Stucky Q.O.T.D. — Isn’t is BETTER to go through life fat, dumb, and happy?

My incredibly hectic past two weeks culminated this past Sunday by celebrating the fifth birthday of Ms. Freud’s grandson … the poor kid whose mama is a corporate lawyer, and papa is a stockbroker. The little fucker is DOOMED, I tell ya!

So, there’s a lull in the bullshit trivial inane conversation. Soooo, I bring up the economy, and ask Mr. Stockbroker if he’s at all concerned about the shit hitting the fan.  In a nutshell (I don’t want to bore you) the answer was this — “The economy is doing great. You need to stop with all your constant negativity.”  Oh, OK.  That “conversation” lasted all of three minutes, if that.

Thing is … they really do appear to be happy as clams. Both with six figure incomes, him with a new Lexus, her with a two year old monster SUV, living totally rent free/food free/bill free at Ms. Lawyer’s mama’s house while looking to purchase a home …. oh, yeah, homes in the $800,000 plus range.  Meanwhile, we’re struggling to downsize, and Ms Freud especially is often full of worries. 

WTF is wrong with that picture? Especially in light of this ….

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.” ————– Philippians 4:8

As a man thinketh in his heart so is he,”  ———— Proverbs 23:7

Maybe Mr. Stockbroker is right.  Am I really a miserable old fuck? I wonder how the constant stream of negative doomer news is affecting my mind … my personality.  How’s it affecting your mind?

Recently, I have found myself not giving a shit about most news articles. I’m NOT talking about only here on TBP. I have at least 25+ “favorites” web sites I visit at least weekly.  The past few weeks I’ve visited less than half of them … and when I do visit them I hardly click on any articles.  How many fucking times can I read about copfuks, mooslimfuks, free shitters, an economy in the shitter, the piece of shit running this country, etc etc. etc.  …. before getting bored to fucking death?

Oh yeah!  I’m thinking fat, dumb, and happy is the way to go!  What say you?

Kumbaya, motherfuckers!!!

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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May 3, 2016 9:15 am

I prefer seeking the truth rather than being artificially happy through cognitive dissonance and normalcy bias.

But that’s just me.

May 3, 2016 9:43 am

I also prefer to seek the truth. The hard part is accepting the truth, making it neither good nor bad in your own mind.

“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”

May 3, 2016 9:50 am

@Stucky: ” The past few weeks I’ve visited less than half of them … and when I do visit them I hardly click on any articles. How many fucking times can I read about copfuks, mooslimfuks, free shitters, an economy in the shitter, the piece of shit running this country, etc etc. etc. …. before getting bored to fucking death?”

This is what I’ve been saying for some time now: I have reached the point of fatigue / exhaustion. I know all about the bullshit that’s going on. Can’t stand to read about it anymore.

I’m also losing faith in the ‘Fourth Turning’ concept. It seems with the collusion of our and other foreign governments, they can mutually prop up their bankrupt economies – for a long, long, time. Look at Japan – it’s gone on for over 20 years.

What I have noticed, is that weekend talk radio, is once again filled with retirement planning and realator shows. These shows are aimed at the 30-35 year old crowd. I remember the mid 80’s mutual funds were all the rage for retirement. Then many were robbed of their savings in the great and continuing recession of 2007. In this day and age, it’s really pathetic – what percentage of the population is really going to be able to retire? 3%??

While I came to the conclusion (about 1995) that the stock market was rigged. It’s now a blatant racket, backed by the FED and money printing. Long time ago i realized stockbrokers are nothing more than a salesmen, peddling second hand advice,

May 3, 2016 9:50 am

I hate to admit it, but, being destroyed financially by the bankster theft of 2008, played a big part in my awaking in more ways than one. Being fat and happy makes sleep easier. Once you take the red pill you can’t go back.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 3, 2016 9:54 am

Great question.

13 years ago I was so angry, so obsessed with what was wrong, so intent on raising an alarm about the ills of our society it was ruining my life. I was overweight, couldn’t get a good night’s sleep, was barely present in my marriage, focused on earning money to the exclusion of my responsibilities as a parent and consuming far more than I was producing.

