Ann Barnhardt’s “musings” on TG toilets for tots (that didn’t take very long.)

 The Chesterton Axiom No Longer Applies

When I did my baconalicious koran burning five years ago, in an interview a few days afterward I was asked the following question:

IOTW –  In your video you pretty much dare Muslims to come and get you. Are you being a martyr, or do you pretty much have confidence that you can handle yourself?

Ann – Were the guys who volunteered to fight in all previous wars “martyrs”€?  Did the boys who enlisted in ’41 have a death wish?  No.  There just comes a point where any person of integrity knows that they have to fight.  I love G.K. Chesterton’s quote, “A true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”  I love my country and my fellow man enough to be willing to lay down my life to defend them against evil.  And, yeah.  I can damn sure handle not only myself, but also an assault rifle, a big ass tactical shotgun, a sniper rifle, and a nine for those “intimate” encounters.


I no longer love what is behind me.  I have zero desire to fight for or in any way contribute to the continuance of what used to be called “The United States.”  Burn it.  Burn it to the ground.

What brought this post on?


The Department of Education will instruct every public school in America to provide “suitable” bathroom and locker room facilities to match transgender students “chosen gender identity.”

The Washington Post has details on how the Obama Administration is justifying the new directive:

The directive comes from two top administration officials: Catherine E. Lhamon, the assistant secretary of education for civil rights, and Vanita Gupta, head of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. It will put state and local officials and higher-education institutions on notice that they risk losing federal education aid if they limit students to areas or teams based on their gender assigned at birth.

The action comes just days after the Justice Department and the state of North Carolina filed dueling lawsuits over a new law requiring individuals in that state to use bathrooms based on their birth gender.

Citing Title IX, which prohibits sexual discrimination at educational institutions that receive federal funding, the two officials warn that the obligation “to ensure nondiscrimination on the basis of sex requires schools to provide transgender students equal access to educational programs and activities even in circumstances in which other students, parents, or community members raise objections or concerns.

“As is consistently recognized in civil rights cases, the desire to accommodate others’ discomfort cannot justify a policy that singles out and disadvantages a particular class of students,” reads the letter, which was obtained by The Washington Post.

Note the hyper-effeminate bullshit language being spewed here:  Obama Administration FORCES…


Listen up, all ye flaccid effeminates, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS COERCION.  The Obama regime can not FORCE you to do ANYTHING.  You either freely choose to capitulate or not.  This “forced”, “coercion” bullshit is 100% candyass agitprop.


It is non-violent. It is very, very doable.  Workarounds to educating children outside of the public schools abound.

And you know what? No one will do it.  Public schools are now LITERALLY open, unapologetic child sex abuse centers, and no one will do a damn thing about it.

And you want me to fricking bayonet charge a machine gun for this?  You want me to feel some warm, fuzzy feeling about preserving a culture in which not just the oligarchs are criminally insane, but also 99.999% of the civilian population to the point that they will shrug in complete passivity as their government tells them clearly and in no uncertain terms that they must surrender their children to be sexually abused and psychologically tortured into diabolical psychosexual perversion?

I will not fight FOR this.  Never before in human history has there been a population so utterly and completely depraved.  Just as I have advocated for the exterminations of the musloid CULTURE and the black hip-hop CULTURE, and cite the agreement by all morally sane people that the Nazi CULTURE had to be exterminated, so too I now declare that what is now the “american” culture MUST be exterminated.

These cultures must be exterminated so that the human beings inside of them might be saved.


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May 15, 2016 1:22 pm

I can agree . As a straight white traditional American male I have no desire to be around much less fight in a war for half this population. I have no common cause with Muslims , liberals , leftists progressives , homosexuals or blacks. Half this population including many whites are nothing more then parasites.( I have some in my own family ).I have nothing in common with the elites who are mostly traitors. ( Jews and Anglo progressives) This is not my country any more .Not the one my Grandfather and Father fought for . The military itself has been sabotaged by affirmative action and political correctness. We as a nation have been sabotaged. This was planned subversion . Planned destruction of our republic. I come to this conclusion a while back. Sadly , America is unredeemable.Even if TRUMP is elected president ( which I hope he is )it is still to late.

