5’4″, college cheerleader type turned marketer.
She’s a hard partying fireball and shoots bourbon and chases random dick that she later regrets.”
May I please have her phone number? She sounds close to perfect. Although true perfect is a woman 2.5 feet tall with a flat head to set your beer on.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 20, 2016 6:43 pm

MC writes:

“They claim that Second Amendment advocates care more about rights/laws/the Constitution than about people.”

I used to engage lefty on arguments like this with flashy stats and facts. As I’ve gotten older I’ve come to realize it’s pointless. Now I just tell them that only a complete mental imbecile is afraid of an inanimate object and besides I don’t really give a crap about other people anyways. It usually leaves them stunned to the point they don’t know what to say next. Which is good because I am no longer interested in discussing the topic. The discussion is over.

Besides – truth be told I don’t think they can be educated or reasoned with anyways. They are dogmatic, violent stupid human beings who would just as soon see us all shot as anything. Their purpose is not to engage in a discussion using logic but rather to shut the discussion down altogether and if at all possible force everyone who disagrees with them to convert or suffer the consequences.

Perhaps a better response to these sorts would be “Thank you for your comments and your IP address. It has been added to our list. Have a nice day.”

Then again why play your hand too soon….

April 20, 2016 7:06 pm

Suzanne, you make a great point–the more feminist a woman becomes, I notice the less feminine they become…maybe the feminist movement ( 3rd gen) should be called something different since they appear to hate all things pertaining to femininity??????

April 20, 2016 7:07 pm

Gotta love how a person reads the article and gets literally nothing from it, just finds something to be offended by.

And yes, the “ya, so what” works great. It literally shits them down. Since you won’t defend their nonsense accusations, they have no where to go. People that make these kids of argument do so because they have no factual basis to refute what you said. Notice how distracting it is though, it works very well, which is why the SJWs use it so often. Rather than discussing the issue at hand, they change the subject to accuse you of saying unPC things.

April 20, 2016 7:15 pm

I think one reason Trump is popular is that he says “so what” to the media.

April 20, 2016 7:21 pm

I’d be shocked if Tardbecca wasn’t a Millennial. They FEEL but have a huge problem using their brain, particularly the women.

April 20, 2016 7:23 pm

So anything they deem to be sexist, racist, or a micro aggression ( how that phrase really defines the idiots) is, and there is no appeal.

Dick Jones
Dick Jones
April 20, 2016 7:47 pm

I bet 10 to 1 that “Rebecca Cummings” wouldn’t have said diddlysquat if the author of the article was listed as “Roberta Gore” instead of Robert.

April 20, 2016 8:02 pm

@Stubb – Hah, she’s a handful it seems. If I was a single guy I might be tempted.

Somehow she has managed to be tomboyish but still very girly. I have a feeling some rich guy is gonna snap her up one of these days.

Hershel Pasternak
Hershel Pasternak
April 20, 2016 8:37 pm

When i get accused of misogyny by sjw i point out any number of ways they are the real misogynists sacrificing women in so many ways. Eg the rape epidemic from a fellow minirity while they instead make a fantasy about rape culture. Send men into girls bathrooms, bring a negative birth rate and marriage strike.

Accused of mansplaining i say that men give explanations because they are logical and a woman led more by emotion than reason has a choice to follow the feeling and call it mansplaining, or she can follow logic and have a man explain it.

As a feminist she should celebrate the sexual liberation of the woman she supposes it is misogyny to describe as not attractive or interesting (but its ok if its Sarah Palin or Carly Fiorina to them call stupid or ugly). If its misogyny to fornicate then conservatives are the less misogynist.

I would also suggested “rebecca cummins” sounds white, straight, cisgengered and able bodied so needs to deal with her privilege, ableism and opression of what could have been a black lgbt muslim disabled person whose shoes she is unfit to shine in the sjw universe.

You should transfer these comments to there for a laugh Robert.

April 20, 2016 10:46 pm

Is it just me, or has “privilege” became the left’s original sin? Your born with it, can’t change it, can’t fix it, probably can’t understand it, but still need to repent it.

Modern Chronicler
Modern Chronicler
April 21, 2016 12:02 am

One more thing to add…

SJWs, on the surface, appear “intellectual.” They often quote so-called sources, write/speak with certain cogency, and make what appear to be rational arguments. They will also berate (with shameless condescension) anybody who hasn’t done their research.

The truth, however, is that SJWs DO NOT PLAY BY THE SAME RULES as those who sincerely and honestly try to adhere to strict standards of rational and logical discourse.

To expect an SJW to apply strict reason and logic to your argument the same way you first apply them to theirs is foolish. They will not thank you for trying to be fair and reasonable when you analyze/assess their arguments, and they will not take your arguments as reasonably, rationally presented ideas. They will either dismiss them outright or straw-man them (one time I pointed to a hardcore SJW that the idiotic and hypocritical feminism of today has been pivotal in the birth and growth of the MGTOW movement – he said, “oh, so it’s just misogyny, eh?”). He refused to even consider that women might contribute to evils in society, and he reverted to the classical Cultural Marxist axiom of systemic privilege/power that men have and women do not have.

If I had known all this 1 or 2 years ago… oh well. But keep these in mind, ladies and gentlemen, when you face an SJW. They think most non-SJWs can be easily manipulated, because non-SJWs have consciences. But call them out on their foolish non-arguments and refuse to be drawn into their manipulative tactics, and the SJW will either retreat, or accuse you falsely, or both.

SJWs are such intellectual midgets and cowards – not to mention utter hypocrites.

April 21, 2016 1:11 am

@ Robert Gore

Occasionally, it comes down to this ……..

“Dear Rebecca,

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

Your pal,

Use as needed. Fear no copyright infringement lawsuits.

April 21, 2016 8:21 am

White males are what about 30% of the US population? It seems to me that for people who insist on seeing the world and people based on race, color, sex, etc. and categorizing everybody should be thanking the white males instead of vilifying them. Certainly more than 30% of the country and the technologies that we all use in our day to day lives were invented, manufactured, distributed, maintained and repaired by white males.

I don’t get the affliction of collectivism.

“So what?” and “Fuck you” do seem like the only good answers when people are impervious to logic and reason.

April 21, 2016 10:14 am

this happened yesterday in smallbany, ny.

some kid that wants to be a boy, but is not, was told to put her shirt back on, by a campus cop,
so, her and all her friends decided to protest:

so sad, that kids today have no clue that all this “protesting” will be used against them, when they try to get a job, after spending 4 years at a very expensive club, that allows you to express yourself.

April 21, 2016 12:56 pm

Repartee with the Rebeccas of this world is much like picking at the scab of an almost-healed wound. In the vernacular, “Her train of thought got derailed.” (If, indeed, it ever left the station.)

I don’t at all feel guilty for things I’ve not done.

If I enjoy “white privilege”, hey, great! I picked the right parents! I’d be a flaming fool to not take advantage of this alleged privilege. But I figure that such privilege likely was earned, since that’s the only way you can accrue privileges.