Knowing that something is wrong and doing something about it are two different things. All those problems you mentioned are real, they exist in the same way the weather and the seasons do, they are timeless and immutable and as Jesus said, the poor will be with us always…

So you can live in ignorance- too late for you, Stucky- or you can fight fire with fire (and then everyone gets their house burned to the ground) or you can find another way, you can heal yourself and the world a little bit at a time. It doesn’t mean that your life will be a fairy tale or that you won’t endure suffering and loss, failure and sadness, but you will learn that all of these things are part of the human experience and can be used for either positive ends or to perpetuate the problem. Every moment that you spend in positive interactions with others, every slight that you can forgive, every morsel that you can provide for yourself without having it come at the expense of someone else is an antidote to the cycle of collapse and growth, a nest in the storm.

I read the same things you do- although much less than I used to- but I also check out the weather every day, too. Not much I can do about either of them except those things that I can do. And those you ought to be doing.

May 3, 2016 9:59 am

Stucky, I’ve been on my fact finding mission since 2008 when the kids finally left the nest and I had the time to investigate. I too have experienced what I’ll call “reality saturation”. I’ve always questioned authority, but I never in my wildest dreams imagined the extent of the fraud. And the fraud is now obvious to anyone who is capable of setting aside their cognitive dissonance. Much of it has been revealed by this site. Keeping this brief, I’ll sum this up by saying that our existence is nothing but a virtual reality where almost every aspect of daily life is fake. Does this perception of reality lead to depression and possibly mental illness? Just ask my oldest son. I cannot attempt a conversation with him without it leading to an argument that my negativity and talk of the e-pocalypse is causing him unnecessary anxiety. He’d rather I just STFU! I’ve tried to explain to him in terms of Meyers-Briggs that I’m an INTJ; a member of that 2% of the population that can think for themselves and in so doing figure out just how the world really works. In other words, I can’t help myself; this is who I am. This approach got me nowhere. Yet I still enjoy those moments of revelation when the truth becomes clear.

May 3, 2016 10:00 am

“Oh yeah! I’m thinking fat, dumb, and happy is the way to go! What say you?”

Oh HAIL yeah. Now all I gotta do is get fat. I’ve been dumb and happy for 65 years.

Really, though Stucky. I’ve been experiencing the same boredom with all my favorite sites lately. Maybe we’re both just gettin old….or finally growin up. ahaha
May 3, 2016 10:04 am

Once you are Aware that all the peddling by the media is focused on fear, violence, negativity (it captivates the audience) and that it can affect your state of mind and daily life, then it cease to do so.

Taking breaks from the activity is a normal response mechanism for those that are aware, even if done subconsciously.

May 3, 2016 10:05 am

“our existence is nothing but a virtual reality where almost every aspect of daily life is fake. ”

Bingo, Dan. This world is a veil, and the faces we wear are not our own.

Please be careful. You apparently think like I do and I’m batshit crazy. Just ask anybody. 😉

May 3, 2016 10:09 am

Aren’t the Saturday PoWMs essentially a Stucky pictorial essay on epicureanism?

May 3, 2016 10:21 am
harry p.
harry p.
May 3, 2016 10:22 am

sounds like a downer time for ya but you’ll be fine.
here’s my take: you already know whats happening. there is no need to keep reading the same thing over and over again to the degree you are, the people who you know that refuse to see it will continue to do so until they have some ah-ha moment, be there to support them then.
i suspect you have some self-guilt bellowing inside because you either want to be wrong or you want others to see what you see so they can be helped and not suffer but that guilt can only be fed with more guilt and many of these people cannot/will not see what is front of them until they are in danger of being consumed by it.
each day check the pulse but don’t wade through the shit for hours, use that time not wading through the muck to come up with solutions for your enlightened “tribe”. i give everyone a chance but if they shut their mind out, fuck’em.
don’t bother trying to save those who don’t want to be saved. they will only bring you and those who matter down.
seeing what is happening is only part of it, being capable of coming through the other side is the remainder of the equation. create plans and execute, set your goals, sell the house, move (preferrably out of NJ), get some firearms, get some training, enjoy your time with Ms Freud improve your physical abilities (its never too late) and continue to write for TBP. the world is gonna become a meaner place, become smarter and stronger so that you are tougher to kill.

and the occasional moment of being fat, dumb and happy is alright as long as you stay alert and know that that moment is fleeting.

i was rereading my issues of marvel’s civil war and saw this frame last nite, it resonated and felt it was so impactful i also create a post for it.