May 15, 2016 1:26 pm

Learn what asymmetric warfare is, and decide how to practice it. If you stand up and challenge superior (numerically) forces, you will lose. Find weak spots, isolated units and reject them, until they have no idea what or why they are being opposed.

Learn how to effectively resist the evil. You might not destroy it, but you might keep it from destroying you, and those you love.

May 15, 2016 1:26 pm

I say this based on my believe in God’s Wrath upon nations and what we read and talk about daily on the Burning Platform.

May 15, 2016 1:43 pm

Fear not. The national head of the teachers union is stepping up. Surprised?

Hollow man
Hollow man
May 15, 2016 2:06 pm

I don’t understand why most people think she is a nut case. She is truthful to her beliefs. How often do you see that kind of courage? I think she is right most of the time and she is courageous.

YODA_bite me (you know who)
YODA_bite me (you know who)
May 15, 2016 2:08 pm

star….both Dem’s; no surprise. More control; youngsters learn in-your-face compliance.

Liberals are just 1 step above ISIS. They are an evil infecting humanity.

May 15, 2016 2:22 pm

Liberals are just one step above Isis. that is well said my friend.

May 15, 2016 2:37 pm

I came to the same conclusion. The sooner we kick the shit out of this system, then set it on fire and roll it over a cliff the better for every decent person on Earth.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
May 15, 2016 2:44 pm

This is simple, the “teachers”(goobermint agents) should quit. If they do not stand against this then they surely do not have the best interest of the children in mind. Their enforcing the order would make them predators and traitors and therefore fair game.

Anyone that has a child in the public school system should ask their “teacher” where he/she stands. If he/she supports it and will enforce it, knock out their teeth and take your child home. They are traitors just for joining the department of education, at any level, anyway.

Vladimir Lenin: “Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.”

May 15, 2016 3:38 pm

The whole bathroom thing is just a small part of a much larger agenda.

A Satanic agenda, and a very old one at that, that is intended to destroy man.

It is coming to fruition now, decide what side of it you are on.

May 15, 2016 3:57 pm

Hollow man says:
“I don’t understand why most people think she is a nut case. She is truthful to her beliefs.”

They think she’s nuts for three reasons. 1. It’s been so long since anyone has seen any true and righteous outrage against the shit being foisted on us that they don’t recognize it. 2.It scares them. 3. She’s a woman. (mens are supposed to lead the charge, not wimmens)

May 15, 2016 4:06 pm

Ann said:
“I no longer love what is behind me. I have zero desire to fight for or in any way contribute to the continuance of what used to be called “The United States.” Burn it. Burn it to the ground.”

You mean I beat Annie to this realization? Far fucking out man! I truly believe we have reached “Peak Human”. It’s all downhill from here.

As I commented in response to stanley:

“Stanley axed:
“What the hell is transgendered?”

It’s another false narrative figment of the imagination ginned up by the mentally disordered, liberal progressive fascist scum that populates Morodor on the Potomac as yet another tyrannical, edict based control mechanism that the sheople will embrace as if they came up with the idea themselves.

Next on the agenda of the fascist scum is either legalized pedophilia or bestiality. Just wait, you’ll see.”

Just watch..the sheople will totally embrace this shit as if it was their own idea and they’re being patted on the head by their masters for coming up with it.

Brokebutt Mountain, gay Sesame Street characters, transgendered bathrooms………yes indeed! It’s gonna be a Brave New World.

Katze im Sack
Katze im Sack
May 15, 2016 4:36 pm

Imagine you were 15 in September 2001. Say you took the first flight of your life a year later. Airport security was kinda awkward but hey that’s how they do it.

You’re now 30. You take the freak show down at the airport for granted because, well, it’s always been like that, hasn’t it? There’s already a whole generation out there who doesn’t know it any other way, and their children who are growing into this system will never question it.

This shit will be totally mainstream in far less than one generation. Maybe not even 10 years.

Ho Lee Fuk.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
May 15, 2016 4:48 pm

This is becoming tedious. All of that scum – “Progressives (Marxists), minority race baiters, Turd World invaders, etc. – constitutes the Domestic Enemy. Prepare for open war with them and stop pretending they are simply your misguided “fellow Americans”. They are not.

