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April 22, 2016 7:15 am


Even members of the 9-11 commission have publicly admitted that the entire process of investigating 9-11 was a complete farce. In point of fact there is overwhelming physical and circumstantial evidence that points straight to Israel as the perpetrator of 9-11. There is absolutely no legitimate evidence that has been presented to the public which ties these crimes to any other country. Planted pass ports, fake phone calls and phony “intelligence data” virtually all of which was originally sourced from Israel not withstanding…….

Not a single Palestinian or Saudi was arrested on 9-11. ON the other hand over 30 Israelis were arrested in and around NY city, as well as DC who were later identified as Mossad agents. It was Israeli Mossad agents that set up the video camera in the park BEFORE the towers were struck to in the words of one of the Mossad agents “to document the event”. It was Israelis that were warned to stay way from the towers that morning. Over 4000 Israelis worked in the towers, none died that day. The Jewish owner of the towers religiously had breakfast every day in the towers with his daughter. He failed to show up that day. He didn’t fail to pocket 8 Billion dollars in the only double terrorist attack insurance policy ever issued just 3 weeks before. It wasn’t Muslims that rented multiple spaces on the exact floor BOTH planes struck the towers, it was Israelis. Also later identified as Mossad. It wasn’t Muslims that rented office space a few blocks away with a perfect view of the Towers that was having a party that morning, it was Israelis. It wasn’t a Saudi front company that controlled security at all 3 airports used by the terrorists that day, it was an Israeli security company with direct ties to the Mossad that was responsible. In fact it is the very same security company that later let the shoe bomber through………The list of evidence against Israel goes on and on….

April 22, 2016 8:02 am


Yeah, everyone knows the Saudi’s are really Jews in disguise.

Get real man!

You’re off the deep end.

The Jews didn’t pull this off the Muslims did (and Jews aren’t Muslims).

April 22, 2016 10:53 am


You are correct. Period. This Saudi crap is obfuscation.

April 22, 2016 11:29 am

A lot of what Dearborn says is true, but too many of you fall into the trap of viewing things as black-and-white, all-or-nothing. Saudis and Zio-Israelis actually seem to get along well despite all their posturing against each other, and it’s quite possible both of them had a hand in 9/11.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 22, 2016 2:19 pm

I guess the Israeli art students were really Saudis installing those devices on the corners of the towers………and Silverstein is really a Saudi who ordered the new plans for WTC7 seventeen months prior to 9/11.


April 22, 2016 5:42 pm

Buildings hit by planes do not “free fall” into their own “footprints”…The top section of the buildings should have “folded over”. What about WTC-7…Larry Silverstein saying “pull it”…

rhs jr
rhs jr
April 22, 2016 8:22 pm

No problem; the government will just give public school kids sensitivity training until they only believe the ZOG version of events.