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Francis Marion
Francis Marion
May 3, 2016 10:23 am


I think about this topic regularly. The problem is if you are given to having a conscience it will not let you deny the truth. Now – the truth may be difficult to discern at times but it’s still there and for most of us – denying its existence is a near impossibility. The trick (I am learning as I get older) is in letting it go and still living your life. The economy isn’t fine (pockets of it may be but by and large it is not) but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to enjoy an afternoon in the woods with my kids or go out on a coffee date with my wife and just talk for an hour or two. Just because the world is full of corruption doesn’t mean our lives have to be full of negativity. The universe is full of beauty and wonder and is still there for us to enjoy. In other words you can be fat and happy without being dumb.

May 3, 2016 10:25 am

If you want to go deep into the false flag reality… visit and go to his writings. False flags didn’t start with 911.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 3, 2016 10:27 am

Stucky you don’t owe me an apology, I don’t mind anyone disagreeing with me because frankly I’m not sure about all that much. My opinions are the product of my experience and I don’t expect that there are many people who share them, I just like the feedback of other human beings instead of letting those questions ramble around in my head by themselves. The best teachers I have ever had in my life were the ones I hated the most when they were teaching me something- go figure. Steel sharpens steel and all that.

Jersey boys gotta stick together no matter where they live.

rhs jr
rhs jr
May 3, 2016 10:36 am

Prov22:3 The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty. Prov16:25 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. My Conclusion: There are many mortal risks from Nature and Evil People, especially ZOG. Those who “behold joy and gladness, slaying oxen, and killing sheep, eating flesh, and drinking wine: let us eat and drink; for to morrow we shall die” are fools (Is22:13). For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief (1Thess5:3-4). Stay sober & alert, keep thinking and preparing, walk with The Lord always. Prov14:26 Whoever fears the LORD has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge. The dinosaurs were not prepared and so were whole races of humans and cultures. Given the intentions and power of the NWO, unprepared Goy will become their slaves and ultimately their toilet paper. I want to ultimately to be among the surviving Saints that get to joyfully piss on their graves.

May 3, 2016 10:41 am

We do not live in a false reality…we live in reality.
The search for the truth, knowing how things work,
looking behind the curtain…all admirable and necessary
for sound mental health.

One needn’t wallow in negativity or despair. One is
obligated to be aware and seek the truth however.

Stuck, your son-in-law was being disrespectful. You
were wrong to ask him questions that you knew could
provoke him. Say instead, “what is going on in your
world at work? Tell us all about it.” Those two young
people have the right to dream of a prosperous future,
and they seem well along to it.

There a small % of people that seek the truth and yearn
to know all they can. You can be a beacon to your family,
and help them when they need you.

HSF is correct. All kindnesses and forgiveness have a
tremendous value. Apply that “golden rule” to your son-in-law.
He needs you to be proud of how he is taking care of his family.
He needs your respect and admiration. (actually, this is what
my Mr. would say) I am the bull in the China shop..pretty rude,
pretty crude. But I am getting better. We need to stick together
and be kind to our family, and to celebrate miracles together…
for example, the birthday of your grandson. Congratulations!!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 3, 2016 10:46 am

Suzanna, that was excellent advice. Very well put.

May 3, 2016 10:47 am

I wish I could go back to fat dumb and happy.

I just went on a 3 day fishing trip to eastern Washington with some old friends. We used to go every year, but life got too hectic with marriages, kids, and all that. After a 9 year break we got it going again.

What bliss. Wake up early and make some coffee on the camp stove as the sun just starts to make itself known. Get on the water and fish all morning. Back to camp for sandwiches and a nap. Fish all afternoon. Clean the fish and cook them up with some butter, salt and pepper. Then sit around the campfire for whiskey, cigars and war stories. Try not to rude out the neighboring campers.

Then I came back to reality Monday. Fuck.

May 3, 2016 10:57 am

I am down to four websites, for the same reasons as the author. I can barely tolerate talking to the masses of uninformed mouthbreathers. I was happier by far when I was ignorant.

May 3, 2016 10:57 am


You raise a great question, one that I struggle with consistently. Just reading today’s Buchanan piece made me feel bad. I will probably chew on it for a few hours.

