Hat tip Boston Bob

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April 29, 2016 11:18 am

OK, how is it that you can be so incensed by the potential for poor people getting free shit from the .gov, but completely ignore the monumental amount of free shit that .gov gives to the capitalists? Just wondering how you come to the conclusion that a bunch of little girls is a bigger problem than an army of jewish ceo’s from NYC.

April 29, 2016 11:20 am

Wait for it…waaaaiiiiit

April 29, 2016 11:54 am

I am equally incensed with the flow of tax dollars and inflationary debt dollars to the insider crony capitalist, military industrual complex, big banks, public union drones,and the FSA. Schools have done their best to indoctrinate these “special” flowers to think the government can solve their problems, not their own hard work and industriousness. I boggles my mind to see these brainless twits begging for more government and when they get it good and hard they cannot figure out how things keep getting worse for them. When “everyone” is equal we will look like Venezuela and only those in the inside will a pot to piss in.

rhs jr
rhs jr
April 29, 2016 11:54 am

The problem is that much of what she says is true in ZOG and the Useful Idiots “with nothing to lose” buy into the Revolution but the Communist leave out the down-side (USSR, Cuba, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Africa etc) and that argument with Leftist accomplishes nada. Communism gives Useful Idiots their license to loot and kill Whites (which is the Chaos that TPTB need to enact their Total Tyranny).

April 29, 2016 11:54 am

No commy scum, you will not replace capitalism with communism. We will replace the current system with an actual free market capitalist system. Your ideas suck and anyone with half a functioning brain knows it. That’s why you work so hard to stifle free speech. You want to replace the current system with something that will benefit the 1 % even more. Communism is the invention of rich elites to control the masses you dummies. You are a bunch of paper tigers, and we will rout you out along with the fucking bankers and corporate cocksuckers.

April 29, 2016 12:04 pm

Boo Hoo you fucking loser; get off your ass and work. I was going to call her a dumb cunt, but then I realized that it would reflect on my intelligence level by not being able to say the same thing but using 8 letter words instead of four letter words.

Thank you fall for your understanding and if you feel a micro-aggression forming, go fuck yourself.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
April 29, 2016 12:18 pm

I think her whole class should take a field trip(free trip) to Venezuela.

harry p.
harry p.
April 29, 2016 1:00 pm

Is this cunt for real???

April 29, 2016 1:15 pm

Yes, all well and good, and I applaud your enthusiasm, but as we sit here in our underwear (made in China) on our chairs (made in China) at our desks (made in China) using our computers (made in China), how can you possibly come to the conclusion that communism is better than capitalism. The communists make everything you touch from the parts for my Harley to the stinking Lowes garden hook that I just screwed into the fascia board. It is only when you get to the selling cheap communist shit to stupid merkins that you find a capitalist and the only thing that the capitalist does is jack up the price and then monetize the debt that you all use to buy the cheap crap which is made by communists. How can you conclude anything other than “Communists make stuff – capitalists sell the stuff that the communists make.”

Now I am not suggesting that Cuba got it right, and I am not suggesting that communism is a solution for all that ails this fascist state, but if you stick to tired old platitudes about USA rah rah rah you can not grow out of the situation that you find yourself so frequently complaining about. If that is all you have to offer, while it might be fun for a while, you don’t actually help. Go watch your commie made tv and leave the thinking to the grownups. (OH, and I know, your tv is most likely made in Korea which is not communist but it is for sure not made here in the USA USA.)

Sen. Burticus
Sen. Burticus
April 29, 2016 2:08 pm

Never forget that the biggest free $#!+ handouts are to the military-industrial, hospital-pharmaceutical and edjumucation-stupent-loan industries, all of which gubmint has bloated beyond society’s ability to support them.

However, judging by the social injustice warriors typically seen on the front lines of the free $#!+ army and even our own commenters, it seems that our first problem is a widespread gubmint-nurtured misunderstanding of concepts like “capitalism” and “democracy.”

To get a better understanding of political and economic systems and how they interact, watch the 29-minute, professionally-produced JBS video “Overview of America.” It will fit the missing pieces into your puzzle.

April 29, 2016 2:34 pm

Ahhh, American exceptionalism…..Because only America can do socialism right…..

sarc off

April 29, 2016 2:53 pm

Oh man! That chick is Westie’s dream girl!