May 15, 2016 4:54 pm

No IS, that’s not why ann is a nutjob. She’s a nutjob because she thinks ranting has value, as opposed to actually doing something. It’s almost exactly like the paper economy vs the real economy. People have gotton so used to listening to talk, they think that is the same as action. It’s not. Looks like Trump plans on actually doing something, as opposed to blabbering. I respect that. And you know what i respect even more? He is smart enough to put himself in a position to actually get it done. Talk is cheap. Ann says Trump makes her sick. She doesn’t really want change. Think about that. She doesn’t really want change.

May 15, 2016 5:09 pm

starfucker, what are YOU doing?

Ann doesn’t want change? Change is perpetual, eternal. Change is a constant. Ann, and I are not interested in the “change” being peddled. Sounds too much like the “change” peddled by Obammy, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

May 15, 2016 5:14 pm

starfucker, how would you compare what admin does with what Ann does? And I’ll reiterate, what are YOU doing?

May 15, 2016 5:36 pm

@ Starfcker: Then count me in as a nutjob, too. I think her “ranting” as you call it, has great value. Would you prefer she lock and load her pink AR-15 and mow down some libtards? Apparently you haven’t heard that “the pen is mightier than the sword”. Just what have you down? Not even any rants from you?

Also, you’ve overlooked the fact that Ann Barnhardt has done much more than just rant. For instance:

-When it became apparent, through the MF Global scandal, that the American economy and so-called Justice system was nothing but a rigged con game, she closed down her profitable brokerage firm, returned all of her clients’ money and issued a public statement to her clients and the rest of the world detailing the corruption in general and Jon Corzine specifically.

-In an era where Salman Rushdie had a worldwide fatwa of assassination for criticizing the “Prophet” Mohammed, a Danish publication was threatened with violence for publishing a cartoon critical of “The Prophet”, as well as the occurrence of the Charlie Hebdo massacres, Ann published a Youtube of her desecrating the Koran with bacon. When the Youtube went viral, did she run and hide? NO! She published her address and dared the musloids to come after her.

-After “ranting” against the corruption of the FED GOV which included a a call for a general tax strike, she put her money where her mouth is and openly and defiantly ceased paying taxes. The IRS came after her big time, cleaned out her bank account as well as seized all her assets including her home.

That’s quite a bit more than ‘just a rant’. That’s courage of one’s convictions. And what have you done?

May 15, 2016 5:38 pm

Jim crunches numbers, and comes up with starkly different conclusions than the fairy tales peddled by all the financial news services. I have seen zero reach on his part about any elaborate conspiracy theories or any other whack job tendancies. He’s smart enough to know what he doesn’t know, and he’s a fast learner. One of the biggest mistakes ann, and JC, and others of that ilk make, is because they know something, they think that everything can get explained by the something they know. Trying to put five pounds of sugar in a one pound bag. What am i doing? Ramping up every enterprise i have, expanding so i can help grow the economy and hire more people. Doing my part to make america great again.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 15, 2016 5:41 pm

Star- What guarantee do any of us have that Trump will do anything other than give da joos a blow job and give important jobs in his organization to bankster/Soros stooges?

Why did Trump put a lip-lock on the joos and why in the name of all that is holy would he shake down average folks to pay off fatboy’s campaign debt? These are BAD signs in my book.

May 15, 2016 5:45 pm

Dirtscratcher, that’s comedy. There’s corruption out there, so she quits working? I don’t like muslims. But i am totally unimpressed by people taunting them. Do you think that’s courageous? I think it’s just being an asshole. And throwing away your home? To make a point? I’d say nutjob for sure. And DS, i don’t consider you a nutjob. Or you, IS. We are just attracted to different things.

May 15, 2016 5:47 pm

Bea, we have no guarantee. Now quit ducking, and give me a better option. This could take a while.

May 15, 2016 5:52 pm

Ann informs her audience same as admin. He has his way, Ann has hers. They each have their own audience.

Ann closed down her successful business to prevent her customers from facing the same fate as those of MF Global. She no longer pays taxes. She denounces the evil of islam same as she does the evils of our government and the Catholic Church up to and including the Pope! She used raw bacon as bookmarks in her Koran before burning it and published her address including turn by turn driving instructions to find her and challenged any muslimfuk to come get her. None did.

Like a crank or camshaft that’s been twisted in half by a seized bearing, Ann no longer believes ‘Murica is “fixable”. You have your opinion, she has hers. Who’s crazy? You or her?