HS is right. All we finally have control over is the little piece of time and place that we inhabit. I can make a positive difference there, but I have no chance to help the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I have to let it go. The Awake are decidedly not happier than the deniers or the uninformed. I like to think we possess a depth of character that can come with suffering, though.

Like you and most of us here, I have loved ones who still live a charmed existence in the midst of this vile mess. Why would they want to change a thing, including their outlook? I long ago gave up trying to help them see the truth. It is evident all around them, and only when they are ready will they start searching for it. I can’t force their journey.

One comfort is the knowledge that as evil destroys the good, it eventually destroys itself, too. How many good have to go down with it is the tragedy. In the end I rely on Someone who has all this under control, even my insignificant little life. I see miracles all the time, and undoubtedly miss many others as they occur.

I find that experiencing nature, the creation, on some level, is an effective way to counter a preoccupation with the follies of man.

May 3, 2016 11:01 am

@Suzanna: “One needn’t wallow in negativity or despair.”

That’s overly simplistic. Not that one has to wallow in it, nor express it to other people.

Bu once you are aware that virtually everything to do with running this United States, is either a lie, a manipulation, a fraud, a racket, a scam, backroom deal, run by the shadow government or a hugh multinational corp, well it’s pretty difficult to see a brighter future.

Not that I waste my time on this negativity, but how can one ignore the obvious?

May 3, 2016 11:12 am

I understand Stucky. I woke up and my family thinks I’m nuts. They know things are “Wrong” but they are of the mindset of “It’s always been this way and will continue to go on”. I know it can’t, it’s impossible, and it weighs on me.

I try to not get too deep into the rabbit hole and I’m trying to make sure I balance reality with some distractions other than the TV. I still enjoy a good football or baseball game, but when every commercial break is a Viagra commercial and every news report is on the latest “Protest” outside a Trump rally I have a hard time getting away.

Keep fighting. We can’t take everyone with us out of the rabbit hole, but if we can be as prepared as possible we can help as many as we can when things turn bad.

I wish I could be stupid again and not see the coming destruction. All I can do is be the best man I can and do what I know is right when the time comes.

Hang in there brother. You aren’t alone.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 3, 2016 11:13 am

Ignorance is supposed to be bliss, that is what they tell us.

How many think the old dude in India who has no clothing other than a loincloth and sits on the ground for lack of furniture eating simple food is in many ways happier than those tied to worldly goods and views?

Would giving him wi-fi and a I-gadget make him happy or ruin his outlook on life? I read yesterday that many people are burned out on IPhones and are buying cheap flip phones once again. Are we just suffering from overload?

May 3, 2016 11:19 am

I keep up with topics and goings-ons, but have stopped reading ALL content and started focusing on things like my own writing, fixing up my house, and helping my wife with some of her projects.

May 3, 2016 11:19 am

I enjoyed my thirty years in a remote desert area. But when you’re 240 miles from a major city with “real” shopping, prepping is a normal way of life. Thus the present concept of prepping against disaster is merely an increase in a normal pattern.

Once a person has gathered information about the potential problems we obviously are facing, little that is really “news” is seen. Just speculation about the timing.

I guess that I’m one who generally figures, “I don’t necessarily expect (some horror show) but I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens.” The result is that while I visit various “doomer” websites, I skim rather than read.

None of this keeps me from enjoying my beer or bourbon, and I still laugh and tell jokes. It’s just part of my attitude of non illegitimi carborundum. 🙂

May 3, 2016 11:20 am

I’ve been convinced that the shit was going to hit the fan since the mid to late 1970s and have been prepping (sometimes more and sometimes less) since then. I was sure that there was no way that society would exist in its current form after y2k, but here we are. I didn’t save much in the way of retirement funds (IRA, 401K, etc.), I didn’t get married and quit my job and have babies, because what was the point?

Now, I realize that TPTB will keep hacking the system to keep it going until they stop, and I have no way of knowing when that will be. It could be this year, it could be 50 years from now. Now I’m too old and sick and tired to survive TEOTWAWKI without help and since I don’t have kids the likelihood of finding that help if/when it happens is pretty much non-existant. But at least I now know that this life is not the end-all be-all and there are some things that are worse than death, so surviving TEOTWAWKI is not as important as I once thought. I’ve spent so much of this life preparing for something that hasn’t happened (at least not yet) that I’ve missed out on the good things I could have been experiencing and the lessons I could have been learning. I could have reached my current age without all of the angst of a lifetime of prepping and worrying about when the shit would hit the fan.