April 29, 2016 4:26 pm

I guess the concept of individualism, self employment, living off grid or self-starting one’s own business or source of income is completely inconceivable to the collectivist leeches

April 29, 2016 5:02 pm

“Oui R Phuqd”!

April 29, 2016 5:38 pm

There you go again, I.S.

I’m a realist, not a communist. And reality is we have a fascist, crony-capitalist form of government, not a democracy. You, whether you know it or not, are under constant surveillance. Much more intrusive than in the USSR.

I don’t agree with the FSA and while we need some safety net for emergencies, what we have now is not working. But neither is our healthcare system. Neither is our voting system. Our infrastructure is crumbling and out of date. And we have a system where profits flow to the .01% but losses are a taxpayer burden.

If you’re not on the side of massive change, you’re not paying attention.

Phil from Oz
Phil from Oz
April 29, 2016 6:20 pm

I notice the collective “we” are showing our usual blinkered view by ignoring the BIGGEST leech – the MIC.

As for everyone “yearning for a return to “Free Market Capitalism” “, just have a look at the history of those fantasy “Free Markets”, going back decades, even centuries, and you’ll notice one thing and one thing only – the “Closed Shop” system. Dates right back to the establishment of Guilds in the Middle Ages – and as Americans you should ALL be very aware of the degree of cronyism right at the beginning of your “Experiment in Democracy”.

April 29, 2016 6:22 pm

We don’t need socialism or crony capitalism.

How about we just follow the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Coinage Act of 1792. That would solve virtually all of the problems.

April 29, 2016 6:30 pm

Where is the funding for the media operation of this precious snowflake coming from?

They have a print newspaper with 2 million (claimed) subscribers – love to have that list, btw – but, I’ll bet at the bottom of that funding well, you’ll find George Soros.

Further, I would expect the vast majority of that subscriber list to be comprised mainly of university professors in sociology and ethnic/gender (AKA “We Hate White People”) studies.

April 29, 2016 6:39 pm

General +100

April 29, 2016 7:12 pm

Westie, I am on the side of massive change…..the most effective MASSIVE change possible……..ending the fucking central bank! The only other change that we could effect that would be bigger is nuclear war.

You’re against fascism but support Bernie’s socialism bullshit. That’s not change, it’s simply a different flavor of what is killing us now.

I’m all for safety nets………private safety nets of your own making or private safety nets provided by private charity. It is not and should never be the govts job to provide any safety net except in the form of national defense. Get big govt (built and sustained by money printed out of thin air by central banks) out of our fucking lives and each of us will have the opportunity to live a free and unencumbered life.

Please tell me, in detail, how Bernie is doing a single fucking thing to enable YOU or me to live a free and unencumbered life.

How is it that you seem to think that so many of us here on TBP are just blithering idiots without enough sense to come in from the rain? Why do you assume that I or anyone else who does not know or realize the extent of the surveillance state? Why do you assume we don’t know about the fascist (socialist) govt we live under?

Supporting a socialist for president is a slap in the face to the hundreds of thousands of current and former US troops who both died and survived fighting various wars against the many flavors of socialism. How do you not fucking get that? Socialists always steal from some and give to others (mostly themselves). How much more unAmerican can you get? Stealing from the producers encourages them to stop producing. What part of that do you not get?

You’re probably a decent guy and I don’t hate you but gawd damn………you are seriously fucked up if you believe socialism will ever fix ANY of our problems. Socialism is a cancer.

Rise Up
Rise Up
April 29, 2016 7:27 pm

I’d love to see that twit in the video have a face-to-face with Lloph. I’d even pay to see that.

April 29, 2016 9:02 pm

The state is not to be a provider. It is to be a protector. Democracy is all about the right to veto the state. When it becomes a means of empowering the state for the purposes of wealth redistribution, it becomes perverse. It imitates the serpent’s temptation: “Take it. It’s yours.”
Gary North, “My Twin Moments of Truth Will Soon Begin.”

April 30, 2016 12:36 am

Is anyone aware of a country that has experienced Marx’s evolution from Socialism to Communism without about 20 Million being executed and double that sent to camps to starve?
Just wondering.
I am sure the transition here in the cradle of Liberty will be smooth.
Honestly, the video was terrifying, the Power Ranger Millennials are displaying strong affinity for this madness.
In 10 years she will be doing instructional videos on Advanced Community Monitoring Techniques to fellow party members that have survived The Great Purge.