May 15, 2016 5:54 pm


YODA_bite me (you know who)
YODA_bite me (you know who)
May 15, 2016 5:57 pm

This topic is serious, but is also just another distraction from Obama from the big issues – for example, his administration supplying military hardware to the Saudis (+ couple others) so they can supply ISIS in order for them to be Obama’s proxy army to take down Assad.

I have to remind myself not to get extremely depressed over these disgusting actions by Democrats. You are lost if you don’t remain calm in the face of fire.

May 15, 2016 6:00 pm

Based on your criteria of doing what you believe in…….you’re both crazy.

In many ways you are just as crazy as Westcoaster.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 15, 2016 6:02 pm

Starfcker should get into politics, he has ducked and dodged me on this Trump bullshittery for days and I’ll be damned if he will turn it around on me. Why is your savior anointed by God acting like any other backroom hack?

Take a shot at it Star, I’ll be waiting.

May 15, 2016 6:06 pm

starfucker, Trying to “fix” the former USA is like trying to fix an old rotten radiator. Fix one hole and three more appear. Better to burn it down and start over. I hope you don’t find out the hard way but I suspect you will…….like tRump. tRump will pay the higher price though.

May 15, 2016 6:10 pm

Wait Bea, I want to spend a little more time on miss annie. Let’s review, she threw away her business, threw away her home, and put a muslim target on her forehead. You think she does brain surgery in her spare time? OK, Bea, what specifically are you refering to?

May 15, 2016 6:11 pm

IS, how do you burn it down? Certainly not by worshiping some mentally unstable chick.

May 15, 2016 6:15 pm

Starfucker, by ending the Central Bank……..right fucking now! ANYTHING less is nothing but Lather, Rinse, Repeat and pissing in the wind. tRump will do less than NOTHING to end the central bank. Book it!

May 15, 2016 6:17 pm

Why is it assumed that I’m “worshipping” anyone? Agreeing with some of her opinions equates to worship now?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 15, 2016 6:24 pm

Filet Mignon in five minutes for me…………….be back later.

May 15, 2016 7:33 pm

People used to throw stones at bb on this site and call him names. He hs turned into a damn genius lately. Thumbs up bb!

May 15, 2016 7:51 pm

IS, nobody is going to end the central bank, not tomorrow, not next year. Pipe dream. Not happening. So now according to you and that raving lunatic, we are out of options? How about we drastically reduce the trade deficit, thereby greatly reducing the role of the central bank? That’s doable, that’s on the table in a Trump administration. Let’s see how that goes.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 15, 2016 8:02 pm

Star- You ask what am I referring to:

(1) Trump has given the joos a blowjob saying “We will take good care of Israel” and “We will cherish and support Israel” which translates to the continued 10 MILLION DOLLARS sent to Israel every day/365 per year. And so much more.

(2) Trump named a POS Goldman Sachs PARTNER and Ex-SOROS Employee to be his National Campaign Finance Manager. Bankster blowjob.

(3) Trump is going to have a rally in NJ this week and he will be charging $200 for tickets to get into a rally (not a fundraiser/dinner) which is $400 for a couple to go and get a glimpse of his highness. Now, word is that money will be given to Chris Christie to pay off his campaign debt. Really Star ??

Tell me this guy is different than any other hack raping the electorate.

May 15, 2016 8:47 pm

End the central bank , fractional reserve banking and start issuing the currency interest free backed by the labor of American work force .Any else is as indentured servant just said …lather ,rinse , repeat and
pissing in the wind….I like Trump but he will not address the debt based monetary system. If by chance he ever does I’m afraid something bad would happen to him.These people who control the world’s currencies will do anything to protect their power including murder , war ,famine and destruction of thewhole economic system.They are evil to the core.

May 15, 2016 9:23 pm

Not getting into the Ann thing at this time.

THE WIFE and I have already agreed, if Texas caves on their stance that the Feds can take their bucks and shove them then our kids come out and get homeschooled. Right now Texas is on the right side of the fight, I pray they stay there.

May 15, 2016 9:38 pm

Star, it’s the central bankers who encourage deficit spending….every dollar poofed into existence puts more money in the bankers pockets. It’s a big part of their bread and butter. They’re not going to be any more agreeable to decreasing their pure profit than giving it up.

