The Barnhardt Axiom Applies To All Politicians

I found this over at The Vulgar Curmudgeon Blog. I’m 99% sure the blog owner comments here from time to time but I forget his handle. I thought his post was well worth sharing so I hope he doesn’t mind. 

I had heard of Ann Bernhardt a few times, read some of her stuff and have to say the lady is pretty damn sharp.

I found mention of The Bernhardt Axiom over at WRSA a while back and had kind of let it sink to the back of my mind. I knew what it was , it’s just something that seems so damn obvious once it’s been pointed out to you because your gut has been telling it to you for years without it ever having come to the front of your mind that you kind of go, OH YEAH!
Well, now you have a name for that gut feeling.


The fact that a given person is holding or seeking high-level public office is, in and of itself, proof that said person is morally and/or psychologically UNFIT to hold public office.

Think about some of these clowns we have seen running for office the last few elections and then nod your head.
Painfully obvious now, isn’t it?

Well, she had a post clear back in December addressing this concerning Paul Ryan and the Rogue Force personified himself, Mr. Donald Trump that I must have missed earlier but she nailed it.

Yeeaah. You know how you coulda seen YEARS IN ADVANCE the fact that Paul Ryan is a lying psychopath who would gleefully assrape his own grandmother, or an entire planet of grandmothers, for a nickel?

The Barnhardt Axiom.

You realize this applies every bit as strongly to Trump too, right?  Tell me you are not so stupid as to believe for one second that Trump would actually do ANY of the things he is talking about. He’s just smart enough to know what y’all want to hear, and is saying it.  You know how I know that Trump will never follow through on anything he is saying?


Remember, the only thing that actually WANTS to be in a cesspit is a PIECE OF SHIT.

So everybody that’s all excited about Trump and what is falling out of his mouth?

I want you to remember three fucking words here.


I’ll be honest here, I think Hillary Clinton would finish this country. I really do.
It’s already just a marketing instrument, the country we were born in doesn’t exist anymore but she would destroy even the illusion that they find so useful.

America, Land Of The Free……shit.

So you pretty much have the same choice we get every four years, two evils.

The only difference this time is one of those evils is not the vetted, tamed and properly restrained career politician candidate that the political elites in this country want so badly.

This time we have a Free Agent with self control issues who is not yet beholden to the political masters tending to the business of those who really do run this country.

That scares the shit out of the PTB.

It should scare the shit out of you too.

I have heard exactly Jack Fucking Shit from this guy that I won’t be able to point to in a year and ask, what happened with that?

Gonna build a wall, gonna Make America Great Again.


There are 320,000,000 million people in this country, give or take a few million illegals,not to mention we control a MASSIVE empire that wraps all the way around the planet, have treaties, vendettas and general fuckery going on 24/7/365.
The biggest military the world has ever seen and thousands of interests to protect. One third of the population doesn’t have a fucking job and the rest of us are getting worked to death and getting paid stagnant wages for it that they take a third of right off the top to keep the fucking doors open on this enterprise.

Now think about all that and then take a serious fucking look at what we have for a choice of who we want to run this whole show.

Grandma Cankles, the lyingest career politician/criminal mastermind you could possibly imagine,


Bubba Trump.

We are so fucked.


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May 9, 2016 6:10 am

IS, have you lost your mind in the last 24 hours? Yesterday you want to machine gun mexicans and offer pay per view, and now you post this bullshit. Ann Barnhardt is a miserable little beast, wallowing around in her own paranoid self delusion, she has no answers for anything, but badly wants to get you to ride along her in her mistrust and fear of everything. No thanks. You’ve been dead wrong on bubba trump now for almost a year. Good time to double down. Get out of the way, we got work to fo.

May 9, 2016 6:17 am

HOGWASH! – faulty logic = faulty conclusions, and that’s Bernhardt’s problem and your acceptance of same, followed by your non-sequitorial proofs. simple idiocy is written above these comments..

May 9, 2016 7:40 am


The “establishment” which in America since 9-11 is in fact the Jewish/Zionist/Israeli “lobby” has been screaming bomb, bomb, bomb……..because they are are evil, terrible Muslims. And they are terrorists with weapons of mass destruction making them a threat to America. The entire “war on terror” has long since been disproved and outed as a complete fraud manufactured by the very same “Lobby” in control of America’s foreign policy since 9-11.

Now that all the countries that this “lobby” had demanded in writing be attacked and destroyed (via the Position Paper “Project for a New American (Israeli) Century have in fact been attacked and destroyed, and puppet governments favorable to Israeli interests installed (Syria has not had regime change. However, the country’s infrastructure, and more importantly it’s ability to wage war against Israel to regain the Golan Heights has been effectively neutralized) Their tactics are the same, merely the target has changed.