I doubt, being who I am, that I could have gone through life fat, dumb, and happy. But knowing what I know now if I could go back and live it all again I might try it.


hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 3, 2016 11:21 am

I have a trick that works.

Pick a topic or a question that you know for a fact you will never answer (my newest one is “what is gravity?”) and then just ponder that whenever you aren’t talking. You want to talk about a distraction? My laws it works. Or split wood and keep singing a favorite song to yourself inside your head, it’s like the flashbacks in that old TV series Kung-Fu. And when you’re all done you can sell the firewood and take the money and do something with it for your family.

Yes, I know I should be working right now, but I was out hunting turkey at 5am and I’m taking a break.

May 3, 2016 11:30 am

Wow, the heavy hitters are dropping philosophical bombs this morn. HSF and Susanna lighting candles in the darkness, thank you.
Stuck, glad to see you back, is all I got, welcome. How could I follow some of the above with merit?

Dutchman- Losing faith in the Fourth Turning? I am not sure the model is something that can provide ‘faith’, that does not detract from its efficacy though. The Millennials are clearly coming of age and this party is just getting started, in clear Fourth style.

May 3, 2016 11:32 am

You ask …am I really a miserable old fuck ?Depends on the day and topic.I can tell you haven’t sold your house. Cause it’s not worth 450,000 dollars . It’s not worth a 100,000 and you know this . You probably won’t be selling anytime soon unless you really come down on price. This makes you miserable .Now about religion????

May 3, 2016 11:43 am

Sorry to venture off topic here, but HSF mentioned gravity. What is it? Don’t let yourself be trapped by the government imposed illusion of the Big Bang Universe. Stick with your personal experience and you’ll know everything about gravity that is important. In our lives, gravity is nothing more than relative density striving for equilibrium. Here within the ant farm gravity and buoyancy are one and the same. Now who created our creator? That’s truly an imponderable.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 3, 2016 12:07 pm

Stucky- You are suffering from the Gestalt Effect.

Losing faith in your religion, country, future security can really fuk you up. The Macy Conferences that went on for about 16 years if I can remember addressed all the mental effects of this shift to techno-overload.

I think this makes you completely normal.

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
May 3, 2016 12:12 pm

It’s clear most of the dire predictions from, say 5 years ago have not come to pass. Specifically, all the armchair pundits parroting economic collapse and SHTF with FEMA camp icing. It took a little while but most of use have figured out that those guys just wanted to sell us gold and MREs and take, of all things, our fiat dollars.

However the more generic warnings have come to pass. For example, there were people saying, say 5 years ago, that things are not going to get better, that the economy would gradually worsen, standard of living would be lower, the rule of law would erode, decorum would be non-existent in society at large, the population would become smartphone addicted zombies, Obamacare would be a disaster, the two party system was actually one party, illegal immigration would become the norm, etc. In 2016 these things have not only come to pass, but are accepted without question.

So really we have just gotten wiser as to who and what to believe. The bombastic voices like Alex Jones and Glenn Beck are seen today as buffoons. The utopian libertarians are seen as naive dupes. The Republicans are seen as the cuckservatives they are. But the realists who tell it like it is are seen as prophets. The real takeaway is, after however many years you’ve been reading this stuff, you’re probably coming to the conclusion the future is not going to look so much like 1929 as it will 1861.

May 3, 2016 12:15 pm

You need to fall in line with the rest of the herd and start watching more Kardashian shows. Let your mind go numb for an hour or two each day and enter the Kardashian world and become one of the sheeple. Expand your universe and understand what is really important in life to help you quickly fulfill your goal of being fat, dumb and happy.

May 3, 2016 12:16 pm

” make sure I balance reality with some distractions other than the TV.”

For me, TV was the main source of anxiety, annoyance and depressing thought. Pulling the plug was the best gift I ever gave myself. I won’t watch TV at all these days. Seems every waiting room, whether it’s at car dealerships, doctors’ offices, service departments, etc. have a fuckin TV gong, nonstop.