Considering that we don’t manufacture anything here anymore, reducing trade deficits means decreasing imports because we are bereft of negotiating position in that regard. Don’t forget that the trade deficit exists intentionally because the bankers want it that way. See hegelian dialectic for more info.

May 15, 2016 9:54 pm

IS, now we’re getting somewhere. I’m no fan of the fed. But the fed has only been able to operate the way it has because of the financial illiteracy of our past two presidents, particuarly our current one. I expect it will not be business as usual under a president trump. That being said, nobody will be pulling the plug, so don’t expect that. But remember, the federal government is the most powerful entity in the world, not the central bank. Janet yellin is no more match for trump than hillary. Or jeb.Your second paragraph is incorrect. We are gigantic manufacturers, and the biggest market in the world. We hold all the cards. Yes, we are going to reduce imports. Hopefully by a lot.

May 15, 2016 9:58 pm

Bea, i don’t care about the jews. Really. Next. Mnuchin? Never heard of him. But trump has worked with him on real estate projects, knows him well, and evidently trusts him. I’m okay with that. Next. Retiring christies campaign debt. That’s how it’s done. What’s the problem?

May 15, 2016 10:34 pm

This is one of Ann’s best rants ever. Love it.

“Listen up, all ye flaccid effeminates, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS COERCION. The Obama regime can not FORCE you to do ANYTHING. You either freely choose to capitulate or not. This “forced”, “coercion” bullshit is 100% candyass agitprop.”

Hell yeah!

May 15, 2016 10:44 pm

starfcker says:
“But the fed has only been able to operate the way it has because of the financial illiteracy of our past two presidents, particuarly our current one. I expect it will not be business as usual under a president trump. But remember, the federal government is the most powerful entity in the world, not the central bank.”

No offense starfucker but I’m going to have to end it with this comment because you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about. You seem like a very good guy starfucker. I love your enthusiasm and desire for something better but there must be a cleansing before people like you will get your wish. I hope you are young enough to see it too.

First off the last 17 US Presidents, since Wilson, have been banker owned and operated puppets. The “past two” my fucking ass!

Second, *if* tRump becomes President he will indeed toe the bankers line or they will ruin him or worse yet, smoke him. He’ll be made an offer he can’t say no too. Kennedy started printing up US Bank Notes during his term and they killed him for it. Before his carcass was cold the bankers began rounding up and recalling them. You can still find them in coin shops today. Go ahead and ask for Kennedy era US Bank Notes.

Third, the federal govts power comes directly from the central bankers since 1913. Without money printed out of thin air the federal govt would be but a shadow of what it is today. If you sincerely believe that “the federal government is the most powerful entity in the world” you are out of your fucking mind. The central bank OWNS the federal govt. and the fact that you don’t see that is just exactly the way the central bankers like their sheep.

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”—– Henry Ford

May 15, 2016 11:01 pm

Alright, fair enough. We’ll continue another day. Adios

May 16, 2016 6:48 am

Starfcker, i think you are misunderstanding the Israel thing. For me anyway, it have nothing to do with the joos, I really don’t care about that. I care about the absolute stranglehold the Israeli lobby has on American politics. I call them Israel-firsters because they put what is good for isreal over what is good for the average US citizen. If you look at all our forays into the Middle East in recent years, who has the primary beneficiary been? Israel, and probably the Saudis as well. It’s disgusting.

Their influence is so strong that both of the people I wanted to at least like, rand Paul and trump, both staked a position early on that was independent of this lobby, and both recovered massive backlash and ultimatly caved on that position and were kowtowing the Israeli lobby line. It disgusts me to watch American “leaders” fall all over themselves to grovel before them.

May 16, 2016 7:26 am

Gator, you could be right. I’ve never paid any mind to it, other than to note many of the neo-cons are jewish. But not all, or even close. I do think multiculturalism is a jewish construct, and i resent that a bit. I also think they will regret it

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 16, 2016 7:54 am

Star- Your response was simplistic and pathetic.

Continue to believe sheep, nothing is different this time. Blind faith is why nothing ever changes in this country.

May 16, 2016 8:22 am

Bea, i’m not going to nitpick, or pretend to know what Trump has planned. Looks good, though. His theories of economics are the same as the ones i was brought up on. Everyone seems to have their little laundry list of bullshit that if he don’t do, he’s nothing. So retarded