This lobby has a new target and a new mantra: attack and destroy Mr. Trump. At every turn you are confronted by a media mouthpiece, from the right, left, center, you name it and they are running articles that in one way shape or form or another bash Mr. Trump.

The fact is that to date he is the only candidate to publicly state that Israel is in large part responsible for the ongoing violence in Palestine. The only candidate to state publicly for the record, that he is going to put America and Americans first. Which is rather upsetting to the “lobby” which has manipulated the US government into putting Israel and Israelis first since 9-11. Consider the fact that since 9-11 the US government has given more money per capita to Israeli citizen’s than to its own citizens here in America. America has in effect spent somewhere between 5-10 Trillion dollars, sacrificed over 100,000 (yes 100,000+ dead US soldiers including the “suicides”) defending and expanding a militaristic Apartheid regime which has continually committed war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide for decades. And all the while the Pentagon has been shutting down base after base here at home. So many bases have been shut down to pay for Israel’s “defense” that Americans are no longer properly protected, nor can the military come to our aid in non military crisis situation. And instead of immediately securing our borders against the “terrorists” our borders were left wide open. (Funny isn’t how after 15 years of “war” no terrorists” were among the 2.5 Million+ illegally crossing our unprotected borders) And also very telling the fact that the “Lobby” which has been so adamant in its support of Israel’s continual border wall building program has supported wide open borders here in America.

The reason that the “Lobby” is so terrified of Mr. Trump is not that he will cut off Israel, shut down the crooked Federal Reserve, etc. and hold them all accountable, it is the fact that maybe, just maybe, he will. Besides, why should 6 Million Israelis have to play second fiddle to 300 Million Americans………

YODA_bite me (you know who)
YODA_bite me (you know who)
May 9, 2016 8:37 am

“Tell me you are not so stupid as to believe for one second that Trump would actually do ANY of the things he is talking about.”

ANY !!!! IS you are soooo wrong.

May 9, 2016 8:48 am

How do you get to this state of affairs, when a man with no political experience seems to be on the cusp of winning, and a woman who has clearly shown that she lacks the moral compass to be granted a library card, are “the best we can get”?

Once Ronnie rayguns, a screen guild actor, got the job, it should be clear to all, that the position is nothing but a figure head, and that the power is controlled by unseen actors.

Once the election was determined by counting hanging chads, it should also be clear, that your vote does not count.

and, finally,
Once a colored comedian can call the office holder a ghetto slang term, used to denigrate a whole population, and not have any repercussions in the “press”, it is clear that the the language of “think speak” / double talk is the vernacular.

Once all these precedents have been set, now the stage is ready, for the monied interests, who do not want powerful leaders, but rather, well paid monkeys on a short leash.

Both candidates represent the worst animal spirits, and represent the money, not the people.

May 9, 2016 9:48 am

the American public has been asleep for so long,
and the crimes against them so outrageous,
and the media has repeated and perpetuated the
lies…is it any wonder we are confused, a bit paranoid
and grossly unsettled?

We have been pointing to Orwell’s 1984 as a model
for what our society has become. Good model.
And,…now what? The reality of the situations we face
are hitting us from every direction, and we know dire
days are coming.

Now we are throwing energy at trying to analyze what
Trump is really up to. Is he for real or BSing us to the max?
Does the prez. have any power anyway or is the “machine” locked
in place? Are all politicians actually just psychopaths hungering
for wealth and power? Will Hil get indicted for her lying ways?
Is Israel really in control of the USA and using us to expand their
land mass and control in the ME?

Too many questions, and not enough answers. The facts are out
there. Our southern borders are OPEN. Europe is in turmoil over
the millions of Muslims they have and are accepting. Use the wrong
“language” or terms or sentiments and you are labeled a pariah.
There are more. Pick your poison.

We are well and truly screwed.

May 9, 2016 9:58 am

Prediction: In the year 2020 after one of the saviors has served a full term, things will only changed for the worse. Tremendous changes will come in the next few years and not necessarily for the better. The 4th Turning Crisis just around the corner.

May 9, 2016 10:54 am

The difference between Clinton and Trump is that we ARE screwed with Clinton a truly horrid creature, and we MAY be screwed with Trump a self aggrandizing celebrity, I detest Clinton, and Trump is not Clinton, which is why I am voting Trump,

May 9, 2016 2:03 pm

” I detest Clinton, and Trump is not Clinton, which is why I am voting Trump,”

And there is the main reason anyone might have for “voting Trump”. At least you’re willing to say it openly, Warren.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
May 9, 2016 3:57 pm

“she has no answers for anything”


Maybe the problems are so large and so complex at this stage that there are no workable solutions for them? The only solution to some problems is simply the law of entropy. They can only be undone by virtue of their own unworkable and unsustainable nature.