I won’t be subjected to that, and I’ll wait outside when I have to wait.

May 3, 2016 1:26 pm

“When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them, but protect them against you. . . you may know that your society is doomed.”

“Atlas Shrugged” – Ayn Rand

May 3, 2016 1:59 pm


May 3, 2016 2:30 pm


Don’t let the STOCKBROKER (shyster) upset you with his dumb ass comments about “the economy is doing great”. For most the economy IS NOT doing great – only in isolated spots is it doing OK, and for only a very narrow and very limit group is the economy doing “great”. Let him and Mrs. Dumbass go and buy that 800K McMansion. In a year or two (at most) you can relish in their misfortune when he gets shit canned and can no longer afford the 5K per month mortgage payments. And the Mrs., well I hope she practices Bankruptcy law because that will be one of the few games left in town.

There is a HUGE downside risk here STUCKY and it is this – after the bust ravages their “doing great life” and turns their dreams to rubble they will want to come to live with you.

May 3, 2016 2:32 pm

13% – 1/8 of the US population is on antidepressants. 25% of the women 40 thru 60 are taking antidepressants. There’s something drastically wrong.

And nobody – no president is going to turn this around. While I don’t believe we will collapse, or turn to anarchy, the best that can be hoped for is that we morph into something more humane – what that is, I can’t imagine.

May 3, 2016 3:04 pm

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May 3, 2016 3:16 pm
May 3, 2016 3:23 pm

I be that guy

harry p.
harry p.
May 3, 2016 3:57 pm

What i mean by that moment being fleeting is celebrate whats worth celebrating, dont drown in the perpetual abyss. On thanksgiving i dont worry about shit, im lazy as fuq watching football and i eat until im ready to explode but thats 1 day and the whole time im still strapped just in case something went down.
Then the next day its time to eat properly, train and take care of business.
The problem arises when its the norm and not an exception.

May 3, 2016 4:28 pm

Damn Stucky, Your simple question has caused me more consternation and “involuntary thought” than any question I have read in years, literally. It is akin to an “ear worm” to me now.
Some time ago, I saw a small documentary about human subjects asked to wear glasses that “turned the world upside-down. They were required to wear these glasses for months… after the experiment, it took them the same amount of time (or more) to adjust back to not having the glasses.
Lord help me, I received the RED pill at birth.

Hollow man
Hollow man
May 3, 2016 4:46 pm

It may be easier. But it is a cowards way out. We all have a responsibility to hold those in power accountable. We, as a group, have failed ourselves in this responsibility. That is no excuse to run from it now. It just gets harder the longer we let it go until it is impossible to turn it around. The question may be is it to late? I believe so.

May 3, 2016 5:23 pm

Stucky, keep in mind that their salaries and “fat, dumb & happy” attitude depend on them NOT knowing what is headed their way. Sure they look like they’re on easy street right now but the entire world is about to get a monumental wake up call and knock out punch delivered simultaneously.

I experience the exact same low tolerance of doom porn from time to time. Mostly it’s the repetitive nature of it that burns me out but lately I’ve been enjoying the absurdity of it all instead of letting it get me down.

You’re on the right path. Wide awake and aware is the way of the INTJ. Knowledge is power.

May 3, 2016 5:55 pm

It might be- up until the point where the shit hits the fan. THEN it’s far worse to be fat and dumb.

May 3, 2016 5:55 pm

Good to see you back, Stuck. Hope your dad is better.

Re fat, dumb and happy, I got two out of three covered, and sometimes play at being the third as a tactical advantage in business. I am trying to get it down to one out of three.

I know lots of fat, dumb and happy folks. If the shit does not hit he ran reasonably soon, they will have managed to go through their entire lives that way, which is extraordinary.

I mean, what a thing – go through an entire lifetime totally oblivious that sucking the welfare teat and leaving a pile of shit for the next generation was a bad thing to do.

I hope those fucks rot in hell.

May 3, 2016 6:47 pm

I gave up Face Book 5 years ago as too few intelligent beings amid chicken ranchers and food photographers. Look for substance, and if I find a good article once a day, it’s like a good meal to savor, and also watch/read the wolves commenting over the scraps. Amazing to consider that all of us may have passed each other unawares while shopping our Walmarts.